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Unified history textbook in 4 volumes. Evgeny Yurievich Spitsyn
Unified history textbook in 4 volumes. Evgeny Yurievich Spitsyn

Video: Unified history textbook in 4 volumes. Evgeny Yurievich Spitsyn

Video: Unified history textbook in 4 volumes. Evgeny Yurievich Spitsyn

Despite the fact that this textbook reflects the traditional version of history, it helps to destroy many Russophobic myths about our recent past, in particular, ideological mines on the history of the twentieth century. Without a good knowledge of the traditional version of history, it is impossible to have meaningful discussions about alternative versions …

This fall, a presentation of the folk history textbook in 4 volumes, written by the scientist and teacher Yevgeny Yuryevich Spitsyn, took place in Moscow.

People's history textbook Spitsyn because the money for his publishing house was collected by the whole world, through social networks. An ordinary teacher was able to do what the Ministry of Education could not do - to solve the problem of a single history textbook:

I do not impose my own point of view. I do not impose the point of view of any specific group of authors. I give different points of view on key historical events, characters, and so on. On the one hand, this removes the notorious question of imposing a single view of history, and on the other hand, it gives tremendous opportunities to enrich one's horizons and teaches us to perceive information correctly. It fosters information literacy, which is so lacking in a modern society that succumbs to propaganda provocations. Shows how the same event or person can be evaluated differently (often diametrically opposite) by historical schools of different historical eras.

E. Yu. Spitsyn.

Spitsyn's history textbook differs from all others in that it organically intertwines the centuries-old history of Russia and historiography. In other words, the historical narrative in it turns out to be closely intertwined with descriptions of events, dates, names; with historiographic plots containing complete information on the periods of national history, including controversial ones, and its main characters.

It took Spitsyn more than 15 years to create this textbook; it includes an analysis of several hundred sources and historical research, which were authored by prominent historians, including our contemporaries.

The structure of the popular history textbook E. Spitsyn

The textbook consists of 4 volumes, which are divided into 9 chapters and 95 topics on the main periods of the history of Russia, starting with the ethnogenesis of the Slavs and the formation of the Old Russian state, ending with the collapse of the USSR in 1991, and in the indicated chronological framework fully corresponds to the new historical and cultural standard approved President V. V. Putin.

And in terms of the content of the most detailed historiography and bibliography of historical research, it even surpasses this standard.

In this tutorial, you can find links to all primary sources and additional materials on the topic, which may be necessary when preparing for a lesson or lecture, as well as for writing abstracts and other written works. All this greatly facilitates the work of both a history teacher at school and a teacher at a university.

Finally, as a textbook, the four-volume book will be useful for the students themselves, applicants and high school students in in-depth study of the subject or in the preparation of essays, coursework, reports.

About the author of the tutorial

Evgeny Yuryevich Spitsyn is a historian, teacher with 25 years of experience. In the early nineties he graduated with honors from the Faculty of History of the Moscow State Pedagogical University. V. I. Lenin. For about 20 years, 25 years he worked as a history teacher in the senior grades of two Moscow schools, as well as the director of one of these schools. Author of several dozen articles, publications on historical topics and on problems of general and higher education.

Buy a single history textbook of Spitsyn in 4 volumes

Video - Russophobes rule the ball, a fragment of a speech by the author of a unified history textbook (duration 12 min.)

Video - presentation of the Unified History Textbook (duration 50 min.)

Famous historian, sociologist and publicist Andrey Fursov, as well as physicist Alexey Zolotarev came to support the author. Andrei Fursov noted that since we have proclaimed the principle of VARIABILITY in teaching history, teachers can use their right to choose Evgeny Spitsyn as the main textbook. During the conversation, a lot of valuable historical information unknown to the general public was voiced.
