Table of contents:

The secret meaning of famous paintings
The secret meaning of famous paintings

Video: The secret meaning of famous paintings

Video: The secret meaning of famous paintings

The secret meaning of the famous paintings, which millions of people admire in museums. What are the guides silent about? How did the artists cipher knowledge in canvases with a historical or religious plot?

The secret meaning of the painting "The Brazen Serpent"

What the artist Fyodor Bruni encrypted in a canvas with a biblical plot.


0:00:21 - the problem of the premises of museums

0:02:44 - what the guides are silent about

0:05:05 - several layers of the meaning of the picture

0:08:06 - biblical legend about the Brazen serpent

0:08:27 - behavior of Moses and Aaron

0:13:31 - riddle of the Snake

0:17:05 - Priest Aaron rules the Serpent

0:18:59 - why Jews were led across the desert for 40 years

0:27:45 - the idea of one god introduced by Moses

0:29:21 - management based on hidden knowledge

0:34:54 - ecological religion

0:35:49 - The sun is a god for everyone

0:37:18 - Akhenaten's religious sabotage

0:38:33 - why everyone knows the Egyptian queen Nefertiti

0:41:07 - who are the Levites

0:42:03 - different rules for Jews and goyim

0:44:11 - launch of technological progress

0:45:44 - humanization of gods and idols

0:48:19 - ancient Greek TV series about Hercules

0:49:49 - programming people

0:54:39 - biorobots of humanity

0:55:47 - digging under the Bible

0:59:41 - the pattern of the appearance of the prophets

The secret meaning of the painting "The Appearance of Christ to the People"

What the artist Alexander Ivanov encrypted in a canvas with a biblical plot.


0: 0: 48 - sketches for the picture

0:03:36 - the main difference between sketches and paintings

0:05:19 - where is Jesus going?

0:07:10 - priestly government of Ancient Egypt

0:09:19 - hidden people in the picture

0:12:07 - how the official gospel was chosen

0:13:12 - religions and usury

0:15:14 - Historical Christianity

0:18:33 - the color of Jesus' clothes

0:19:31 - the second Jesus in the picture

0:21:40 - the red color of the socialist project

0:22:27 - an ancient story about death and rebirth

0:24:51 - symbolism of secret orders

0:29:45 - mysterious signs in the picture

0:30:25 - multi-colored hint of the artist

0:32:22 - women and men in the picture

0:38:59 - Christ and Antichrist

0:41:39 - painting as a hidden story

The secret meaning of the painting "The Last Day of Pompeii"

What the artist Karl Bryullov encrypted in a canvas with a historical plot.


0:00:00 - Karl Bryullov and Pushkin

0:03:12 - sketches for the painting

0:03:53 - history of Pompeii

0:05:58 - Countess Samoilova in the picture

0:09:28 - Pliny the Younger in the picture

0:10:22 - sources of fire in the picture

0:11:47 - Christian and ancient priests

0:13:24 - destruction of ancient civilization

0:19:00 - death and destruction of the past

0:19:47 - unsolved riddles

0:21:00 - destruction of the empire

0:24:37 - change of Russian antiquity

0:25:42 - the symbolism of the paintings contradicts the plots

The secret meaning of the painting "Ancient Horror"

What did the artist Leon Bakst want to convey in such an unusual picture?


0:01:13 - converted zipper

0:02:04 - destruction of the ancient city

0:04:55 - a disaster of the past

0:05:35 - imperturbable Venus

0:10:49 - a woman changes civilization

0:14:26 - how ancient secrets are hidden
