Bee Hive Mind
Bee Hive Mind

Video: Bee Hive Mind

Video: Bee Hive Mind
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How often do we pay attention to the universes and worlds of other creatures? Those that are much smaller than us, those for whom we are not known mighty giants, capable in an instant to take the life of their city, colony.

Each of the 50 thousand residents of the bee hive has his own duty, a function subordinate to the interests of the entire hive. This is a complex system that shows many signs of intelligence. Unfortunately, scientists still cannot really explain this rationality, either they write off everything on a vague and mysterious "gene memory", or they assign all these oddities to aromosensors. That is, according to the official generally accepted version, all the most complex social interactions that are observed in bees occur with the help of smells. The flawedness of this version is clear at least from the example of the law of critical mass. It is known that only when a certain number is reached, the hive exhibits the ability to self-organize. Isn't it more logical to regard each individual of social insects as separate cells of some huge brain? Until all the necessary cells are collected, the brain will not work. At least this version explains the law of critical mass, when quantity turns into quality. Each individual cell is completely helpless, and only all together they create a certain product: thoughts, a program of action, options for solutions. Trying to explain or create a model of a community of social insects without taking into account the psi field is the same as explaining the behavior of iron filings without taking into account the magnetic field, assuming that the sawdust moves under the influence of some genetic programs embedded in the memory of each individual particle of iron. Well, or with the help of certain sensors, each sawdust transmits information to the entire drawing.

Of course, the nature of psi-fields and the principles of their functioning cannot today be explained in terms of traditional physics and chemistry.

But let's imagine that each individual individual has its own nervous system - the psi-system, which creates a protective shell around the bee, preserving its individuality with the primitiveness of its behavioral reactions. With an increase in the concentration of bees, the psi-fields generated by all bees begin to destroy the individual protective shells. And when the concentration of numbers becomes critical for this species, the disintegration of individual protective shells occurs and one protective shell of the colony common to all appears. At the same time, each individual acquires an open psi-system and becomes a part of the unified nervous system of the entire society. It is this nervous system of the hive that explains complex and truly intelligent actions.

At the same time, the role of information transfer between individuals using ordinary senses and other communication systems is not denied. For bees, for example, this is their famous dance language, with which they share a wide variety of information.

In other words, the community of social insects is one single organism, as it were, dispersed in space, divided into separate elements. That is, it is an organism with a single mind, but with many bodies. The problem is that science does not yet have instruments that can prove it. But maybe if we answer the question of how not only animals, but also primitive - from our point of view - insects find joint solutions to problems, then we ourselves will be able to somehow better organize our lives? And maybe for the human body, which has a complex and highly organized nervous system, the neurons of which are completely self-sufficient, such a state of the superorganism is a step back in development, and those who introduce masses of people into the state of a crowd, drive them into human cities, know this very well ? Think about it at your leisure, but for now, watch the video, which reflects not only this, but also some other amazing secrets of bees:
