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A comprehensive analysis of world history gave an answer to the question: why do the leaders of the West hate Russia so much?
A comprehensive analysis of world history gave an answer to the question: why do the leaders of the West hate Russia so much?

Video: A comprehensive analysis of world history gave an answer to the question: why do the leaders of the West hate Russia so much?

Video: A comprehensive analysis of world history gave an answer to the question: why do the leaders of the West hate Russia so much?
Video: Xenophobe Disrespects All Dragons Within Minutes Of Pitch | Dragons' Den 2024, April

This news is especially relevant now, when millions of people around the world do not understand at all why the leaders of Western countries impose economic sanctions against Russia under various far-fetched pretexts, why the organizers of the next Olympic Games do not allow the best Russian athletes to participate in the current Olympics, and why the West is in once again threatens Russia with a war (already the third world war!), placing its military bases and missiles in the immediate vicinity of our state borders.

All this is easily explained by the fact that the modern leadership of the United States, England, the European Union and now Ukraine is entirely Jewish blood, degenerative, as found out only in the twentieth century genetics, that's why aggressive, continued and developed this topic in the same XX century, psychiatrists!

And why they all have Russia with its state-forming Russian people literally across the throat, the reader will understand a little later from reading this article.


Jewish leadership of the European Union. On the right, in the front row, the leader of Ukraine P. Poroshenko (Valtsman).

That it goes blood war, and it has been going on for more than 7 centuries in a row, without stopping for a single day, it has become obvious only recently, when scientists were able to put together the fruits of research of various sciences and receive, as a result of this synthesis, a completely clear the concept ("Understanding system") degradation of modern humanity.

The literal translation of the word “degradation” is “to step down”, that is, a gradual deterioration of morality, a decline in spirit, a decline in the quality of culture, etc.

Moreover, the West began to degrade especially rapidly immediately after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. I personally got the impression that the USSR, with its tremendous successes in the field of culture on the platform of socialism, literally forced the West to "keep up" and "be no worse" in order to mask the true degenerate essence of its political and cultural leadership.

What has become over the past 25-27 years "mass culture" of the West, British blogger Paul Joseph Watson told and vividly showed in his video message: "Paul Joseph Watson: The Truth About Popular Culture".

How scientists came to this the system of understanding the degeneration of modern humanity, can be traced back to the milestones left by the founders of new scientific disciplines.

It all started with the fact that at the end of the 18th century, a scientist Anquetil duperro(1731 - 1805) translated an old Persian book into French "Avesta" … The result - the whole enlightened Europe was literally dumbfounded by that revelationthat this book was. Well, how could it be otherwise ?! Europeans by that time, all without exception, were accustomed to think in the Old Testament categories of the book of the "Bible", which states that God has a special people chosen by God - the Jews, and here, in the "Avesta" the oldest Aryan culture, which at that time none of the Europeans had even heard of.



And when in 1858 the British established their rule over India, turning it into their colony, and when they learned about the presence in India of ancient books, much older than the Christian Bible and the Jewish Torah, which were written in the language of the "white gods" - sanskrit, they also discovered a completely unknown world, but at the same time they saw their historical (genetic) roots in this unfamiliar Aryan world.


It is high time to note here that in Europe up to the beginning of the 19th century there was an absolutely terrible situation with the formation of the population. Not only have Europeans been literally hammered into their heads for centuries the idea of geocentrismthey say, "The Earth is the center of the universe, and the Sun and all other celestial bodies revolve around the motionless Earth" all European languages are a form of degradation of the Hebrew language! How could it be otherwise, if in all European countries power at some point began to be seized degenerates? And how could it be otherwise, if the Catholic Church from century to century inspired the European peoples with the idea that all people descended from Jews! A source.

And so, at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, thanks to cultural discoveries (the translation into European languages of the Persian "Avesta" and the Indo-Aryan "Rig Veda"), a new milestone appeared in the history of mankind - a new science called comparative linguistics … Moreover, this science studying the relationship of languages arose on the basis of mathematical analysis!

Encyclopedic reference:

Comparative-historical linguistics appeared after the discovery by Europeans sanskrit, the literary language of ancient India. Back in the 16th century, the Italian traveler Filippo Sasseti noticed the similarity of Indian words with Italian and Latin, but no scientific conclusions were made. The beginning of comparative historical linguistics was laid in the 18th century by William Jones, who owns the following words:

The Sanskrit language, whatever its antiquity, has an amazing structure, more perfect than the Greek language, richer than Latin, and more beautiful than either of them, but bearing in itself such a close relationship with these two languages as in roots of verbs, and in the forms of grammar, that this could not be generated by chance, the relationship is so strong that not a single philologist who would study these three languages can not believe that they all originated from one common source, which, perhaps, no longer exists. There is a similar rationale, albeit not so convincing, to suggest that both the Gothic and Celtic languages, although mixed with completely different dialects, had the same origin as Sanskrit

Further development of science has confirmed the correctness of the statement of W. Jones.

At the beginning of the 19th century, independently of each other, various scientists from different countries began to clarify the relationship of languages within a particular family and achieved remarkable results.

Franz Bopp studied the conjugation of basic verbs in Sanskrit, Greek, Latin and Gothic using a comparative method, comparing both roots and inflections. On the basis of a large surveyed material Bopp proved the declarative thesis of W. Jones and in 1833 wrote the first "Comparative grammar of Indo-Germanic (Indo-European) languages".

The Danish scholar Rasmus-Christian Rusk in every possible way emphasized that grammatical correspondences are much more important than lexical ones, because borrowing inflection, and in particular inflections, "never happens." Rusk compared Icelandic with Greenlandic, Basque, Celtic languages and denied them kinship (Rusk later changed his mind about Celtic). Then Rusk compared Icelandic with Norwegian, then with other Scandinavian languages (Swedish, Danish), then with other Germanic, and finally with Greek and Latin. Rusk did not attract Sanskrit to this circle. Perhaps in this respect he is inferior to Bopp. But the involvement of the Slavic and especially the Baltic languages has significantly compensated for this deficiency.

The third founder of the comparative method in linguistics was A. Kh. Vostokov. He studied only Slavic languages. Vostokov was the first to point out the need to compare the data contained in the monuments of dead languages with the facts of living languages and dialects, which later became a prerequisite for the work of linguists in a comparative historical sense. According to A. A. Kotlyarevsky, even before Vostokov, the comparative method in Russia was applied by MV Lomonosov, who "began to compare and distinguish the Slavic element in the language from the Russian one."

Through the works of these scholars, the comparative method in linguistics was not only declared, but also shown in its methodology and technique. A significant influence on the formation of the comparative method in Russian linguistics was exerted by the journal "Philological Notes", published since 1860 in Voronezh under the editorship of A. A. Khovansky. Since 1866, Khovansky's journal was specially devoted to the issues of comparative historical methodology and for a long time remained the only printed organ in Russia, on the pages of which this new direction in the science of language developed in the middle of the 19th century.

Great services in refining and strengthening this method on a large comparative material of Indo-European languages belong to Augustus-Friedrich Pott, who gave comparative etymological tables of Indo-European languages. The results of almost two hundred years of studies of languages by the method of comparative historical linguistics are summarized in the scheme of genealogical classification of languages. A source.

Thanks to new science - comparative linguistics- scientists managed to find out that of all languages existing on earth, the closest to Sanskrit, on which the ancient Indo-Aryan "Vedas" are written, turned out to be Russian! Today it is recognized by the entire world science!

This is the secret: where did the Jews get that special dislike for Russians, which often turns into pathological hatred.

And if you look at now world map of language familiescompiled by linguistic scientists, then we will see that aryan(Indo-European) language family(represented in light green), with which the Russian language has the closest relationship, has the widest distribution area on the planet. This is almost entirely South and North America, this is half of Australia, this is southern Africa, this is India, this is Iran, this is Turkey, this is the whole of Western Europe, and this, of course, is the entire European part of Russia as well as a significant part of Siberia and the Far East!


Appendix: "The classified secret of the Russian people".

This photograph captures an archaeological find in the city of Zeugma, proving the fact that the white-skinned Aryans lived in the territory of modern Turkey. On the so-called "Roman frescoes" the inscriptions turned out to be in Russian!


Next we come to another important historical milestone.

By the middle of the 19th century under the influence comparative linguistics and in connection with the discovery of ancient Aryan written sources, such as the "Rig Veda" (India) and "Avesta" (Persia), a new science begins to develop in Europe - comparative religion … Once again, enlightened Europeans have a culture shock. After all, since the Middle Ages, they were purposefully hammered into their consciousness Abrahamic cult of one God, instilling along the way the idea that there are no other spiritual values in the world! And then, it turned out that there are very other spiritual values in the world, and what kind!

Moreover, operating with new historical and cultural knowledge, two great Europeans Max Muller (1823-1900) and Ernest Renan (1823-1892) introduce a classical dichotomy, that is, they discover clear opposition of two worlds: Semitic and Aryan … They clearly demonstrate this opposition at the level of language, at the level of mythology, at the level of culture: value systems, worldview, etc.

"Dichotomy (Greek διχοτομία: δῐχῆ," in two "+ τομή," division ") is a dichotomy, consecutive division into two parts, more connected internally than with each other."

Look at what, for example, Max Muller and Ernest Renan saw this opposition of two worlds: Aryan and Semitic. Everything related to Aryan mythology is always the Sun! This is the cult of the Sun in all its manifestations. In contrast, Semitic mythology is a lunar cult and lunar monotheism! Evidence: Jewish Jews still live according to the lunar calendar, among the Muslim Semites today the main symbolism of their religion is the crescent. A source.


Availability great similarity between the mythology of Judaism and the mythology of Islamtoday can be explained solely by the fact that the Jewish spiritual leaders once had a plan to subjugate the entire Arab world through the spread of the teachings of the Jewish "Torah" among the Arabs (Semites). However, at one fine moment this plan of the Jews was prevented from being realized by the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him!). He managed to convince many sane representatives of the Arab civilization to take a completely different path. And since the Jews at that time had already managed to instill in some part of the Arabs the Jewish tradition and Jewish mythology, Muhammad had no choice but to simply modify them, adapting them to the sound Semitic mentality. Hence the great similarity between the mythology of Judaism and the mythology of Islam.

Surprisingly, comparative studies of religion have found an even more striking similarities between Christianity and Aryan Vedism ("Vedism" - from the word "Vedas", "in charge"). The main points of contact of these two worldviews and mythologies - both there and there are "teaching about the Spirit", revealed to a greater extent in the Aryan "Vedas" than in Christianity. For example, in the "New Testament" of Jesus Christ, all who are thirsty for knowledge are given concept of God who is Spirit ("God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth" (John 4:24).

This is also Christianity:

These lines of the Mahabharata are proof that the ancient Aryan philosophyoriginalin relation to all Abrahamic religions

Comparative religious studies have revealed another striking similarity between Christianity and Aryan Vedism: in the "New Testament" of Christ the Savior and in the Indo-Aryan "Mahabharata" there is exactly the same appeal to villainous people and even their logical ending is equally outlined - one day they will be burned as vicious weeds!

Judge for yourself, reader, here is the direct speech of Christ the Savior, inscribed in the text of the biblical "New Testament":

Such a similarity of meanings and even key words used in the Indo-Aryan "Mahabharata" and in the "New Testament" of Jesus Christ cannot be accidental. The Savior either read the literary works of the Aryans, or was himself from the Aryan family, that is, was one of the "white gods"as the Aryans were called by the Hindus.

So, thanks to the discovery of the language by Europeans sanskrit, and with it the Aryan culture, Aryan symbolism and Aryan architecture, called Greek or Roman architecture by disinformation, in Europe and the United States at the end of the 19th century, at the level of the common people and at the level of representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, a boom in veneration of everything Aryan began!

In Russia, even the family of the last Russian emperor Nicholas II Romanov was infected with this veneration of Aryan culture.


Veneration of the Aryan swastika by the last Russian imperial family.

The Russian emperor Nicholas II even issued a decree on monetary reform, according to which new paper money and securities containing the image aryan swastika … To this end, shortly before the 1917 revolution, clichés were already made for printing new banknotes with swastikas, only their production began in Russia after the overthrow of the monarchy, first under the Provisional Government, then during the establishment of Soviet power.


In 1920, in the holy land of Jordan, during the archaeological excavations of the ancient city of Geras, covered by a mudflow in 749 AD, floor mosaics were found, clearly indicating the presence of the Aryans in those regions too, and their enormous influence on the culture of that time. …

In the photo below, the temple of the 4th-5th centuries AD of the two saints Cosmas and Damian in the city of Gerasa (Jerash):


This is a fragment of the floor mosaic of the Church of SS. Kosmas and Damian.

I want to comment on this ancient mosaic picture with many Aryan swastikas with the following revelation: the swastika here depicts the omnipresent "Holy Spirit", which, according to the ideas of the ancients, is "omnipresent and creative."

Reader Andrey Naumov wrote me recently: "the word swastika has two roots. "Sva" is "pure swarga" (our galaxy has 4 arms), "tika" means "flow", "move". Accordingly, the swastika is an image of the movement of the galaxy. Left-sided - destroying, cleansing, nullifying (as was the case with Hitler). Right-sided - creating, filling ".

I answered him: the Jews probably came up with this interpretation for you. And you, not knowing the essence, repeat after them a lie (disinformation) like a parrot. Actually an Aryan word "Sva" is "Spirit"! See how the word is spelled in Sanskrit "spiritual" - "matchmaker" … By adding the sound "HA" to "SWA" from the word "SPIRIT" the word "SPIRITUAL" is obtained!

If, as you say, the word TIKA is "to flow", "to move", then the word "SWASTIKA" is literally "SPIRIT MOTION"!

That is, the swastika is the movement of the Spirit, which is God, creating worlds!

According to the ideas of the ancient Aryans, the SPIRIT MOTION has the shape of a spiral. This form of movement is demonstrated by the numerous images of SWASTIK on the floor mosaics in the temple of Saints Cosmas and Damian. We see many graphic images of the spiral movement of the SPIRIT in space, and this movement can have a left or right direction of rotation! Therefore, the swastikas are depicted in the mosaic picture of both left and right rotation!


The fact that the above is not at all the imagination of the author of this article, says Latin. In Latin, the word "Spirit" is "Spiritus", and the word "Spiritus" is cognate with the word "Spiro" - "spinning, spinning." And the Latin word "Spira" is "spiral"!

So Latin and the swastika together testify that the ancient Aryans possessed knowledge, to which the representatives of the Abrahamic civilization could come only in the middle of the twentieth century

As it turned out, photon (from ancient Greek. φῶς, genus. pad. φωτός, "Light"), the smallest material "particle" or the smallest "portion" of light, when moving in space translationally "can be only in two spin states with the projection of the spin on the direction of motion (helicity) ± 1". A source.

Spin (from the English spin, literally - rotation, rotate (-s). Rotation can occur either to the left or to the right.

By the way, this also applies to elementary particles - electrons, which form static electric charges in bodies and when moving along a conductor - electric current, together with which the so-called "vortex magnetic field" is formed.

As for the screams of journalists and politicians about the "Holocaust of 6 million Jews" allegedly killed by the Nazis during the Second World War, and as for the actual murder of hundreds of thousands of Jews most useless for Judaism, this is one of the many dastardly tricks available in the arsenal Jewish-Jewish leadership. It, the Jewish-Jewish leadership, regularly resorts to using this dastardly technique for their beneficial psychic influence on the minds of non-Jews.

After watching this documentary video, I personally want to ask the representatives of the Jewish society: how many times in the 20th century were Jews killed by 6 million each ?!

However, these murderous facts, revealing the fact of the monstrous fraud of the Jewish leadership on the "dead souls" of their fellow tribesmen, are NOTHING compared to what has become known relatively recently.

As it turned out, the Nazi Adolf Hitler, skillfully posing as an Aryan and constantly showing the Aryan swastika everywhere, was 100% Jewish

It was said on the central Russian TV channel "Russia-24"!

Now listen to the statement of one of the oldest deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky(by the way, a Jew by his father, who until June 10, 1964 bore the surname Eidelstein):

The words "let them kill each other as much as possible" expressing the direction of official US policy, said US Senator Harry Truman on June 24, 1941, freemason, who later became the 33rd President of the United States, who dropped the first atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945:


Below is a video recording of Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky's speech in the State Duma of Russia, a fragment of which I quoted above:

If all this is true about the Jewish Rothschild clan and about the Jew Adolf Hitler (and nothing prevents our authorities from carefully checking and raising it to the level of an "established fact"!), Then the peoples of the planet have the right to demand the convening of a new Nuremberg Tribunal, which this time must condemn the customer or a group of customers of all Nazi crimes (the Rothschild clan, the Habsburg clan, or other Jewish clans that financed the Nazis), as well as itself world Jewry for speculation on the Holocaust!

Take them to court! They will start making excuses - means already half to blame!

Finally, something happened in Russia that "world Judaism" tried at all times to avoid by any means! This event can rightfully be considered a turning point in the liberation of the Russian people from the Jewish yoke.

Now you will understand what I mean and what I mean. Look at this poster with the words of an Orthodox rabbi. Mikhail Finkel, spoken in the studio Israeli Russian-language TV channel ITON-TV in 2012. pay special attention to words underlined in red:


You see with your own eyes that the Orthodox Rabbi M. Finkel admits that Jews are guilty of the collapse of the Russian Empire, Jews are guilty of numerous crimes of the Civil War of 1918-1922that followed the October Revolution of 1917, Jews are guilty of the destruction of Orthodoxy, clergy, aristocracy and intelligentsia of the Russian people

At the same time, all these Jewish criminals were, of course, "atheists and atheists" who had nothing to do with the Jewish religion, and vice versa, they were cursed by the rabbis of that time.

Mikhail Finkel, of course, admitted that it is impossible not to admit! Well, what can you do if Russian President Vladimir Putin himself said that "The first Soviet government consisted of 80-85% Jews" … It is already pointless to argue with the facts of history! They SHOULD be recognized! But all these confessions of the Jews are made so cunningly every time that Jewish criminals are always (I emphasize always!) Are presented exclusively as atheists and atheists!

Notice how the eyewitness to Jewish crimes, British War Minister Winston Churchill, did the same in his article "Zionism & Bolshevism", published in the English newspaper "Herald" on February 8, 1920.

Assessing what was happening in Russia at that time, Churchill wrote: a crowd of "exceptional personalities from the scum of big cities in Europe and America grabbed the Russian people by the hair and established their rule over a huge empire" - these are his exact words.

Speaking about "bad" and "good" Jews, Winston Churchill wrote in his article:

A source

Let us now consider the recent events in Ukraine, which differ little from the events of 1917-1924 that took place in Russia. In February 2014, a real coup d'etat took place in Ukraine with a ritual sacrifice in the form of a detailed shooting of the "Heavenly Hundred".

As a result of the coup, Jews came to power over the 45 million Ukrainian people. Of course, they are also "exceptional individuals from among the scum"! Moreover, the new Ukrainian government is 100% Jewish! There are simply no non-Jews there!

And after all, what is surprising, although not - it is natural, as soon as the massacre of the Slavic population began in Ukraine under the pretext of fighting the "counter-revolution" and "seperatists", the voices of rabbis or religious Jews began to sound in the media, who began to inspire everyone with the idea that these Jewish criminals who revived fascism in Ukraine are non-religious Jews, they say, they are just scum and scoundrels …

An example of such misinformation of the population of Russia is this video from the Russian TV channel "RUSSIA-1", where we see in the role of the presenter - Vladimir Solovyovwho openly positions himself as Judea, and in the role of a guest answering questions, we see - Avikdora Eskina, one more Judea, Israeli publicist and public figure.

As we see and hear, gathered in the studio of the Russian TV channel Jews, as they say, "chatted the topic"!

And the main fascist Jew Igor Kolomoisky, who operated in Ukraine as the executioner of the Slavs, and as the head of the United Jewish Community of Ukraine ), and as the head of the Depropetrovsk region, in their opinion, has nothing to do with Judaism (the Jewish religion)!


Well, how can he not? Didn't he build a huge synagogue in Dnepropetrovsk? And was it not him that the Jewish community of Ukraine elected as its head in 2012?

Why do the Jews constantly, from year to year, emphasize in the media, despite the truth (!), That certain Jewish criminals are "non-religious Jews", they say, they are just "scum and scoundrels" ?!

This is done solely in order to save the satanic religion of the Jews and their entire satanic community from under attack, about which in the Christian "Bible" it is written clearly and distinctly: "slander from those who say of themselves that they are Jews, but they are not, but a congregation of Satan" (Revelation 2: 9).

Who will save the Jews when the world knows what they have done?

So, above I tried to convey to the reader the idea that the war against the RUSSIAN PEOPLE, against all RUSSIANS, is being waged by the hands of the JEWS! They are the mercenary soldiers of this not officially declared war. It can be said in another way: they are the exterminators of the Russians and of the entire "white race" without exception, carrying "Russian" or, to be more precise, "Hyperborean-Aryan genetics."

Today this is no longer a secret either for me or for the Jews themselves, though not all, but some. Before they, blindly obeying their leaders, they did not even know what they were doing … However, now at least some Jews have finally begun to see clearly!

A good example of this insight in the camp of the Jews is a short article written in English by John Kaminski. It has a title corresponding to this phenomenon: "Who will save the Jews when the world finds out what they have done?" ("Who will save the Jews once the world learns what they’ve done?").

I see no point in citing it in full here, so I will quote only the most important words written by John Kaminki:


Yes, their religion and their "priests" (rabbis) claim it! Here's a look: "Only Jews are people!"


A source

The same Jewish religion, elevated to the rank of law and equated to the "Constitution of the Jewish people", encourages Jews to literally exterminate some peoples, and in relation to other peoples encourages them to strive to take an exclusively dominant position.

You can learn about this today not only from the Jewish "Torah", but also from the Christian book "Bible", which includes the books of the "Old Testament" - the same Jewish "Torah". Here is just a small fragment of the "instructions to the Jews" from the Bible. Even today they are subject to strict execution by "megalomaniacal Jewish fools", as John Kaminsky put it, because "Torah" for Jews - still valid "Law of God":


Further, in his article, John Kaminsky wrote: "It is THEY (" quite definite megalomaniacal Jewish fools who control everything on this planet ") bear the primary responsibility for this senseless genocide of peoples and destruction of economies and cultures, and this WE is the sheep herd of Jews. in the second place we are responsible forthat THEY have taken possession (with malice) of our minds! We are just cogs in the hands of some JEWS who run the global network of the terrible Octopus, who make us half-dead zombies, tied by a complex system of payments of “thirty pieces of silver” of various kinds. And they really don't care about our fate!

All that is required of us to recover from this madness is to understand WHAT the Jews have done to the world during all this time? Not realizing this now is to be a zombie, and probably to die in the human and ontological sense …" A source.

Appendix: "There is no more thankless occupation than trying to save Jews from another Holocaust!"

February 11, 2018 Murmansk. Anton Blagin

P. S

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