All of the Torah-I of great Israel is a lie
All of the Torah-I of great Israel is a lie

Video: All of the Torah-I of great Israel is a lie

Video: All of the Torah-I of great Israel is a lie
Video: The Laws of Human Nature by Robert Greene (Detailed Summary) 2024, September

In the history of Israel there was no biblical period, there was no Exodus from Egypt, no wanderings in Sinai, no great empire of David and Solomon. This lie, built on Babylonian sources, allows Zionism to keep in check the metastases of the Jewish diaspora - the "fifth column" of most countries.

Jewish archaeologist Professor Z. Herzog: there was no biblical period in the history of Jews and Israel …

Recently, a large information bomb exploded about Jewish lies. For more than 70 years, Jewish archaeologists have been excavating on the lands of present-day Israel and the neighboring lands of Palestine, in order to prove with concrete facts to the whole world, including Jews, about the authenticity of the Biblical history of the Jewish people as a chosen nation.

And, oh horror!

Jewish archaeologist Professor Z. Herzog risked going against the Zionist lie and published the sensational findings of nearly a century of archaeological excavations.

So, science claims that in the history of the Jews and Israel there was no biblical period, there was no Exodus from Egypt, no wanderings in Sinai, no siege of Jericho by Joshua, no great empire of David and Solomon.

Two world religions are built on these plots, but archeology cannot confirm them with any finds, although even more ancient facts from the history of other peoples have powerful archaeological confirmation.

For example, Jerusalem could not be the center of the empire, since a thousand years BC it was home to 3-4 thousand people. Archaeologists for many decades of excavations have not found the slightest signs of the monumental construction of that time. This also applies to the famous biblical temple.

In the X century BC on these lands there was only a meager principality, headed by the dynasty of David.

The biblical stories are not confirmed by the excavations of the impregnable Jericho, which the army of Joshua was able to take only with heavenly help. Jericho was “dug” eight times, and now archaeologists claim that at that time the city did not exist at all …

The inability to confirm the infallible Old Testament casts doubt not only on the “chosenness of God” of the people who worship him, but also destroys the connection of times on which the ideology of the state of Israel is built …

Science has long questioned the interpretation of the Old Testament as a strictly historical document. A world sensation was the cuneiform library of the Assyrian king Ashurbanipal, which, in fact, proved to historians that the Old Testament was a real compilation from Babylon.

An even greater world sensation was the discovery of a stone pillar, on which the laws of the most ancient Babylonian king of the 17th century BC Hammurabi were inscribed, coinciding with the covenants that the prophet Moses allegedly gave (almost 2000 years later) to the Jews. Only Hammurabi received them from another god named Shamash …

Therefore, it is not surprising that the US attack on Iraq was pushed so hard by the Sionomason government of America and the Jewish Orthodox and the Rabbinate of Israel. In addition to strategic tasks, it was necessary to solve the ideological one, to seize the famous Iraqi archaeological museum in Baghdad and to seize (steal) the samples of cuneiform evidence of the greatest Jewish lie stored there, both about their history and about their “God's chosenness”. The status quo of all Jewish lies about the history of the Jews and Israel depended largely on this.

Here we must not forget the strategic value of Jewish false history for world Zionism, which, through the Rabbinate and the religious component of the Old Testament and the Talmud and Torah based on it, keep the entire world Jewish flock in check. After all, only relying on the Jewish diasporas living in almost all states of the world, the world Jewish oligarchy, Zionism, Judeo-Masonry are capable of conquering other countries, robbing their wealth, corrupting and corrupting peoples.

All the Jews of the world bear joint responsibility to humanity for everything that their fellow tribesmen from among the upper strata of the bourgeoisie-oligarchy, Zionist and other Jewish orthodox racist, fascist and subversive Judeo-Mason lodges do on earth.

A source


Zeev Duke(born 1941) - Israeli archaeologist, professor of archeology at the Department of Archeology and Ancient Cultures of the Near East at Tel Aviv University, since 2005 director of the Archaeological Institute of Sonia and Marko Nadlerov. Specializes in social archeology, ancient architecture and field archeology.

He was engaged in researching the question of the reconstruction of the First Temple. Participated in the excavations of Tel Hazor, Megiddo, Arad and Beer Sheva. Later he supervised a number of excavations.

He is one of the most active proponents of the point of view that “biblical archeology is no longer the guiding paradigm in archeology, and that archeology has become an independent discipline with its own conclusions and observations, which, in fact, present us the reality of ancient Israel in a completely different way from how it is described. in biblical stories"

In 1999, Herzog's article in Haaretz weekly, announced on its cover, titled "The Deconstruction of the Walls of Jericho," sparked widespread public interest and controversy. In the article, the Duke argued that the Israelites had never been to Egypt, did not wander in the desert, did not conquer the country during a military campaign and were not the ancestors of the 12 tribes of Israel, that the single monarchy of David and Solomon, which the Bible describes as an influential regional power, was all only a small tribal kingdom, and that the early Israelite religion adopted monotheism only at the end of the monarchy, and not at all on Mount Sinai
