Who are you the Great Khan?
Who are you the Great Khan?

Video: Who are you the Great Khan?

Video: Who are you the Great Khan?
Video: Tolstoy: The Death of Ivan Ilyich 2024, September

The personality of Genghis Khan is still shrouded in mystery and mystery. So who is he Chin Giz Khan?

The personality of Chin Giz Khan was touched upon in the work of the Tomsk research group "Tiger". Versions were expressed and assumptions were made. Some aspects of his person are even almost confidently identified. For example, the fact that this name is not proper is a kind of title. However, it did not become clearer. So a halo of mystery and mystery hovers over his personality. So who are you the Great Khan? Who are you the Lord of the Celestial Empire? Who are you "Xin Giz Khan", as if with a multi-colored palette, splashed out into the vastness of the Great Ancestral Homeland? The ancestral home of Oriana, Daariya, Hyperborea, or the ancestral home of a more modern and chronologically closer to us? The ancestral home of the Celestial Empire that became Blue? Where is it? Tibet and Altai, which Roerich painted with all shades of blue and blue? Maybe this is Great Tartary, to which they have been trying so hard lately to attach Turkic roots? Or Indya, which very few people know about? …

Who are you Genghis Khan, the lord and lord who conquered half of the world? So, in any case, they write your name in modern sources. Or maybe Giz is from "Gazi" - a free warrior, protector of the disadvantaged and the weak … "Heavenly Protector-King"? “Gazi (Arabic: غازي) is the name of free volunteer warriors, defenders of faith, truth and justice. The concept is found in Muslim sources from the X-XI centuries. The word "giz" could be formed as an abbreviation from the Arabic word "gizzal", meaning "supremacy, greatness", as well as "honor, glory, praise", and from the ambiguous Arabic word "gizzat", which means "strength, power, power "and" degree, rank ". And here it seems that Chin Giz Khan is a compound name or definition. Han? Well, many will understand this, this is a primordially Russian word: Ham, Khan, in other words, Tsar, and they will be right. Chin? And what about the still existing officials, deputies, and civil servants and statesmen (they were called Mandarins in Katai)? By the way, there is a clan-tribe within itself that retained the name Katay. "Katay (Bashk. Katay) is a tribal association within the Bashkirs." So, CHIN, what rank was the Great Khan? Rank of Colonel-General, Marshal, Generalisimo? Now GIZ? Who are you the Great Militia? Fighter for justice? What format? Who are you the Great King in a rank no less than the Generalisimo? And against what kind of Mandarins did you revolt? Did you save the Power or staged a banal military coup? Created a junta or a liberation movement? Then liberation from what? Whom did your Great Empire bring home?

First you need to think about dealing with the Mandarins. "Man" in ancient Russian is a man. Mogul, Mongol, Magul - a mighty, great man. "Yes" is an integral part of the word, Ivan da Marya, for example. What about Rin? And then our native Holy Russian Vedas and the Book of Kolyada come to mind. Who did our gods fight with? With Rin. So the Mandarins are officials of a double peace, or better to say, a dual ruling of the world? This, you know, shaky format, albeit inferior, but still peace (here in the context of peacefulness) between the two world formations? Officials representing two races, earth and aliens? So, after all, there was a seizure of the Earth? Or are we just winding ourselves now and Tangerines are simple managers of the Great Mogul Empire? Just two ancestral branches, mans and rins? Well, then, it turns out, as usually happens in history, something went wrong in the management of the State and someone just took power into their own hands? Whether with an evil good intention, or with selfish noble goals, that's another question. The fact remains, the world has flared up in the flames of world wars. Here, with these, then wars, and now try to figure it out. Well, with Mandarins along the way.

"Manu, mano" - in Old Russian - the sovereign, hence the expressions "hat man" at the "mach", "" at the wave of a magic wand. " Manu (Skt. मनु) is a title used in Hindu texts to refer to the progenitor of the human race. Manu is also the first king who ruled the earth and the only person saved by Vishnu from the worldwide flood (see Matsya). The Manus have great piety and wisdom. So, the hat of "manomach" is no more, no less, a symbol of the first king. And who we put it on first in history? Monomakh's hat is the crown of the great Russian princes, and then of the tsars, and one of the symbols of autocracy. According to the legend in the "Tale of the Vladimir Princes" of 1518, a gold headdress was sent to the Kiev prince Vladimir Monomakh by his grandfather, the Byzantine emperor Constantine Monomakh.

Small remark: Constantine translated from lat. - persistent, reliable, solid, permanent. And, lo and behold, Tokhtamysh - persistent, reliable, permanent, steadfast - has the same meaning. What is it for? Again, Maha is great, great from Sanskrit. For example: Mahamantra is a great song or verse. The impression is that one has only to dig a layer of unknown history and a wave of information falls on you, which can inadvertently crush you. I will not lump everything together, but we will remember about Tokhtamysh. Nevertheless, "MAN" has become kind of understandable. Although Academician V. A. Chudinov and displays “man” as a translation of the word “person” from the Turkic language, but one cannot agree with this in any way. Rather, it is the pre-Sanskrit language, Prakrit, the language of our distant ancestors. Moreover, “there was one language and one dialect on Earth” the Bible tells us. A destructive book, I must say, but there are also grains of truthful information. Satan is weaving his blanket of lies from scraps of truth.

The Prakrit language (read the language of the Rus) and the Turkic dialect. All Indya, and then Tartary, spoke two languages fluently and both languages were official. This explains the Arabic script so beloved by our knights and princes on helmets, swords, and actually, wherever it gets. The Turkic language was almost a native language. That's for sure in my native dialect. It is now "dividing and ruling" we have been hammered into our heads by the absolute "incompatibility of languages and peoples." Then religion intervened and people who were once a single people at once turned into irreconcilable Muslims, Christians, Buddhists. But I will not be distracted. "Rina" then who? And then only my hypothesis will be expressed. And I will start with astrophysics and astronomy, which were so “successfully” removed from the school curriculum.

One can agree with this hypothesis, one can disagree, but for me personally, this hypothesis somehow and at least explained something. Our entire solar system was inhabited. In any case, in orbits between the Sun and Jupiter. The "mystery" of our solar system has been known for a long time. There are versions that it was built artificially. Some ancient powerful space civilization. That is, the planets are deliberately and with a specific purpose built and brought into these orbits. What about labor costs? What's the point? With such transcendental possibilities, it is enough to "ignite" Jupiter, turning it into a luminary and you will immediately get a ready-made planetary system with 12 satellite planets.

So, if we only assume that Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars and the destroyed Phaeton are only satellites of our sun, then no “uniqueness” is observed in our solar system. This is the first thing. Second, this is the spectral and wave radiation of the luminaries. It is also quite unique in itself. There are versions that the diversity of Earth races is caused by the fact that we all flew from different Star systems. Stop. But can a biological species live under the rays of a completely different star? Luminaries with completely different radiation? Will a species be able to maintain the metabolism of its body? This is actually a serious question! We need air, water, food, but we also need the radiation of our Sun. We cannot survive and live without him. Therefore, "long space flights" when a spacecraft leaves the solar system and is sent to other galaxies, this is a kind of absurdity. What can you replace the radiation of the Sun with? An ultraviolet lamp or what? Here, here I am about the same. For all that, in addition to the visible spectral range of radiation, which is so necessary for us, we also need wave and other radiation of our luminary. And this range is unique. Like a kind of fingerprint. And the life of specific planetary systems arises and develops in this narrow range.

Another question is that in the myriads of star systems there are systems that are suitable in terms of parameters, but this is really another question. It seems to me that intergalactic flights are possible only on the conditions of a sub-spatial jump through the space of space. We will leave further reasoning to the will of science fiction writers. So, our solar system was inhabited and a star war has recently died down in it. Whether we fought with ourselves or fought the invading alien race is hard to say. Let's consider two versions. The first version, we were at war with each other. The solar system was inhabited. Both commodity and culturological exchange were established (hence the arrival of both Pesieheads and other "strange" creatures depicted in some ancient engravings. Hence the pyramids on Mars). But there were also disagreements, which ultimately led to a protracted space war. Lived on different planets white, black, dog-headed, snake-like and others. Actually, why not different forms of life originate in one solar system? But everyone felt comfortable living under the rays of their native sun. Then something was not divided, and the war began. Apparently, as usual, the war for resources. Maybe someone played it off. I will not go far into the jungle.

When the entire planetary system was gouged, and the only habitable planet (our Earth) remained, a truce or SMZH was forced. Thoughtful, so to speak. The only thing that the very concept of SMZH smacks of Jewish biblical chronology, which suggests some thoughts. Again he was tied to a mysterious war with China. And what is this incomprehensible "star temple"? Could this be some kind of galactic cruiser on which the armistice act was signed?

Reasoning, thinking and guessing. In any case, we have the fact of division of living space on Earth by numerous humanoid races. We are forced to divide the zones of residence and get along somehow on Earth, in the absence of any other option. It simply does not exist. There is only one habitable planet left in the solar system. At first, I adhered to my point of view that the “sons of Rin” are all the Turkic peoples. We are looking for "reptilians", and they live nearby. But after the release of the first part of the video of the Tomsk research group "Tiger": "Unknown Siberia", where the facts of the war of the Arinians with snake-like creatures with human heads are given, he doubted his version.

And if you remember the "Book of Kolyada", then Perun defeated the Skipper-snake, destroyed Rin's nest (apparently the planet from which the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter remained) and the long-awaited peace came. Again, the legends about the mountain snake and the rest of the creeping reptiles cannot be erased from the memory of the people. So the "sons of Rin" are snake-like creatures? Then where are they now? Where are they hiding? The only thing that can be said with certainty is that all the races that we see on the surface of our planet are indigenous races and belong to our planetary system. It remains to find out who the "Rins" are? Second version. We repulsed an alien attack to capture our planetary system and we lost the war. The remnants of the "aborigines" were brought to one planet "graciously from the master's shoulder" allocated to us by the new owners. The space battle cruiser Luna hangs in orbit for "whatever happens", the solar system is corny plundered, and we are also forced to pay indemnity even from the Earth in the form of gold, rare earth metals and other minerals. And we ourselves extract them. Slavery of not seen, so to speak, universal proportions, but the dog-heads and other rag-tag, this is a galactic jackal, which flew here on the remnants of the master's table. Again, only on condition that the radiation spectrum of our star is suitable for them.

And since we do not observe mysterious "reptilians", it can be assumed that the invaders are strongly contraindicated to "be in the open air" and they are forced to exist underground (or somewhere else) in equipped bases and on their aircraft, where the difference in parameters is correlated radiation. Therefore, they lead us indirectly, including through the "God-chosen people." These are only versions. Choose who likes which one more. I personally like the first one more. Why? Yes, everything is really simple. For a very long time, various wars have been going on on our (already our) mother Earth. And we ourselves, as representatives of intelligent universal humanity, cannot be said to be very peaceful. Rather aggressive.

Imagine, we, having gouged our planetary system, declared our inability to go out into deep space to the entire galaxy. Now we are crawling "towards a brighter future" again, only from a more distant and lower level, along the way proving our ability to act, in which so far few believe those who could act as a force of reconciliation. Is the Moon a peacekeeping galactic cruiser in our orbit? Who knows? And I won’t guess. There is a fact of our presence on a planet that is not ours. They're trying to heap everything up for us. But we observe remnants on Midgard of at least three or four super-civilizations before us and we cannot understand anything. But how can we understand when we are building it into one chain of development of civilizations on Earth. Why not ours? There was a pressure of eight atmospheres. You could swim in the air. There were giants. There were dinosaurs too. High atmospheric pressure supported the skeleton and therefore, gigantic growth of both humans and animals was possible. Then the war, after which, and there were funnels such as the "Eye of the Sahara". Giants and dinosaurs ordered to live long. They also left a rather ugly destroyed megalithic culture. Then comes the era of pyramids, "straight roads", etc. She "copies" the culture of Mars. So we are really from there? And the force of gravity is less, and the average annual temperature is lower, and other parameters are more suitable for us, so to speak, the Northern people. Mars to read Sram backwards (they gave it to us as a causal place), and I still see a boy asking his grandfather, where are we from? The grandfather pokes his finger into the evening sky, pointing to Mars and says: - With Ra we are a granddaughter. With Ra. Remember the “guest from the future”? Do you know Alpha Centauri? We are there."

Then Atlantis, Atlanteans, Hyperborea and this is almost our history. Then again the war. Mars is destroyed. Then SMZH, planetary evacuation to the remainder of solid ground underfoot, to Midgard. Then, already here, they squabbled with the use of what was still in the arsenals (the war described in the Mahabharata) and either the "closure of technologies" by the peacekeeping forces, or somehow pulled themselves together and stopped the wars with the use of nuclear and other terrible weapons. Having high technologies, they began to melt iron and switched to wars with the use of edged weapons. And everything degraded, degraded and degraded, sliding further and further into primitivism. There can be a lot of options and versions. Only to understand who the Rins are, we did not become closer. Were in China (China in translation from Sanskrit by the way - click) tangerines. King John (Van?) Ruled. There was a statehood that had developed over the centuries. Then Genghis Khan appears. Creates a Great Empire for a short time, captures half the world and goes into oblivion. Moreover, genetically it is a fair-haired, light-haired and tall Khan, Aryan or Arinets. A-Rinets. That is, not a rin? Arintsy, are they not Rintsy? Who was imprisoned behind the Chinese Wall, the question remains open. I do not exclude the possibility of snake-like ones, whose planet was generally destroyed into trash. It only seems to me that this humanitarian mission ultimately got out to us sideways. Well, yes, we must finish. Genghis Khan was not a “virtuous savior of the State”. He bent his own, also greedily dreaming of personal power. The state was greatly weakened at that time. Internal or external problems, we are not given to know. Only in a weakened State is it possible to seize or intercept power. He kills the king and becomes the ruler of Indya. Reassigns administrative districts in a short time. It does not conquer, but it re-submits. Otherwise, if it were a war of conquest, it would have lasted for more than one hundred years. Wouldn't they know what to do with one partisan movement? And the change of the "president" was quick and easy. Genghis Khan swiftly enters the political arena of the world, swiftly captures it and swiftly disappears into oblivion. In a short time, the Golden Horde falls apart and perishes, leaving behind only reflections of its former greatness. It was with the accession of Chin Giz Khan that Great Tartary emerged. She does not yet have a Tatar-Mongol, Turkic, Muslim trace. Only with the division into parts, the introduction of the ideological weapon of religion, then a stable statement about the Turkic roots of the Horde appears. Only then did the Tatar-Mongol legs "sew on" her.

So, after the complete fall of Arkona and Russian Europe, Oleg the Prophet and Svetoslav unite the Rus State in its central part. In less than two hundred years, in the Metropolis far in the East, control was taken over. The Golden Horde appears. Great Tartary also arises. While the point is, the Russian princelings, seeing such a thing, also want unlimited power and glory. Power Rusov reads to quickly pull apart into pieces. Christianization warms up all this. The khans of the Horde, seeing how the "Moscow Tartary" is leaking from the Metropolis to the Catholic West, go "to war against Russia." Cities are not robbed, residents are not touched (acrome 14 absolutely insolent Judeo-Christianized cities). But the process of dividing the Metropolis, launched by Chin Giz Khan himself, albeit unconsciously, ultimately destroyed the last bonds of the united formation of the Rus. Having bought into the "ideological duck" (isn't it Rinov?), He himself laid the foundation for the process of division of the former, single, once Indya. He himself admitted the infection, which divided the Golden Horde in a short time. And having divided the Horde, she instantly divided Tartaria into pieces. This process is still going on. It remains only to divide Russia into specific principalities, the so-called "federal districts" and … voila! Revenge and Reen's victory? The article was written based on the materials of our Tomsk research group "Tiger".
