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Foul language from the fences ascended to the parliamentary tribunes
Foul language from the fences ascended to the parliamentary tribunes

Video: Foul language from the fences ascended to the parliamentary tribunes

Video: Foul language from the fences ascended to the parliamentary tribunes
Video: Demographic Collapse — China's Reckoning (Part 1) 2024, April

According to various sociological polls, today about 80% of the population of our country have used profanity at least once. Moreover, at home the rotten word is uttered much less often, but on the street, at school, at work, in transport, obscene language is commonplace. Swearing freely and proudly flows in the corridors and smoking rooms of prestigious universities, from the stage and screen, on the pages of print. Profanity can now be heard everywhere, even from people with a certain amount of power.

Foul language from the fences ascended to the parliamentary tribunes, sowing novels of writers and poems of poets. Singers perform songs with open foul language … Mate is now gender nonselective, and some "ladies", especially at a tender age, are capable of plugging another bandit in the belt. But the worst thing is that rotten words have become everyday speech, and they are used "for a bunch of words" or even instead of them: "I don't swear, I speak it!"

Isn't this a terrible fall not only of culture, but also of intellect?

Foul language in adolescence becomes an especially acute problem. Indeed, in the eyes of a teenager, foul language is a manifestation of independence, the ability to disobey prohibitions, that is, a symbol of "adulthood." In addition, it is a sign of language belonging to a peer group and speech fashion. Sometimes this is an imitation of youth idols, for example, popular TV presenters, actors, singers or politicians. But few of the guys realize that foul language, like rudeness, is a weapon of insecure people. Rudeness allows them to hide their own vulnerability and supposedly protects them, because discovering weakness and uncertainty at this age is tantamount to complete defeat. In addition, high school students try to offend parents or adults with swear words, shock, piss off themselves in order to measure their power over them and confirm their own emotional independence.

Profanity is not just a collection of obscenities. It testifies to a person's spiritual illness. After all, a word is not just a set of sounds that express a thought. It can tell a lot about our state of mind. Socrates said: "As a person is, such is his speech."

And yet, why and for what purpose do people use foul language?

Most often they justify themselves by irritation and anger, fear - supposedly there is a release … - However, nothing of the kind! A bad word carries black energy. There is absolutely no Love in him and there is no creative force. A bad word brings destruction. And people, throwing such words, and not knowing their true meaning, do not even suspect about the consequences that they bring. People do not know that they are sawing the branch on which they are sitting. People say: "The knife is not terrible in the belt, but on the tip of the tongue."

Scientists have taken up the influence of foul language on human life

When the English scientist Sheldrake discovered the existence of an energy exchange between man and the Cosmos, biologists began to study how subtle cosmic energies affect human life and activities. Doctor of Biology Ivan Belyavsky for 17 years has been dealing with the problem of the relationship between the word and human consciousness. With mathematical precision, he proved that not only a person possesses energy (aura), but his every word carries an energy charge - positive or negative. And this very word affects our genes, either prolonging youth and health, or bringing diseases and early old age closer.

How this happens was shown by another scientist - Doctor of Biology, Academician of Medical and Technical Sciences, Petr Gariaev. Empirically, he found that protein chromosomes contain all the information on the construction of a living organism. Through numerous experiments, it has been proven that the genetic apparatus of any living creature responds in the same way to external influences, causing changes in genes.

What is really going on? It is known that man consists of more than 75% water. The words spoken by a person change the structure of water, building its molecules into complex chains, changing their properties, and, consequently, changing the genetic code of heredity. With the persistent, bad influence of words, a modification of genes occurs, which affect not only the person himself, but also his offspring. The modification of genes accelerates the aging of the body, contributes to various diseases and thereby shortens the life span. And, conversely, under the influence of good words, the human genetic code improves, the aging of the organism is delayed and the life span is increased.

Thus, it has been proven once again that an enormous destructive power lurks in a bad word. And if a person could see what a powerful negative charge, like a shock wave of an exploded bomb, spreads in all directions from a bad word, he would never say it.

It is worth considering, how many positive words do we hear and say to each other?

The sage said: “The doctor cannot think of a better panacea than benevolence. A lotion of goodness will be an excellent tool. I would like to hope that someday people will understand that the path to a better life lies through the complete exclusion of incivility, rudeness and swear words from their lives. Thought and word in their essence carry creation or destruction, health or disease.

Rudeness and vulgarity are not natural for a person, therefore, deep in his soul, he understands that this is not correct and not useful. In this regard, the data of a sociological survey published by the Interfax news agency on the attitude of Russians to the use of obscene vocabulary in public speeches of show business stars, conducted in July 2004 by the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion, is quite typical. The overwhelming majority of Russians (80%) have a negative attitude to the use of profanity in public speeches of show business stars, in programs and materials designed for a mass audience, considering the use of swear words an unacceptable manifestation of promiscuity.

13% of the respondents admit the use of the mat in those cases when it is used as a necessary artistic means. And only 3% believe that if swearing is often used in communication between people, then attempts to prohibit it on the stage, in films and on television are just hypocrisy.

Only an independent realization that every person can change, and a deep conviction that such a change is simply necessary, will lead us to positive results. Try to master your willpower - oppose every bad word with a good one. Refrain from swearing and words of parasites, constantly controlling yourself, and you will see how gradually, step by step, your condition and well-being will begin to improve, and your intellect will become clearer.

Don't look at others, ask yourself -

What can I do? How can I change? And if you understand that dirty words destroy a person, then why say them? Expression of words should be fine. Such harmony also gives rise to sublime thinking. Take care of your words and deeds.
