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Chimera GMO and the prospects of Russia
Chimera GMO and the prospects of Russia

Video: Chimera GMO and the prospects of Russia

Video: Chimera GMO and the prospects of Russia
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Now the whole world looks at Russia as a potential leader in the field of organic farming. Only Russia, the largest country in the world, has millions of hectares rested from chemistry as a result of the destruction of Soviet agriculture, and our lands practically did not know GMOs. There are no other such countries.

Shocking French experiment

In September 2012, the authoritative scientific journal Food and Chemical Toxicology published a publication by a group of scientists at the University of Cannes in France, headed by Professor Gilles-Eric Seralini. The research results amazed the world community. Séralini's team of scientists completed the first in 200 rats with genetically modified grain in two years. The final results of the studies were published after four months of independent evaluation by qualified scientists and two years of research in absolute secrecy to avoid pressure from the food industry. (one)

It is worth noting that Séralini was the first to conduct such a long-term study of the impact of GM foods after nearly two decades of rapid proliferation. Up to this point, no one has conducted tests during the two-year life of rats - not the state, not universities, not end users such as Nestle, Unilever, Kraft Foods or others. giant concerns that use GMOs in their products. All previous studies have been around 3 months or less. This time is not enough to determine the consequences of the use of genetically modified foods. And the consequences are, and not small, their presence and confirmed the study of Séralini. (2)

A few hours before the release of the research results, a worldwide media campaign was launched to discredit the results of the experiment. No evidence was provided that the study was "unscientific", only typical unsubstantiated statements were made. In October 2012, days after the study's findings were published, senior EU official John Dalli, EU Commissioner for Health in Brussels, was forced to resign following a tobacco industry abuse scandal. Gatti was also a passionate fan of GMO production. While promoting GMOs, Brussels could not only think about the well-being of Europeans. Whether Gatti took bribes for lobbying for GMOs is unknown. However, it is no secret to anyone that bribery is common in Brussels. (3)

The European Food Safety Agency's (EFSA) department of "independent" experts condemned Séralini's study even before a long-term comparative study was carried out to confirm or refute its results. The fact that members of the EFSA scientific chamber, including the front organizations "Monsanto" (a transnational company, the world leader in plant biotechnology. - approx. Transl.), Were convicted of direct or indirect ties with the producers of GMOs, which they were supposed to control, remained unknown. for most Europeans. (4)

A model of responsibility - the EU officials, who control the health and safety of the products consumed by Europeans, have become completely mired in corruption.

For those familiar with Monsanto's ruthless policies and the worldwide agrochemical cartel behind GMO production, the attack on Séralini's research was not new. This whole story of profiting from the trade in patented genetically modified seeds for sowing, soybeans, rapeseeds, cotton and countless others, since the first publications in the United States in 1992, is replete with bribery on the part of officials, corruption of scientists, pressure on the EU and others. countries by the United States, fraudulent advertising campaigns. All this in order to convince the world that GMOs are "the answer to the problem of world hunger" or that genetically modified seeds and herbicides are "less harmful to the environment", which is far from the truth.

Disappointing GMO record

More than eight years have passed since the first publication of Saat de Zerstorung (Seeds of Destruction) by Corr Verlag in October 2006. Unfortunately, during this time, any statement in the book has been confirmed and even exceeded expectations. Monsanto was responsible for both the destruction of the GM cotton crop and the massive suicides of farmers in India. Wikileaks, an organization with a controversial reputation, released copies of telegrams from the US Embassy in Paris proving that the US State Department was involved in promoting the private company Monsanto and used official diplomatic channels to pressure the French government to approve GMOs. Independent reports from American farmers confirmed that the use of GMO seeds made their crops more, and not less, as promised, dependent on herbicides such as glyphosate and derivatives, which also led to the emergence of "superweeds" that were resistant to chemicals. Claims to increase crop volumes, one of the arguments for using GMOs, fell apart after several harvests were even lower than using conventional seeds.

Contrary to a solemn vow made a few years earlier, in 2007, Monsanto bought a small biotech company, which granted it a patent for the Terminator technology, which causes seeds to “self-destruct” after one harvest, thus making farmers de facto all over the world as slaves to the cartel of genetically modified seed producers.

One of the most ridiculous and disturbing projects involving GMOs and conventional seeds has been the construction by the Norwegian government of a huge seed storage facility in the Svalbard mountains in the remote Arctic Circle. The project was originally funded by Rockefeller and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and opened in February 2008. The storage facility in the Svalbard Mountains currently holds more than 20 million seeds, which is approximately one third of all seed varieties in the world. But the purpose of the project becomes clear when it turns out that the Rockefeller Foundation launched the project, spending hundreds of millions of dollars over several decades to achieve a monopoly in agriculture similar to their global oil monopoly. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, in turn, holds shares in Monsanto, the world's largest agricultural GMO company.

Two tax-free private foundations, Rockefeller and Gates, launched a project called the African Green Revolution Alliance (AGRA), with former UN Secretary Kofi Annan as an official spokesperson to promote GMO seeds. Monsanto . That is, the alliance, which was supposedly created to solve the problems of Africa, was actually financed and managed by people from the Rockefeller and Gates funds. It is worth noting that Bill Gates and David Rockefeller were widely recognized advocates of breeding and global population decline, especially of the black race.

The strictest control of the press around the world prevented the disclosure of the project to promote GMO seeds, possibly one of the most dangerous experiments on our planet in history. A fact that has become increasingly clear with the disclosure of the methods of Monsanto, Syngenta AG and a small handful of global agrochemical giants, including Monsanto's German partners BASF and Bayer AG is that the promotion of GMO seeds was a ruthless pursuit of profit for Monsanto shareholders.

As this introduction to the Russian edition of Seeds of Destruction is being written, Russia itself is undergoing the most aggression since the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union. The civil war in Ukraine, initiated by Washington with its characteristic unspeakable brutality, is accompanied by fabricated sanctions against Russia by the US Treasury as part of a financial war to damage one of the few nations that can resist the creation of the New World Order. It will hardly be run by the Americans, who themselves are only victims of the oligarchs. The world will obey very rich people like Gates and Rockefeller, oligarchs whose obsession is only power and the desire to get rid of billions of "useless mouths".

The Russian government responded to US and EU sanctions by banning imports of a large group of food and agricultural goods from the EU. However, the sanctions crisis presented Russia with an unusual opportunity. It consists in the fact that it is possible to reverse the destructive globalization of the WTO, to stop the production in the Russian Federation of toxic products from the USA and the EU, food products, which are often the cause of health problems for the Russian population.

If Russia manages to use the crisis to its advantage by clearing the domestic food market of toxic waste called Western food - not only MacDonald's or KFC, but also soybeans, which are all GMOs, corn with GMO content from the USA, the Russian Federation will have a unique opportunity to create its own agricultural sector without the use of chemicals and GMOs, to become a global exporter to the markets of China, the EU and other regions with less fertile soils.

GMOs are nothing more than the concentration of power over the quintessence of all life in the hands of a handful of private corporations. At the time of writing this opening word, the battle for the prohibition or free promotion of genetically modified seeds has come to a point of bifurcation. We ask our readers to read this story like a detective thriller, which, unfortunately, of course, does not belong to fiction at all. Please read with a grain of healthy skepticism and impartiality. If the health of your family and friends is dear to you, be prepared to be responsible for the consequences of the use of GMOs and their spread on our planet.

Preface to the new edition of the book "Seeds of Destruction" in Russian.

Download and read the book: Seeds of Destruction. The secret background of genetic manipulation

  1. Corporate Europe Observatory, How EFSA dealt with French GM study: what lessons ?, November 29, 2012, accessed in
  2. Seralini, G.-E., et al., Long term toxicity of a Roundup herbicide and a Roundup-tolerant genetically modified maize, Journal of Food and Chemical Toxicology, (2012),
  3. John Dalli, Member of the European Commission, responsible for Health and Consumer Policy, GMOs and G MO -free agriculture - Where do we stand ?, 6th european conference of gmo-free regions, Brussels, 16th September 2010, accessed in
  4. Jemima Roberts and Tom Levitt, EU food safety chief forced to quit GM lobby role, The Ecologist, October 26, 2010, accessed in
