Extraordinary 2024, May

Scientists are actively experimenting with quantum teleportation

Scientists are actively experimenting with quantum teleportation

For the heroes of science fiction films, teleportation is a common thing. One press of a button - and they dissolve in the air, so that in a couple of seconds they find themselves hundreds and thousands of kilometers away: in another country or even on another planet

Phytoncidal properties of plants as an invisible weapon

Phytoncidal properties of plants as an invisible weapon

The victim was brought to the surgical clinic of the Kiev Medical Institute unconscious. In the case history it was briefly written: “Patient K., 24 years old, 3rd degree burn from the explosion of a gasoline tank. The burn size is more than 60 percent of the body surface. Delivered to the clinic two hours after the burn in an extremely serious condition, temperature 40 °; delirious "

Why are there controversies about the reality of our world?

Why are there controversies about the reality of our world?

Twenty years after the release of the first "Matrix", directors are shooting the fourth. During this time, a lot has changed: the Wachowski brothers became sisters, and scientists took the main idea of the film to heart: imagine, many physicists are seriously discussing the theory that our world is just a matrix, and we are digital models in it

Aquatic theory of human origin

Aquatic theory of human origin

The official theory of the origin of man in modern science is "savannah". Its idea is that our distant ancestor, a monkey, got down from the trees and went to live in the savannah. There he developed bipedalism

Discoveries of underwater exploration of the Black Sea

Discoveries of underwater exploration of the Black Sea

In the water area of the Crimea, more than 2,000 ships were found that sank in different eras: from the times of the Bosporus kingdom to the period of the Great Patriotic War. What was on board these ships? What historical events and personalities are associated with these objects? And most importantly, what are the goals set by archaeologists? These questions were answered by Viktor Vakhoneev, Deputy Director of the Black Sea Center for Underwater Research

XXII century through the prism of science fiction writers: prophecies of writers

XXII century through the prism of science fiction writers: prophecies of writers

Technology advances so fast that we often can't keep up. Very soon, humanity will be able to turn other worlds into gardens of paradise and wipe entire continents off the face of the Earth with a snap of the fingers. Our friends from "Eksmo" have collected for you the most interesting works on the coming century and the problems that it will bring

Achievements of Technocratic Civilization 2018

Achievements of Technocratic Civilization 2018

Since 2001, MIT Technology Review magazine has compiled a list of the most incredible technological breakthroughs that it believes will define our lives for years to come

Arithmetic riddles of Civilization

Arithmetic riddles of Civilization

In recent decades, there has been a growing stream of studies that cast doubt on the reliability of many statements of historical science. Behind its quite decent façade, there is a darkness of fantasies, fables and simply outright forgeries. This also applies to the history of mathematics

The problem of "zero" in the works of Mendeleev

The problem of "zero" in the works of Mendeleev

The more I had to think about the nature of chemical elements, the more I deviated both from the classical concept of primary matter, and from the hope of achieving the desired comprehension of the nature of elements by studying electrical and light phenomena, and each time more urgently and more clearly I realized that earlier this or first it is necessary to get a more real idea of the "mass" and of the "ether" than now. D. I. Mendeleev

TOP 7 wrong predictions about 2020 that never came true

TOP 7 wrong predictions about 2020 that never came true

A person always gravitates with the imagination of something unknown to him. And the desire to know the future is one of the most popular and interesting manifestations of such curiosity. And if some of the predictions of the people of the past have really come true or are about to be realized, then the majority still remain just fantasies. Here are 7 predictions that never came true by 2020

TOP 10 new technologies that should change the world for the better

TOP 10 new technologies that should change the world for the better

Each year, MIT Technology Review, one of the most respected publications in its field, presents ten new technologies that should change the world for the better. This year, the editorial board of the Review itself made a small revolution by providing an opportunity to select the top ten for an external curator. It was a businessman who, it seems, will always be associated with breakthrough technologies, even though in practical terms almost all competitors have overtaken him. This person is B

How is native gold born?

How is native gold born?

It is believed that all chemical elements were originally present in the protoplanetary cloud. From it formed: a metal core in the center of the planet and various minerals around it. And although this is only a model, a hypothesis - it dominates as a fundamental one. Many metals from the bowels through the plumes

Mystery of the Patomsky crater

Mystery of the Patomsky crater

Russia on its territory is simply replete with various unique places and natural wonders. Some of them are included in the list of the most famous secret and unidentified mysteries in the world. One of these mysteries is a unique geological formation in the form of a cone-shaped crater on the territory of the Irkutsk region, called by the local "Nest of the fiery eagle"

Unique architecture of temples in Thailand

Unique architecture of temples in Thailand

Thailand's popularity among tourists is increasing from year to year. This is facilitated by the delightful nature, the incredible hospitality of the inhabitants, as well as the beautiful and unusual architecture of numerous Temples. There are a huge number of religious buildings in Thailand. Visiting temples is by all means included in the excursion program - and for good reason. There is something to see here

Deadly delicacies of the northern peoples

Deadly delicacies of the northern peoples

Kopalchen can save lives - but only for a select few. This dish will kill the stranger. One such incident occurred in the 1970s

If wood is lighter than water, why did wooden ships sink?

If wood is lighter than water, why did wooden ships sink?

Previously, all ships were wooden, but this did not help them in a wreck. They safely went into the depths of the sea. Many are still at the bottom, as evidenced by photographs taken by divers in various parts of the world. And if wood is much lighter than water, then why is this happening?

What are fractals: the beauty of mathematics and infinity

What are fractals: the beauty of mathematics and infinity

Fractals have been known for a century, have been well studied and have numerous applications in life. However, this phenomenon is based on a very simple idea: an infinite number of shapes, infinite in beauty and variety, can be obtained from relatively simple structures using only two operations - copying and scaling

Energy imbalance: How much heat does our planet get?

Energy imbalance: How much heat does our planet get?

Well, how do you like summer? Hot? In St. Petersburg, for example, the heat can go crazy - the last few days have become the hottest in the Northern capital over the past 116 years. So that you understand, it is almost impossible to find a fan somewhere in the warehouse of St. Petersburg hardware stores

Pterygium, Filtrum, Glabella: How well do you know your body?

Pterygium, Filtrum, Glabella: How well do you know your body?

Are you sure you know all the nooks and crannies of your body well? Well, then it's no secret for you how thoroughly you need to clean the fissure, what protects the pterygium, what the axilla smells like, and how the hallux literally helps us not to fall face down in the mud. For those to whom all these words are an unknown set of letters, a small educational program

There were giant mushrooms on the ground that were taller than the trees

There were giant mushrooms on the ground that were taller than the trees

At the beginning of the Paleozoic era, land was dominated not by animals or plants, but by giant mushrooms. It was they who launched the transformation of continents with life and made the world as populous as it is today - almost half a billion years later

What happens if you remove half of the brain?

What happens if you remove half of the brain?

The human brain is the command center of the nervous system. It receives signals from the senses and transmits information to the muscles, and in certain areas of the left or right hemisphere, depending on the activity, forms new neural connections, in other words, it learns. But what if, as a result of treatment, a person physically removed one of the hemispheres?

Sea monsters: where did the legends about Leviathan, Kraken come from

Sea monsters: where did the legends about Leviathan, Kraken come from

Where do all these world legends about the Leviathan, the Kraken and the Jormungand snake come from, if there is nothing like it in the sea? The Norwegian oceanologist explains what could have prompted our ancestors to create such a mythology, and adds that in the depths of the world's oceans there is still a lot of unknown

What's wrong with the proportions of the Egyptian Sphinx

What's wrong with the proportions of the Egyptian Sphinx

Every person who has visited Giza and personally saw the Sphinx will understand that something is not quite right with it. Although this can be seen in the photo or picture. The fact is that his body is huge, but his head is disproportionately small. What then happened to the Sphinx?

Mysteries of Evolution: Ancient Animals That Didn't Die Out

Mysteries of Evolution: Ancient Animals That Didn't Die Out

The evolution of life on Earth contains many mysteries. One of them is evolutionary leaps, during which, in a short time by paleontological standards, new groups of living beings or new signs appeared that radically change the "structure" of an organism. Example - the origin of birds from dinosaurs

Why do we listen to the same music over and over

Why do we listen to the same music over and over

We all know this state when the song literally gets stuck in the head. Moreover, it does not have to be good: sometimes we cannot get out of our minds a song that is popular, but we subjectively don’t like it. Why is that? It's all about the impact of repetition, and its ability to make us remember or participate is just a small part of what happens

What scientists think about the déjà vu effect

What scientists think about the déjà vu effect

Many of us were concerned with the phenomenon of déjà vu - the feeling when new events seemed to have happened sometime before. Maybe this "glitch in the matrix" is nothing more than a short circuit of the brain? Activation of false memories or illness? Mystic or simple solution to cognitive conflict?

Suzanne Simard: On the Extraordinary Abilities of Trees

Suzanne Simard: On the Extraordinary Abilities of Trees

Suzanne Simard, an ecologist at the University of British Columbia, has devoted many years to the study of trees and came to the conclusion that trees are social creatures that exchange nutrients, help each other and report insect pests and other environmental threats

Point Nemo: The Ocean Pole Of Inaccessibility

Point Nemo: The Ocean Pole Of Inaccessibility

On the planet, despite the current level of scientific and technological progress, there are still places where people try not to appear. At the same time, representatives of flora and fauna feel great in most of them. We are talking about the famous "oceanic pole of inaccessibility", also known as the mysterious Point Nemo

TOP-7 mysteries in the field of archeology

TOP-7 mysteries in the field of archeology

Our world is full of mysteries. Over time, many secrets of history are revealed to scientists, but there are also those that defy any scientific explanation and only produce many mystical stories around them. We offer you to learn about the seven most intriguing finds of archaeologists, the secrets of which are still beyond the control of modern man

7 interesting facts about the Far North

7 interesting facts about the Far North

Not all cold territories of Russia are geographically located in the north. However, due to the peculiarities of the landscape, many areas have such a harsh climate that they are also referred to as the Far North

Tragic stories of people who won the lottery

Tragic stories of people who won the lottery

When we read the news that someone hit the jackpot and became rich overnight, we are often filled with envy. But we never ask ourselves the question of how the fate of the winners developed after receiving the win

10 rare and amazing abilities of the human body

10 rare and amazing abilities of the human body

We do not know how to become invisible or fly without aids, but still people are not as simple as they seem. Some of us are gifted with amazing properties that can be called superpowers, although not as obvious as those of the X-Men mutants

Speed record holders in the animal world

Speed record holders in the animal world

Everyone knows that the fastest animal on earth is the cheetah. But with a small amendment - only on land. Only birds of prey would participate in the "common animal" rating, and the cheetah would not even get into the top ten. So we will consider super-fast animals not only in terms of the direct indicator of "kilometers per hour", but also taking into account their size and habitat

TOP-10 Unusual finds preserved in amber

TOP-10 Unusual finds preserved in amber

Millions of years ago, trees oozed with a sticky resin that retained everything that got into it. Freezing, the resins turned into amber and carried the prehistoric moments through millions of years. Animals and plants extracted from amber give us invaluable information about life in ancient times

Experiments to create a human-animal hybrid

Experiments to create a human-animal hybrid

Do you think this is only possible in a sci-fi or horror movie? Not at all: scientists around the world are conducting experiments on crossing humans and animals

The geometry of the star fortress in the Rostov region received an explanation

The geometry of the star fortress in the Rostov region received an explanation

The earthen fortress of St. Anna, located in the Rostov region, is a unique fortification structure that has survived to this day in such a good condition. If you look at the monument of defensive architecture of the 18th century. from the ground - you will not notice anything remarkable. But if you look at it from a bird's eye view, there will be no limit to surprise. This is due to its unusual, as for this kind of structures, forms that gave rise to many legends and incredible stories

Underground "roads" of the ancients - from Turkey to Scotland

Underground "roads" of the ancients - from Turkey to Scotland

Amazing underground communications network in Europe. Their purpose is still a mystery

The star city that has become invisible

The star city that has become invisible

All buildings in Palmanova are built below the horizon so that they cannot be seen from behind the wall, even the bell tower of the cathedral is surprisingly squat for Italy

Ancient Greece

Ancient Greece

Today's world map is virtual. It correctly shows the relief, the outlines of the coastlines. However, the modern names and locations of many states have nothing to do with the historical reality

Bad Valley Megalithic Guard

Bad Valley Megalithic Guard

The Secret of the Majestic Guardians of the Bad Valley