Fake history of mankind. The death of the Dyatlov group
Fake history of mankind. The death of the Dyatlov group

Video: Fake history of mankind. The death of the Dyatlov group

Video: Fake history of mankind. The death of the Dyatlov group
Video: Страна советов. Забытые вожди. Смотреть Фильм 2017. Климент Ворошилов. Премьера 2017 от StarMedia. 2024, April

About what could not have happened with the Dyatlov group.

Those who are concerned about this topic know that there is still no version that would tie together all the threads of this tragedy. No matter how you put the puzzles together, the whole picture does not work. I don't think it can be. Since the circumstances of the incident known to us do not lend themselves to logical comprehension. Simply put, the human mind is powerless to solve this riddle. There is no such version for me either. But still, we are capable of something. If we fail to answer the question: what happened on the night of 1 to 2 February 1959 in the remote Ural taiga, this does not mean that we cannot answer the question: what could not have happened that night. The lost tourists were people like us. They thought, felt and acted as we would in a similar situation, no more and no less. It only seems that there are many options for the development of events. Not! Having actually got into such a situation, the human mind and body act according to the only possible and most optimal scenario, regardless of gender, nationality, religion and social status - the body is simply trying to survive. At any price. There is no need to invent anything superfluous, but just put yourself in their place. So let's do it.

1. Tent.


We do not know if the source of danger was focused only on the tent or on the tourists themselves, or was its damaging effect undirected? What was the shape of the zone of action of the source of danger: circular or sectorial, and what area did it cover? Did the Dyatlovites see the source of danger or left the zone of its action at random, just to quickly get away from the tent down the slope? Did they manage to get out of the zone of action of the source of danger, or did they continue to stay in it and below by the cedar? What kind of source of danger was it itself: were it humans, UFOs, Bigfoot, wild beast? There is no unambiguous answer to these questions, because there is no initial information, starting from which, one can make logical undeniable conclusions. I will try to at least get close to them.

Only three circumstances could force the Dyatlovites to urgently leave the tent and run out naked into the cold: sudden suffocation, unbearable pain (in the form of radiation) or an attack of panic. But not a single tourist would think to cut the tent. Because a tent on a hike is sacred and without it in the cold in a deserted area you cannot survive. Everyone will instinctively rush to the exit. Let on the heads and bodies of comrades, but to the exit! If tourists went in and out of the tent every time, cutting it, yes, I would have believed in such a development of events, because instinct at such moments prevails over reason. This is exactly what many pilots of crashed airliners did at the moment of a stall: instinct made them pull the wheel towards themselves, instead of giving it up, as their reason required. This is exactly what some sailors did when leaving the sunken submarine, when they pulled themselves out of the hands of the rescuers who were waiting for them at the depth necessary for decompression, floated to the surface and died from decompression sickness. Going out through the cuts is no faster than going through the exit, or rather the opposite, because cutting a loose tarp is not as easy and fast as it seems at first glance. After all, a person must first realize that a threat to his life has arisen (especially if asleep), then navigate in the space where the exit is located (especially in the darkness and confusion), then understand that due to the crowd, or for another reason, quickly get out through there is no way out, then remember that you have a knife on your belt or at hand, then make an independent (difficult) decision or receive an order from the leader to cut the slope of the tent, get a knife without injuring others in the cramped conditions, stand up, lean your whole body on the wall tents to stretch the tarp and only then cut. All this will take a lot of time - after all, they probably did not do this kind of training. And while one or two were cutting (after all, not everyone had knives), the rest had enough seconds (and maybe minutes) to grab their warm clothes. And this is also an instinctive action, since outside the tent there is no less threat to their life in the form of frost, snow and wind.

Under no circumstances could the Dyatlovites leave the tent undressed into the night, towards their death, unless they were driven by a painful shock. For the fact that it was not panic horror (which could have driven them out of the tent), the fact that they all ended up in one place near the cedar, and did not run away in the night in all directions, speaks.

2. Traces.


In a panic, cut open the tent and immediately, in an orderly manner, hand in hand, in a line, in the dark, step (according to UD) to leave the parking lot, leaving warm things? Where is the logic? If suffocation, unbearable pain, panic horror, then they run at breakneck speed. There is no time for reflection and deliberate action. In a panic, and in full consciousness too, they do not walk in ranks in the dark. Under such circumstances, people either scatter in different directions, if they panic, or instinctively huddle together and gather around the leader, if they are sane. After all, they need to decide what to do next. This line of footprints is anyone's, but not the Dyatlovites. If they had enough time and reason, having got out of the tent, for some reason to line up, then it would have been enough to pick up their warm clothes all the more.

3. Men.


The group consisted of seven young, independent, independent, healthy, athletic, intelligent, patriotically educated and not timid ten men. These were people who liked to "walk on the edge" and test themselves, which is typical for real men. And there is no doubt that in the event of an attack by fugitive prisoners, foreign saboteurs, a mop-up group or Mansi, they would not hesitate to take a deadly battle, protecting the lives of the two girls and their own. Because it's a man's nature to defend and fight! I don't believe they cowardly allowed themselves to be killed without a fight!

4. Outsiders.

In winter, at night, in the taiga and mountains in this climatic zone, in a deserted area, no one goes skiing - this is physically impossible, unless you are a suicide. Attacking in the dark on a large group of young, physically developed men, armed with melee weapons, you are unable to control the development of the situation. And if your own life is dear to you, you will not 100% do this, even if the number is equal, and even if it is superior. On the bodies of the Dyatlovites there would be unequivocal traces, and not a fight, but a brutal fight, but they are not there, only indistinct abrasions and mutilations without external damage to the skin. There was no attack by outsiders.

5. The path to the cedar.

Could tourists, without shoes, mittens and hats, cover 1.5 kilometers to the cedar on virgin snow? It is impossible to say unequivocally. After all, we do not know either the depth or the state of the snow cover. If there was a hard crust, then they could, albeit with frostbite, but if loose snow was waist-deep and deeper, no.

6. Development of events at the cedar.


For a cedar, the only scenario is possible: a fire in a snow hole in the lowland behind the wind and a bed of spruce branches, built by the hands of fully dressed Dyatlovites. All tourists (some with frostbite) live until the morning. No options.

The location of the bodies of the dead has nothing to do with the natural course of events. Could Kolmogorova, Slobodin and Dyatlov, being in their sanity, one by one, from the life of a bonfire, go to the tent in the frosty darkness, against the wind, one and a half kilometers, uphill, without skis and full clothes? Could not! This is out of the question! Because this is suicide. Because there was no reason to go back to the tent until morning. They could only run away from the cedar in the direction of the tent from some danger with their last strength.

Could both Juras, or one of them climb onto a cedar and break off branches? Could not. Because their arms and legs were already frostbitten by that moment. There is no reason for the cedar to start and maintain a fire for an hour in a wind-blown place.

7. Events in the stream bed.


Could the Dyatlovites split into two groups at the cedar as a result of the conflict? Not! Freezing people have neither time nor energy for this. All thoughts are only about shelter from the wind and about a fire. Fully dressed tourists are in charge of the situation, only they can build a shelter and make a fire. The key to survival is to stick together.

Could fully clothed tourists have constructed a decking in the stream bed? It is impossible to answer unequivocally. It all depends on the condition and thickness of the snow cover at that time. Obviously, a shelter in deep snow with bare hands, without available means, cannot be dug up.

8. Injuries.

Without a doubt, the Dyatlovites could not receive such injuries either from nature or from people.

9. Radiation

The presence of radiation on the clothes of the Dyatlovites cannot be explained by natural causes.

10. Skin color.

It is not possible to explain the skin color of the victims by natural causes.

11. The reaction of the authorities.

Nothing definite can be said. We do not know whether there are answers to the questions of interest to us in the hitherto classified materials of the case. Even Yeltsin, being a fellow countryman of the victims, could not (or did not want) to answer them in due time. There are a lot of oddities and conflicting information in the search operation and in the investigation. Explanations like: they searched as best they could and investigated as best they could do not pass. The case was closed without even starting and with an absurd wording, and the dissatisfied were simply silenced. All this looks like an investigation into the causes of the death of the Kursk, the Sinai airbus, or the flooding of Krymsk. So why does the native state not want to remove the "secret" stamp for its citizens from such a publicly resonant case, as an exception and for many years ago? Moreover, if it, the state, is not guilty of anything? …

12. Witnesses.

Can a person, who knows more in this story than others, remain silent or bend his heart for half a century? Even on your deathbed? Could it be a matter of fear for loved ones, if there is no longer any point in fearing for yourself? Or maybe such information does not exist and everyone knows no more than others? After all, someone would have blabbed out - this is how a person is arranged. But neither Korotaev, nor Ivanov, nor search engines, nor party functionaries have told us anything new for half a century. Well, wait and see.

13. Cold overnight stay.

Dyatlovites were normal students: not fools to drink and have fun, and not Olympic athletes at all. And they went to the taiga not for titles and records, but first of all for elementary freedom. In those years, many followed her into the mountains, went into the taiga and swam into the sea, just to take a break from the system and routine at least for a while. Look at their photos, look at the schedule of their movement along the route, think about why Dyatlov did not leave the route map at the headquarters. They were in no hurry and did not care about the congress, like any normal Soviet citizen. They just enjoyed this trip. And no one will convince me that on the night of their death on a blown pass, in a blizzard, they arranged a cold night. Why, before the decisive ascent to Otorten, exhaust yourself and freeze your girls (such jokes are bad with a female body)? This is not your backyard workout. In their position, any slightest cold could turn into a tragedy. They could not help but think about their health. THERE WAS NO COLD NIGHT! And in general, who came up with such overnight stays and why? There is no sense from a cold overnight stay, but only harm: the body in this case wears out, and does not exercise.


1. Dyatlovites did not cut the tent, this contradicts the stereotype of human behavior in such a situation.

2. The footprints of people leaving the tent in a line down the slope do not belong to the dead tourists - this also contradicts the stereotype of human behavior in a similar situation.

3. Runaway prisoners, foreign saboteurs, Mansi or a mop-up group have no relation to the death of the group, since there are no traces of the battle on the bodies, things and terrain.

4. The location of the bodies of the victims does not correspond to the natural course of events.

5. There was no division of tourists at the cedar into two groups as a result of the conflict (as some researchers believe).

6. The injuries of the Dyatlovites could not have been obtained as a result of natural or human factors.

7. The presence of radiation on the clothes of the Dyatlovites cannot be explained by natural causes.

8. The skin color of the deceased cannot be explained by natural causes.

9. There was no cold overnight stay.

10. If you do not involve mysticism, then no force, except for the actual use of firearms or cold weapons (and the Dyatlovites have no gunshot or knife wounds), drive out of the tent seven young, healthy men armed with knives and an ax in the frost, at night, for certain death she could not.

11. We are not able to understand: does the state know something, or is it ordinary bureaucracy?

From the height of the past 50 years, it is clear that there are no unsuccessful missile launches in nature, no tests of secret weapons, for the sake of which the state needs to keep the secret of the deaths of nine of its citizens for half a century. There is no such secret information in our life, except for one: about the true structure of this very life … I can only assume that tourists are in a situation where reality itself has been changed. As it happened in the case of the fall, contrary to the laws of physics, the buildings of the World Trade Center in New York or the inexplicable death of 14 Kazakh border guards.

I think the Unknown worked here, which not only mutilated people in an incomprehensible way, but also mixed events in time in such a way that it is not possible to establish their chronology. The scene of the incident also appears in a completely absurd light and does not lend itself to logical comprehension. People could not do this under any circumstances. Has there been any post-mortem dramatization, do the authorities know more than we do? We cannot say for sure. But the actions of the authorities, of course, raise questions. In any case, the intrigue of this tragedy will remain until the "secret" stamp is removed from the case materials. Let's wait. Every year the number of people hurt by this tragedy is multiplying. This means that the Dyatlovites are alive in our hearts!

Agree, in our country, tens of thousands of people die every year in air and car accidents, natural disasters and man-made accidents. It would seem, what does the death of nine tourists in the distant 1959 mean against their background? A drop in the sea. But, contrary to common sense, this mystery has not sunk into oblivion, but continues to live and attract new and new researchers. Why? Apparently because a person is attracted by the UNKNOWN. Apparently because the human mind cannot come to terms with the very fact of the existence of the UNKNOWN. We are made like that.
