"Radio-Asy" - Debriefing
"Radio-Asy" - Debriefing

Video: "Radio-Asy" - Debriefing

Video: "The World in 2017" cover, The Economist Magazine 2024, September

On this day, a broadcast with Natalia Chernova “Healthy way of life” was planned. But, at her request, the broadcast was postponed to September 15, 2016.

According to the established tradition, instead of a postponed or canceled broadcast, someone from the People's Slavic Radio team conducts their broadcast on a free topic or with answers to questions.

This broadcast was no exception, especially since not long before such an interesting correspondence appeared in the chat.

(names are replaced by the words "Participant" and "Participant")

Participant 1

Good day to all. Here, on yesterday's broadcast, I somehow finally formed the impression that, along with the usual expression of various opinions, somehow there was a lot of moralizing and categorical judgments on the radio.

Now, now life in the city is necessarily a small apartment next to the thermal power plant, and all this is said in a rather mocking way, or did it seem to me alone? Of course, I agree that cities should be built according to a different principle, but I certainly cannot agree with the fact that everyone should leave to live on land. And don't forget that they called us Gardarika for a reason. There are constant calls to wake up, accusations of lack of sanity, categorical statements against someone else's view of the world, not civilizational, but Vedic, but slightly different in nuances. In my opinion, those who listen to the radio are no longer sleeping, at least they only doze, they should not be constantly called upon, causing rejection by imposing, and, even more, should not be blamed for the lack of sound thinking. You can tell, explain, show, but you don’t have to hammer in the head! Still, everyone has their own on their shoulders: if it lies on the heart, it means that it will accept. And if you didn’t accept it, it doesn’t mean that you were wrong. And then, in the end, we get a bunch of nagging, some experiences, misunderstandings, discrepancies. We urge to unite, but in every possible way we kick back those who do not accept something from what has been said, they say, I see it that way, and that's it. And I say this with all respect: we need to slow down and constant moralizing about and without, let people themselves realize what has been said. Otherwise, one gets the impression of a community of some kind of sofa-kitchen generals enjoying their "superiority" in understanding. And this is what I am talking about both the radio and the listeners. Constant patterns such as “power is bad,” “living in a city is bad,” “eating meat is bad,” and so on.

Such is the small criticism of the general censure. And I perfectly understand that this will not affect anyone in any way, but I wonder if I'm the only one watching this? I'm used to being a fool to take the rap, I even like it, but what if there are reasonable grains?

Participant 2

in Gardarik there were no multi-million cities like now, and the structure of the cities themselves was different - not to the detriment of nature (then people treated nature differently than in recent centuries). Otherwise I agree with you. I also drew attention to the fact that Alexei very often makes his emphasis, as if for "especially dumb" or "especially gifted". As far as I understand, he is so inflamed not at all for those who listen to the radio, but for those who DO NOT LISTEN to the radio - that is, for ordinary people who do not care about the Vedic worldview and tradition, and who will never listen to the NSR, even by chance (otherwise there would be battles here every day on their part). What is the "trick" of such broadcasting - for, in fact, no one and into the void (for the aforementioned category of people) - I personally do not understand. Well, if someone from the townsfolk accidentally stumbles upon a radio with such appeals, then most likely he will simply turn it off and will not listen to all these moralizing. Therefore, the radio seems to be Vedic, but it turns out that for some reason the emphasis is on those who do not need it for nothing.

Participant 1

it turns out that you agree with me in everything that has been said, because I meant that cities should be built on a different principle). So yes, we are talking about the same thing. It’s a pity that Alexei will take it, saying “I’m trying for you here, and since it doesn’t suit you, can I stop it?” This has happened before.

Participant 2

in this case, I completely agree with you. And Alexey, most likely, will react in this way, unfortunately.

Participant 3

and will do it right. nothing in life is done just like that, and the presenter is no exception - if he says something definite, then it is NECESSARY. You all know perfectly well that a person is not only his body, which means that words are not only words and even if his words are not to the listeners of this radio, they will feel it - believe me. In my opinion, this is one of the ways of transmitting information to those who need it will definitely use it.

Participant 1

of course it is necessary, because everyone does first of all what is necessary and important to him. I largely agree with Alexey, but there are different ways of presenting information. He uses and will use his own method, and I am only talking about how it should be adjusted. Everything I say is based on my observation of the reaction of people, on how people better perceive information and use it. It is quite natural that this is a subjective view, if someone does not agree, then no one is obliged to take it into account).

Participant 2

it’s clear that he’s not talking like that from the bulldozer, and that he is so NECESSARY. Another thing is why turn to those people who do not listen to him and will not listen, since this topic is absolutely violet for them, and the radio itself - they do not hear it physically. And those who listen to the radio (that is, you and me) understand everything perfectly, without such accents and moralizing.

Participant 3

what if I just don't know a lot, but I take information out of thin air when there is no possibility of access to the Internet (it is very difficult for me to explain this, but it is).

We could not ignore such a meaningful correspondence, and taking it as a basis, we conducted a live broadcast with Debriefing. And since the questions raised by the chat participants are very important and urgent, they should have been answered clearly, understandably, at a high level of awareness of the problems raised.

So the name of the program "Radio-Asy" was born - Debriefing …

At the beginning of the broadcast, they talked about the quiz with prizes, which was announced by Vasil Vasilich in the program "Table of Orders".

Then Alexey told about the new programs that appeared in the broadcasting network of the "Narodniy Slavyanskiy Radio".

Then we went over to the analysis of the above correspondence and answers to questions from radio listeners.

Recording of the broadcast on September 13, 2016 at 20:00 Moscow time, on the People's Slavic radio "Radio Asy" - Debriefing or "Answers to the burning questions of radio listeners"

Co-host authors: Alexey Orlov, Vasil Vasilievich, Alexey L., Rodion

Our official website is slavmir.org
