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The mystery of the blood and cannibalism of the elite
The mystery of the blood and cannibalism of the elite

Video: The mystery of the blood and cannibalism of the elite

Video: The mystery of the blood and cannibalism of the elite
Video: Гости из прошлого 2024, April

The treatment of old people - millionaires with cow and sheep embryos turned out to be only a prelude. Soon, doctors mastered an incomparably more effective drug - alpha-fetaprotein, made from human embryos.

What is the human soul? Is it possible to define its essence? Where does this sacred substance, which requires constant purification, nest in the human body?

The answer was found in the scriptures and in the hazy hints of esoteric literature. The soul of a person is in his blood. And the following pattern emerged: a pure soul is a pure blood and, on the contrary, a cloudy blood is a cloudy soul. Is it provable? Yes.

Blood is perhaps the only thing in the Universe that so obviously comes into contact with two worlds - the material world, accessible to our five senses, and the ephemeral, supersensible world that we call the soul. Blood, as it were, connects both of these states of being, and it is through it that we are able to slightly open the veil behind which are the great secrets of human life, human destiny, human history. The human world would still seem to us to be a heap of absurdity, madness and surrealism, if we did not look at it through the ruby crystal of human blood …

Blood and flesh

In 1911, a book by a certain Max Handel in two volumes was published in England, which outlined the foundations of Rosicrucian cosmogony. The Rosicrucians (Order of the Rose and Cross) are one of the offshoots of the "Great Masonic Brotherhood" and, according to some sources, are most closely associated with their origins with the Order of the Temple (Templars) and still keep many of the secrets and secrets of the latter.

In the book, among other "wisdom", special attention is paid to national, racial and personal issues and they all boil down, in the end, to the problems of biological blood - the very red blood that flows in our veins and veins. The first volume gives, so to speak, a general description of blood as a universal guardian and carrier of the human person, his soul, his Ego and, moreover, the human mind. The second volume shows the things that can be achieved by manipulating blood, mixing it in a living human body. In addition to the particular results that are achieved with the help of these manipulations, the main result is also shown, which, as it is openly written about it, is the main goal of the "Initiates" - biological mixing of races and nations in order to weaken in them such "dense" qualities as patriotism, attachment to the Motherland, love for their families, etc.

We repeat, all this is written with complete frankness, without any omissions.

The "bloody" chapter of the first volume (called "Blood - the conductor of the Ego") describes quite convincing relationships between the state of a person's blood (temperature, speed or slowness of its flow, etc.) and such characteristic human qualities as reason, madness, fear, sexuality, hate, love, etc. However, for our topic, the “bloody” chapter from the second volume, called “Mixing of Blood”, is of absolute interest. Here are some quotes from it:

Let's stop quoting. As the reader sees, the main meaning of the above words is that "Strong blood" suppresses "weak blood", and since, according to Max Handel himself, blood is the bearer of the personal Ego of a person, his national, family affections, more powerful blood are suppressed, and these human qualities are killed.

This is not our interpretation. And Max Handel himself, as he explains further, gave an "animal" example to more clearly explain the essence and purpose of mixing human blood. Let's continue the quote:

It will seem even more curious to the reader if he learns that three years earlier, in 1925, Bogdanov's mentor, Rudolf Steiner, was also killed, kidnapped and killed by Hitler's orders.

What Bogdanov was trying to achieve with his experiments is a mystery. But this mystery resembles the behavior of the Eastern wives from "The White Sun of the Desert", who, when Sukhov appeared in panic, pulled up their dresses and covered their faces, revealing everything else.

We want to say that it is useless to classify the results of experiments when the experiments themselves are known that show the direction of the search. We know for sure that women received transfusions of male blood, men - female; the blood of babies was poured into the elders, the blood of the elderly was poured into the children; Russians - Jewish, Jews - Russian. The options for these experiences are countless. The famous Soviet writer of that era, Yuri Tynyanov, noted these experiments in the following words:

Knowing that blood is the bearer of the personal and national characteristics of a person, we can easily guess that the movement of blood aims at erasing these characteristics, turning men into carriers of female psychology, and women into masculine creatures. In addition, if a representative of one nationality is infused with the blood of a representative of another nationality before the complete replacement, then the person exposed to such an effect loses his national characteristics or, at least, they weaken. For those initiated into secret knowledge, this is simple arithmetic, reflecting the very essence of biology, and it seems mystic only to those who do not pay any attention to these things, trustingly eating a surrogate of knowledge that so-called "school education" obligingly feeds him …

A man can know a woman, her dignity, beauty, tenderness only by remaining himself, that is, a man. A man with feminine habits will never know the dignity of a woman, will not appreciate them, will not unite his fate with her fate in a normal family. And vice versa. A masculine woman, a "blue stocking", loses the normal perception of a man, loses the orientation of the right choice, loses knowledge. The same thing happens with mixed nations …

There can be no nobility or piety in sexual mutants who have lost their original qualities in androgyny, just as they cannot be in ethnic mutants who are in an equally unnatural “international” (biological) fusion. Let us recall once again the words of the "initiate" Max Handel:

Let us return, however, to the experiments of Bogdanov, in the context of which the Jews were mentioned in passing.

In Russia, immediately after the revolution, the journal Vrachebnoe delo began to be published. This journal published materials of experiments conducted to determine the characteristics of certain nations by blood. The experiments went on for about three years and, finally, the results were published. experiments on the blood of Russians and Jews: the percentage of their "recognizability" was 88.6.

In other words, in 90 cases out of a hundred, a Russian can be distinguished from a Jew by the composition of his blood. Bogdanov was especially interested in the blood of Russians and Jews. Of course, differences in blood composition can be found among other nationalities, but Bogdanov was especially interested in the blood of these two nations.

Max Handel also did not pass over in silence "Jewish" theme … He prefaces the chapter on "Mixing Blood" with a strange remark, the meaning of which is that Jews have the "strongest blood" … V. V. Shulgin, a man of a long and amazing destiny, is also talking about this. Here are his words: “… What danger can the Jewish race threaten the Russian race? Very simple. The danger of absorption. Jewish blood appears to be much stronger. It can be argued that out of ten Russian-Jewish children, nine will inherit the traits of a Jewish parent. "By a strange coincidence, V. V. Shulgin's book was published in exile in the same year 1928. Apparently, at that time, issues of blood were of great importance.


  • Ashkenazi Jews have a genetic predisposition to schizophrenia
  • Among the genetic diseases of Jews: Bloom syndrome, Canavan syndrome, cystic fibrosis, hereditary dysautonomy, Fanconi syndrome - type C, Gaucher syndrome - type 1, mucolipidosis IV, Niemann-Pick disease - type A, Tay-Sachs disease (child type), beta thalassemia, familial Mediterranean fever, lack of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and type III glycogenosis.
  • See also the chapter "Paradoxical frequencies of recessive diseases in Ashkenazi Jews" from the monograph by LG Kalmykova "Hereditary heterogeneity of diseases of the nervous system", 1976.

With the death of Bogdanov, experiments with human blood in the USSR were not stopped. On the contrary, they took on an extremely mystical direction. So, the famous surgeon S. S. Yudin (by the way, awarded several state prizes) began in the 30s to conduct experiments on the transfusion of living people with the blood of the dead. (For more details, see Appendix 1).

Max Handel reveals one of the goals of such experiments. He writes: “In the Bible, as well as in the teachings of the ancient Scandinavians and Scots, it is directly said that the human ego is in the blood. Goethe, who was one of the Initiates, also notes this in his Faust. Faust is going to sign an agreement with Mephistopheles (the devil - author) and asks: “Why not sign with ordinary ink? Why blood? "Mephistopheles replies: "Blood is a very special substrate." He knows that whoever owns blood owns a man …»

Goethe was indeed an initiate, an esotericist (he was a member of the most revolutionary Masonic organization - the Order of the Illuminati), but this is not the main thing here. What is important is that the "secrets of blood" are not (as SM Handel is cunning in his book) the discovery of contemporary science. The knowledge of these dark secrets goes back to Goethe, a century ago from the time of Handel, and from Goethe - even deeper in time.

And here is the process of “processing”: “The brain, lungs, liver, bones, skin, muscles, spinal and bone marrow, placenta are divided. The smallest grafts are frozen in hydrogen …”.

Perhaps that's enough.

What is cannibalism?

This is the eating of human flesh and blood, or, to use the term of Max Handel, their "introduction" into the body. Now ask yourself a question - what is medicine that "introduces" into the human body (through injections and in the form of "pills") preparations from the blood and flesh of human embryos?

And there is no need to indulge in the illusion that human embryos do not possess consciousness. Thousands of experiments have shown that these tiny creatures in the mother's body are not only conscious of themselves, but even amenable to learning. They are familiar with both pain and fear of death, and if they had the right to vote in deciding their fate, they would hardly agree to be devoured in a "civilized form" by some decrepit scoundrel with a fat wallet.

However, the head of the International Institute of Biological Medicine (this is the one whose co-owner is Mikael Molnar and where the “procedures” described by Katya Gloger take place) Gennady Sukhikh says: “We do not kill babies and do not supply cosmetology with raw materials. Our material is not subject to sale and purchase. Every word in this statement is a lie. What's the difference in sticking some kind of medical hook into the fetus or, having pulled it out of the mother's womb ahead of time, stand by and wait until he himself dies of suffocation?

What is the moral advantage of those specialists who are not engaged in the production of cosmetics from embryos, but in the manufacture of drugs from them?

After all, what difference does it make to the embryo, why is it killed - for cosmetic or medical needs?

As for the "sale and purchase", which allegedly is not subject to "material" (what a bashful cynical word!), The co-owner of the Institute, who invested $ 300,000 in its "development", Mikael Molnar, did this out of a feeling of personal sympathy for G. Sukhikh, not intending to return his money with "fat". And the treatment of wealthy foreigners in the Kremlin clinic with medicines from human embryos, of course, is not a "purchase and sale", but a free distribution of pills.

Mentioning that "Fetal medicine"(from latin fetus- "fetus") is able to cure many diseases, including "Down's disease", which children suffer, G. Sukhikh bitterly complains that his Institute does not receive money from the state, although, as he adds, "any self-respecting state should find funds to help their children."

Ponder, reader, these last words - "Helping children" … How many truly satanic cynicism and deceit are in them! Turn things around so that killing hundreds and hundreds of children is "helping children"- isn't this a visual device and example of those distortions of human logic, the fraudulent shuffling of the concepts of "good" and "evil" that we encounter in today's Russia at every step, in every manifestation of moral and political life!

And is it not the Russians themselves, with their indifference, their spiritual and moral blindness, their fearful crawling into the holes of "little people", generate that impudent, contemptuous, cynical grin of those in power with which they look at their subjects like a powerless, idiotic brute?..

Denis Baksan, Trace of Satan, fragment
