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Online synagogue: Read "goyim", delve into and draw conclusions
Online synagogue: Read "goyim", delve into and draw conclusions

Video: Online synagogue: Read "goyim", delve into and draw conclusions

Video: Online synagogue: Read
Video: Air France Madame 2024, May

What the rabbis and Kabbalists have in mind, what they think of us, what they are plotting against us, the goyim, can now be found in the online synagogue!

Jesus-fictional person

Rabbi Eliyahu EssasSince 1999, he has been co-director of the Russian-language branch of the Esh HaTorah charity in Israel.

- It is possible that my answer will disappoint you, and maybe it will seem offensive. In the latter case, I suggest that you definitely read it to the end. Then, I hope this feeling of resentment will not remain in your soul. The fact is that there is no interest in the personality of the person whom you call Jesus of Nazareth in the Jewish worldview.

I will try to formulate my answer differently. Suppose Christians would never "pester" Jews with persuasion or demands to convert to their faith. Or they would not have taken "preparatory" steps, such as disputes on the topic: "Refute that Jesus of Nazareth was the Messiah" … If all this had not been, in the history of Jewish thought, there would have been no mention of Christianity at all. However, more precisely, the mention would probably be, but on a par with Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism and other religions.

Now let's get back to your question. There is no information about the founder of Christianity in our books, written in the first thousand years of the existence of the Christian religion! My opinion (and I'm not the only one who thinks so) is that this is a fictional person.

When the foundations of the future religion arose among a group of Jews exhausted and confused in assessments of reality, collective imagespiritual master.

Later, when these far-fetched ideasperceived in different circles of the population of the Middle East and the Mediterranean, image got it "registration"which still exists today.


This is the only way to explain the fact that not a word has been written about him either in the Talmud or in the Midrash (hundreds of books!).

Immediately I want to warn you that we are not talking about editions of the Talmud and other books in Christian countries: Italy, Germany, Russia. There "enlightened" censors mercilessly erased everything that, in their opinion, was related to Christianity.

With my own eyes in the library of the Jewish College in London I saw a copy of the Talmud tract Avoda Zara ("Worship of Idols"), where on one page there were over 30 censor "abbreviations" (by the way, the censor was the baptized Italian Jew). But I'm talking about editions based on manuscripts preserved in Muslim countries, which are now mainly in the libraries of Cambridge, Oxford and Munich universities. The hand of the Christian censor did not touch them. And in them, I repeat, there is no mention of Jesus of Nazareth.

They usually object to me, pointing out that in the Talmud in three places a certain Yeshu or his disciple is mentioned. But I am invariably surprised in such cases why those who put forward such an "argument" do not want to read what they are trying to talk about themselves. Because if they read the text they are referring to, they would be convinced that apart from the consonance of the name - Yeshu, there is simply nothing else that has anything to do with the person you are interested in! These fragments tell the story of a man whose life story does not even remotely resemble the one that is told in Christian literature!

I understand that for a Christian believer this is an offensive fact (I'm not talking about you specifically, because I don't know what your beliefs are). After all, the whole legitimation of Christianity is based on the fact that Jesus of Nazareth, who appeared among the Jews, was. And also he is called the "great teacher", "prophet" and even "king", "anointed" ("mashiach, messiah", in Greek - "Christ") on a great cause - to bring the Jews to the climax of all history.

And now, when there is no reaction to such a phenomenon in Jewish books, it is not just offensive. This raises difficult questions, at least about and historical accuracy of the Christian tradition! But that is just outside the scope of your question.

I try not to analyze interesting or uninteresting, weak or strong sides of the Christian religion (in all of its dozens of sects). After all, our worldview (the Wisdom that was given to the Jews on Mount Sinai by the Creator of the world himself and is passed down from generation to generation) is so powerful and integral that it does not generate any interest in all sorts of statements - "was he the Messiah or not," as he was born, and could he be a "son" …

But as far as the personality of Paul is concerned, I am more confident that he really existed. I do not know to what extent the stories about him in Christian literature are true. There may be exaggerations. This is understandable: after all new religion required preachers like the apostle Paul to operate in her story. But since his activities were mainly carried out among non-Jews, and the theoretical postulates of Christianity are of no interest to the Jewish worldview, then there is no mention of him in Jewish books.

I can’t help but think that perhaps I hurt someone with my answer. And I really do not want this. Because good relations between people and nations are for me a matter of principle. Therefore, I emphasize that the fact that the postulates of Christianity are not interesting to me does not mean at all that because of this I can, even in the slightest degree, treat another person badly for the sole reason that he is a Christian (or is a Muslim or Buddhist and etc.). After all, we are all descendants of Adam (and Noah) and should be assessed (of course, including me) by words, deeds and relationships with other people.

Human views are a different matter. For example, you can be indifferent to Christianity, not show interest in it. And by no means because you are not curious.

Eliyahu Essas

A source

Appendix to the story:

What is the Bible, and what is the opinion of the chief rabbi of Russia about Christ and the "New Testament" Berl Lazar, Russian television said a few years ago:

In the same section that leads Eliyahu Essas, the rabbi answers the questions of the online reader Haim Ackerman:

How to justify the extermination of women, children, old people in the conquest of Canaan?


Haim Ackerman: The Jewish people came to the Land of Israel 40 years after the Exodus from Egypt. The land of Israel is called the land of Canaan everywhere in the Torah., in the Russian version - Canaan, from the word akhnaa - "admiration", "obedience" (before the Almighty). This is an essential translation. "Technically" was the name the strongest tribe of all the tribes that inhabited this territory.

A. Blagin's comment: to make it clear to the "goyim" about which "the strongest tribe" Rabbi Chaim Ackerman is talking here, here is a historical note from Abraham Garkavi, a Russian Jew who wrote and published a book back in 1866 "About the language of the Jews who lived in ancient times in Russia and about the Slavic words encountered among Jewish writers":


Thus, the statement of Chaim Ackerman: "The land of Israel is everywhere in the Torah called the land of Canaan," understand this: “The Jews consider the land of the Slavs their“promised land.”For at least 400 years they have been doing nothing but trying to take it away from the“goyim”. I have a detailed article on this topic: "EVERY SLAVE MUST KNOW THIS."

Haim Ackerman: The seven peoples who lived on this land before the arrival of the Jews were very "active" idolaters. Differing from many other idolatrous nations (all nations were like that in those days) by a special zeal in serving idols.

From the Tanakh (the beginning of the book of the Prophet Yehoshua), we learn that the tribes that lived in Canaan, it was known about the Exodus of the Jews from Egypt, their coming arrival to the Land of Israel and that The Almighty gave this land to the Jewish people.


A. Blagin's comment: to this day, all the rabbis talk about "Jewish chosen by God" and that "the Almighty gave all the lands of the Gentiles to the Jewish people" referring to texts Jewish Torah, and in it it is all spelled out in the so-called "Moses Pentateuch".

Normal logic ?!

So I was also surprised by the frank savageryboth Abram, who later became Abraham, and a certain Lord, whom the Jews call their God!

I will now reveal to the reader a big secret, which, in particular, will answer the question of why it was important for Rabbi Eliyahu Essas to write a story on the topic: "Jesus is a fictional person".

Any religion existing today is called upon not to give people enlightenment, but is called upon to literally "make a fairy tale come true." That is why any religion purposefully erases the line between fiction and reality in the minds of people. When adults read folk tales to children, they make it clear to them in one form or another that these are fairy tales in which there is a lie, but there is a hint in them - a lesson for good fellows! At the same time, no religion provides for this. You gotta literally believethat everything written in the Jewish "Torah" or in the Christian "Bible" was actually.

In this regard, every clergyman of the Jewish religion today works to ensure that his flock perceived all the fictional literary heroes mentioned in the Torah: Abraham, Moses, Isaac, Jacob, Esau and all other characters - for real people, and a certain Lord, whom Jacob supposedly "saw face to face" (Gen. 32:30), perceived as a real god … Well, since there is some kind of rivalry between Judaism and Christianity, it is for every Jew to say to Christians: "and your Christ is a fictional person!"And I have to say, this is partly true! Details of my answer here … At the same time, the rabbis, of course, will never tell the Jews that all their "holy scriptures" too are nothing more than stated in a paper scroll. cruel Jewish talewhich they, the rabbis, are striving to make come true by the hands of the Jews!

A main truthlies in the fact that the rabbis from year to year teach Jews to act in real life exactly as numerous Jewish characters did on the pages of the Torah. Among them instructive acts: perjury, meanness, deception, special cruelty towards the "goyim" based on the conviction that "only Jews are people", and still amazing ingenuity in justifying all this atrocity!

A clear confirmation of my words is the answer of Chaim Ackerman to a certain Oleg, who asked the duty rabbi in the online synagogue: "How to justify the extermination of women, children, old people in the conquest of Canaan?"

Haim Ackerman: Before the outbreak of hostilities, the Jews under the leadership of Yehoshua bin-Nun (disciple and successor of Moshe Rabeynu) offered these tribes two options for a "peaceful settlement" of the problem: voluntarily leave the territory or stay, but on condition that they completely abandon any types of idolatry (while becoming Jews, mind you, it was not required).

Note, by the way, that the Givonim (one of the tribes inhabiting Canaan, named after the city of Givon, in Russian transcription - Gibeon), agreed to stay, promising to fulfill the condition set by the Jews. I draw the attention of readers - despite the fact that they did not fulfill their promise and continued to worship idols, they, since an agreement was concluded with them, were not touched anyway! They lived in Eretz Yisrael (north of Jerusalem).

Subsequently, by the way, their presence caused a lot of trouble. The land of Israel was allocated by the Most High to the Jewish people for spiritual work - to correct the world and bring all of humanity to the One Supreme. This work was voluntarily undertaken by Abraham, and the Jewish people, the descendants of Abraham, continued its implementation. The rest of humanity has refused this work.

On Mount Sinai, the Jews received the Torah, in which the Almighty gave instructions on how to correct the world. And it is quite natural that the worship of idols in a place specially designated for the fulfillment of the "task" of the Almighty, "attracts" the Wrath of Heaven. Therefore, the presence of idolaters on the territory of the Land of Israel is completely unacceptable. More details - see the site in the answer "How does Judaism view emigration from Israel?".

If we assume that the world is exclusively material, and a person consists only of flesh and blood, then the danger can be (as you wrote in your letter), basically, only warriors.

However, in reality this is not the case! The main component of a person is a soul placed in a bodily shell. Therefore, one must take into account the danger not only for the body, but also for the soul. The threat to physical existence is visible to the "naked eye", even a child has a sense of danger and an instinct for self-preservation. The threat to the soul is not immediately noticeable. Time may pass until a person realizes that he has turned off the right path, and going back is an extremely difficult process.

Thus, the threat of the Jewish people fulfilling their mission in the Land of Israel can come from any person, young, middle-aged or old - whether it be a man or a woman - who worships any "forces" other than the Almighty. After all, spiritual harm is inflicted not with a sword, but - by behavior, in a word, by a kind of "radiation" that affects others.

For example, today Christian missionaries, men and women, kill Jewish souls without any physical violence - only urging them to give up faith in the One Creator

Therefore, the mere presence of idolatry in the Land of Israel is sufficient to provoke the Wrath of Heaven. For such a presence creates, in a certain sense, a "poisonous" atmosphere.

The Torah tells how the women of Moab seduced the Jews in order to force them to worship idols. And as a result, 24 thousand people died. For more details, see the website in the review weekly chapter of Balak, the first annual cycle of discussion.

As for children of idolaters - they grow up, become adults. Therefore, we can say that in this context such a child is a “time bomb”. Of course, the question arises: is it possible to correct the situation if you take a nursing baby and raise him with faith in the One Creator?

Then, it turns out, you shouldn't kill him?

The Oral Torah says that in Egypt, Moshe Rabbeinu, seeing how Jewish children were walled up in the walls, cried out in prayer to the Mercy of the Almighty. The Almighty answered - it is necessary, but if Moshe wants, he can choose any child, and He will save him. Moshe did just that - the child, whom Moshe pointed to, survived. Subsequently, he became an idolater and took an active part in the creation golden calf (see on the website, for example, an overview weekly chapter of Ki Tisza, fourth annual discussion cycle).

Only the Almighty knows who each particular child will become when he grows up. Therefore, if you act according to His command, you will not be mistaken! And if the Creator of the world said that everyone should be destroyed, including even infants, it means that He saw that in the future they would follow in the footsteps of their fathers.

Anton Blagin: think about it! The rabbis, on behalf of some imaginary Jewish Lord, endowed with a completely wretched logic of thinking and a wild character (he likes the smell of meat burnt at the stake!), Give the Jews a behavioral directive: the Creator said (to whom did he really say?)), including even babies, then do so !!!

Haim Ackerman: We, of course, have no right to make decisions on the murder of children on our own (we do not know what will happen to them even in the next moment, and even more so - in five, ten or 20 years). Only the Creator of the world can give such an indication, for He is not limited by time frames and “sees” the picture of the world as a whole, which is not divided for Him into past, present and future, He knows what will happen to His creations, even after a thousand and more than years.

Entering the Land of Israel, the Jewish people had to quickly populate all of its territory. However, this did not happen - it was manifested a pity and indecision where there was no place for it.

Mercy is a manifestation of the greatness of the human soul! But not in cases where it directly contradicts the clearly expressed Will of Heaven. Because of such an inappropriate "mercy", the process of conquering the Land of Israel was then delayed for about 500 years.

Here's another famous historical example of misplaced pity. The Jewish king Shaul took pity on Agag, a descendant of Amalek, the king of the Amalekites, whose hatred of Jews was the meaning of life. He regretted and did not immediately execute him, contrary to the command of the Creator. And this had grave consequences for our people.

You write that anti-semites ask you questions about the extermination of women, children and the elderly when the Jews conquered canaanite lands … Do they have a moral right to ask about it?

For thousands of years, the innocent blood of women, children, old people has been shed in the world. Not for the sake of high ideals - for the sake of booty, power, honor, right and left, without any pity, people cut off each other's heads. Suffice it to recall that in the 20th century alone, in Europe in general and the Soviet Union in particular, tens of millions of innocent people were killed, including, of course, women, children, and the elderly. I repeat, not in some distant, "dark" times - in the 20th century, during the life of modern generations. Today, terrorist attacks carried out by terrorists under the banner of Islam in Israel, the USA, and Europe claim the lives of innocent women, children and old people.

At the same time, Russia supplies weapons to Muslim countries that patronize terrorist gangs. Perhaps your opponents have nothing to do with the supply of weapons, but they may realize that this is evil! Until they realize this, in the eyes of Heaven they are passive accomplices of the murderers.

Therefore, before accusing someone of cruelty towards innocent victims, let them first think about what their people and their allies are doing.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that the "Torah" cannot be "tried on" on the material vision of the world. The Torah is the Wisdom of the Creator, which gives us a "tool" to correct the world and eradicate Evil in it..

If we consider the texts of the Torah from this point of view, everything falls into place.

If we consider that the world is only a spiritless matter, the System of Management by it may indeed seem strange, illogical and - unethical …

The author of the text - Haim Ackerman, 08.07.2013 A source.

Perhaps the most striking thing in Judaism is not that the rabbis and Kabbalists (the latter are a higher hierarchical level in Judaism) call the book "Torah" a "tool" for correcting the world and eradicating Evil in it, and not that they consider Jews "working hands”, Holding this“tool”, but the fact that they are frightening the Jews today with a new Holocaust, which should fall on their heads … for the poor fulfillment of their obligations to the Jewish Lord! The revelation of the Kabbalist M. Lightman is about this:

There is reason to think that the previous extermination of the Jews was planned for the same reason!

Appendix: "There is no religion more vile than Judaism!".

December 5, 2017 Murmansk. Anton Blagin
