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GMO - infection of another species with analogs of cancer cells
GMO - infection of another species with analogs of cancer cells

Video: GMO - infection of another species with analogs of cancer cells

Video: GMO - infection of another species with analogs of cancer cells
Video: Calendars Around the World 2024, May

As soon as the passions for homeopathy, which the commission for combating pseudoscience of the Russian Academy of Sciences called charlatanism, had subsided, the representatives of the same commission distinguished themselves with an even more scandalous statement. The chairman of the commission, Evgeny Aleksandrov, told the media that he is preparing to rehabilitate genetically modified plants, the production and sowing of which in the Russian Federation is prohibited by the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation - the most important document of the Russian Federation.

Plots about this news were broadcast on all federal TV channels, and some media outlets immediately launched a “duck” that the world's largest GMO producer, the American company Monsanto, had opened a plant in the Kirov region. In fact, as it was already written on the Kramola portal, no Monsanto plant in the Kirov region was opened - although ex-governor Nikita Belykh, who is now in custody on charges of accepting a bribe, tried to lobby for the interests of the Americans. (more details in the material: Monsanto's first GMO food plant in Russia: exposure).

As for the commission on pseudoscience, which for some reason was represented in television stories, besides Mr. Aleksandrov himself, not by biologists, but by meteorologists, then with its anti-scientific statements it may find itself in a very interesting situation. Insofar as there is not just the incompetence and discrediting of the RAS, but open lobbying of the interests of globalist structures, whose activities are recognized at the highest level as a threat to the state security of Russia.

RIA "Katyusha" publishes an interview with one of the largest Russian geneticists, the former director of the Institute of Plant Industry named after N. I. Vavilov, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Honored Scientist, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Viktor Dragavtsev.

Decoding (with abbreviations)

- Lobbyists of the American firm Monsanto are spreading the lie that genetic engineering increases the yield. I am citing the 2001 US Department of Agriculture bulletin (the US is the world leader in the use of GMO-RIA Katyusha): "The use of biotechnology and genetic engineering does not currently increase the yield." The fact is that genetic engineering, which can only transplant single large Mendelian genes, is a genetically dirty technology, because with the transplantation of one gene into a foreign cell, many other uncontrolled ones enter, including the genes of agrobacteria and viruses. In addition, during transplantation, a large Mendelian gene can land on any chromosome, and not only between genes, but also inside a gene valuable for the species - this process is not controlled. The very phrase "genetic engineering", which these guys came up with, has nothing to do with engineering. Engineers, when designing, say, a bicycle, provide a bolt or rivet for each part. And here the technology is identical to the story of Baron Munchausen, who shot a deer with a cherry bone for lack of a bullet, and a year later met this deer with a cherry tree on his forehead.

There are no prospects for increasing the yield by this method. You can only raise the economy of farmers, but only for the first 3-4 years. Monsanto, knowing this, concludes contracts with Indian farmers growing cotton, soybeans, corn, etc., contracts for 10-15 years. In the first two years, farmers see excellent results. They flood the land with Roundup (Roundup is a relative of Orange that the Americans watered during the US-Vietnam War). On the site, all living things, plants, worms, all soil flora and fauna die, it is sown with seeds of herbicide-resistant soybeans, and it grows. If ordinary soybeans are planted in a square-nesting way, at intervals, so that you can cut the weeds with a cultivator, then this is not necessary here - you can plant soybeans like wheat, in a continuous line. The result is savings: you do not need to spend diesel fuel, and you can plant much more plants in one area. But two years later, the farmer begins to notice that some of the weeds are beginning to sprout. The fact is that weeds have a great genetic diversity, and among them there will certainly be a seed that is resistant to Roundup. Farmers turn to Monsanto and the company proposes to increase the dose of herbicides. But herbicides are very expensive. In the 4th year, even more weeds come out, and in the 5-6th year, farmers' expenses for herbicides grow by thousands of percent. Farmers go broke and commit suicide (in recent years, tens of thousands of farmers have committed suicide in India because of Monsanto). It is impossible to raise the crop using genetic engineering: there are no special crop genes, this has been shown by numerous studies, both Russian and Western epigenetics

As for the danger of genetically modified plants for humans, we can refer to the experience of French scientists who experimented with mice. The number of cancerous tumors increased in animals that ate transgenic corn

(more about this experience:

Lobbyists for GM products accuse French researchers of taking mice with genes for cancer. But this is an incorrect accusation. More than 40% of people in our country carry genes for predisposition to various types of cancer, but, fortunately, there is a so-called missing heredity. Science has long proven that a genetic predisposition to cancer does not always lead to disease. 90% of the carriers of these genes do not get sick because they eat right, eat vitamins, lead an active healthy lifestyle, etc. Alien genes that drive "genetic engineers" into organisms are like cancer cells. They do not obey the general lock of correlations of the whole organism. And when we plant this gene in another species or another genus, it begins to "work" everywhere, in any tissues and organs. This is a real infection of another species with analogs of cancer cells

Why does the RAS Commission on Pseudoscience Protect GMOs? The Pseudoscience Commission must fight stupid theories, for example, those that violate the law of conservation of energy, or the hypotheses of perpetual motion machines. But GMOs are not a faulty theory! This is a naive and dangerous practice that violates the natural isolation barriers between species and genera. They take a gene from a flounder fish and transplant it into a tomato. This does not happen in nature. This is a gross violation of the world concept of organizing wildlife and isolation barriers. So you can ruin the whole living world

If we talk about the plot of "Vesti 24", then it is outrageous that on behalf of the commission on pseudoscience of the Russian Academy of Sciences, people who have nothing to do with biology and genetics speak. For 10 years, we, as part of the All-Russian Association for Genetic Safety, wrote letters to the President, to FANO, to the leadership of the Russian Academy of Sciences, stating that the penetration of GMOs into Russia is fraught with enormous problems and dangers. For example, Ukraine leased its black soil to Manzanto on the border with Russia - and Monsanto sows transgenic corn there. Corn pollen enters the Russian territory, and since it carries the gene for herbicide resistance, due to the horizontal transfer of genes, herbicide resistance genes can get into the weeds, and our weeds become herbicide-resistant, which can lead to the death of all agriculture in southern Russia

On January 31, 2015, President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the introduction of the National Security Strategy in the Russian Federation, Art. 54 which explicitly prohibits the cultivation of transgenic plants in Russia (only studies in closed laboratories are allowed). This is an absolutely correct ban, but after it a crowd of genetic engineering lobbyists stirred up. Recently in the AIF there was an article by an Englishman that Manzanto is investing a lot of money in lobbying for its interests in Russia, both directly and by introducing into the public consciousness the myth that GM plants increase yields. Hence all these letters from "400 candidates of biological sciences" in defense of genetically modified plants, and all these stories. It is sad if representatives of the Russian Academy of Sciences are also involved - in my opinion, this is a discrediting of the academy

Before me is the book by the American William Engdahl “Seeds of Destruction. The hidden background of genetic manipulation”He describes the activities of four multinational companies: Monsanto, Dupont, Daewoo and Syngenta. These four richest companies have set themselves the goal of becoming the masters of food on the globe. As Henry Kissinger (former National Security Adviser to the President of the United States) said: "Whoever controls food controls all the peoples of the world."

Therefore, all violations of the National Security Strategy, which prohibits the cultivation of GMOs in Russia, should be recognized as a criminal offense."

Overview reference:

GMOs can be considered a biological warfare weapon. Monsanto alone pours more than 115 million tons of Roundup into the Earth's fields every year, killing earthworms and other beneficial animals and bacteria. She earns about 15 billion US dollars a year, and is able to form any detachments of lobbyists who advocate free access to GMOs in the Russian Federation. Professor W. Barry (USA) writes: “Genetic engineering is a worthless science, the purpose of which is to develop and promote a product at the political level, therefore it is made by people with personal interests, people who are greedy. Their ultimate goal is to ensure that all farmers are completely dependent on corporations. The US recently pledged to give Ukraine a $ 17 billion loan if Ukraine sells or leases Monsanto the finest chernozems for growing GM plants and selling GM foods to Europe and other countries. This is a real sabotage against the Russian Federation, since the transgenic pollen does not fly 100 m, as Monsanto experts say, but tens and even hundreds of kilometers (in the ice of Antarctica, a lot of Siberian larch pollen from Chukotka is found), which, with the prevalence of westerly winds in the south of the Russian Federation, can infect all zoned varieties of cross-pollinated plants of the Russian Federation with American transgenes. But the main danger from herbicide-resistant transgenic varieties is the gradual overgrowing of arable land in Russia with herbicide-resistant weeds, which will completely destroy the crop production of the Russian Federation in the future.
