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How to make healing melt water. Instructions in easy steps
How to make healing melt water. Instructions in easy steps

Video: How to make healing melt water. Instructions in easy steps

Video: How to make healing melt water. Instructions in easy steps
Video: My family also has a disabled person, how can I not give birth to a fourth pers - MissMuffinLiebe 2024, May

If someone said 30 years ago that in the future people will buy bottled water, they would simply not believe him. However, the harsh realities of the present are forcing more and more people to buy water.

Water is the foundation of our health. And the better it is, the longer we will be young and the less money we will spend on doctors and medicines. Even when using household filters, we don't get clean water. The maximum that modern household filters of small and medium price range are capable of is to remove bleach and small debris. No matter what filter manufacturers write there, they do not solve the problem of water purification (of course, I'm not talking about high-quality home filters, the cost of which starts from $ 500, this is not counting the cost of filter cartridges, which must be changed once a month). Moreover, chlorine in water cannot be completely retained by filters, and carbon filters give the smallest dust of activated carbon. These tiny amounts of dust particles are enough to form when boiling water with residual chlorine dioxin. Dioxin is a powerful poison and carcinogen. As they age, carbon filters begin to "get dusty" more and more. So what can you do in such a situation, how to get high-quality clean water at home without spending a lot of money? The article "Melt water at home - preparation of melt water, benefits and properties" is devoted to just this very important issue.

Melted water properties

Water is the most powerful information carrier that can be on our Earth. In addition to information, water has a certain molecular structure in the molecular lattice, which also affects the quality of water. Therefore, the properties of water directly depend on the information and structure that it carries in itself. In nature, water flows along winding channels, absorbing information about everything with which it comes in contact during the flow. Therefore, the water from forest springs and streams is the purest - it has absorbed the information and energy of the forest, filtered by silt, pebbles and all kinds of snags that meet on its way. Such water is curative for a person, directly transferring to him the power of the forest. The properties of such water are to charge and heal. Now imagine the path of tap water: water is taken to a water treatment plant (the first stress it experiences); then it is purified with all kinds of chemicals, chlorinated and put into the water supply; before getting into our tap, water passes through hundreds and thousands of pipes, the joints of which have a right angle (this destroys water, breaks its molecular structure, since there are no right angles in nature); passing through thousands of houses, water absorbs information about each of them (can you imagine how much energy waste it collects on the way?), and, in the end, we turn on the tap and observe all this energy muck. I will give a simple example to make it more understandable for a person uninitiated in bioenergy. Where will it be more convenient for you to be (morally, psychologically and energetically) - in a pine forest or in a busy office? The answer is obvious. The house you live in is full of families who fight, have a depressive mood, and exude other negativity. And all this water, passing through the pipes located in their apartments, absorbs and carries it to your tap. This changes its structure and information field (in the illustrations I give a photo from the movie "Water" so that you can clearly see it; these are pictures of a frozen water crystal under various emotional influences - before taking a photo, certain words were spoken to the water, shown a photo, music). And we drink all this negativity!


How to remove all this negative information so that the water becomes energetically clean again and regains its natural structure? The answer is simple - freeze and thaw the water. Our Nature possesses boundless wisdom, and She has already provided for everything from the very inception of the Earth. After freezing, the water seems to be "zeroed" - it again restores its original structural, informational and energetic state. It is exactly the state that benefits our body. Therefore, the most important property of melt water is purity. In every sense of the word. That is why the most expensive water in the world that can be found in a store is water obtained from arctic ice.

The benefits of melt water

The benefit of melt water, first of all, lies in the fact that it is chemically and energetically close to natural pure water. And this is the most important and important condition for such water to perform its functions in our body. And it has a lot of such functions:

1 - to cleanse our body of toxins and toxins - one of the main functions of water. It is with the help of water that the body is cleansed. Therefore, those who drink little water have a large amount of toxins and toxins. During the day we drink very little water, at most a liter will fill up. We drink a lot of tea, juices, soda and all kinds of other drinks, sincerely believing that this is enough to restore the water balance. However, the body needs exactly WATER, because all other drinks for the body are FOOD (remember this once and for all!). It never occurs to you to wash the dishes with tea or cola. Then why do most people not pay due attention to drinking the amount of water per day, which is necessary for the body to cleanse itself? The daily norm is 2-2.5 liters of water (namely water (!), And not tea and other things just listed). Try to drink melt water in the right amount, and in no more than a month you will feel a significant improvement in health. Important: this norm is designed for a healthy person who does not have kidney problems (sand, stones, etc.). If such problems occur, consult your doctor about your daily water requirement.

2 - nutrition of cells. Water nourishes our cells and participates in all processes of hematopoiesis. Dirty water, due to the fact that it has a broken molecular structure, cannot penetrate into the intercellular membranes and, therefore, does not perform this important function. Melt water makes our cells healthy and our blood clean. melt water means pure blood, the absence of cholesterol plaques (healthy blood vessels, a healthy heart, a healthy brain, etc.), a huge decrease in the chances of all kinds of diseases, a powerful strengthening of immunity and much, much more.

3 - dissolving fats. Didn't you know that if you just drink enough water, you can quickly and painlessly lose weight? If you did not know, we carefully read this paragraph. I have been involved in sports for 25 years, eight of which have been semi-professional in weightlifting and bodybuilding. As a result, the issue of drying and relief was very acute. I tried just a lot of fat burners, spending a lot of money on it. Then I came across a very interesting book about the role of water in the process of burning fat, after which, during the drying (weight loss) period, I began to drink 3 liters of water a day. What is fat? Fat consists of 90% water, 5% of fat molecules, another 5% is toxins and toxins, which are based in our body in fat. Therefore, the more excess fat we have, the more slagged our body is, not to mention the dangers of excess weight for the heart, etc. article). I will continue. If you drink more water than our body needs per day, the process of emergency water withdrawal from the body starts - in general, the body begins to remove more water than it receives. And then the process of total reduction of fat mass starts. Note that everything happens naturally and painlessly. I will make a reservation again, if there are kidney problems, first ask the doctor.

Thus, the benefits of melt water are invaluable. The 3 points described above are the very foundation, the very foundation of what the melt water does. You can go on and on.

Preparing melt water at home

And so we finally got to the bottom line - how to make melt water at home? The biggest misconception of the majority is that many people think that water is simply enough to freeze and thaw. This is a completely wrong idea about the preparation of melt water. The points:

1 - the preparation of melt water at home begins, in fact, with the water itself. For this, neither tap water, nor boiled water (boiled water is generally an empty load for the body, because it is dead), nor purified with a household filter. We need purchased drinking water. How to choose drinking water in the store? It's very simple - you only need to buy the water that is produced in your region or, ideally, in your city. Water from your area is as close as possible to the composition of your body's water, so it will work best (watch a movie about water, links at the beginning of the article). Therefore, we take water "close" to us. I usually take a five liter bottle.

2 - containers for freezing. It is very important to choose a container for freezing water. Due to the fact that water tends to expand during freezing, pots are not suitable for us. Moreover, contact of water with iron is generally not desirable, especially with aluminum (aluminum is a poison). Among other things, iron has its own energy, which affects the water that is in it. The only exception is silver dishes. So, we go to the hardware store and buy a plastic bucket (better nylon - it stretches better) about 2 liters. At home, rinse it thoroughly with boiling water. Fill with water and put in the freezer.

3 - freezing process. Each freezer will freeze differently. Therefore, empirically, we find out how long it takes for the refrigerator to freeze the water to a state where an unfrozen cavity remains in the center of the container (about the size of a man's fist). it is in the center of this cavity that salts of heavy metals and other nasty things are collected, because all this "goodness" does not freeze. We take out the container from the freezer, chop the ice into 2 parts with a knife and drain the core. As an experiment, you can taste the water that was in the core. You will be impressed for a long time. You will also run for a long time to brush your teeth in order to get rid of the "wonderful" amber in your mouth. After that, it will immediately become clear and understandable what we are drinking - the difference in taste between ordinary water and thawed water is simply colossal. And not only in taste, of course.

4 - then you need to wait until the water thaws. After that, pour it into the container again and put it in the refrigerator again. Water needs to be frozen 2-3 times - few people know about this, and they think that once is enough. I freeze 2 times, because 3 is already lazy:) After the second freeze, the ice crystal becomes completely transparent and clean. Such water regained its natural structure and energy.

5 - after the second freezing, break ice and put it in a three-liter glass jar. It is in glass - glass is a neutral material, so it is ideal for storing water.

6 - I definitely put shungite in the jar and insist for two more days.

As you can see, the process is quite long and takes more than one day, but you are thirsty every day. Therefore, I have set aside 3 three-liter cans for water, which I advise you to do.

Read the information carefully, be sure to look at the links that I have provided in this article. And may your Water always be pure and healthy!
