Psychological training "Hellinger constellation". What is the danger?
Psychological training "Hellinger constellation". What is the danger?

Video: Psychological training "Hellinger constellation". What is the danger?

Video: Psychological training
Video: Crop Circle Theorist Thinks the Truth is Out There 2024, May

Berth (Antoine) Hellinger is a German philosopher, psychotherapist and theologian. It is widely known for its short-term therapeutic method called family constellations.

I learned about the fashionable psychological training according to the B. Hellinger method. And fired up to take part. And then something sad everything became in my life. I don’t like my work, the routine is stuck, the children grow up and don’t obey, my husband is more and more at the computer than in the family … I think we urgently need to do something and understand what is wrong in my life. I signed up for the training. While as an observer, so to speak, watch and listen to this action from the side. (training proposal for who to be - observer, deputy and customer of the constellation).

What is the arrangement according to B. Hellinger. (full text here:

Speaking in terms of ontopsychology, after Hellinger's family constellations or hypnosis sessions, the already active so-called “deviation monitor” is activated or modified. This procedure looks like this: a person wants to do something, but it does not work! Either there is no motivation, then the behavior does not correspond to the circumstances, or suddenly the reverse may even turn on in a step to the result … We encounter similar situations in situations with graduates of widely advertised business schools and trainings who, in a playful, “educational” mode, brilliantly solve managerial problems, but faced with reality, they demonstrate complete incapacity at command posts. For example, they turn on the “poverty gene”, and the company they run will inevitably fall apart! This switch-on always happens when the unprepared, especially the “overplayed” (and, frankly speaking) “like a professional”, is faced with real energy flows. His intuition turns off, and the “logic” he has developed simply does not keep pace with the speed of real life. How much does (really) weigh $ 800,000? How is this amount converted into cars and yachts? … People go crazy, it happens. After all, the body is included in real energy-informational processes when the truth is coming! And those who are accustomed to illusions turn out to be unviable. As a good computer scientist who at one time participated in very specific developments for the military-industrial complex of the USSR, I tell you where the "dog rummaged"! We, as modern psychoecologists, were able to achieve real success only because we considered the human brain as a personal onboard computer capable of functioning in heterogeneous physical environments. It is useful, it turns out, to know that when debugging computer software, the main program stops until the subroutine has completed. On the diagram, it looks like this:

family constellations according to Hellinger
family constellations according to Hellinger

Rice. 4. Destructive distortion of a person's personal program in the process of transition to the execution of someone else's subprogram in the process of systemic family constellations according to Bert Hellinger.

It can be seen that at the end of the work on the subroutine, the processor returns to the starting point - the one at which the command was given to start servicing the subroutine. It is clear that the running time of the main program does not correspond to the linear time unfolding line. In the case of “possession” on the mental body of a person (Fig. 5), (in his past) a fragment of personal “nonexistence” is formed, because no one intends to return his physiology to the point of primary connection with another person at the end of the session.

Systemic family constellations according to Hellinger
Systemic family constellations according to Hellinger

Rice. 5. Changes in the body structure of the 4th dimension (memory) of a person after the introduction of alien personal-bodily components into it according to the method of systemic family constellations according to Bert Hellinger.

Moreover: what if it happens that the “personality”, the role of which is proposed to be played by the training participant, is shifted into the past by as much as two generations? What kind of abyss is formed between the “living person” - his body, manifested to the world at a given moment in time, and his health genome, the primary configuration of the DNA molecule located at the point of his conception - with such an “alien” introduction? Hey, health, where are you? - Silence in response! By the way, the same thing happens with actors who do not leave the role. It is no coincidence that Chaliapin, after singing the aria of Mephistopheles, immediately went to church to receive communion, and then went to the tavern, where he drank to the very extreme, in order to activate the natural processes of the body and thereby erase the destructive programs received from the image of the role. Moreover, if a certain role is played by several actors in different places and at different times, then their bodies of subtle dimensions are sewn together, as in group sex! The program of the role, which had a tragic ending according to the script, also works negatively. For many wonderful artists, this had tragic consequences at critical age points: Krasko left at 49 years old (the end of the 49-year-old matrix), Abdulov and Papanov at 56, Vysotsky and Joe Dassin at 42 … in energy, they simply do not have the necessary strength for a qualitative leap. We have been talking about all this for a long time and understandably: "Guys, after having played a role, at some point, you must remember yourself, your beloved (yu)!" And not to leave in yourself someone else's programming modules. If there are too many of them, then the law of Dialectical Materialism about the transition of quantity into quality will work! An example is Vladislav Galkin, who "burned out" even before his critical age. The degree of brainwashing can vary. Active sales trainings do not differ in their essence from the "young rapist course", if there was one. The only difference is that it is not the body that is raped, but the buyer's brain and wallet. But the consequences are not long in coming. Either the seller-rapist manifests defeats caused by a person's betrayal of the tasks of embodying his own Spirit, or, which happens more often, the “experienced manipulator” “receives an energy-informational face” from the buyer, who, purely in principle, does not like it when he is raped in monetary terms. The results are sinusitis, vision problems, accidents … The force of action is inevitably equal to the force of reaction. The personality must be whole. Sometimes we have to restore it in the most serious way. We say that "Hellinger family constellations" are a good way to show a person's capabilities. But you can't tell people that this is another panacea for solving their problems! Someone wants to find the source of their fears in this way, to solve problems in interpersonal communication, someone is just interested. But for all the pleasures you have to pay, and the real price is usually unknown to the participants! On the other hand, everyone is told that there is no need to play with "thimblers" in the markets and train stations - you will not be able to win anyway. But you look - all the time there are those who want to "measure their tails" all the time. There is a rule of the serious researcher: "Do not get involved in a game whose rules you do not know!" Two decades of work in the field of energy-informatics of the brain and body give us, psycho-ecologists, the right to skillfully indicate how such "games" are dangerous for life in general, as well as for career and creativity in particular. One must at least have a minimal understanding of the nature of things and phenomena with which the consumer of paid services interacts. And in order to understand, one must at least take an interest.

Such is an interesting article. What do you think? Maybe someone will share their experience if they participated in such constellations.
