Gender is not gender or equality
Gender is not gender or equality

Video: Gender is not gender or equality

Video: Gender is not gender or equality
Video: The ways and deeds of days gone by 2024, April

Recently, the words "gender", "gender" have been heard. There are still those in our society who do not even know what it is, and many believe that the term “gender” replaces the word “sex”, and in principle they are equal. In fact, they are not the same thing!

If you look in the dictionary, you can see that gender is a set of biological properties that distinguish a man from a woman. Nature provides for only two sexes: male and female.

Supporters of gender theory and gender ideology generally deny the concept of gender. If earlier it was generally accepted that gender is a social gender, today you can find such a definition: gender is a social construct, it presupposes self-awareness and self-determination. Gender identity is a basic feeling of belonging to a particular sex / gender, the awareness of oneself as a man, woman or being of some other, "intermediate" or "third" sex. There can be as many genders as you like. The UN, the European Union, PACE and many other international organizations have already adopted resolutions, declarations and other documents prescribing the existence of 58 genders, these international documents oblige many countries to introduce such gender designations in their legislation.

The main idea of the theory of gender is that a child is a sexless creature, only in the process of teaching, upbringing, parenting and social attitudes of stereotypes does a child acquire a gender, in other words, the sex is constructed. Therefore, the child needs to be brought up free from stereotypes, so that in the future he can independently decide on the choice of gender.

Feminist theorists replaced the concept of "gender" with "gender", after which it began to actively take root in the minds of people. With the filing of all the same feminists, same-sex marriages became possible, and as a result, a person's sex change. Supporters of LGBT values actively support the ideas of feminism, the idea of gender equality today dominates in Europe.

It would be possible not to write about all this if there were no disturbing tendencies taking place in the policy of our state.

In March this year, Dmitry Medvedev signed the National Strategy for Action for Women for 2017-2022. The project was supposed to introduce “gender” rights, “gender” equality into the life of Russian society, start combating “gender” discrimination, introduce “gender” education, etc. After criticism of social activists, the project was changed, removing the concept of "gender" and the most scandalous expressions, but the essence of this has not changed. So the "National Strategy for Action for Women" is likely to lead to changes in the entire state. policy in the field of family and childhood, will contribute to the destruction of the "stereotype" about the role of women in society as a mother.

Also on October 19, Russia again started talking about the law "On Gender Equality", followed by October 23 in the State Duma raised the issue of introducing a new position - "Special Representative for Gender Equality."

For what purpose are foreign terms introduced into our language, the meaning of which is not fully disclosed, or with difficulty translated into Russian?

The main goal is to divert from the essence of the problem, from its real designation, shaping public opinion so that society accepts all the necessary social changes. As soon as we agree to use the term “gender” instead of “sex”, or instead of man / woman, then in the future it will be easier for us to accept that there is no difference between a man and a woman, and therefore there may be more genders. When we start supporting the idea of "gender equality", then in the future it will be easier for us to accept the likelihood of other genders having rights. Through the introduction of foreign words, incomprehensible terms, there is a gradual change in our consciousness and a restructuring of society.

The main goal of introducing the theory of gender or ideology of gender is the destruction of traditional values. The traditional family stands in the way of full gender equality. Its systematic destruction can be observed in European countries (early sexual education of children, legalization of same-sex marriages, protection of LGBT rights, the fight for the rights of transgender people, upbringing according to the principle of a child - asexual creature, etc.), this also includes the replacement of the concepts of mom and dad with “Parent one” and “parent two”, “pregnant woman” - “pregnant person”.

For supporters of Western values, Russia is a country of obscurantism, outdated morality and stereotypes that must be abandoned.
