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"City - Ark" in Gornaya Shoria in Kuzbass
"City - Ark" in Gornaya Shoria in Kuzbass

Video: "City - Ark" in Gornaya Shoria in Kuzbass

Video: Crimea Way Back Home Episode 8 Berkut and Kuban Cossacks Defence of the Border 2024, September

The Kosmopoisk expedition to Gornaya Shoria tested the version about the sensational purpose of the ancient wall, which stood at an altitude of more than 1000 m and protected from … the Flood! This mysterious wall, built of giant granite "bricks", hidden deep in the taiga and high in the sky, Kuzbass first spoke of five years ago.

The Kosmopoisk expedition to Gornaya Shoria tested the version about the sensational purpose of the ancient wall, which stood at an altitude of more than 1000 m and protected from … the Flood! This mysterious wall, built of giant granite "bricks", hidden deep in the taiga and high in the sky, Kuzbass first spoke of five years ago.

A hunter boy brought home the news of her. And he fell ill in a fever - with a high fever. Not from a cold or an embarrassment of an incredibly difficult path, but more from shock.

The second, following his son Vanya, taking the landmarks, was the old geologist Alexander Bespalov. The third - recognized the wall - by his friend-geologist Vyacheslav Pochetkin. He noticed her from a helicopter in 1991, and later searched the taiga for years. I was tormented by a riddle: is it possible that somewhere there is a city ?! Or an industrial facility - the oldest in Kuzbass and, perhaps, in Russia?

… So who built the wall in Gornaya Shoria? Human or alien? Or is the wall a miracle of nature, carved in granite only by frost, rain, heat and snow?

Scientists from the famous Russian research association "Cosmopoisk", having worked for almost a week, found the FIRST evidence in favor of WHO BUILDING THE SAME … Our correspondent reports from the scene …

Vadim Chernobrov considers this corridor to be natural.

Part 2: found the entrance to the underground tunnel?

Let us remind you that the Kosmopoisk expedition in Gornaya Shoria examined a mysterious wall in the deep taiga - at an altitude of 1128 meters.

According to one version, it was built about 13 thousand years ago to protect against … the Flood! Near the wall, on the third day of work, "Cosmopoisk" discovered an entrance to the dungeon …

Summary of part 1. Vadim Chernobrov, Igor Kommel, Yegor Pirozhenko, Dmitry Shchukin and Maria Semyonova, engineers, physicists and historians from the famous Russian research association "Cosmopoisk", climbed the unnamed peak of the small mountain system Kulum. They were led by Kuzbass guides Pyotr Burchaninov and Vyacheslav Pochetkin, one of the discoverers of the wall. The extreme steepness of the ascent and work in the mode "from abyss to abyss" succumbed to the Moscow and St. Petersburg researchers, because they have mountaineering training …

The first inspection of three parts of a long granite wall, up to 30 meters high, consisting of giant rectangular blocks at the top, to be honest, disappointed scientists. The verdict of the head of "Cosmopoisk" Chernobrov: "Most of the stone walls here were created by nature." That is, granite naturally cracks itself and becomes similar to "brick" masonry.

But … the version about the man-made wall still remained … in force. After all, "Cosmopoisk" soon found the first evidence: two blocks with a layer of "concrete" mortar between them! I took the solution for analysis. And also … The correspondent of "Kuzbass", a member of the expedition, continues the story from the scene …

With this scheme - the entrance to the tunnel closed by people - it all began


… The slender figure of the girl was flooded with a strange light. She walked … on the floor. Stepping inaudibly. And not boots, boots, sneakers … And not in marching spotted camouflage … Her dress, full length, straight cut was light, almost white. An insert was gilded in a semicircle on the shoulders.

The girl walked away along the empty long corridor, talking about something with the man. Husband, brother, father? It is not clear from the back. But just as light-footed and fast.

What were they talking about? I didn't hear, I didn't understand.

And whence in the mountains a corridor without windows and lanterns …

And the light is so constant, quiet. Not lunar at all, not torn due to frequent raids of clouds? …

… They're gone. The walls of the tent, shaking from the chill of the night, ceased to be a screen. What was it? Vision? A dream in reality? Timeline, how greetings from the distant past? … The professional habit of not backing down, sifting and scrolling through the information over and over again to understand the main thing, made me build in my memory the events of that bygone tired day.

… Of all the members of the expedition, only my head was tied with a "hoop", pain pounded in my temples, which had never happened in my life. “Mountain sickness, unaccustomed, will soon pass,” I endured, hearing, moreover, that there were all granites with magnetites around, and that in a number of places the compass needle also went crazy.

“This is as it should be, here are sacred mountains and here are places of power, and a person is experiencing a“reset”, and his tuning to a“wave”is going on,” the guides who have already been here more than once said calmly.

“Listen to yourself, your intuition, there are really special places here,” the members of “Cosmopoisk” warned from the very beginning, asking the guides about various inexplicable sensations on the peaks of this mountain system. And hearing - either about sudden weakness in one place, or about a surge of inexplicable aggression in another …

… And there was also a real shock when the members of the expedition walked from block to block along the soft springy gray moss and low blueberry along the wall. Twice we crawled under low slabs. Having turned to the right, having rounded the first part of the wall, we entered the cornice platform. And Gornaya Shoria, with green candles of fir trees, opened below the gigantic book itself!

And then, returning to the route, following the guide Slava already steeply to the left, the members of the expedition began to disappear one by one. And, going up to the guide, pressing his chest against … a granite "brick" hanging over the cliff, I realized that I would NEVER be able to follow everyone there. Along the free-flowing narrow - half a step - embankments BEYOND THE GRANITE BLOCK. Along the edge of the abyss. Holding hands only for granite.

- Bypass! Then go right and down, bypassing! - Slava shouted and also disappeared.

… But the detour led to the same steepness. And I did not dare - I went back to the camp, pressing myself against the wall. The last thing that Chernobrov saw, lingering at the semicircular protrusions on the blocks (natural incrustations or … ancient wall decorations?), Came later to "my" roundabout way. And froze, looking to the right and down into the distance.

And later, in the fort, he laid out in front of us a pencil sketch of a fragment of the wall seen from that point. And he said to the crackle of flying sparks of the fire:

- There are traces of … an artificial structure. I found, it seems, the entrance to an underground tunnel …


Brief help. What did we see, studying the wall from the left side … And Dima and Masha from "Cosmopoisk" also from above … How the cracks go in the wall, at right angles, creating the appearance of the RIGHT and kind of man-made, but still natural "brick" masonry …

And what did Chernobrov find? WRONG MASKING.

- This is a niche, about five by six meters in size. From above, when viewed from the wall, it is covered with a visor (horizontal slab). On the visor there is a thin rectangular insert. It is inserted directly into a monolithic stone. And this fragment first caught my attention. As part of … polygonal (man-made. - Author) masonry, - Chernobrov explained later - is already in place. - Then I saw a large stone, four to five meters long, which had a very complex structure like the letter L, and this is a stone laid at an angle. To a stone of such a complex configuration, below, in a mirror image, there is a complex of stones. And this is polygonal masonry, with the help of which someone once laid the entrance to somewhere. I repeat: the passage is closed with polygonal masonry, and all the side walls and the visor are made by Mother Nature. There seems to be a tunnel going downhill. The tunnel must have a gate, and this polygonal masonry is exactly that, and their purpose is the role of a gate valve … Whether this is true or not, our georadar will find out.

… And while the device, similar to a meter-long compass with sensors at the ends, walked, squeaked every five centimeters on the ground - across the entrance to the tunnel … And then crawled along the wall-gate from left to right, sending a signal already inside the probable tunnel … Computer in hand Igor from "Kosmopoisk" drew completely arcs … Later, in Moscow, a special program will process them, find voids - possible underground rooms … Or an underground corridor …

“What is hidden in it? Suddenly, there is indeed a repository of ancient knowledge, which Alexander Chulanov, another old explorer of these places, formerly the deputy director of the mine, told me about before the expedition. A well-known shaman in Khakassia, who had known about the Kulum mountain system for a long time, told him so,”these thoughts drove and drove me to the holes and cracks of the sealed secret. In yet another attempt to peek inside the tunnel.

But the bolt was tight.

- Polygonal masonry (and it looks here, propping up a stone with a stone, clinging to each other in a niche, “herringbone”. - Author) is a type of artificial masonry. Nature does not use it. This is the know-how of a person, - sums up Chernobrov. - And the discovery of a niche suggests that a person used a fragment of a natural wall for a purpose that is not yet very clear to me … Modern builders - such blocks, with the help of technology, can be lifted. But in order to assemble a structure from them … It is unlikely … It is easier to make a formwork and pour concrete into the entrance to the tunnel …

The Cosmopoisk expedition surveyed 5 places with a georadar, a computer program will later tell if there are underground tunnels on the mountain


The ground penetrating radar worked despite the interference and jokes.

- We will send them a signal through the masonry into the tunnel. And from there the guards with blasters … suddenly once and … will answer …

… And it rumbled. The thunderstorm forced us to hide deeper under the canopy of the tunnel. And she left, and a gray drizzle covered everything. The rain began to rustle. Taiga drank greedily. After all, it was necessary to be in time. Fifteen minutes later, the heavenly abyss ended. And the earthly ones began.

Scientists, having rolled up the equipment, easily climbed the wet rock, without belay, at an angle of 45 degrees, five meters up. And they went to work on the wall further.

And I, having gone down below, according to the instructions, along the slope, got into … the next and next strip of piled, scattered, hanging blocks. After the first ten meters, it became clear how much recklessness there was in my act. But there was no other way to the camp - for me.

“The main thing is not to believe the mosses,” the “already experienced” I ordered myself, jumping from block to block, the distance between which was twenty and eighty centimeters. After all, the cracks between the blocks were carried away, at times, a dozen meters down. And the mosses, "flowing" with a carpet from block to block, seemed reliable. But the traps were hidden …

To say about the despair I experienced is not enough … I wandered and returned, jumped over the cracks again … And when the blocks suddenly ended and the taiga swirled around, I realized that the walls above had not been visible for a long time. But the spirit of the mountain came to the rescue again. Above from the hillock, the orange color called. Tent? Impossible. But she went up there. And the cedar with the lower bright red branches spread its "hands".

But then from there I was seen descending from the distance, from the wall, Dima from "Cosmopoisk".

- Larissa, the camp is here! - came a cry. And the legs rushed there.

… So, Kosmopoisk found the first signs of an ancient construction site on the wall and near the wall. But whose construction was it and to protect it from what? …

Part 3: in an ancient settlement high in the Shoria mountains, could hundreds of thousands of people escape from the flood?

I repeat: Moscow and St. Petersburg scientists from the "Cosmopoisk" expedition explored a mountain with a mysterious wall in the taiga near Mezhdurechensk.

And they said: this place was perfect and SUITABLE for saving mankind from … the Flood!

Summary of parts 1 and 2 … The still unnamed, inaccessible peak of the small mountain system Kulyum has already taken the second big expedition in three years.

In 2013, a group of the Russian Geographical Society, having risen to a height of 1128 meters and began to examine the wall made of giant granite blocks, reported: the wall is man-made! Was part of the technical structure. And it was destroyed about 100 thousand years ago. What was it? Battle of the Gods? A Star Wars Episode? Human error? The head of the expedition, Georgy Sidorov, admitted then that the field of sorrow at the destroyed ancient wall shocked everyone.

And in July 2016, the team of Vadim Chernobrov, head of Cosmopoisk, denied the conclusion about a purely artificial structure. The expedition also included geologists, historians and physicists. And also engineers from the Aerospace University (formerly MAI). And as Chernobrov explained to the "Kuzbass" correspondent there, near a wall up to 30 meters high, the granite "bricks" of which were five to seven meters long (the longest block was 14 meters long 87 centimeters), they were laid by nature … Processed, lined by the winds, frost and rain …

But in two places "Cosmopoisk" nevertheless … found a trace of an ancient construction site of a man! Remains of ancient concrete mortar that held two heavy granite bricks together. And I found a niche in the rock, filled with masonry according to the herringbone pattern. “Nature cannot put it this way, and in general it looks like a tunnel entrance closed by a man,” the expedition explained. According to their conclusions, it turns out that people have built on a natural wall in some places, and the entrance to the tunnel was laid about 4 thousand -13 thousand years ago. In that era, similar buildings of megalithic civilizations were made all over the world. And they reached the XXI century in the form of the mysteries of the city of Machu Picchu or Stonehenge …

Protection … from the tsunami

… It was hard to believe in it. We walked through the taiga to the sound of … a flute.

"Not for me … spring will come …" - someone was sad upstairs, with tenderness and longing, almost at the top of the mountain, on the best observation deck.

… An old tree lay at the edge of the clearing. Yesterday's guest of our camp, musician Maxim, sat and played on it. He played - for Kulum - the spirit of the main mountain, a mighty pyramid opposite.

From the impact - our weary landing nearby - dust fell. There was a sharp smell of rot. But the riot of ferns and young firs-firs drowned out the smells of the end, calmed down the sadness …

… To say that the place was … familiar, little … "The inhabitants of this ancient city also came here," I felt more and more every minute, "to say goodbye to the earthly paradise, which was destined, as predicted, to disappear soon … But still believing in salvation and loyalty … technical calculations …"

Let me explain. The work of the Kuzbass researchers - the pioneering geologists of the mountain, the hard hikes of these stalkers along the neighboring peaks - helped to draw up a detailed map of the object over several years.

And find more remnants of the walls! On the peaks and below, between the mountains!

And on the diagram drawn up by the geologist Bespalov, the Kulum mountain system turned out to be like a clear octahedron. With peaks in the corners of the complex, oriented to the cardinal points.

This means that in ancient times the object was well planned and … protected.

Yes, he also had three additional walls! They departed to the right of the octahedron object. The wall went north along a quiet valley. Then she turned at right angles to the east.

And from the south, a wall adjoined it, arcing also to the east. To the place of their meeting, almost all this additional defensive circle closing …

- So why did the city need additional walls? For protection from the north. And for protection from the southeast? - I ask Chernobrov.

The answer is on the surface.

But it seems too incredible to me.

Although not long ago, in 2012, the world once again froze in anticipation of the predicted end of the world and the Flood … And we, Kuzbass people, believed and did not believe, but lived quieter than others, remembering that Kuzbass is located in the very center of Eurasia, that the distance from all oceans to us is the same … And if a horror-wave happens, it, extinguishing on the way, can reach Kuzbass not strong. Or not to reach …

“Yes, if we assume that in ancient times here, in the city, the local Kassandra predicted the death of the world, a tsunami,” Vadim Chernobrov ponders, “then, looking at the fragments of the walls, I agree… They had to be built. They would give a chance for salvation …

But where did the inhabitants of the ancient city expect a blow - in the first place?

Just from the Arctic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. Additional walls are oriented there.

And the protection of the city from the south - from the waves from the Indian Ocean - was not required here. The Himalayas are a wall.

- But in order to finish building the mountains around the city … For this it was necessary to be a civilization comparable in level … with us, - says the head of "Cosmopoisk". - Let's say they surrounded the city in a circle, strengthening the defense at the main points of strikes. And only the remnants of walls have survived to our time … But for such a gigantic structure, it would be necessary to mobilize the economy of the whole country … Their concrete plants had to work at that construction site for many years … it was gigantic in size, it could live up to half a million people. As in your current Kemerovo. At the hour of the threat of the destruction of the world, the city could become a temporary refuge even for several million people …

- And what kind of wave could the walls withstand?

- Fifteen meters - good … A wave of thirty meters is hardly possible … After all, the power of the water hammer is great … But the walls could protect from the gradual rise of the incoming water! In general, the place is perfect. If the walls are raised again, it can save humanity in the future …

… By the way, the Kosmopoisk expedition studied a dozen versions about the purpose of the walls. Including - about the alleged nuclear bombing that happened there in antiquity, but she did not find any traces of burns. And in the flood version, I also counted several gaps. Like this: if the walls are destroyed by the incoming tsunami, then why are the ejected blocks not on one side. And from both sides?

"But what if a tsunami from different oceans at once pounded the wall?" - I was walking down the mountain with a fulfilled expedition and involuntarily shivering, imagining a distant catastrophe. But a flute sang after us, giving us hope that the city-ark had survived then …

PS. The main thing. There was a sea of floods …

- However, what is considered the Flood? - Marina Gabova, a geologist, one of the authors of "Essays on the Historical Geology of the Kemerovo Region," will say later in Novokuznetsk, after listening to my story about the expedition and considering the walls on Kulum and nearby - according to the photo - still mountains-remnants. - At approximately the time you designated, from the turn of 11, 6 thousand years ago, the Holocene epoch in Siberia began with catastrophic events. With the melting of glaciers. Paleogeographic reconstructions of Butvilovsky show that only the Gorny Altai glacier occupied almost the entire territory of the Altai Republic, and the thickness of its ice shell reached 2000 meters … And the melting was accompanied by the formation of periglacial lakes held by glacial dams … One of the largest lakes, for example, had dimensions 140 x 70 km and was up to 300 m deep. The entire mass of water from it fell on the West Siberian Plain for several days. And there were many such discharges-breakthroughs of water … For a person of that time, such floods seemed to be universal …
