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Why are Russians fleeing from the West?
Why are Russians fleeing from the West?

Video: Why are Russians fleeing from the West?

Video: Why are Russians fleeing from the West?
Video: Opoki, Vologda Region, Russia 2024, April

Ekaterina Demesheva has been living in Europe for six years with her Austrian husband, during this time she became the mother of three boys and does not hide her dream - to live with her family in a house in nature somewhere in Russia. The main thing for her is that her sons can be brought up here in the Russian tradition, and not in the stream of gay propaganda, which has become a real Western misfortune. Ekaterina talks about life in Europe with gratitude and at the same time with great concern.


Ekaterina, please tell us how you ended up in Germany?

- My parents are from Russia, and I was born and raised in Ukraine. The first time I went to Europe, namely to Germany, was in 2006 under the Au-Pair program. I worked as a nanny for a German family, but six months later I returned back to Ukraine. Three years later, I decided to go to Europe again. And she stayed. I got married here, my eldest son is already four, the middle one is three, and the youngest is a year old.

We have been convinced for decades how good it is in the West, when we ourselves come there, we see a very attractive picture. What are we not aware of?

- As a wife and mother, first of all I would like to note juvenile justice - the removal of children from families without trial or investigation, forced sex education of children practically from the cradle, aggressive propaganda of same-sex relationships, destruction of the family institution, transformation of men and women into amorphous creatures without sex. I'm not even talking about stereotypes about European democracy, prosperity and freedom. Sometimes it seems that it applies only to all kinds of perversion and degradation.

What are these stereotypes?

In Europe, a lot of attention is paid to the picture. In Holland, a huge fine is imposed on a warehouse on a balcony, which is often seen in Russia or Ukraine. Everything should be perfectly clean. This, I do not argue, is good, but there are some nuances. Germany is renowned for its beautiful roads, which are kept in perfect condition thanks to very high taxes. But I was very stunned when I learned that the roads inside the settlements are being repaired at the expense of the owners of the sites, past which the work is being carried out! And this money is rather big, sometimes it is amounts from 10 thousand euros, so people have to take out loans or sell their plots. For example, recently in our village a man bought a house, but a road was laid along his house. He had to sell this house to pay for the trip.

And if there is no money to pay for the road, which you do not even ask?

Take a loan, look for this money - no one will ask you. Another kind of tax on "air" This is a monthly payment for TV from a family, as well as from children over 18 years old if they live with their parents, regardless of whether you have a TV set or not. Moreover, the tax amount is no less than 50 euros.

Why Russians RUN from the West (part 1)
Why Russians RUN from the West (part 1)

- What is this “forced sex education of children” in Europe?

I first encountered him in Vienna when I went to a nanny course organized by the union. There we were told about sex education for eight hours, mainly for preschool children. This is what the subject was called: Sexual Pedagogy. We were taught that almost from the first year of life a child receives sexual pleasure, and at the age of 12 he even mentally begins to look for a sexual partner among family members. That is, the desire of girls to marry a father, and boys to a mother, which a normal person will explain by the fact that parents for a child are a model of what a husband and wife should be, for European society is a desire to copulate, which supposedly begins to ripen from the first months when a child gets oral pleasure from sucking his thumb or other objects … I am quoting you verbatim.

And all this from an early age?

Yes, and in European kindergartens there are special corners in which children can retire to examine, touch and show their genitals. This is also normal, I emphasize, for the European society. Children are taught to masturbate, they are required to be taken to exhibitions dedicated to genitals and copulation, children's books are published, where the prince falls in love with the prince, and the princess - with the princess, cartoons are shown on television, where the main characters are male and female reproductive organs. Somewhere it is already suggested that incest, pedophilia and even bestiality are normal.

But this is violence over the psyche of a child, turning him into a slave of his genitals

Violence here is considered to be teaching and upbringing in a child of a creative principle. In the kindergarten, children are already being taught that they have every right to say to their parents: "NO", if children are asked to clean toys in the room or take out the trash, learn homework, help around the house, they can complain about "rapist parents" to the juvenile authorities.

Why, from your point of view, is it so dangerous, and Russian parents need to be on the alert?

As a consequence of these lessons, there is an early disinhibition of sexuality. Boys are taught to indulge their sexual instincts, after such lessons they have no respect for girls, they see the girl only as a thing for pleasure. The relationship between a man and a woman is shown as a mutually beneficial relationship that is not binding. "Don't love, don't be friends - use it!" Officially, girls are taught that they need to be available, try with everyone, that the main thing is sexual pleasures, not creating a family and having healthy children. Destroying family values, the system gets easily controllable slaves, for whom there are no concepts of love, dignity, friendship, creativity, loyalty, homeland.


Can't you refuse to attend these "lessons"?

I already know several cases when children simply ran away from sex education lessons, but they were dragged into the classroom by force, and when they finally ran away, their parents were sent a fine. The parents did not pay the fine, and their father had to serve a day in prison. One Orthodox mother of eight children had to serve eight days already. And in another family, the children were even seized juvenile organs, and only thanks to the fact that the whole community stood up to protect the family, the children were returned to them. This family left Germany. Lessons in sex education, as well as lessons in religion, are required here. In some schools, they start as early as the third grade. This is the kind of democracy and freedom.

And what about the observance of human rights and equality in Europe?

My husband and I were interested in adoption: it is a rather laborious process. People have been waiting for years to adopt a child, but the green light is for sodomites! Same sex couples! So they get babies in a fairly short time, while traditional couples sometimes have to wait five years. For me, it's hard to call it equality. In Germany, France, Italy, actions were held against sexual education, same-sex marriages, adoption of children by same-sex children, but it turns out that adequate people are already in the minority, and no one wants to listen to them. It all starts with tolerance. Among our friends in Germany, parents are trying to send their children to private Catholic schools, since education in them is even more or less conservative. True, after the scandal around sexual harassment and molestation of minors by priests in the Bavarian Catholic monastery of Ettal, which thundered in 2010, the Catholic school is also not a comforting option for me. Dear parents, take this seriously. Perhaps the Russians are the last people on Earth who can stop the degeneration of humanity.

All this does not fit into our heads, because we are accustomed to the idea that Europe is a kind of life standard. It's a shame that this happens in countries with a great culture and history, where there are many wonderful people

I would like to say that the level of social services here is really high. In Austria, I had to deal with medical care often, and I was always satisfied with both the professionalism and the human treatment, despite the fact that I am a foreigner. Children are treated very well here, there are many wonderful playgrounds, opportunities for recreation with children. The entrance to public transport is designed so that you can easily enter it with a wheelchair, there is an elevator at each metro station and it is very easy for mothers to travel around the city. I am sincerely grateful to the wonderful Austrian people and Europe for the level of social service, but the spiritual level scares me.

Why Russians RUN from the West (part 1)
Why Russians RUN from the West (part 1)

- The body is taken care of, and the soul is pushed to degeneration?

People often don’t believe me and ask how is it that in countries where there are all conditions for motherhood and family, people allow such absurd things? I think the problem is that people here are accustomed to the fact that everything has already been thought out for them, that “competent specialists” should be responsible for everything, and people are so accustomed to trusting the state that they do not notice the manipulation of their children and the fact that what does it lead to. Parents simply do not believe in their strength, do not believe that without a drawing and swimming club, they themselves will be able to teach a child to draw and swim. Many are even afraid to prepare food for children themselves, because they will not be able to accurately calculate proteins, fats and carbohydrates! And their children are forced to eat store-bought semi-finished products. Russians are different, they trust their souls and inner voices more and cannot live by standards at all.

But why do parents in Europe allow such a thing?

I see now such a picture when people are fixated only on themselves, I myself was like that a couple of years ago. We are fixated on things, on how to find a job, how to make a career, buy a car, an apartment, make repairs, in other words, we think only about material, and not about our intellectual and spiritual development. And when children appear, we begin to open our eyes, but not immediately, but like blind kittens - first one eye, and then the other. You get to know the true face of Europe when you have children, and you see who is being made of them.


Now in the Russian education system, Western upbringing and education programs are being actively introduced, where the main thing is the notorious "rights of the child." Is it important to raise a child by helping him overcome his weaknesses, or should he allow him everything?

You should not follow the example of the West, which follow the lead of the child, allegedly, fearing to infringe on his rights and freedom. Children need to learn to control their emotions, be caring, empathetic, grateful, and strive to create. In Europe, they are trying to give a child from the cradle to the state, and the system becomes his family, so it is not surprising that when parents grow old, the children either find a nurse or send their parents to nursing homes, of which there are now a lot in Europe, and they are constantly being built! In general, the most profitable business in Europe, in my opinion, is caring for children and the elderly. Retirement insurance and savings accounts are very popular. Nobody expects that children will take care of the elderly in their old age. It seems to me that such families are unhappy. Children do not have enough beloved grandparents, and they rarely see their parents. Gradually, children become callous, demanding, selfish, and social institutions, "observance of the rights of the child" only contribute to this.

Ekaterina, how do you and your husband bring up your children?

Modern methods of raising children in Europe made me turn to the methods and advice of our Soviet teachers. I got acquainted with the works of Tatyana Shishova and Irina Medvedeva, and I also learned a lot about the reverse side of sexual education of children from Irina Botneva. Now there are a lot of videos on the Internet in which psychologists give advice to parents and talk about raising children based on our, primordially Russian values: how to raise a boy to be courageous,strong-willed and responsible, and the girl is feminine, strong in her purity, creative, able to love and care. I think that all parents should familiarize themselves with at least the basics of raising children.

Does raising children start with raising yourself?

- Raising children is a constant work on oneself, because children are a reflection of ourselves, our relationship to our parents, to our spouse, to the world around us. I'm not a perfect mom, but I strive for this, and my love for my husband and children inspires me. My husband and I do not drink alcohol. At all. And our children see their parents always sober. After all, alcoholism begins not with the first glass you drink, but with the first glass you see, which your father or mother drinks. From the so-called "cultural drinking".

In the modern world, a gender ideology is being promoted, the goal of which is to erase clear boundaries between a man and a woman, turn them into amorphous creatures that are easy to manipulate. Children are taught that man is a sexless creature. I do not want to give grounds for such an ideology in our family, so we have a clear division of roles. Dad is the breadwinner and head of the family, and I keep the sacred fire of our home, I try to become a real inspiration and support for my husband. Then he succeeds. Healthy and happy children grow up in those families where a woman knows how to deeply respect and appreciate a man. Also, for two years now I have not worn trousers, jeans and shorts - these are men's clothes, children see me exclusively in skirts and dresses. Of course, they see other women in trousers, and even a woman with a beard on all the covers of magazines, but the family will forever remain an example for them, even on a subconscious level.

Do you read books to your children?

We have a very large children's library in Russian, German and English. Not a day goes by that we do not read books, and when we go to bed, we also remember the fairy tales we have read. Children easily absorb information, and they do not have much difficulty in understanding the works of Alexander Pushkin or the poems of other great Russian poets. I really like the poems of Agnia Barto, she subtly denounces and ridicules the negative aspects of her character, and these poems make me think. I recently read an article about how important language is for restoring and preserving the human genetic code. Therefore, I began to pay great attention to Russian folk tales and the Old Russian Initial letter, together with my children I discover a lot of new, interesting and, of course, useful. I myself try to read every day, now I am reading Leo Tolstoy's The Kreutzer Sonata.

Why do you love folk culture so much?

In Russian folk tales, a man is always a responsible, strong-willed, strong hero, and a girl is a feminine, chaste, loving swan. They respect their parents, love their homeland and all living things around, are not afraid of work and strive to create. Also in Soviet cartoons and children's films. These are not modern European fairy tales, where a prince falls in love with a prince and only thinks about who else to copulate with. My boys are very fond of the Soviet film "Chuk and Gek". And I also try to be in nature with children as often as possible, we do not sit at home. Twice a day we go outside, get to know the world around us, study plants, plant trees at home in pots and in the garden. I believe that children should not be taken away from nature - they need it. We are in such a hurry that we do not notice this and deprive children of such beauty and purity.

- Ekaterina, why did you decide on such a frank interview, did you want to warn Russian parents?

- Because these sex education lessons are already being introduced in Russia. And it all starts with "tolerance" and with such, at first glance, a completely innocent school subject like valeology. It would be naive to think that if Russia introduces lessons in sex education with a program that is not as frank as in Switzerland or Germany, then it will remain so. And this is not done in order to supposedly warn children about "safe sex", but on the contrary, to show them that they are "sexual beings" and they just need sex like air. Parents are responsible for ensuring that their children grow up not only externally, but also spiritually. Therefore, we must do everything to prevent this dirt from sticking to our children. Our people have always been the purest and brightest, and must remain so.

You dream of moving to Russia, raising children in the original Russian traditions, living on your own land in harmony with nature. You understand that Russia also has a lot of problems, the level of social services is not so high …

You can take care of the comfort of your body all your life and degrade your soul. In Russia there are many eco-settlements, ancestral estates, many people create their own settlements - teetotal, ecological, in accordance with traditions, you yourself know about this. In Russia, there is the possibility of home and family education. And difficulties only temper, form character and will. And the Russian soul simply will not allow his worldview to be determined by a woman with a beard. And this is the main thing.

Interviewed by Irina Erofeeva
