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The word "Jew" has a derogatory meaning only in the case when this word is called a Russian, and not a Jew
The word "Jew" has a derogatory meaning only in the case when this word is called a Russian, and not a Jew

Video: The word "Jew" has a derogatory meaning only in the case when this word is called a Russian, and not a Jew

Video: The word
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As history testifies, in Russia initially there was a word Jew, derived from the Polish word żyd, denoting people living according to the "Mosaic Law", and the words Jew did not have. Why Russian Jew was derived from Polish żyd, and not from German, for example, Jude, it is not difficult to understand. Russia did not territorially border on Germany, but Russia just bordered on Poland. outlying territory called Ukraine … See the map from 1740.

We now read important historical information from the electronic encyclopedia:

Understand, reader, this is a religious and historical evidence! Living in Poland in a quiet and cramped "Jewish paradise" Jews could not give money at interest (in growth) to each other. Their Jewish law it was forbidden. Therefore those Jewswho had savings, tried to move to where they could give these savings in height foreigners. At the same time, being zealous executors of the "Mosaic Law", Jews were engaged not just in usury, but in the predatory usury, which was for foreigners destructive.

History has preserved thousands of testimonies of various people who lived in different centuries, who described how misanthropic there was Jewish usury. But here, to illustrate my words, I will cite only one testimony - the words of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him!), Under whose dictation the holy Koran for all Muslims was written. Here is the testimony of Muhammad (Surah 4 ayahs 160 and 161):


I will repeat the main thoughts from this historical evidence for a better understanding of them by the reader: " Jews did injustice "," they averted many people from the true faith, and took growth usurious and ate property of people …"

These two dastardly deeds (disgust from the true faith and usury) were arranged by the Jews among foreigners with a distant aim in strict accordance with the doctrine of their Jewish Law: "This is done by your hands on the land you go to take possession of it". (Bible," Deuteronomy ", 23:20). In other words, the increase in capital due to the economic robbery of foreigners was for Jews a secondary matter. The main thing was to plunge people into first financial bondage, then into poverty, and thus doom them to death, so that in this way little by little they could free the land from them … After all, the main thing for the Jews is "get hold of her", the land of foreigners, little by little, as the "Mosaic Law" prescribes! By the way, to this day, he prescribes it!

Now for a new series of facts for the reader:

After the successful end in 1721 of the "Northern War", which Peter I Romanov waged against King Charles XII of Sweden for the sake of conquering the "primordially Russian territory" - Ingermalandia, now called the Leningrad region, Russia acquired the status Russian Empire … And its ruler, Peter I, then received the title of emperor. Details in my earlier article. "Who built the city on the Neva, now called" St. Petersburg ".


Engraving by the court artist Fyodor Zubov "The Crowning of Peter I (the Great)."

In 1725, Peter I died, and in 1727 his wife Catherine I, who inherited the title of Empress and all the rights to govern the great empire, issued a short Decree "On the expulsion of Jews from Russia".

14 years later, in 1741, their daughter, Elizaveta Petrovna, became the Russian empress, and already in 1742, she issued an expanded Decree "On the expulsion of Jews from Russia", repeating and supplementing the decree of his mother, which was already 15 years old, but was poorly implemented locally.

The texts of both Decrees of the Romanov Empresses commanded the following: "Jews, both male and female, who are found in Ukraine and other Russian cities, all of them should be sent out of Russia abroad immediately, and henceforth they should not be allowed into Russia under any image …"

The reason for such a harsh order is theirs, Jews, predatory usury and export of gold from Russia to the West.

In the Decree of 1742 there was an important addition: “henceforth, under no circumstances should they be allowed into Our Empire for anything; unless one of them wants to be the Christian faith of the Greek confession; baptizing such in Our Empire, let them live, just don't let them out of the State …"

Empress Elizaveta Petrovna was sure that all the devilish harm that comes from Jews, stems from their Jewish religioncalled Judaism … After all, it is written in their "Mosaic Law" that Jews are obliged to act so vile and vile in the land they are invading to "take possession of it" … Moreover, in order to take possession of the lands of foreigners, the Jews must fulfill not one law, but a whole set of misanthropic decrees, which begins with the words: "These are the commandments, decrees and laws that the Lord your God has commanded to teach you, so that you do so in the land to which you are going, in order to take possession of it …" (Bible, "Deuteronomy", 6: 1).

That is why, in fact, Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, in her Decree of 1742, wrote: … unless who of them wants to be the Christian faith of the Greek confession; baptizing such in Our Empire, let them live …"

It is curious that the Russian people reacted to this important addition to the Decree of 1727 by Catherine I with the following proverbs:

According to another version, "deputation Hasidic Jewswho lived on the lands ceded to the Russian Empire after the partition of Poland, appealed to Empress Catherine II with a request: not to name them by the Jewssince they, Hasidim, not at all related to everyone else to the Jews Europe, but are related to a completely different tribe of the clans of Israel, from Jews … As a result, Catherine II left the Dutch and German surnames to the Jews of Prussia and the Baltic (in -stern and the like), and gave the Hasidic Jews of Belarus, Poland, Volyn and Podolia surnames near-Russian … "(He told about this in his book" Russia, the course of the unknown history. Jews who did not exist "Professor AM Burovsky).

Exactly how it was or not, I do not know and hardly anyone knows, however, it is known that the words Jews and Jews began to appear with equal frequency in written Russian sources much earlier than 1787, even during the life of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna (years of life 1709 - 1761).

Modern scientists studying the Russian language and the origin of words were once puzzled by the question: in what years and how often the written form of words Jews and Jews was it used on the territory of Russia? And here's the statistics they got:


A source

Already in 1745-1760, (and not after 1787, as many sources claim), the words Jew and Jews were used on the territory of the Russian Empire with the same frequency. And in 1825 the frequency of use of the word Jew reached an all-time high. (see top graph). In 1862 (a year after the abolition of the shameful serfdom in Russia, which enslaved the vast majority of Russian people), the frequency of use of words Jew, Jew, has dropped sharply, and the frequency of use of the word Jewson the contrary, it has increased sharply. (See bottom graph).

Surprisingly, I managed to find an explanation of why the peak of the use of the word “Jews” came in 1825 quite easily! An exhaustive answer is contained in this information poster, compiled by blogger Vasily Lychkovsky:


Exactly Jews then they tried to smuggle into Russia their "Trojan horse" - the book "Bible", containing under one cover first the Jewish teachings in the form of the "Moses Pentateuch", and then only the teachings of the Savior-Christ in the form of the four Gospels. Until that moment, there were no such "two-piece" Bibles in Russia. Emperor Nicholas I (years of life 1796-1855) unraveled this deceit Jews, he realized that this was nothing more than an attempt by the now ideological conquest of the Russian Empire, and ordered in 1825 to burn the entire circulation of "two-piece" Bibles, published by a certain "Bible Society".

This is why 1825 is the historic high of the word's use. Jews on Russian territory! This historical maximum suggests that then, at the suggestion of Emperor Nicholas I personally, the entire Russian society began to speak about the Jews, about their meanness and deceit.

Of course I spoke about the Jews and the Russian people, who were then under double oppression: on the one hand, serfdom (abolished by the imperial decree of Alexander II only in 1861), on the other hand, the oppression of the Jews, usurious, which did not disappear even after two Decrees of the Romanov Empresses "On the expulsion of Jews from Russia".

Since the Russian people were absolutely free only in oral creativity, they began to add about the Jews proverbs and sayings that reflected both the wisdom of the people, and the life of the Russian people and the character of the Jews, and facts of the negative influence of the Jews on the Russian world

Vladimir Ivanovich Dal (years of life 1801-1872) - Russian military doctor and writer, ethnographer and lexicographer, collector of folklore and compiler of an unsurpassed volume of the "Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language" Jew.


Vladimir Dal gave an interpretation to the word Jew and collected about 160 proverbs about the Jews, which he included in his collection "Proverbs and Sayings of the Russian People", published in 1862. Moreover, none of these proverbs characterizes the Jews positively.

Another important addition to the topic: I have an explanation for this graph with the first maximum use of the word in the Russian Empire Jew … By the way, the second maximum on this graph, which falls on 1917-1918, and reflects the frequency of use of the word Jew in the Russian-speaking space, falls on the revolution in Russia, which overthrew the imperial power and established Jewish power.


Uniquely little use of the word in Soviet Russia Jew due to the fact that First Soviet government already in the first days of his reign, he issued a Decree prescribing to shoot the inhabitants of Soviet Russia on the spot for a word Jew without trial and investigation.

The third historical maximum of the word use Jew in the Russian-speaking space, as the graph shows, falls on 1988-1992, and this is the notorious "perestroika" and the collapse of the USSR, in which the most active participation, according to the Israeli press, was just the same Jews.

However, I got a little distracted! How to explain the most first historical maximum, reflecting the frequency of use of the word Jew in the Russian-speaking space?

The answer to this question is contained in the book "World Illustration", volume 39 for 1888, in which it is written in black and white that in 1888 it was "25th Anniversary of the Spread of Holy Scripture in Russia", of the same "dual holy scripture", with the "Old Testament" at its head, the circulation of which was recognized by Emperor Nicholas I ideologically dangerous and burned it in the brick factories of the Nevsky Lavra. So, as it is written in the book "World Illustration", during the time from 1863 to 1887 inclusive, such Bibles were distributed in the Russian Empire as much 1.223, 044 copies … Moreover, "the price of books sold in beautiful bindings has been set to the lowest, striking even a commoner with its cheapness …". That is, so that the people do not understand that the "two-one" Bible is playing the role of "free cheese" in a mousetrap, the price of this "information weapon of mass destruction" was set ridiculously low. Exclusively because this diversion Jews it was successful against the Russian world, today they, Jews, enthusiastically explain Jews, what "Christianity is the marketing department of Judaism!".

Now I consider it my duty to return to the interesting fact that the words Jew and Jews become simultaneously apply in Russian writing after 1745, already 3 years after Empress Elizabeth Petrovna signed an expanded Decree in 1742 "On the expulsion of Jews from Russia".

In this Decree, among other things, there were the following words: "and henceforth, under no circumstances should they be allowed into Our Empire for anything; unless one of them wants to be the Christian faith of the Greek confession; baptizing such in Our Empire, let them live, just don't let them out of the State …"

It is obvious that such an important step by the Russian empress in the social and religious separation of Jewish Jews from ex-Jews baptized into the Christian faith of the Greek confession, just then demanded the introduction of a new definition word for ex-Jews. And that definition became the word Jews, which on the territory of the Russian Empire united all former Jews on the basis of their attitude to the Christian faith of the Greek confession.

Another reasonable explanation why the word Jews began to be massively used in official documents of the Russian Empire after 1745, until now no one has given it, and I think it will not!

This version is also supported by the fact that immediately after the death of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna (years of life 1709 - 1761), who initiated the introduction of the word Jews into the Russian lexicon, this word Jews disappeared from official documents for a long time (as much as 38 years!) and reappeared only in 1800! This is evidenced by the graph already known to the reader:


Therefore, the original meaning of the Russian word Jews - these are baptized ex-Jews who voluntarily renounced the misanthropic "faith of their ancestors", as well as their children, who were born on the territory of Russia already free from the "Law of Moses".

Russian word Jewthus remains absolutely identical to the Polish word żyd, which denotes people living according to the "Mosaic Law".

What kind of "Mosaic Law" is, you can understand even from one phrase from the Bible: "he who rejected the law of Moses, with two or three witnesses, without mercy is punished with death" (Heb. 10:28). This testimony alone suggests that the "Mosaic Law" is a mafia law, and all the Jews living according to it are the mafia. In other words, the Russian word Jew has never been abusive towards Jews … It simply points to people who belong to the oldest and most dangerous mafia, negatively assessed both in the teachings of Christ the Savior and in the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad.

As the leading expert on the Jewish issue Anatoly Glazunov (Blockadnik) said: "The word" Jew "has a derogatory meaning only when this word is called a Russian, and not a Jew."

May 22, 2019 Murmansk. Anton Blagin

P. S

And one more thing, which is also important to know. In Russia, it is customary to initiate administrative or criminal cases against Russians under Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation or Article 20.3.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation with the wording "for inciting hatred or enmity against persons united on the basis of their relationship to Jewish nationality." Meanwhile, such nationality no and never was, even the Israeli Kabbalists speak about it! A Jew is not a nationality!

In addition, in Russian the word Jew became historically used after 1742 in only one meaning: "a Jew in Russia is a Jew who renounced Judaism." Let's not forget about it!
