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DNA reflects everything, including everyday thoughts
DNA reflects everything, including everyday thoughts

Video: DNA reflects everything, including everyday thoughts

Video: DNA reflects everything, including everyday thoughts

Back in 1923, professor at Moscow University Alexander Gavrilovich Gurvichempirically established something SUCH, which subsequently led to a revolution in the understanding of human biology. Professor Gurvich found that cells in living tissues emit information - encoded electromagnetic signals that are located in the ultraviolet range.

This radiation was named so: mitogenetic rays. But this name did not take root among the people. And then they began to speak like this: biofield … From a scientific point of view, the biofield is the main, original type of the biological body. It is his energy-informational matrix. Any organism has this matrix, and the formation of the physical body takes place just under its dictation. In fact, this is the master plan of the human biological body.

… But now we no longer doubt it, but then, from the moment the biofield was discovered and until the beginning of the 60s of the last century, science categorically rejected this given - it did not want to admit that biology (like everything else in the world) is above all information that creates (this or that) physical matter.

And then the world recognized two Englishmen: Watsonand Scream


It was they who discovered that the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) contained in every biological cell is there for a reason, but ensures the transmission from generation to generation of an information program, which has come to be called the genetic program.

This discovery, for which Watson and Crick received the Nobel Prize in 1962, revolutionized the understanding of man and raised a lot of hope.

The most progressive forces of the biological sciences were aimed at deciphering the "genetic code" - and everyone hoped to get the key to eternal youth.

And even to immortality.

… But the scientists were in for overwhelming disappointment. It turned out that the genetic apparatus contains only 1% of ordered information - and it is responsible for the synthesis of proteins. The rest 99% - do not encode anything, and, as it were, are not needed at all.

When scientists realized this, they got so angry that they practically cursed this huge array of DNA that does not perform any genetic functions - they began to call this array like this: "Junk piece of DNA".

But then scientists, of course, calmed down, pulled themselves together and asked themselves the correct question: can it be that over millions of years of evolution in the main information center of a biological organism 99% of "garbage" has been preserved?

And it was then that they remembered the discovery of Professor Gurvich. And they understood: the professor was right.

There is no point in looking at a cell and its genetic material through a microscope - only a tiny part of the genetic code is visible there (only 1%). The main part of the genome (99%) does not exist in material form, but in the form of electromagnetic fields.

Yes, the main genome is located in the biofield.

Which, of course, cannot be static and unchanging - that is why it does not lend itself to fit in some kind of frozen "code".

This is how wave genetics was born. More precisely, linguistic wave genetics

The founder of this progressive trend in genetics was the academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, a member of the New York Academy of Sciences, Petr Petrovich Gariaev.

It was his research and methods that indicated that there is no pre-encoded genetic information that human biology (supposedly) should obey without a murmur, focusing on the biology of its direct ancestors.

Video interview with Petr Petrovich Gariaev:

The human genome is such that it is not encoded in advance, but simply has certain potentials.

P. P. Gariaev

And what potentials become active and functioning - this determines …

Well, of course: for how many years a particular person will live, and how his health state will (or will not) change throughout his life - he is solely responsible information, which is filled with the consciousness of cells - that of this particular person.

We are what we think about all day

And in this regard, it is clear where diseases come from, what provokes "age-related processes", and what is to blame for the fact that we are constantly suffering from something. It's just that in the course of our life we admit all kinds of garbage - garbage information into our consciousness. And that's exactly what it becomes part of our genome. Our DNA code.

Junk information is the very mass beliefs built on outright delusions.

But people believe in them - so they catch on themselves various troubles:

With age, diseases can not be avoided

Diseases are hereditary


1. DNA changes under the influence of the environment, chemicals

2. DNA changes from our emotions and words

3. DNA changes from our thoughts, because our brain emits energy when consciousness works

4. The body has a protective function that repairs DNA mutants

5. Man has power over the genome

6. Each person in the genes has signs of the genus about the propensity to the disease. But in some they appear, while others do not. And this is explained by one thing: the way of life and the emotional state


According to various estimates, the brain produces from 15,000 to 70,000 thoughts a day.
