Transition from a vertical civilization to a horizontal one - the path of salvation
Transition from a vertical civilization to a horizontal one - the path of salvation

Video: Transition from a vertical civilization to a horizontal one - the path of salvation

Video: Transition from a vertical civilization to a horizontal one - the path of salvation
Video: Healthy Lifestyle 2024, May

The unipolar world, established after the destruction of the USSR, means the death of humanity due to the endless greed and stupidity of the manager of the financial oligarchy and the complete lack of will of the people.

To work out the ways of salvation, it is necessary to develop high political technologies based on a deep analysis of the situation. Such technologies are obliged to develop systemic and not fragmentary measures; they are obliged to achieve results not by number, but by skill.

This work is a structural analysis of a functioning civilization based on the pyramid of slavery. We called this civilization vertical. We see a way out in the transition to a just civilization of equal rights for all people, people and Nature. We called this civilization horizontal. We will try to formulate the main features of two alternative types of civilization, formulate the vices of the vertical and the dignity of the horizontal. We will try to show why the civilizational transition from vertical to horizontal is inevitable and fruitful. We will formulate our vision of the evolutionary mechanism of such a transition through replacement structures.

In the current civilization, society is organized according to the principle of the Masonic pyramid depicted on the one-dollar bill. The highest ruling part with an all-seeing eye is torn off from the lower steps - slaves who should not see the top, understand, and most importantly, they cannot influence it in any way. Slaves can only carry out her orders. All aspects of the life of a civilization are vertically-pyramidal:

  • the economy is the ruling oligarchy at the top and the poor slaves at the bottom;
  • politics - an all-powerful president (monarch) at the top and a powerless people;
  • the spiritual, moral, ideological sphere is left at the mercy of artificially created Abramic religions, where the unknowable God is above, the people below are thoughtless obedient slaves, i.e. worldview is formed exclusively by emotions, by the virtual world of religions, without the participation of rationality - reason.

The economic vertical, the vertical of power, the ideological vertical - this structure was artificially created by the Parasite Usurer to serve his goal - the seizure of world domination. The leading one here is the economic vertical, the other two serve it. But all three verticals are closely related to each other, built on a single principle - the principle of slavery.

The vertical structure of social management is unnatural, does not correspond to the laws of Nature, where all creatures coexist harmoniously, and therefore, in order to create and maintain such a structure under its control, the international financial mafia has to implement a number of economically unprofitable, financially costly, energy-intensive measures:

  • massively change the consciousness of people through the creation of artificial religions and the purchase of false media;
  • to create laws legitimizing the pyramid, and for this to form a pocket parliament, to appoint pocket politicians serving the Usurer to the highest government posts;
  • contain a huge repressive apparatus to suppress dissent and in general any thought;
  • maintain huge armies and military industries to suppress entire peoples opposed to the vertical structure;
  • to maintain permanent international tension in various regions, for enmity between people and countries is the fodder of the Usurer.

Enmity is organically embedded in all three verticals: in the economy - enmity between the rich and the poor, in politics - between the authorities and the people, in the ideological vertical - the hatred of believers towards unbelievers, enmity between adherents of different religions. A vertical society that carries some upwards and others downwards is the architecture of enmity. For the vertical, war is economically necessary - economic, political, religious, since the economy, built on the principle of a pyramid, inevitably requires expansion, aggression, the capture of someone else's. Vertical line is eternal war, blood, genocide, ecocide …

The destruction of the mind is the main condition for the existence of the vertical. If the mind is left alive, it will understand the unnaturalness of the vertical and figure out how to destroy it. To do this, scientists, sages, magi, witches (smart women) are killed or lowered to the bottom of society, for this education has been created under the leadership of the priests and officials of the Usurer, destroying the ability to think, for this knowledge is replaced by "faith", distorted, hidden …

To maintain the masses in an unreasonable state, the ruling top of the vertical is waging a permanent information war against the people. The methods of information war conducted by different verticals - the authorities (special services, media), business (marketing, advertising), the church - are absolutely similar. The same people teach these methods in theological academies, schools of special services, in advertising campaigns.

The pyramidal principle of social management has reached its climax. Today we are talking not so much about the impact on the personality, but about its suppression - about the suppression of will, freedom, creativity, initiative, and self-esteem in a person. Psychologists consider these technologies to be similar to those used by the SS in Nazi Germany.

Basic Psychological Strategies for Suppression and Destruction of Personality: Yesterday and Today

To destroy rational thinking, which is deadly for the vertical, not only information, but also chemical warfare is widely used: alcohol, tobacco, drugs. Narcotic substances are a powerful tool of the usurer's geopolitical aggression, a method of capturing new countries through the suppression of the minds of their peoples. The narcotic properties of incense, amphetamine Captagon, used for coups d'etat organized by the Usurer (Kiev Maidan, Arab Spring, ISIS wars …) have been clarified. This is no longer a change in consciousness, but its complete destruction with chemical weapons.

Beer (hops can be classified as narcotic substances) and Coca-Cola are widely introduced into the youth environment.

Coca - cola - drug

To maintain an unnatural unjust vertical, cruelty is inevitably required - torture, prisons, executions, persecution of dissent … Cruelty is an organic property of the vertical.

“It has always been like this,” most of the people will say, referring to the period of dominance of the Usurer, the Abrahamic religions, the oligarchic economy, and politics imposed without the consent of the people. Many will say - this is an age-old tradition, ours, a national tradition. But this is a lie introduced by the vertical. First, the vertical is alien to the national cultures of all peoples. Secondly, before Christianization there were other possibly more natural civilizations; thirdly, elements of another just civilization have always existed in society and are developing today.

Horizontal civilization has no upper and lower social strata, people are not divided into masters and slaves. Horizontal civilization is the harmonious coexistence of all people on Earth with each other and with Nature. Its basis is justice not only in relations between people, but also in relations between man and Nature. Horizontal civilization is built on the basis of GEOCENTRISM. Preservation of the Earth, Nature is transferred to the fore. The main goal of a person is not personal enrichment, but survival, a happy life for everyone in accordance with the laws of Nature.

Alternative for Russia

  • The economic horizontal is an economy without poor slaves and rich parasites, equal participation of all in the production of goods and fair distribution.
  • The political horizontal is the people's veche, people's self-government, where everyone has the right to vote, network technologies for managing society, collective leadership by expert councils.
  • Spiritual horizontal - replacing "faith" with "Vedas", restoring the supremacy of knowledge, rational thinking, naturally - a natural worldview, free from ideological blinders imposed from the outside, this is the world of reason, cognizing the real world, and not the virtual worlds of religions, computer games, etc. etc., this is the development of education, where wise men, experts, sages, and not the rich, are the most respected people in society.

At the state level, horizontal structures - spontaneous, initiative - are formed into meritocracy - “the power of the worthy” (from Lat. Meritus - worthy and Greek κράτος - power, government). This is the principle of management, according to which the most capable people should occupy leading positions, regardless of their social background and financial wealth. An essential element of meritocracy is continuous popular control, empowered to remove those who are incapacitated.

All the listed features of a horizontal civilization are natural, fair and logical. Such a system corresponds to the laws of Nature.

A vertical civilization cannot be partially repaired, for example, by introducing a fairer economy through deprivatization, nationalization of strategic resources, a progressive scale of taxation, etc. If at the same time the same, inherently flawed power vertical remains, which through corruption schemes will help the rich "optimize" taxes, take assets offshore, etc., the vertical civilization with all its vices will remain.

If vertical Abramic religions remain, rational consciousness will collapse, which will prevent horizontal structures from developing science, education, and thus will save the entire vertical system.

All three verticals must be replaced with horizontal structures. This replacement is inevitable, because verticals are weakening, destroying vertically built nation states.

  • All-Russian, worldwide hatred of the unjustly rich is already being structured in parties, movements, network blocks, websites, undermining the stability of the economic vertical.
  • The political vertical is saturated with corruption - this is an organic property of unrighteous power. The authority of such a power in society is falling - more than two-thirds of the voters of the Russian Federation did not come to the elections to the State Duma.
  • More and more believers are separating themselves from the corrupt ROC.

Vertical structures themselves eat up themselves from the inside - with lies, greed, debauchery, low-grade personnel, devoid of intelligence and conscience - these are the very ones that create a group of "successful" in verticals. The vertical cannot and will not create a meritocracy, because people with intelligence and conscience destroy the vertical the more successfully the higher they rise. As a result, the country and the world receive ruling elites, made up of the worst representatives of humanity, who, despite this, are super-players in all fields - economic, political, spiritual. To maintain the unnatural structure of society, an unnatural personnel policy operates - negative selection, on the uppermost floors there is no selection at all - power is formed only from its own clans. As long as the vertical exists, humanity will continue to degrade, which excludes its survival.

To survive, the vertical must be changed to horizontal, a meritocracy must be formed that can save the world.

The transition from vertical to horizontal can be organized in an evolutionary bloodless way. This is the most acceptable way to preserve Nature and people. For this, it is necessary to gradually build up the power of horizontal structures, capable of replacing vertical ones at a certain moment. This can be, in particular, the development of local self-government, strengthening of the institutions of civil society by uniting by profession (for example, an association of peasants - the Federal Village Council of Vasily Melnichenko). Over time, the Federal Council will be able to successfully replace the Ministry of Agriculture with its anti-state policy.

Associations of scientists and educators will gradually train personnel and develop a policy for the new Ministry of Science, which will replace the current Ministry of Education and Science with its destructive policy and finally cancel the fanatical USE.

The development of the ideas of an alternative economy ANTIROSTA, the growth of the number of groups that minimize their consumption and carry this idea to society may one day overpower the paradigm of overconsumption of the vertical, which will pave the way for the transition to an environmentally appropriate economy.

Green technology development teams will prepare a gentle departure from the hydrocarbon era.

And the associations of young environmentalists-volunteers that are already emerging today will raise cadres for the future Ministry of the Earth. The foundations of a new ecological worldview should be laid from childhood by the educational system and maintained throughout a person's life.

This transition can only be achieved by raising awareness, education of all citizens without exception, their involvement in solving social problems. The principle of "my hut on the edge" no longer works.

The absence of the concept of "Nature" in all three current verticals has led to a global ecological catastrophe. He is absent in the economy, which operates only for profit, he is absent in the vertical of power serving the oligarchs-raw materials producers, he is absent in the Abrahamic religions.

There is no concept of "Nature" in religions

The Vedic communities, which are rapidly growing throughout the country, are already helping to restore the feeling of the Earth to people; knowledge, to expand the horizons of science, cut off by the Abrahamic religions, into the field of pre-Christian civilizations. This can only be done by those people who do not turn the native faith that has become fashionable today into a new subculture or an outrageous game into the past. This can be done by those communities, associations, clubs that are ready to offer an ecological, ideological, moral alternative to our society, to revive the original culture of the people in the best, most constructive way for society. It is counterproductive to replace one faith - Christianity - with another faith-paganism, which also suppresses knowledge and replaces the real world with a virtual one. The salvation of humanity lies in the transition to a civilization of knowledge.

Communication with other peoples through the Vedic foundations of life common to all will help to get away from world enmity, from the arms race, wars.

These embryos of the horizontal world - spontaneous horizontal networks - are not so few. There is no place for the moneylender parasite and therefore the vertical strangles them, does not give them air, drags activists into prisons, discredits them in every possible way. Not only the upper floors of the pyramid are opposed to the growing horizontal, but also the lower ones, who are used to living badly, are used to using other people's dogmas instead of their own thoughts, and they cannot understand the benefits of the horizontal with a killed brain, they generally cannot understand what it is.

But if the vertical will succeed in strangling the emerging horizontal, we will face a catastrophic scenario for the development of events.

The vertical artificial structure of society is not only anti-human, it is anti-natural, for the Usurer acts as a cruel and stupid exploiter not only in relation to people, but also in relation to the planet. The growing intensity of environmental and man-made disasters around the world is a product of a vertical civilization, and if people do not have enough strength, Nature will inevitably bury the anti-natural vertical civilization.

The new data of ecologists is like reports from the fronts, where humanity is devastatingly losing.

This death sentence to humanity is heard by the meritocracy of the horizontal and absolutely not heard by the dull frames of the vertical. They could, having power and money, stop the eco-catastrophe, but instead they intensify it, pumping out the bowels of the earth, unleashing new wars, building military bases, unwinding the arms race …

With the coming to the presidency of the United States, Hillary Clinton, the likelihood of a world war, possibly a nuclear one, will increase. The US economy is a financial pyramid and without constant expansion it will collapse.

The eco-catastrophe can only be stopped by completely breaking the vertical. If it remains, local environmental measures such as the ban on GMOs, the Kyoto Protocol or the Paris agreements limiting carbon dioxide emissions, the announcement of 2017 as the year of ecology in Russia - all this can only slightly delay the death of mankind. Since the vertical is organically aimed at killing the Earth.

Every earthling is able not to cooperate with the vertical, bringing its end closer, is able to strengthen the horizontal, to take an active part in the development of its foundations. And it's worth hurrying up.

N. Belozerova

R. Rebrov

L. Fionova
