Fake history of mankind. Stalin's industrialization
Fake history of mankind. Stalin's industrialization

Video: Fake history of mankind. Stalin's industrialization

Video: Fake history of mankind. Stalin's industrialization
Video: Alphabetical Order | ABC Order | Learn how to place words in alphabetical order. 2024, April

Few people think: where did the mighty Soviet industry come from in 15 years (1925-1940) of Stalin's industrialization. How in such a short period of time, in an agrarian country bled by the Revolution and the Civil War, railways (Turksib, Karaganda-Balkhash, etc.), huge enterprises (for example, the Stalingrad tractor, Gorky automobile plants) were built, new industries were created (heavy engineering, aviation, automobile, chemical industry, etc.), giant industrial complexes and centers, among which Magnitka, Kuzbass, the Baku oil region stand out? No one could even calculate exactly how many factories and factories were built, they say: 6-9 thousand! In a word, during the years of the first five-year plans, the USSR made a genuine economic leap.

To the question: where does all this splendor come from ?, the official history, modestly looking down, replies: “A significant role in the success of industrialization was played by the supply of equipment and the arrival of specialists from Germany, the USA, England, France, Italy. equipped with new factories and virtually all power plants opened in these years. Without the company of the American hydro-builder Cooper, the Dneproges would not have been built. Without American automobile engineers, domestic trucks and cars would not have appeared. Hundreds of Soviet engineers and technicians could be found at the enterprises of the largest industrial centers of Europe. where they, sent by the party, mastered advanced technologies. Mountains of Soviet gold, promises of profitable concessions attracted foreign firms. According to some reports, Soviet purchases of technology in 1931 amounted to a third of all world exports of machinery and equipment, and in 1932 - about half of world exports."

Excuse me, but where does the money come from? After all, the royal gold reserves disappeared in an unknown direction. Did we give birth to this gold, or was it lying along the Russian roads? In response, we hear: "The financial support of industrialization was achieved due to a sharp increase in taxation of the NEPmen, and simply of townspeople and peasants, as well as due to higher prices, a general decline in the living standards of people, active (sometimes on an unprecedented scale) export abroad and sale at dumping prices. The prices of Russia's natural resources, especially timber, oil, gold, furs, and the food that the country desperately needs. Gold and jewelry hidden for a rainy day were squeezed out of people. Various methods were used: from keeping people suspected of keeping gold in prisons in unbearable conditions to opening shops selling for foreign currency, but attractive in a poor country, shops - “torgsin”."

Wait, let's figure it out. How can taxation be strengthened and the living standards of citizens who have not worked anywhere for 5 years but only fought with each other, and whose living standards are on the verge of starvation: after all, the Civil War has just ended, the country is in ruin, there is nothing, there is no industry (after all, it has yet to be created), the peasantry has already been robbed by both white and red and the harvest is collected only once a year (and robbing more often, well, it does not work out at all), and only the Cheka and the tax service clearly work in the country from public institutions (everything is as it is now, history repeats itself)? Nepmen are small entrepreneurs in the field of trade and services to the population and they do not create any socially useful product, but in conditions of total deficit they are simply speculators. Our forest is still not needed by anyone (well, we do not have valuable breeds) and at the beginning of the 20th century, even more so, the same with furs (the world begins a great depression and not to furs) and oil (all equipment is steam-powered, and the internal combustion engine is only in the beginning of the path). And churches and museums were plundered during the revolution. All that remains is to take gold from the population, which has not yet managed to exchange it for food. Those. state banditry for Russia is normal.

Suppose that the Americans and the Germans (and the equipment and machine tools in our factories only with their brands) suddenly fell in love with us as relatives (and there is no other way to explain it) and gave us all this on credit. But in fact for nothing: after all, who in their right mind would believe a gang of Jews (I love) led by a Georgian, who seized power in Russia. But then the question arises: where did Germany and the USA get all these factories, machines and equipment? Germany at that time was a poverty-stricken country and after the First World War, everything was hung with indemnities, like a Christmas tree, and the growth of its economy began only with the coming to power of Hitler. And the USA is a country of cowboys and cows, Indians and bison, blacks and plantations, forests and prairies. And where the mighty industry came from is an even bigger mystery than our industrialization. In any case, from westerns and gangster films, for some reason filmed by Italians (where is the USA, and where is Italy?), This is not understandable.

It is also incomprehensible: where did so many workers and engineers appear at once in backward, illiterate, peasant Russia to ensure the work of all these newly minted plants and factories? It is simply impossible to train qualified personnel in such a timeframe and in such quantities. Did everyone study abroad, in Cambridge and Oxford, improving their technical English and German beforehand?

In general, we can safely say that Stalin's industrialization is science fiction, which, however, is not far from the truth.

I believe that we live in just such a fantastic reality, which is regularly corrected by someone's powerful hand. Try to explain everything that happens to us from the standpoint of common sense and cause-and-effect relationships, and you will fail.


The scientific and technological progress of mankind is not driven by us. Someone or something from the outside regularly tweaks our reality. When in different places of the planet there are sudden bursts of scientific, technical, intellectual and cultural development of countries. We call it an economic miracle, and in fact it is. It started in England 200 years ago. I believe that it was then that humanity appeared on the planet. Already "packed" by cities, industry, agriculture and culture. And off we go … USA, Japan, Russia, Germany, France, Korea, China. Have you been to Asia? I happened to visit Japan and Korea. A persistent feeling of surrealism arises: I do not want to offend anyone, but the mind completely refuses to believe that the Japanese and Koreans are related to their economic miracle. It is enough to watch their films, performances, TV programs, communicate with them, in general, plunge into the culture, to understand: mentally they have nothing to do with their economic miracle. Someone or something built factories for them, cities of glass and steel, created a structure of social and economic ties and launched this gigantic mechanism. And all this has been working properly for years and decades (what they got up to with their Fukushima when an unexpected failure occurred is a separate conversation). The same thing happened with Stalin's industrialization and worked properly until the collapse of the USSR. That bastard Russia of the 20s of the twentieth century, it is also impossible to mentally link up with industrialization. What is the mechanism of intervention in our reality, I will consider in a separate article.
