The world after the USA
The world after the USA

Video: The world after the USA

Video: The world after the USA
Video: Can Jews wear a star of David safely in Berlin? 2024, April

Over the past few days, events have been developing at an incredible speed. But these events demonstrate that Russia, after long years of oblivion, has finally dared to oust the world hegemon.

The refugee situation demonstrates that Europe has never presented itself as an independent player, but only followed the lead of its overlord. China also shows that it is not capable of taking on the role of world leader, but will remain a satellite of its master. Only China, in contrast to Europe, chooses a new owner, depending on the circumstances. First it was Japan, then the United States, now his choice fell on Russia.

But the hegemon does not give up either, and it is obvious that he will not just leave the world Olympus. One gets the impression that he will be ready at the very last moment to destroy the world, if only the leading role does not go to anyone else. If in the past, when nothing threatened the US positions in the world, they pursued a policy of chaos and destruction, then one can only imagine what they are capable of when this colossus collapses.

Now let's imagine a picture that I would call "The World After the USA". What's in store for us? Let's say that civilization survived and the departure from the world arena of such a major player as the United States did not entail catastrophic consequences. It should be borne in mind that the collapse of a power does not imply the destruction of its inhabitants, especially those who were at the helm and ruled the US policy in the last years of its existence. They will be defeated, but not physically destroyed, at least not all of them. Even today we do not know all these people, because, as far as I understand, all these Schiffs, Boruchs, Rothschilds and Rockefellers are just their "overseers", and the main players are in the shadows and are unlikely to come out of it. That is, “after the United States,” all these people, if you can call them that, will continue to live. And what, in your opinion, will people who, over several centuries, or even millennia, are not just used to, but considered it the norm to lead a parasitic lifestyle? Do you think they will repent and take the path of correction? Will they start to work like everyone else, in the sweat of their brow? Something tells me that, as it were, not so. These people will hide again, waiting in the wings, and will again build their intrigues until they gain the upper hand over civilization. And judging by the latest "discoveries" of alternative history, this has happened more than once on earth, and we are not the first civilization on this planet.

What is the way out of this desperate situation? Is this struggle between good and evil going to last forever - evil will replace good and vice versa, and all this will be accompanied by wars, the victims of which will be innocent people?

In my opinion, there is a way out, you just need to create conditions in which it will be extremely difficult for these "behind-the-scenes" figures to build their intrigues and create these conditions all over the world, so that they do not have the opportunity to take even a small foothold from which they can start their climbing.

How to create these conditions? Yes, you must use their own methods. In fact, today they rule the world through corporations, and not through countries, which means that you need to make corporations out of countries, which will be owned by the people of these countries. Stalin, at one time created such a country-corporation and, evil did not like it very much, to such an extent that they still throw mud at Stalin and make every effort so that this country-corporation will never again be reborn in the form in which it was created by Stalin. This suggests that Stalin did everything right and today we need to revive this corporation country, he made only one mistake - the shareholders of this corporation country should not be communist party leaders, but all citizens of this corporation country. To do this, you need to create a state holding, to whose assets to transfer all state property, including industrial enterprises, various organizations, land, rivers, forests, fields, the entire infrastructure of settlements, communications, etc. The holding will include other enterprises, as well as various services (marketing, logistics, accounting, etc.). The form of ownership is a closed joint stock company. Now comes the fun part. Ownership will be assigned to all citizens in the form of shares. One citizen can only own one share. The share is registered and is not subject to sale, inheritance, or any other type of alienation and is canceled after the death of the citizen. This will suppress all attempts at speculation and, moreover, will not allow the situation with vouchers to recur in the early 90s, that is, all citizens during their lifetime will be permanent and unchanging owners of all state property, and therefore, full-fledged masters of their country.


And you don't even need to nationalize private property, since private owners will continue to pay taxes to this state. the holding only in the form of rent for the use of the resources of the holding, which in fact will be state-owned. And over time, it is possible that the private sector will flow into the state, as the state will remain the most efficient and the main capitalist in the person of its owners, that is, the owners of the state. holding.

In my opinion, it will be difficult to parasitize in such a state, especially since the entire political background will fall off as an atavism, since the main goal of such a state will be the development of the economy, and not a political struggle for some ephemeral power, which, by definition, will already belong to the people …
