Extraordinary 2024, May

Weapon of the Ancients - Psychic Influence on Humans

Weapon of the Ancients - Psychic Influence on Humans

PSIVOZDYSTVIE is a weapon of mass destruction that is designed to influence the human brain and its connection with the very soul of a person. What leads to the violation of this connection and the substitution of body control from an external source, and not from the inner self of a person

Parable. Higher education

Parable. Higher education

Three students went on a long journey to test the theory they got at school in practice. After a few years, they returned to the teacher and shared their observations

The history of the magic herbs of the Slavs since ancient times

The history of the magic herbs of the Slavs since ancient times

Historian Ivan Zabelin wrote that in ancient times pagans treated plants as living beings: according to legends, herbs could move from place to place, change their appearance and suddenly disappear, talk to each other, scream and cry. The ancestors also believed that each plant had its own character and disposition

TOP 10 famous treasures of Russia, which have been looking for decades

TOP 10 famous treasures of Russia, which have been looking for decades

The messages about the treasures found in Russia appear on average once every six months. In fact, they are found much more often, but the relationship of treasure hunters with the law in our country does not contribute to publicity in this area. Every treasure hunter dreams of finding one of those famous treasures that they have been looking for for more than a dozen years

5 CREEPY WAYS TO IDENTIFY WITCHES! Why did the Inquisition drown in water and burn with hot iron

5 CREEPY WAYS TO IDENTIFY WITCHES! Why did the Inquisition drown in water and burn with hot iron

Medieval Europe was far from the most pleasant and comfortable place. According to the official version of the story, more than two hundred thousand people living in Germany, Sweden, France, Britain and other countries were involved in terrible tests, the purpose of which was to reveal whether they were witches

Legends and origins of the Giant's Causeway in Ireland

Legends and origins of the Giant's Causeway in Ireland

The Giants' Bridge, or, as it is also called, the Giant's Road, is perhaps one of the most mysterious places on Earth. According to scientific theory, this incredible structure in Northern Ireland, which is flat and similar to a huge pavement megaliths, was created by nature itself. But the locals who believe in ancient myths and legends have a completely different opinion

Mysteries of the Japanese megalith Ishi-no-Hoden

Mysteries of the Japanese megalith Ishi-no-Hoden

A hundred kilometers west of Asuka Park, near the town of Takasago, there is an object, which is a megalith attached to a rock, measuring 5.7x6.4x7.2 meters and weighing about 500-600 tons. Ishi no Hoden

Coricancha - Inca Solar Temple

Coricancha - Inca Solar Temple

Coricancha is the main Sun Temple of the Empire. Only a representative of the highest nobility and, first of all, the current ruler entered it. Representatives of the "simpler" nobility took part in religious events in the adjacent square, where a separate altar was installed. Both the plaza and the altar have survived as part of the courtyard of the Cathedral of Santo Domingo

Giant structures of Zimbabwe as an object of research

Giant structures of Zimbabwe as an object of research

The ruins of giant stone structures in the area of the Zambezi and Limpopo rivers still remain a mystery to scientists. Information about them came back in the 16th century from Portuguese traders who visited the coastal regions of Africa in search of gold, slaves and ivory. Many believed then that it was about the biblical land of Ophir, where the gold mines of King Solomon were located

MEGALITS OF JAPAN - Polygonal Masonry, Castles, Giant Balls, Dolmens in the Land of the Rising Sun

MEGALITS OF JAPAN - Polygonal Masonry, Castles, Giant Balls, Dolmens in the Land of the Rising Sun

Let's start our review of impossible megaliths in Japan with fairly well-known artifacts, and end with the most mysterious ones. Go

Yangshan megalithic structures

Yangshan megalithic structures

On the territory of China, there are not only giant, now covered with earth, pyramids and burials of ancient people of the white race, but also the mystery of antiquity - the Yangshan megaliths, which are three huge megalithic structures, the creation of which is attributed by official science to the Chinese emperor Zhu Di from the Ming dynasty, ruling China in the 15th century. However, many independent researchers consider this version to be clearly far-fetched

Mega Poles of the Golden Age

Mega Poles of the Golden Age

What is the Matrix? This is the System. What is a System? This is our enemy. Look around, who do you see around? People who have been taught that they are border guards, historians, geologists, archaeologists, law enforcement officers, and the tax service. That is, those individuals who, like cogs with youth, were sharpened for the operation of the System and its maintenance, wiped sweat and picked up droppings. The system is designed in such a way that with a young child it does not put creativity and the ability to design something into us, it only teaches us to obey, to live without a goal and not

Forbidden Digital Future. What will our world be like in 50 years?

Forbidden Digital Future. What will our world be like in 50 years?

Lately, many experts have been talking about the structural crisis of capitalism. The general meaning is this: the fuse caught fire in 2008, the world pretended to extinguish it with the printed money supply, but now the very moment comes when the rocket takes off

The origin of man on an earth created for slavery

The origin of man on an earth created for slavery

From the very beginning of humanity, we have sought to explain our origins and answer the fundamental, basic question: where did we come from? In every distant culture scattered around the globe, one can find myths and legends of origin, as different as the culture from which they originate

Combat Trance: What is it and how does it work?

Combat Trance: What is it and how does it work?

What can be in common between the frenzied dances of African tribes and the solemn march to the orchestra during the festive parade? And how are musical instruments related to getting rid of fear and pain, and at the same time from your own "I"? Much stronger than one might think - all this unites a curious phenomenon called "combat trance"

Shave or not shave? Socio-cultural arguments for a beard

Shave or not shave? Socio-cultural arguments for a beard

A beard, or lack thereof, correlates with socio-cultural relationships. If I have available free men of marriageable age, then women begin to give preference to men with facial hair. At the same time, women in modern societies prefer good fathers, and good fathers will always have a slight femininity in appearance

Social life of insects on the example of modern civilization

Social life of insects on the example of modern civilization

According to Morozov, the existence of most modern civilizations is either dying or posthumous non-existence. The process of dying of civilization is presented as three separate sections: historical and cultural

Magic mirrors and their witchcraft properties: superstition and reality

Magic mirrors and their witchcraft properties: superstition and reality

Different peoples endowed mirrors with different properties, but they all believed that these objects were endowed with special magical energy. In ancient times, people believed that mirrors were able to remember everything that was ever reflected in them. This theory is supported by many modern scientists, however, no way has yet been invented to reproduce mirror memory

Underground city Ramenki-43 near Moscow turned out to be fiction

Underground city Ramenki-43 near Moscow turned out to be fiction

The undergrounds of Moscow have been exciting the minds of researchers for decades. Some of them are conditionally accessible and, if desired, you can go there for an excursion accompanied by diggers, others are closed and securely guarded. But there are also places where not only there is no way for mere mortals, but also whose very existence can be determined only by indirect signs, for example, the underground city of Ramenskoye-43, covered with legends no worse than the lost library of Ivan the Terrible

Spark plug from Ford-T 100.500 thousand years old?

Spark plug from Ford-T 100.500 thousand years old?

This find, in fact, unusual and incredible, has long been considered one of the strongest evidences of a highly developed civilization that existed before humans. It was not made entirely by accident: three friends were looking for in the mountains of Koso

Exposing the Crystal Skulls

Exposing the Crystal Skulls

With the ancient Maya, we associate not only the abandoned cities, the calendar, which is believed to predict the end of the world, but also the skulls of crystal. The most famous of them is the find of Mitchell Hedges, or "the skull of Destiny"

The Flood: a controversial ancient legend

The Flood: a controversial ancient legend

The ancient legend is still controversial. Some believe that Noah's ark was hidden on Ararat, others argue that as a result of the flood, Crimea appeared on the map

"Lazarus Syndrome": spontaneous resurrection

"Lazarus Syndrome": spontaneous resurrection

"Lazarus Syndrome": how the human body reanimates itself in seemingly critical situations. And scientists are sure that this happens often enough

Who borrowed languages from whom?

Who borrowed languages from whom?

Studying a foreign language at school, at the institute, we, of course, noticed that some English

A tale about the Forgotten Archimedes manuscript

A tale about the Forgotten Archimedes manuscript

It is useful to look at this history from the point of view of the New Chronology, which is used by the entire scientific world without exception. Yes, this is not a misprint, the modern official history is the result of the New Chronology of Scaliger and Petavius, who worked on compiling the historical annals of the planet in the 16-17 centuries

Before the conquest, there were 25 billion

Before the conquest, there were 25 billion

One of the most scandalous topics of official "science" is the problem with the population of the planet, which no one really knows. According to data published in "encyclopedias", 7.6 billion people live on Earth at the moment, but this figure cannot be verified

9 agonizing years in a basement waiting for the end of the world

9 agonizing years in a basement waiting for the end of the world

In the northeast of the Netherlands, on a remote farm near the village of Røinerwold in the province of Drenthe, police found six children aged 18 to 25 who were hiding in a basement with a 58-year-old man for at least 9 years, RTV Drenthe reports. The hermit family did not maintain any external contacts and lived at the expense of their own economy - they grew food in their garden and kept a goat, several geese and a dog

Aldo Costa's gravity wheel - how it works

Aldo Costa's gravity wheel - how it works

All tourists visiting France know about the Eiffel Tower and the Champs Elysees. However, few people know that there are no less interesting things there that are not customary to talk about in the media. But truth be told, there is not too much information on the net about them. One of these attractions is a large wheel located behind a private house in Villiers-sur-Morin

A country with no prisons, no lawyers, and a high life expectancy

A country with no prisons, no lawyers, and a high life expectancy

On the world map, there is an amazing dwarf country located between Spain and France. It occupies a very small area - 468 square kilometers. But in this case, the size does not matter at all. The most amazing thing is that in this small state there is order in everything

What's wrong with the proportions of ancient Greek temples?

What's wrong with the proportions of ancient Greek temples?

The ability of the human brain to change the visual perception of objects, to distort their color, shape, size, image and line was known to the ancient architects, who learned to filigreely violate the proportions of elements, deflect them from vertical or horizontal, bend contours and shapes so that a person could see perfect picture

Glass harmonica: notoriety for a unique instrument

Glass harmonica: notoriety for a unique instrument

Music has accompanied man for millennia. A huge variety of musical instruments have appeared. And if most of them have existed for millennia, then the history of some goes back a few years. A striking example is the glass harmonica: which at first caused delight, and then - fear, because many began to believe that its sound … drives people crazy

TOP-8 Surviving ancient temples built in the rocks

TOP-8 Surviving ancient temples built in the rocks

Even at the dawn of mankind, ancient people used caves not only as a shelter from bad weather and predatory animals. Despite the fact that stone is a very durable material, our ancestors were able to create unique temples, fortresses and entire cities

Unique ancient step wells in India

Unique ancient step wells in India

Climatic conditions play a fundamental role in organizing the life of any people, especially when it comes to water supply. India is no exception, in which stepped wells have been created since ancient times - grandiose masterpieces of underground architecture

Ellora: unique temples carved into the rock

Ellora: unique temples carved into the rock

India is a wonderful and amazing country, striking with its extraordinary history, majestic palaces and ancient temples, which are of particular value for world culture. The ancient Hindu civilization left a rich heritage that amazes the time-worn contemporaries

Little known facts about famous landmarks

Little known facts about famous landmarks

It would seem impossible to hide or conceal any information in the age of modern technology. This is especially true of historical monuments, which are also popular tourist sites. However, as practice shows, even those sights that are known to almost everyone on the planet hide many secrets

How did the human language of TOP-6 theories appear?

How did the human language of TOP-6 theories appear?

The question of the origin of language has occupied many prominent thinkers, but it was posed and resolved in very different ways. So for the famous scientist Potebnya, this was a question "about the phenomena of mental life that preceded language, about the laws of its formation and development, about its influence on subsequent mental activity, that is, a purely psychological question."

Human language: one of the world's main mysteries

Human language: one of the world's main mysteries

Language is one of the main features that distinguish a person from the animal world. This is not to say that animals do not know how to communicate with each other. However, such a highly developed, will-driven system of sound communication was formed only in Homo sapiens. How did we become the owners of this unique gift?

What happened to the human body over the past 100 years

What happened to the human body over the past 100 years

Modern people are not like those who lived 100 years ago. We are much taller, we live longer, we have more and more often the median artery of the hand and less often wisdom teeth grow. And we also have new bones. Are we still evolving? Or are we just adapting to new conditions, like all living organisms?

TOP-10 ancient Greek inventions

TOP-10 ancient Greek inventions

What's the first thing that comes to mind when it comes to ancient Greece? Culture and mythology, literature, philosophy, mathematical theorems, the Olympic Games, sculptures of athletes and gods from snow-white marble … But we often forget about the incredible technological achievements of the Greek civilization, in many ways ahead of their era. And there were quite a few of them

10 unusual human body abnormalities

10 unusual human body abnormalities

Genetics is a strict thing, but sometimes it allows itself to relax. Each of us is unique in its own way: a dimple on one cheek, a cute mole, expressive eyes … all this is great, but there are people who are lucky