Cinderella syndrome. Modern women under the rule of glamor
Cinderella syndrome. Modern women under the rule of glamor

Video: Cinderella syndrome. Modern women under the rule of glamor

Video: Cinderella syndrome. Modern women under the rule of glamor
Video: Can 100% renewable energy power the world? - Federico Rosei and Renzo Rosei 2024, May

Capitalism gave birth to a new kind of women with a distorted psyche and a parasitic essence, for whom morality and ethics do not matter. For the sake of a good life, they are ready to sell their children and kill their relatives….

… She took the money for the killer from his jacket, since there were wide pockets there. She found the killer herself from his entourage - she offered a dirty business to his own chauffeur. There was little left to do - to kill him and forget.

A forty-year-old businessman in midlife crisis found a lady at a girl's body sale - that is, at one of the beauty contests, where she won first place.

Having hoisted the crown of the first beauty of the Universe and its surroundings on her head, the eighteen-year-old girl believed that her life had taken place - now she would probably be bought at the best price. And she was not mistaken in the calculations. The businessman-buyer was not just an oligarch, but a well-to-do man, he had catering points, agricultural enterprises and other sweet attributes of business well-being.

He gave her a brand new BMW car, a small apartment, but in a good area - everything as it should be when buying and selling elite live goods. The girl was almost happy. One snag - the temper of her owner sometimes became simply unbearable. Sometimes, filled with elite vodka and ate it with black caviar, he began to pour reproaches at his passion - callousness, idleness, stupidity and worthlessness. But this can be overcome easily. However, after another pile, he began to say terrible:

- I'll take your apartment and BMW - then you'll find out!

Such statements put her in a state of stupor. An apartment and a BMW, with which she became akin - and take it away ?! This is a disaster worse than the explosion of the much-hyped Yellowstone volcano!

She could not understand how sincere the "daddy" was in his threats. Even a hint of losing everything that was most precious in life - cars, huts and clothes - simply clouded her mind, driving it into some hopeless abyss. Therefore, she stole, it seems, a couple of tens of thousands of dollars from the future victim. And, since she knew very few decisive people in Moscow, she began to incite the chauffeur to a wet business - he also strongly disliked his boss.

In the end, the driver, having recorded the conversation on a dictaphone, went to the businessman and laid out everything. He, moving away from the shock and deciding that life and Cupid in this particular case are incompatible, went to the criminal investigation department.

The operation went smoothly, like a textbook - an imitation of a murder, transfer of money, detention. And the girl got a job at a new place of residence in the female pre-trial detention center.

This story at one time made a lot of noise in the media. But what happened next - very few people know.

When the emotions subsided, the girl began to whine and cry on dates with her victim. She did it so professionally that the rock-hard heart trembled, melted and flowed with hot lava, losing its original shape. The businessman swam. And, as the malicious rumors say, which I do not believe at all, I went to the prosecutor's investigators to beg forgiveness for the joy of my soul. Naturally, the investigator said that this was not a matter of private prosecution, but an attempted murder, therefore nothing depends on whether the victim takes the statement or not. To the question that has become so familiar - how much does it cost, cunning people who recommended themselves as intermediaries determined the price at six hundred thousand dollars. Greed and love did not fight for long - the latter won. In general, by hook or by crook, the criminal proceedings were terminated, the girl returned to freedom - to her favorite fur coats, an apartment and a BMW.

But life returned to normal, everything became the same as before - together with hard drinking and threats of "daddy" to deprive the dearest. After a while, the girl raised enough money so that, after another scandal, she went to order her beloved hitmen again. This time she turned to the victim's friend. He, moving away from the momentary shock, immediately laid it down. This time the police were not involved in the showdown. The virgin was expelled from paradise, and no one knows what happened to her now.

One could consider this story as a funny incident with a good ending. However, it is quite typical. Typically, the heroine's behavior is absolutely cold, cruel and selfish. There is a very special type of young women. Mass product of the era of developed capitalism. Glamorous fifa.

Fifa grows up and comes to the adult world with an established awareness of his gigantic superiority over the rest of humanity, and especially over men. Men in her understanding are lower beings whose task is to provide for her, give clothes and admire her. Some, especially ardent fifa, are interested in the bodily side of the relationship, but this is not necessary. The main feature of fifa is a bottomless and boundless, like the Universe itself, conceit. Feeling of own exclusivity. And the firm conviction that the whole world is in her debt for the fact that she was born.

Fifa's main allies are mirror, cosmetics, manicure. And, as a consequence of achieving a marketable appearance - cars, iPhones, apartments, money for maintenance, cold contempt for the rest of humanity.

I had a person under investigation - a ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater. Well, a complete fifa with a completely distorted attitude. She took antiques from people in a fraudulent way and sincerely indignant when they demanded it back, and even dared to complain to the police. She took it - she should be grateful that she came down. Because SHE is the sun, and the rest do not even pull on miserable asteroids - so, meteorites that occasionally flew to Earth. By the way, having plunged deeper into the environment of Russian ballet, I realized that among ballerinas who are accustomed to worship and struggle for existence in an aggressive female environment, this is normal. Remember the infamous diva, I will not give her last name - she is quite typical there.

Like all sociopaths, consummate glamorous fifes do not perceive people as human. They are for them figures in a computer game, which need to be milked, which need to be moved, which are created so that the fife is good. Emotional dullness to the suffering and worries of other people distinguishes inborn fifu. Therefore, it is not surprising that they find themselves drawn into the bloodiest crimes.

In recent years, various gangs have actively used glamorous FIFs to infiltrate the entourage of large dealers, seduce them with the subsequent plundering and division of property.

- Oh, well, chick, class, I'll tell you, - said the investigator, showing me a photo of the figurant.

Indeed, there was a very beautiful woman in the photo. One could understand how the old swindler and big businessman fell for this "circus princess".

The nickname Bloodsucker (changed) was earned by this new Russian (in fact, an old Jew) for a reason - he never missed his profit, successfully maneuvered between thugs with large-caliber machine guns, authorities with important papers and heavy seals, in the most terrible gangster times, he was the owner of serious real estate in several cities. His fortune was estimated at several hundred million dollars. Once he divorced his wife. And everything was good in his life, until the cunning guys set him up.

If his brains were working, not hormones, he would have made inquiries and found out that his passion worked as a prostitute in Intourist, brought clients under the bandits, and on her account there was exactly one corpse - the whole gang then sat down, and she got out. Fifs somehow know how to get out of the water dry.

And now another gang, to which she joined, brought her with a skillful operational combination to the Bloodsucker. He fell for women's charms and went mad. And as a result, he married her.

One evening he left for a meeting without a bodyguard, no one knows who. Nobody saw him alive again. The version about the involvement of fifa was the first and only one worthy of attention.

The investigation was carried out for a long time. Operatives from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB put on the ears of all the bandits. Passion burned serious - a lot of money was at stake. Hereditary squabbles over property began. In general, the story is long, with absolutely incredible, even for us, who are accustomed to everything, twists and turns that cannot be told. As a result, the bandits agreed to show where the body was, and the investigation team dug it up in the woods. Two perpetrators of the murder were exposed. And on this the thread was cut off. Fifa and her owners remained with their own.

I think this is not the only story of this kind. Often this business is more peaceful, and the fifa squeeze property from businessmen calmly, through the courts. Many moneybags were very emaciated from such stories …

According to fifa, she should live without denying herself anything, and shine. Only bad humanity for some reason does not understand this, and she has to strain. At the same time, the ways in which her goals are achieved are not so important to her. The main thing is the result.

I remember that in Kaliningrad they grabbed a gang - young guys strangled and killed taxi drivers, took possession of money and cars. There were a couple of fifs in the gang. Taranov, the deputy chief of the regional search, interrogated one of them. There is a plastic doll with completely glassy eyes. And the colonel tells her:

- You are completely crazy with your nightclubs, clothes! You kill people for them. You are pouring blood. To eat a cocktail in a pub. Blood on it all. You are absolutely fucking crazy!

He spoke emotionally and correctly. And in the eyes of fifa there was not that understanding, but even the slightest gleam. There was only a sincere resentment - how was she, so beautiful, dragged into the cop's office, and even convinced that she should not go to nightclubs and sip cocktails, buy new dresses a la Dior and disappear from a pedicure with a manicurist? This is blasphemy!

Sometimes the fifa become obsessed with passions. Then no one and nothing will stop them - put out the light, our locomotive is flying forward, there is a stop in the slammer.

Seventeen-year-old fifa found herself a toy - a pretty boy. There is nowhere to meet, his parents do not give to pick the fruits of love at home, he also does not matter with the apartment. And how good it is together, in a separate hut!

This desire for both - to live together and enjoy each other, has become painful. But there was no way out of the situation. So it seemed to them until the fifa had a stunning in its simplicity thought - she lives with her parents and brother, and if they suddenly disappear, then the three-room apartment will remain at her complete disposal.

She brings this simple idea to her boyfriend. At first, he decided that she was joking. But gradually, day after day, she sharpens his brain. He is in a love intoxication gives consent. All you have to do is kill three close relatives of his beloved. She already looked after him the killer's tool - either a hatchet, or something else. And I made a plan. The only thing left to do is to come and overwhelm the whole family, like a fish on the shore.

Just before the crime, the boy shook his head, freeing himself from obsession. And he realized where he was being pushed. He sighed and trudged off to the police to surrender. The customer was detained. I remember showing her family on TV. Well-dressed people, well-to-do, intelligent - not some kind of rag. And the dumbfounded mother, for whom even more of a shock was not what she and her husband ordered, but that little brother fifa was added there too.

Yes, they are fifa and there are - ruthless and merciless.

Fifa without a glamorous life begins to dry out, like a plant without water, the leaves turn yellow and crumble, and you don't want to live. Most of all they are enraged by some kind of social responsibility. Fifs hate problems and prefer to solve them by any means. And any problems. Including those related to loved ones.

I remember the video recording of the arrest of another such heroine. Such a classy, chic looking filth. In a high-quality outfit, with a correctly delivered speech - clearly not from the village of Kukuevo. Everything in her life was, in general, not so bad. Here are just two problems - little money on your pocket and a lot of time is spent on your daughter, who appeared by chance and completely out of place. I was especially enraged by my daughter, who did not allow her to walk at her own discretion - such a petty bastard demanded money and attention all the time!

Money and daughter - with common sense, it turned out that these problems can be solved in one fell swoop. That is, to sell a daughter for money. Delighted with this idea, fifa looked like, looked for someone to drive the child, so as not to take him to school next year. I found buyers who offered a very decent price - either ten or twenty thousand dollars. I arrived at the arrow in the center of Moscow.

The daughter is so thin, touching, she looks at her mother as a protector, with love and hope. And that one:

- Wait here, daughter.

I left the girl at the post and got into the car.

“We brought the money,” says the buyer.

- I also brought, - Fifa nods at the girl, lonely standing at the post.

- I just would like to clarify a few points. You see, we are not taking a child for adoption. Most likely, it will be used to provide intimate services. Maybe they'll let it go to the internal organs.

- I understand. Do what you want.

- Well, then here's the money.

This beast takes the bucks, gets out of the car, takes the palm of the girl, who looks trustingly at her mother, and says:

- You will go with these uncles.

I forgot to add - to a brothel or to internal organs.

The girl nods obediently. Sits in the car with his uncles.

Well, after that, as is customary: "Hyundai hoh, criminal investigation department!"

The girl was bought by operatives from the organized crime department. Having seen enough of different things, they were knocked out of the rut by this deal. They had such a state when the hand reaches for the pistol.

Someone may be surprised at such an attitude towards their own child. What's special? The behavior of a glamorous fifa is normal.

Fifa have always been. Even in caves, I think. This is such an extreme state of the female psyche, complete egocentrism and consumer attitude towards the whole world. It's just that before they were beaten in the head with "Domostroy", the generally accepted strict morality, religion and condemnation of society. They tried to overcome their self-confidence with family and school, good literature. They were brought up and re-educated in every possible way - it is difficult to make a full-fledged person out of fifa, but it is quite possible to keep within certain limits.

Everything has changed today. Fifa is one of the major resources of capitalism. They are one of the main consumers of excess production, which means they are a source of profit, profit, profit! Fifa is above all an ideal buyer. She is like an excavator shoveling everything with a bucket - brand brands, fashion collections, glamorous magazines, advertised things, stupid services, jewelry, everything that allows her to show herself and hover over the cattle. Any full-fledged fifa dreams that everyone would envy her - her manicure, clothes, cars and, of course, a new handbag, under which a golden convertible is perfect. Fifa is the ideal subject of commercial relations. With proper advertising, you can sell everything to her.

Limited only by the capabilities of the credit cards of boyfriends, sugar daddies and other suckers, the needs of the fif are the basis for many illusory industries, flimsy services, unequal exchange, sales for a thousand what is worth a ruble on a market day. Coco overcoats, Lucas with Vitons, Gucci with figuchi, Dolci with wild boars, Armani - not to be confused with Armata, Srachi Versachi and other dregs (if you made a mistake in the name - do not scold) - all this is for them. At the same time, fifa, as a rule, will always find funds for tinsel, whatever the cost.

All normal women love fashionable clothes, high-quality cosmetics and expensive things. But for fifa, this is the whole point of her life - she will strangle herself for a fashionable fur coat made of Mexican jerboa, for an untwisted gadget that provides mobile communication with the Moon and Mars, so that she has something that others would not have. This is the purpose and content of life, the main path of fate. And you don't need to talk to them about spirituality, humanity - the new collection of mods from Armani, and you talk about some kind of conscience and love for your neighbor. Fi you!

As a result, humanity annually spends many times more on cosmetics than on space and ocean exploration, and solving energy problems. Moreover, he spends mainly not on things, but on brands, as a result of which the paddling pools live very well, using only the magic word "Chanel", which magically creates capital from the void.

Since fifa is a valuable resource, entire industries - cinema, glamorous magazines, Internet sites - work tirelessly to increase it and promote it. Millions of people do their best to reproduce this environment and value system. Take modern Russian TV series. Who is the main character? Blunt-nosed fifa performed by the same mediocre fifa. Plastic fifa is the hero of any advertisement. “A marinated bull's hoof from Zhralnik International is a real delight,” says the exemplary glamorous fifa on the screen, and rolls his eyes, and his face is such that it is clear that there is no more pleasure in the world except to taste this hoof. The most interesting thing is that this caricatured behavior is quite similar to the assessments and behavior of the fifa itself, for which all this was done. The real fifa will always believe the on-screen fifa.

The latest squeak of fashion is numerous trainings for fif. They teach fifa to fool men and breed them for money, and they make fifa out of women. This is beginning to acquire some painful proportions with us, which is typical - they are usually led by some strange ladies whose personal life has failed.

This information-cultural terror is going on so successfully that goal-setting and the FIF way of thinking gradually becomes dominant. The culture of glamorous fif is fundamental. The information vulgarity pouring from everywhere is akin to the Great Flood - in this muddy slurry the fifa are splashing with pleasure and carelessness, like dolphins around the Crimean bridge.

Fif is massively reproduced in families “Daughter, you are the best, the most unique. You are a princess, no one is worthy of you, all your nails are not worth it, mothers tell them - former or functioning fifa.

I enter Rambler. "NATO is heading for a cold war with Russia." "Buzova, after love in her soul, showed up in the temple" - this is the first page of news. Tragedies, world upheavals, movements of peoples on the one hand and love in the soul on the other. It seems to us that there is, to put it mildly, a discrepancy in scale. For fifa, everything is fine here. More precisely, for her, Buzova's ass is much more important than some boring war in Syria.

This fantastic psychology, standards of behavior and thinking are being reproduced on an increasingly frightening scale. If the West has long come to terms with this, then the Russian person has an internal protest. But he was late. Fifa are everywhere. They are like the vanguard of an alien invasion - beings with a completely different psyche and system of values have flooded everything around us.

Of course, not all fifa kill people, engage in crimes and are ready for anything. Basically, they harass loved ones by whining so that they can be provided with the proper level of consumption. Fifs are rarely smart - no developed mind will digest their value system, where the brand is more important than the essence, the game and show-off are more important than everyday life, and likes on the Internet are more important than people. But for the most part they are practical, often quick-witted, cunning and know how to perfectly manipulate people. In their unshakable self-confidence, they manage to prove to others that they are the One and Only, and it is an honor to throw the whole world at their feet, but in the absence of such manipulation from the object, a mink coat will come off for some twenty thousand euros.

Fifu is easily recognizable for his good makeup and glass eyes. They have no interest in others. A light comes on in them only when it comes to them, loved ones.

Fifa relishes the words: "Well, a thousand bucks for a scarf with parrots is, consider it a gift." As a person who has not earned a penny by useful work, she loves to demonstrate so unobtrusively that she has heaps of money, not like the goblins from Uralvagonzavod.

Fifa is always right. Fifa has the best taste - if someone thinks that she has no taste, it only says that the opponent has no taste. Fifa is definitely the best - only freaks and fools can doubt this. Fifa should glamorously eat smoothies in a cafe, fixing it on an iPhone and counting on the likes of other fifa or any subhuman. Fife does not care about everything - there are no people in the world who are worthy of her emotional participation. Sometimes she displays traits of bitchiness, vindictiveness, meanness and sadism - but this is if it affects her, beloved, or simply because of congenital defects of character, but this is not so important. Yes, there are still other fifa in the world, but where can they be equal to the Queen of the Universe!

Sometimes fifa carry the features of other varieties of females - dumb chicks and career bitches. There is no strict distinction here - a woman as a vessel can absorb the properties of many psychotypes. The worst thing, of course, is when all three types are combined together. Rarity? Yes, not at all.

In our time, when anyone can be appointed to any position without taking into account business qualities, work experience and specific results of activity, the most inveterate fifa are flooded into business and into state administration. As a rule, these are someone's skins-lovers, old girlfriends who, well, you just can't refuse, less often someone's daughters, granddaughters and other scale. In the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the like, this is clearly seen in the press services. I will not touch on the names and surnames, but the fifa ditched several press services for us with their whims, ambitions, intrigues, while not even possessing the rudiments of the art of team management. It is impossible for normal specialists to work with them. Indeed, for fifa, the matter is in last place, and in the first place is her narcissism and the eternal proof that all men and women are not worth her little finger. In combination with the powers of power, this leads to the stagnation of the structure that they govern.

Recently, it has become a fashion to appoint them to various lukewarm positions, sometimes colonel, in quite serious structures in the calculation of what to do, they, of course, will not do anything, but on the other hand, with business and with shoulder straps. I remember that after the next elections, a whole landing of FIF drove to us at one of the departments (all someone's protégés, all entirely psychologists, sociologists and other ignorant fruits of a strange Russian humanitarian education), but they could not stand it for a long time - it turned out that we still had to work. And they dumped in all directions - probably, as cleaners to Gazprom, their ambitions were not designed for anything less.

Some desperate fifa climb as candidates for the President of our long-suffering country. As soon as they were told that this is possible, a whole line immediately lined up in front of our amazed people. The most interesting thing is that other fifa think that this is normal, and they are ready to elect them even as the Lord of the world, so that they can then throw mud at them and speak evil of them. It all looks absurd and shameful. But you can't go anywhere. We ourselves have been building the world for fifa for so many years that we only need to be offended at ourselves.

I immediately declare that I do not consider myself a misogynist. Then it will be possible to consider new male psychotypes - majors, metrosexuals, infantiles and computer morons. Our restless, vulgar and crazy age gives rise to more and more demons of consciousness that are embodied in people - or whoever comes to replace us.

I do not pretend to be deeply analyzed. This is not a sociological review, but thoughts on the subject, inspired, so to speak …
