Neuro helmet for entering an altered state of consciousness
Neuro helmet for entering an altered state of consciousness

Video: Neuro helmet for entering an altered state of consciousness

Video: Neuro helmet for entering an altered state of consciousness
Video: Thinking About Thinking: Fear 2024, April

Allows you to enter an altered state of consciousness without prolonged meditative training. Allows you to accelerate the performance of the mind to 100% (instead of the usual 3-7%), to provide maximum concentration in work, and does not give distraction. Side effects - increases life expectancy.

Why do you need it at all … Beat impulses of the brain, and their use to enter an altered state of consciousness

Modern science distinguishes four main brain rhythms:

- beta rhythm (14-30 hertz), brain rhythms recorded in a state of wakefulness, when you have to think a lot and actively, and attention is directed outward (it corresponds to the level of everyday consciousness, in which sensory perception of the external world prevails);

- alpha rhythm (9-14 hertz), brain rhythms arising in a state of wakefulness during rest, relaxation or shallow meditation with closed eyes (at its highest stage, it corresponds to a level of superconsciousness corresponding to the level of enlightenment and freedom);

- theta rhythm (4-7 hertz), brain rhythms that are born during shallow sleep or deep meditation (it corresponds to the level of penetration into the subconscious, at which there is a release from suppressed emotions and mental blocks);

- delta rhythm (0, 3-4 hertz), the brain rhythms characteristic of the stage of deep sleep without dreams (it corresponds to the level of the unconscious, suggesting the merger of man with nature).


The simplest observation shows? that these rhythms are not the only ones. In addition to them, there is a rhythm with a frequency of 0, 1..0, 025 Hz, which is the clock frequency that determines the multitasking of the brain. The brain at each moment of time solves one problem, and forgets about everything else. This beat rhythm every 10-40s knocks the focus of attention, and for 1-2 seconds the brain shakes itself up and "remembers" the rest of the tasks and forgets about the current one. Moreover, this happens physiologically, inexorably, and no effort of will can hold attention at the moment of the onset of this clock pulse. Further - if the priority of the problem solved by the brain is high - then the brain after the clock pulse continues to work on its solution, it just "loses thought" for a second. If the priority of the task was low, then the brain voluntarily switches to "thinking" of other arbitrary "tasks", or, for example, "remembers" that it is necessary to do something else important. The mechanism was developed in the course of evolution, and it works well in everyday life, but it is very harmful for work requiring high concentration, for example, air traffic controllers, surgeons, etc. The fact is that no matter how the air traffic controller concentrates on his work, every 10-40 seconds his brain is disconnected from solving the work task for 1-2 seconds, and it is impossible to overcome this process. Moreover, if the dispatcher is not maximally collected and does not prioritize his current work above all else, then after 10-40 seconds of work, the brain will jump to thinking about vacation plans, for example, and forget about airplanes and remember about them only after a few clock pulses. will jump on vacation - then the children of the school, then what to buy for the evening planes, the maximum concentration of 30 seconds - the clock cycle - let's say he stayed out. there is responsibility for mistakes at work - 30 seconds - again resisted but already a mess in my head - 30 seconds - all again vacation and so on. The study of this cycle, its identification by hardware, and the subsequent manufacture of simulators and devices for monitoring thoughts of the same air traffic controllers will significantly improve the quality of their work, and make a major breakthrough in neurocognitive sciences. Also, these rhythms can be used to comfortably enter an altered state of consciousness. The usual practices of contemplative meditation cause collateral involuntary stress on various organs, which is harmful to health. Knowing about the brain's clock pulses provides us with an easy way to enter an altered state of consciousness. So - to get change through contemplative meditation, the main task is to keep the mind on one goal (not thinking about anything is the same goal as thinking about the moon, for example, the main thing is not the goal, but the fact that the mind is held in one place for more than 10-15 minutes) after that a stable changed a state of consciousness that can then be maintained with some minimal effort for several hours. (I do not consider why this is necessary here) Ie. the main task is to keep the mind in focus on one single thought. The main obstacle to this is precisely the clock frequency of the brain, which confuses attention. With low motivation for meditation, there is a high probability that after the next clock pulse, attention will jump to thinking about another topic, and meditation will not work. How to use the tact frequency to more easily achieve an altered state of consciousness. Very simple. Our goal for meditation is to identify clock pulses. Those. we focus on catching the moment when our mind wobbles to the side, fix it, and return it to its place. If the purpose of meditation is precisely to identify clock impulses, then even with minimal motivation, you can easily keep your mind in this lesson for the 10-15 minutes we need, after which a change automatically occurs, and then it can already be maintained with some insignificant effort. The basic principle of the Neuro helmet is to identify the tact of loss of attention, and to stimulate the operator to return to the current task. Those. beats are excluded when the mind is busy pondering an extraneous problem. And with any attempt at distraction, the mind is immediately stimulated to continue with the task at hand. A transition to an altered state of consciousness occurs automatically, and the helmet is kept in it during the entire time of the helmet's operation.

The neuro helmet is assembled, its diagram is posted on the Internet, everyone can assemble it independently. My helmet has been in operation for 4 weeks already. All this time I actively use it myself, and also dress it to all my acquaintances who ask - "what is it?" In practice, the results are somewhat different from what I expected to see, new material is accumulating every day. + do not forget that the main purpose of the helmet is to keep the mind in an altered state of consciousness, and this function is clearly performed by the helmet. At first, I thought about creating the next 3rd helmet, in the form of a neat headset that I could wear on myself at all times. On this path, a number of difficulties arose, both technical and egregorial. In addition, this path turned out to be initially incorrect, because it is enough to wear a helmet for several hours a day - and the subconscious mind very quickly trains to keep the mind in high focus, and then, by inertia, it remains in a change for several hours, and even after the loss of the change, a high focus of attention remains. The workout is going fast, literally every few days I notice changes. Those who have put on a helmet at least once and have felt its work on themselves, all have positive responses, everyone said that it would be nice to have such a thing. Random subjects who saw the first and last time - 50% of them immediately wrote down the address of the VK group where you can download the helmet diagram. The first helmet from the Mindflex blower turned out to be very successful, the second of the ears is weak, has weak sensitivity, false positives and a long delay, I think because of 1 ear contact - and not 2x as in a large helmet. The first one is a little more difficult to do - but it is many times more effective, whoever wants to repeat it is better to do it from a blower. Further, the design of the helmet itself - the location of the actuator and the use of an LED and a mechanical relay - turned out to be a successful combination, no matter how you think - you simply cannot ignore the clicks and blinks.(In the second helmet from the ears, the actuator - an elastic band that pulls your hair - is addictive to it.) Further. From the point of view of the main purpose, the achievement and retention of an altered state of consciousness. The helmet allows you to achieve an unrealistically strong focus, if you do not just walk in it, but make an effort to maintain focus - there will be an effect that cannot be achieved without the use of technical means. Further, upon reaching the peak of the change - the helmet is not needed, firstly it starts to glitch after entering the change - the EEG sensor is not designed for such signals, secondly, the focus is already perfectly held without it, and thirdly, even if you continue to be in it, then it The triggers that have become "buggy" will be more likely to distract than to deepen the change. Even further, there is an external background, which is very clearly visible in the helmet. On some days you effortlessly keep your mind at 100% concentration, and on some days you cannot force yourself to concentrate more than 50% by any effort. On the same days, I took measurements on other people - the result is the same, only in different proportions. Parallel monitoring of the behavior of people via the Internet showed that the behavior of the masses of people coincides with what the helmet shows. So far, the term has been given the working name "egregorial weather". We are conducting these studies in 2007, but so far there was no helmet, we only tracked the behavior of masses of people, now we are investigating further, together with the readings of the helmet. Almost every day, new and interesting observations come out, for each of which further work is needed, a set of statistics, etc. Since these studies are not directly related to the helmet itself as a device, I do not publish them here, so as not to clog the group. Should I make a helmet a serial device? I will not do this. Several people have already figured out this idea and came to the conclusion that it is not worth it, I myself also got confused with the development - and also came to the conclusion that it is not worth it. Who needs this device - the diagram is in the group's documents, buy a minde flex and solder 2 wires - if you need it, you can handle it. Special thanks to Yura Larin who rummaged through a bunch of material in English on neuro headsets of all manufacturers. Well, at the end I will add, without false modesty. The device allows you to bring all of humanity to a new evolutionary level. If a person, instead of the prescribed 5%, thinks at 30-70% of the capabilities of his mind, I think this is enough to move to a new arm of evolution. Anyone who has ever experienced a helmet understands this clearly. At the same time, there is the inertia of thinking of the entire mass of mankind, which can be overcome only with very large energy costs. For humanity as a whole, this is certainly bad. For those who have a helmet - in a sense, good. The good news is that you get a social advantage. The bad thing is that if all of humanity reached the level of thinking of at least 30%, life in such a society would be much more comfortable than life in today's society with any personal social advantage.

video clip about the helmet
