Video: Is overpopulation really a problem for the planet? 2024, April

What if the pandemic of some kind of virus was inflated to the size of a mental epidemic? Then she will fulfill the tasks that only a world war would solve, because as a result of an emergency, quarantine, unprecedented measures will be taken, thanks to which a completely new world will come.

Yes, yes … The world after the virus will be completely different.

First of all, a post-capitalist society is control over three things - over the behavior of people, then over the spiritual sphere and, finally, over resources. And in order to accomplish all this, to gain complete control over all this, you need to act in stages. To begin with, create a virus It should be with a low lethality rate, preferably up to 10% and with an incubation period of 14 to 30 days for its maximum spread.

This virus must have a complex biological code so that it cannot be “hacked” in the first year of operation. The virus must have similar syndromes with the common cold to escalate the situation, the plausibility of rumors of its rapid spread and the possibility of "attributing to a new virus" any cold, any ARVI. A stable voluntary collective need of humanity suffering from self-isolation for a "saving" vaccine is being formed.

It is fueled by media panic. But at the same time, the release time of the "Rescue Vaccine" is being delayed for maximum coverage of the entire globe by the decoy virus. But specially authorized philanthropists are still actively donating millions and billions. At the same time, they say that it is necessary to cover just 7 billion of the world's inhabitants with a vaccine in order to leave only one, the same golden billion.

This character, Bill Gates, after Trump's announcement of the termination of WHO funding, said that he would not abandon his pocket structure and donate an additional $ 150 million to it. The largest German newspaper, Der Spiegel, enthusiastically wrote about this, to which the Bill and Milinda Gates Foundation donated more than 2 million euros.

By the way, there is such a joke on the Internet, “Why are there so many virologists on social networks? There were normal political scientists."

But jokes are jokes, and after all, Bill Gates is not a virologist either. He is not a doctor, not a scientist, and there was no planetary vote, as a result of which he would be chosen as the savior of the world. A good question for those who believe that all these stories about globalists and depopulation are just fairy tales. But maybe we got excited, declaring WHO - Bill Gates' pocket organization? Let's get a look.

As we have shown in this issue, the main sponsor of WHO is the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. But there is also something that was not included in that video. These are the facts.

The Beale & Melinda Gates Foundation has donated more than $ 2 billion to WHO alone since the late 1990s. Their priority is to eradicate the polio virus and provide as many people as possible with vaccinations and medicines. And in the distant 99th year, Bill Gates initiated the creation of that very global alliance for vaccination and immunization - GAVI in the amount of 750 million dollars. It is an open private partnership involving WHO, UNICEF, the Gates Foundation and the pharmaceutical industry, among others. The goal is to train children in developing countries to fight infectious diseases through vaccination.

Moreover, GAVI is the 4th largest sponsor of WHO. The kind Gates donated $ 4 billion through his Foundation to the GAVI alliance, which, in turn, sponsored the WHO. And on the board of directors of Gavi, there are also two heads of large pharmaceutical concerns.

Now for polio. In Africa, all diseases have their roots in the social and economic conditions of people. Consider the example of Nigeria. 2/3 of the country's inhabitants live in extreme poverty. About 35% do not have access to clean water.
