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Hidden mechanisms of slavery
Hidden mechanisms of slavery

Video: Hidden mechanisms of slavery

Video: Hidden mechanisms of slavery
Video: Learning and Bonding to the Beat: Optimizing Your Child’s Development with Dr. Laurel Trainor 2024, April

It would seem that each of us does not have an iron collar, but in the modern parasitic system, a person is bound hand and foot by many other, non-iron chains. Ignorance, ideology of consumerism, economic dependence and other "achievements" of civilization …

1. Economic coercion of slaves to permanent work. The modern slave is forced to work non-stop until death, because The money earned by a slave in 1 month is enough to pay for housing for 1 month, food for 1 month and travel for 1 month. Since the modern slave always only has enough money for 1 month, the modern slave is forced to work all his life until death. The pension is also a big fiction, because A retired slave pays his entire pension for housing and food, and a retired slave has no spare money.

2. The second mechanism of hidden coercion of slaves to work is the creation of an artificial demand for pseudo-necessary goods, which are imposed on the slave with the help of TV advertising, PR, the location of goods at certain places in the store. The modern slave is involved in an endless race for "novelties", and for this he is forced to constantly work.

3. The third hidden mechanism of economic coercion of modern slaves is the credit system, with the "help" of which modern slaves are more and more drawn into credit bondage, through the mechanism of "loan interest".

4. The fourth mechanism for making modern slaves work for the hidden slave owner is the myth of the state. The modern slave thinks that he is working for the state, but in reality the slave is working for the pseudo-state, because The money of the slave goes into the pocket of the slave owners, and the concept of the state is used to cloud the brains of the slaves so that the slaves do not ask unnecessary questions such as: why do slaves work all their lives and remain always poor? And why don't slaves have a share of the profits? And to whom exactly is the money paid by the slaves in the form of taxes transferred?

5. The fifth mechanism of hidden coercion of slaves is the mechanism of inflation. The rise in prices in the absence of an increase in the wages of a slave provides a hidden unnoticed robbery of slaves. Thus, the modern slave becomes more and more impoverished.

6. The sixth hidden mechanism to make a slave work for free: to deprive the slave of funds for moving and buying real estate in another city or another country. This mechanism forces modern slaves to work at one city-forming enterprise and "endure" enslaving conditions, because The slaves simply do not have other conditions and the slaves have nothing and nowhere to run away.

7. The seventh mechanism that makes the slave work for free is the concealment of information about the real value of the slave's labor, the real value of the goods that the slave produced. And the share of the slave's wages, which the slave owner takes through the accounting mechanism, taking advantage of the slaves' ignorance and the lack of slave control over the surplus value that the slave owner takes for himself.

8. So that modern slaves do not demand their share of the profit, do not demand to give back what their fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers, great-great-grandfathers, etc. earned. It is the silence of the facts of plundering into the pockets of slave owners of resources that were created by numerous generations of slaves over a thousand-year history.


Pharaoh's wisdom

Look, - said Pharaoh to the priests - below, long ranks of slaves chained in chains are carrying one stone at a time. They are guarded by many soldiers. The more slaves, the better for the state - we have always believed so. But, the more slaves, the more you have to fear their rebellion. We are strengthening security. We have to feed our slaves well, otherwise they will not be able to do hard physical work. But they are all the same, lazy and prone to rebellion …

- Look how slowly they move, and the lazy guards do not whip them or beat them, even healthy and strong slaves. But, they will move much faster. They won't need a guard. The guards will also turn into slaves. You can accomplish something like this. Let today, before sunset, the heralds spread the decree of Pharaoh, which will say: “With the dawn of a new day, all slaves will be given complete freedom. For each stone delivered to the city, a free person will receive one coin. Coins can be exchanged for food, clothing, housing, a palace in the city, and the city itself. From now on you are free people. …

In the morning of the next day, the priests and the pharaoh again climbed to the platform of the artificial mountain. The picture presented to their eyes was amazing. Thousands of people, former slaves, were racing to drag the same stones as before. Sweating, many carried two stones. Others, who had one at a time, fled, kicking up dust. Some of the guards also dragged stones. People who considered themselves free - after all, the shackles were removed from them, they strove to get as many coveted coins as possible in order to build their happy life.

Kratius spent several more months on his site, watching with satisfaction what was happening below.

And the changes were colossal. Some of the slaves united in small groups, built carts and, loading them to the top with stones, drenched in sweat, pushed these carts. “They are still inventing many adaptations,” Kraty thought to himself with satisfaction, “now internal services have already appeared: distributors of water and food … Soon they will choose their chiefs, judges. Let them choose: they, after all, consider themselves free, but the essence has not changed, they, as before, carry stones …

A source

Read also: Why we always lack money
