Unhappy children of the USSR: free circles and labor education. Capitalism and people creators are incompatible
Unhappy children of the USSR: free circles and labor education. Capitalism and people creators are incompatible

Video: Unhappy children of the USSR: free circles and labor education. Capitalism and people creators are incompatible

Video: Unhappy children of the USSR: free circles and labor education. Capitalism and people creators are incompatible
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It seems that today there is no problem with children's circles and sections. Just pay money, as they say. Any parent can give their child to robotics, almost from the cradle, even to swimming, and, of course, to English, how can a 5-year-old citizen of Russia live without him? But let's see how things were with this relatively recently, several decades ago.

“Make up - try - create” this motto of the 60s - 70s will probably be remembered by schoolchildren of those years who have now become pensioners. The passion for technical creativity was massive in the Soviet country, and God did not offend us with talents, and our guys knew how to tinker. In the Soviet Union, there was a powerful system of stimulating the scientific and technical creativity of young people - NTTM, which provided primary technical skills, even in small villages there were technical circles, whose members later chose their professions based on the topics of these circles. The Soviet magazines "Soviet Designer", "Young Technician", "Modelist - Designer", "Tekhnika Molodezhi" were for millions of boys, and sometimes girls, a window to the world of science and technology, developed a creative streak and led away from the street, entrances and port wine.

The history of NTTM dates back to 1966, when a large-scale youth movement developed throughout the country for mastering innovative equipment and technology, and raising the professional and cultural level of young specialists of the enterprise. In every region of the country, reviews of innovative achievements, competitions of innovators and inventors were held, the results of which were summed up at the All-Union Exhibition of Scientific and Technical Creativity of Youth at the USSR Exhibition of Economic Achievements. The annual economic effect from the introduction of several such inventions is about a billion rubles. In 60-70, over 20 million people throughout the country were engaged in scientific and technical creativity throughout the country, more than 2.5 million students were attracted to it, more than 60 thousand circles of scientific creativity worked in vocational schools. About a million children studied in 450 scientific societies of schoolchildren, there were more than 400 clubs of sailors, aviators, pilots, cosmonauts, 140,000 clubs for young technicians. But not only circles, labor education was the most important part in the educational process of the entire Soviet secondary school.

For this purpose, interschool educational and production complexes have been created, equipped with everything necessary for mastering mass working professions. Experienced production masters become teachers-mentors of children. In addition to the labor lessons, where boys and girls made their own hands for the first time, there was also a collection of waste paper and scrap metal. I remember the motto "BAMu - pioneer trains" and dragged various metal rubbish to the schoolyard, and the more, the better. Everything was in order with metal in the country, but winning the collection of recyclable materials and becoming involved in the construction of the century was a great joy for many. Do you remember school subbotniks? We planted trees - "Let's Decorate the Motherland with Gardens", or "The Green Attire of the Fatherland". All these actions had deep meaning and were colored with the spirit of romance. Interestingly, since 1943, boys and girls studied separately, in different schools, until 1954. And someone else may remember the saying: "Only those who love work are called Octois." The October Revolutions appeared in the 1920s; these are children of the same age as October. Pioneers. Everyone then dreamed of wearing a red tie. The first detachments appeared at factories and factories. Necessarily a bugle drum and, most importantly, its banner. Later, at school, the Octobrist becomes a pioneer, in order to later attach a Komsomol badge on his chest.

Interestingly, there are a lot of pioneers and Octobrists among the viewers of the channel? Who had red ties and badges, write in the comments. Those who distinguished themselves during their studies - excellent students and medalists - were invited to the Kremlin. Memories of high school are about study, upbringing and social life, they are inseparable and interconnected. Today it is not uncommon to criticize the Soviet school system. Like, she was part of the ideological machine, but who would argue with the fact that in that school that left us, they really taught. The entire teaching methodology was structured so that everyone knew the basics of subjects by a tooth, even C grade students.

And the Soviet education programs in secondary schools were structured in such a way that we received knowledge for life. In addition, books (as well as films based on them) by Alexander Dumas, Walter Scott, Alexander Green, science fiction by Efremov, Belyaev and Strugatskikh fell into the category of "children's cinema" and "children's literature", and Pikul's parental books were also swallowed teenagers quickly.
