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We are all in a mental concentration camp! And only a few are trying to get out of it
We are all in a mental concentration camp! And only a few are trying to get out of it

Video: We are all in a mental concentration camp! And only a few are trying to get out of it

Video: We are all in a mental concentration camp! And only a few are trying to get out of it
Video: A Radical & Controversial Approach To STARVING CANCER: The Two Root Causes | Dr. Thomas Seyfried 2024, April

I am writing this again, "the notorious Anton Blagin", as some readers call me, or "an inviolable anti-Semite" in law "" as I was christened recently Israeli journalists, mentioning my name in an article accusing Vladimir Putin himself of anti-Semitism!

Appendix: "Kremlin Jews" do not notice "Putin's anti-Semitism".

For 22 years, with the persistence of a scientist, I have been researching the notorious "Jewish question" and by the totality of the discoveries I have made in this dangerous area, I could probably be a doctor of sciences, if the science called "Jewish studies" existed officially …

The main thing now, in which I have established myself, being on the finish line in my research, which I finally understood, having studied a gigantic array of information and comparing thousands of historical facts, is that the information space around us, in which we all exist, in which OUR CHILDREN, and in which THEIR CHILDREN are born and grow up, it is an artificially created environment with all the signs of a concentration camp.

Literally mental concentration camp makes our information environment a multifaceted and heterogeneous disinformation, which takes place in absolutely all spheres of our life and natural science. And what is most sad - this disinformation is elevated to the status of Truth by state institutions!


You can read the 1928 publication by Mark Eli Ravage here.

That is, our powers that be with this disinformation deliberately fill up, like a heap of stones, those paths-passages in natural science that, in their opinion, exist not for mere mortals, but only for them, "chosen by God" …

Moreover, in a mental concentration camp today is not only a multi-tribal Russian people, but also Jewish people, consisting of a large branch of the Ashkenazi and a small branch of the Sephardim - Germanic and Spanish Jews, respectively.

The Jews were the first to experience the horrors of a mental concentration camp for the reason that they are an artificial people, having no real history, who lived initially and are still being brought up exclusively on mythology of Judaism … On mythology, which is filled with their "sacred Torah"! Moreover, the mythology of Judaism composed for the Jews, indestructible, preserved by them from century to century as a shrine, is just as monstrous in its essence as the real life of those ancient Jews who once came was monstrous. save the legendary Christ the Savior, a free person in his worldview.

For us now living, this "pearl" of knowledge from the Christian Gospel, which directly tells us that many centuries ago, Jews already lived in an information space woven of lies, literally a mental concentration camp, should be extremely interesting: "Then Jesus said to the Jews who believed in Him: if you abide in My word, you are truly My disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free …" (John 8: 31-32).

Whoever and no matter how he tries to object to me now about the above, it will be completely useless attempts, because the above words from the Gospel do not have a double interpretation, they clearly tell us that the truth was hidden from the Jews! That is, disinformation was imposed on them with the aim of forming in their minds a misconception about the world, about God, about what is good and what is bad, and so on …

This may seem incredible to someone, but this is a fact confirmed by the text of the Torah: even such a concept as "human conscience" was taken out of the circle of Jewish knowledge and made literally a "forbidden fruit"! Need to think,those who then imposed Jewish mythology on the Jews instead of natural science pursued the selfish goal of forming among the Jews, with the help of this mythology, such a character of thinking and such a manner of social behavior that their slave-owning masters needed.

When Christ came to the Jews, announcing to all that he was sent "only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel" (Matthew 15:24), and said to them: "and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free …" (John 8:32), then he, the greatest enlightener, "spiritual shepherds of the Jews" was executed as a rebel …

And how many more, besides Christ, were executed in our history of the great enlighteners who tried to convey to the common people the truths of natural science ?! In the Middle Ages, as we all know from school history, hundreds of thousands of people were burned at the fires of the Inquisition, who possessed some knowledge or abilities that were dangerous for those in power!

Remember this fact: even the Sun was forbidden at one time! For the statement that the Earth revolves around the Sun, and this was established precisely, on the basis of scientific analysis, Aristarchus of Samos, the ancient Greek scientist, those who created the Jews as a new species of man and who gave them a lunar calendar instead of the solar one, could easily burn anyone at the stake as a "heretic"!

I will say right away that the historical fact that the Jews are a people artificially bred not somewhere in some Ancient Israel, but on the territory of the medieval "Holy Roman Empire", where they raged for many centuries, is no longer a secret for me. papal Inquisition, known for her savage tortures and executions of dissenting people.


Moreover, the rulers of the "Holy Roman Empire" brought out Sephardic Jews in Spain and Ashkenazi Jews in Germany and Poland using the technology, according to which fighting dogs with predetermined abilities and character traits are now being bred.

Below I will cite two facts captured in world literature, and you, the reader, decide for yourself whether this is true or false.


After several attempts, in 1887 the first bull terrier club was created in England, and in America the club was created in 1895. The first modern bull terrier named Lord Gladiator was born in 1917 … A source.

The article below was posted on the website of the Global Jewish Online Center. four years ago.

Ashkenazim descended from 350 people


All modern Ashkenazi Jews (whose number today exceeds 10 million people. Comment - AB) descend from a group of people numbering about 350 people who lived 600-800 years ago. These are the results of a study by an international group of geneticists led by Columbia University professor Shai Karmi, published this week in the journal Nature Communications. Scientists have sequenced the genomes of 128 Ashkenazim, comparing them with the genomes of representatives of other Jewish ethnic groups.

Researchers have come to the conclusion that modern Ashkenazim descended from Jewish immigrants from the Middle East, who mixed with the Jews who inhabited Europe during the Middle Ages. These conclusions refute the theory put forward by a number of researchers of the origin of Ashkenazi Jews from the Khazars, a people of predominantly Turkic origin who lived in the region of the Lower Volga, the North Caucasus and Crimea.

The new work of geneticists also sheds light on some aspects of the history of migration of the Jewish population. In the 13th – 15th centuries, Jewish communities were expelled from many countries of Western Europe. The expulsion from Spain in 1492 was, although the most ambitious, but not the only one in this series. In 1290, the Jews were expelled from England, in 1394 - from France. Jewish refugees from these countries formed the core of the Ashkenazi community.

Scientists have come to the conclusion that a number of genetic changes have occurred in the Ashkenazi population, which distinguish them both from other Jewish ethnic groups and from modern European ethnic groups. Some of these mutations have led to the emergence of specific genetically determined diseases that are prevalent primarily or exclusively among Ashkenazim. These include a predisposition to breast and ovarian cancer in Ashkenazi women, Tay-Sachs disease (a rare hereditary disease of the nervous system), leucinosis (congenital metabolic disorder), and a number of others. However, any human population has its own hereditary diseases. Thus, among Sephardi Jews, Wolman's disease and an allergy to legumes are common.

Studies of the genomes of various ethnic groups answer the question of why marriages between close relatives are prohibited in most human communities. Every person carries at least a few harmful recessive mutations. But since they are localized in mismatched parts of the chromosomes, the probability of their transition to an active state is very small. Marriages between relatives greatly increase the likelihood that both partners carry the same genetic mutation and that they will produce defective offspring.

Among Ashkenazi Jews, harmful genetic mutations are common because they have gone through the so-called "bottleneck" in their history, the researchers note. The "bottleneck" effect is a reduction in the genetic diversity of a population due to a critical decrease in its size, which is subsequently restored.

This leads to an increase in the number of closely related marriages and, accordingly, to the spread of genetically determined diseases. The consequence of this is the so-called "founder effect": when a new population is created by a small group of people, all their offspring will have a reduced genetic diversity …


An illustrative example of reduced genetic diversity.

The bottleneck effect also manifests itself in the animal kingdom. A classic example is the cheetah population. With the help of genetic analysis, it was found that cheetahs have very little genetic diversity (it is assumed that as a result of some catastrophe, only one pair of individuals survived), as a result of which this species was practically on the verge of extinction. Currently, the number of cheetahs is less than 20 thousand individuals and continues to decline.

Robert Berg. A source.

For what tasks did the Englishman James Hinks bred a new breed of dogs - bull terriers?

We already know for what tasks.

And for what tasks were the first Jews created on the territory of the medieval "Holy Roman Empire"? - it is reasonable to ask a question.

The answer is not difficult to find. These tasks are spelled out in the very Jewish mythology, on the basis of which specially trained people in power formed the character of thinking and the manner of social behavior of the Jews.

Let's open "Deuteronomy", an important part of the "Jewish Torah", which I like to quote in my publications, and read there about those "attitudes" that were introduced into the minds of the Jews from the moment they received this "God-given book":


If we compare the psychophysical formation of Jews and Bull Terriers in the process of breeding them as a new species of people and dogs, then the Jews should have matched the Bull Terriers! The rulers of the "Holy Roman Empire", designated in the Bible as Jews with a capital letter, and deduced them purposefully as a tool of struggle against humanity, endowing them with the function of playing in human society the role of the devil!

Is this not the complete solution to the meaning of the phrase of Christ the Savior: "Your father is the devil, and you want to fulfill the desires of your father …" (John 8:44).

Important application: "The most terrible weapon of the Holy Roman Empire!"

In the next part of the article, I want to tell you why I believe that our society lives in a mental concentration camp, and prove it on real facts. But this is already tomorrow, or how will it turn out …

My best articles on KONTA:

1. "Nikita Mikhalkov, without expecting it, opened the" fifth column "on Russian television!" (99493 read).

2. "Every Slav must know this!" (108,800 read).

3. "Putin will have to open the Pandora's box, and this will happen very soon!" (342,417 read).

May 18, 2018 Murmansk. Anton Blagin


Vladimir: Well, with the Jews, everything is more or less clear. How to establish who or those who bred the human race "Jew", how to find out where they live, what they are going to do next, in short, who are they and how to deal with them?

Anton Blagin: I answered some of these questions in the article "THE DEVIL'S Lair: The Truth About Switzerland, Zionism and the Jews".
