About Vedic education. Or what to do then?
About Vedic education. Or what to do then?

Video: About Vedic education. Or what to do then?

Video: About Vedic education. Or what to do then?
Video: Book Review: Designing Virtual Worlds 2024, May

Our time, in which we all live, is full of events, information, beautiful pictures. The rhythm of life of a modern person is impetuous as never before. We do a lot on “autopilot”. And so you want "… so that everything is like everyone else, but that at the same time not like them …".

Something wakes up inside. This is something that makes us turn off our "autopilot" and look at everything differently.

Each in his own way begins a new stage of life. Someone is looking for books of knowledge, someone is watching videos, someone is attending seminars and festivals. There are many sets of ways. All of them are undeniably good, and each in its own way. And they all lead us, it seems to us, to understanding. We think that just about, and I will begin to understand everything, well, or almost everything that I need for the fullness of happiness. However, in reality, the more you drink, the more you want.

Where is the exit? How to figure it out, and preferably quickly.

This is how most people think today.

Not all!

A significant proportion.

Such are our wishes.

There is no secret here. What is the system of upbringing and education, so are the carriers. But it's not about the carriers. The point is what they wear. And they wear stereotypes and templates based on concepts and terms, which are entwined according to certain rules, into a specific worldview system or picture of the world.

A person is free by birth, but while living, he begins to acquire experience. Who is the son of difficult mistakes. And the more experience, the stronger the belief in the rules by which he lives. However, it should be noted that any human-invented system is always imperfect. And sooner or later, it leads a person to an ideological crisis.

You probably drew your attention to the fact that in the 20th century, crises are only growing, and already exponentially. This testifies to only one thing: the system of rules of life, according to which mankind lives, requires a serious correction. But where to get the information, and how should it be correct? Not in books, even more so in newspapers. And then it becomes obvious that the only source for new rules is Antiquity.

And then an ambush. History is sheer deception and manipulation of the interests of the elites. Artifacts are hiding. So what can you do? And then, miraculously, there is a need to take a closer look at your language and culture. And there….! Just a treasure trove.

It was the disclosure of the linguistic heritage that became that universal key to understanding Antiquity. And the deepening into Antiquity, its comprehension, showed in us a different level of understanding of the World. The world is Vedic !!! It is solid. Everything for what you need. There is nothing superfluous. Everything is in interaction. Aren't the Vedas exactly the new rules of life that everyone wants? Knowing this, every day you are convinced that this is so. A logical question arises, how can one acquire a Vedic worldview, and where can one find a Vedic education?

About this, in particular, and about many things in particular, we talked live on the People's Slavic Radio on November 28, 2016 at 19:30 Moscow time or on the 28th of the month of New Gifts in the summer of 7525 exactly in one hour.

The main co-host is Arisvet (Sergey Pavlov), a teacher at the Slavic Vedic Cultural Center "SLOVO".

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