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The culture of Slavic signs and the historical genotype of the Russian people
The culture of Slavic signs and the historical genotype of the Russian people

Video: The culture of Slavic signs and the historical genotype of the Russian people

Video: The culture of Slavic signs and the historical genotype of the Russian people
Video: RUSSIAN NEWS UPDATE | All Going To Hell! 2024, April

Abstracts of the report at the Second International Scientific and Practical Conference "Signs and Sign Systems of Popular Culture", Smolny Institute of the Russian Academy of Education, St. Petersburg, December 15, 2017.

1."Signs" and "sign systems" permeate folk culture and culture in general.

The assumption that the “sign” in anthropogenesis, and, accordingly, in cultural genesis, obviously appears with great certainty, appears along with the appearance of labor, the manufacture of the simplest tools, and simultaneously with a powerful informational leap in the communicative structure of a herd of protohominids, who have begun to actively master the riches of the Earth's nature (hunting, gathering, making dwellings, conquering fire).

Along with the formation of the verbal language, signs begin to play the role of the simplest forms of conveying meanings, directions, routes of movement in space - and it is from the “culture of signs” that the “culture of language and writing” (in its various forms) grows.

Language, signs reflect the interaction of people with each other and with the world - with nature, trees, forest, grass, sun, sky, stars, with the elements of nature - wind, rain, snow, hurricanes, fires, and the like.

2. My report is devoted to the topic "Historical genotype of the Russian people and the culture of signs" and reflects my research and generalizations in the field of system genetics of Russian culture, the Russian language, science, system genetics of the value genome of the Russian people, as well as in the field of system genetics and the theory of cycles, the system genetic theory of time and spaces [1 - 11].

Systemogenetics is a special branch of systemically organized scientific knowledge that reveals the laws of systemic inheritance (continuity) in any subject areas (in the language of systems theory or systemology).

The applications of system genetics to different scientific disciplines give rise to different subject-oriented system genetics: system genetics of culture, system genetics of education or educational system genetics, system genetics of economics or economic genetics, system genetics of technology, system genetics of sign systems or semiogenetics, etc., etc.

One of the most important laws of systemogenetics, discovered by me and generalizing the principle of E. Haeckel "ontogeny repeats phylogeny", is the Law of Spiral Fractality of System Time (SSTF), according to which any progressive evolution accompanied by an increase in the complexity of evolving systems is evolution that remembers itself [7, 9, 10]. Such a systemophilogenetic (systemic evolutionary) memory in the development of the peoples of the world (ethnoses) is culture, language and, as a carrier of socio-cultural inheritance, the historical genotype of a people.

3. Namely, in this system-genetic context, I pose the problem of the historical genotype of the Russian people and its peculiar reflection in the “system of signs” of Russian culture.

I have devoted a series of works to the problem of the value genome of the Russian people, the system genetics of Russian culture and the Russian language, philosophy of the history of Russian civilization and its Eurasian self-identification, some of which are given in the attached bibliography [1-5].

In the "Word about the Russian people and the Russian people" [1, p.20], I wrote: "The Russian people are the creator people of Russia as a Russian civilization that covered the territory of Northern Eurasia, from 1/6 of the world's land on Earth at times its heyday and power, up to 1/8 of its part in the modern era, if we are talking about the modern Russian Federation (as a representative of Russian civilization).

The word “Russia” itself contains the root “ros”, from the name of the Russians “Rossy”, which was used by M. V. Lomonosov and G. R. Derzhavin (sometimes this word acquired the sound of "Rus", "Rus" associated with the word "Rus", so the Russian Land was called - "Kievan Rus", "Novgorod Rus", "Chervonnaya Rus", "Belaya Rus", "Muscovy Rus" " etc.)".

Even Nestor the chronicler asked himself the question: "Where did the Russian land come from?" And he pointed clearly to the antiquity of the origin of the Russian people, starting with the biblical Japheth (Iapetus), the son of Noah, then the descendants - the tribes that dispersed around the world "in many times", i.e. for "many times", having placed "rus" in Norik on the Danube and then gradually brought it, that is, "rus", to its present habitats.

This means that even then, at the time of Nestor, the Russian people were called Slovenes, Noriks, Rus and the word “Rus” became the name of the Russian state.

The Russian language is one of the most ancient languages in the world (there is evidence that it is more ancient than Sanskrit)

According to Yu. D. Petukhov, Sanskrit and Russian are the closest to the original Indo-European language. But if Sanskrit is "dead language", i.e. which does not have living speakers of this language, since they became extinct in the ancient era of Indian history and disappeared into the “Indian ethnic massif” [15, p. 6, 7], then the Russian language, like the Russians (“Rusichi”), as its carriers, ie. the Russian people are alive, “being the only language on Earth that retains in their memory a direct connection with the original Indo-European language, that is, " direct stem succession with him"[1, p. 21].

According to D. Iraklidis, the author of the etymological dictionary, all European languages originated from the Russian language, including the Greek language itself, since it is older in historical age [21]. Indirectly, this position is confirmed by the studies of AB Korennoy [22].

Yu. D. Petukhov in his work “The Primary Origins of the Rus” (2009) points to the great antiquity of the Rus, much deeper than the time when the “Bible” was written and the emergence of Christian mythology as the basis for the interpretation of the antiquity of a particular people [16].

According to Yu. D. Petukhov the Sumerian civilization of 4 - 2 thousand. BC. founded the Rus and "Sumer" was a "lateral escape of the ethnic tree of the Rus" [16, p. 182].

It is interesting that the decoding of the "proto-Sumerian" records on the slabs of the "Stone Tomb" - the "ancient sanctuary" (which existed precisely as a sanctuary and became a historical "proto-Sumerian archive"), located in the south of the Kherson region, on the way to the Crimea, was performed by an outstanding Russian scientist - Sumerologist A. G. Kifishinny [19] (and the "Syllabarium of the Stone Tomb" in 60 pages [19, pp. 697 - 756] is a factual confirmation of this), unexpectedly confirms the hypothesis about the very deep antiquity of the Rus [16 - 18], as carriers of the Proto-Russian (a branch of which is the Proto-Sumerian language) language.

It confirms, among other things, the movement of the speakers of the Proto-Sumerian (Proto-Russian) language through the Caucasus to the south, to Asia Minor, and further to Mesopotamia (the valley of the Tigris and Euphrates), where the ancient Sumerian civilization was founded - more ancient than the Egyptian.

The controversy surrounding Kifishin's brilliant discovery will last for a long time, but in general it indicates the antiquity of the origins of the Russian people, and the fact that in the "historical genome" of the Russian people, first of all through language, rituals, legends, epics, fairy tales, the "historical, sociocultural memory" of the ascent of the Russian people in history is preserved, including those of its historical breakthroughs, which are indicated by the Russian Breakthrough of mankind to Socialism in October 1917, the Cosmic Breakthrough from the USSR - Russia in 1957 (the first launched " satellite of planet Earth "on October 4, 1957) and in 1961 (the first flight of the Soviet pilot-cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin on a spacecraft around the Earth on April 12, 1961), and in which they materialized, as a certain symbol of the Russian Spirit and Russian Search, - Epoch Russian Renaissance, Russian Cosmism and Noospherism, as a reflection of the noosphere-cosmic vector of this Epoch [2].

4. The historical genotype of the Russian people is a "coiled spiral" of its history, not only the history of the last millennium, or two millennia since the Nativity of Christ, but also the history of many thousand years, which has absorbed several "ups" of the Eurasian synthesis - Aryan, Scythian-Sarmatian, Tatar-Mongolian, and finally - Russian-Russian, embodied in the Russian civilization of the XXI century.

Alexander Gordon, a well-known Russian TV presenter in the zero years of Russian history at the beginning of the XXI century, once in an interview with the journalist of the newspaper "Zavtra" Vladislav Shurygin to the latter's question "Is there a concept of" Russian civilization "or is our future in the Western model?" replied: “I am afraid to seem like the ultimate retrograde and chauvinist to the liberal intellectual community, but I am just convinced that Russian civilization does not just exist, but intend to seriously and for a long time assert and preach the special role and place of Russia in the modern world” [23]. Strictly speaking, D. I. Mendeleev [13], and N. A. Berdyaev [14], and L. N. Gumilev [12].

The Russian people are a people of a great chronotope of life, historically formed in themselves special properties and values, which together can be called the value genome of the Russian people, and which forms the core of its historical genotype

In the novel "The Wind of Time", the writer, researcher of Russian folklore in the Russian North, D. M. Balashov put the following words into the mouth of Prince Konstantin Vasilyevich Suzdalsky: - “Do you know how we, Rusichs, are different from other peoples ?! What about the Fryagians, Franks, Germans, Ugrians, Greeks, Bulgarians? Don't you know? By the fact that we have crossed the line! Cold line! Winters are in debt in our land, livestock in barns has been standing for more than six months. Sowing bread and harvesting - little time has been given! And the weather is not the same!

Here the people need will! Necessarily will! Otherwise, the earth will not work. Latitude, spaciousness! Our plowman hardly sleeps in the summertime, do you hear it? The black people in Russia are rich and must be rich, otherwise the Russian land will not stand! And the villages are rare, spreading in the forests! Take care of the forest, if you can, the forest will protect you from everything: from the filth, and from the winds - can you smell the weather here? And there, on the Dvina, even more! Wind from the Arctic Sea! The forest protects the Russian arable land from the wind, and the plowman himself - from the dashing discoveries”[4, p. 17; 24, p. 63].

5. The large "space-time" and the high energy cost of the existence of Russia determined the historical genotype of the Russian people, as the people-creator of Russian civilization and the people-warrior-defender from all invaders on the Russian land and its wealth, as a system of values centered around the value of Truth - the synthesis of truth, kindness, beauty and justice, as well as the primacy of Cooperation, Love and Spirituality.

ON THE. Berdyaev, even before the work of the Eurasians and L. N. Gumilyov [11, 12], pointed out that “in the fate of Russia, geographical factors, its position on Earth, its vast expanses were of great importance. The geographical position of Russia was such that the Russian people were forced to form a huge state.

We can say that primacy has always operated in Russian civilization (precisely because of the high energy cost of reproducing the life of the people) Law of Cooperation over Law of Competition, and Cooperation of peoples, communities and people is impossible without the dominant of justice, in one or another of its semantic content.

7. I called this value genome of the Russian people and Russian civilization as a whole "civilizational socialism" and always emphasized that it was precisely this "civilizational socialism" that defined Russia as an anti-capitalist civilization, which at the beginning of the 20th century, when the process of its "capitalization" began, or rather - "Western capitalist colonization" (with the program of its future dismemberment), and gave birth to the Great Russian Socialist Revolution 100 years ago, in 1917.

Metropolitan Veniamin (Fedchenkov) in his speech "The Destiny of Russia" at a meeting of Russians in Detroit (USA), in 1945, which he dedicated to the Victory of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War, said: “Yes, the people's spirit does not change quickly … This is his nature. And this spirit of love and sacrifice, compassion for the lesser, Russia can carry into the world."

He emphasized that victory in the Great Patriotic War was brought not only by socialism, as European experts emphasized at the time, but also by the value system of the Russian people, its Spirit, its sacrifice: "and not only for oneself, but also for others, for the whole world." [25].

And this is what can be conventionally called the "Spirit of Cooperation", which the Russian people did during the Great Patriotic War, as I. V. Stalin in his famous toast on June 24, 1945, at a victorious meeting with the marshals and generals of the Soviet armed forces, leading the people.

10. This aspiration of folk culture, including the culture of signs, towards socio-natural harmony in the history of Russian culture took off in the Era of the Russian Renaissance with its noosphere-cosmic "vector" of spiritual and intellectual aspirations and reflection.

Here it is appropriate to recall the result of the conversation between Lev Nikolaevich Gumilyov and Pavel Vasilyevich Florensky on the topic "Remember Babylon", which was conducted by journalist Tatyana Shutova in 1989 [12, p. 326, 327]:

But this Noospheric Breakthrough itself bears the synthesis of the entire History of the Meaning of human life on Earth, its cosmic and noospheric aspirations, including the noospheric-cosmic memory hidden in the "archaic layers" of folk culture, including its sign systems, epics, fairy tales, epics.

13. According to L. N. Gumilyov, the ethnosphere carries a potentially noospheric function of future harmony between humanity (with its ethnic diversity) and the Biosphere. Finishing his book (treatise) "Ethnogenesis and the biosphere of the Earth", he remarked, addressing us - now living on Earth:

“We are not alone in the world! Close Space takes part in the protection of nature, and our business is not to spoil it. She is not only our home, she is ourselves. For the sake of this thesis, a treatise was written, which is now completed. I dedicate it to the great cause of protecting the natural environment from antisystems”[11, p. 469].

Until now, many serious scientists and philosophers question the special role of causal logic (determinism) in scientific knowledge, appealing to the category of chance, bifurcations, trying to belittle the role of traditions and memory, which supposedly interfere with the freedom of expression of the human individual, thereby projecting their desire to be free in his choice, so characteristic of the "Western man", on natural processes.

Examples of such views are the philosophical systems of K. Popper ("Popperism") and B. Russell [20, 33 - 36].

Systemogenetics expands the concept of causality, causal networks, translates this concept into the language of the laws of systemic genetics, revealing the entire complexity of successive connections between different time periods of progressive systemic evolution.

In the monograph "Reason and Anti-Reason (What does the future have in store for us?", because any progressive evolution in accordance with the Law of spiral fractality of system time is evolution with the accumulating memory of the past of this evolution.

I wrote: "The philosophy of memory" has not yet been created, although the need for it is high, because without it we cannot adequately realize the essence of our being, the processes occurring in it, the laws that govern them.

The category of memory does not occupy the place it needs in the categorical grid of philosophy that it should occupy. The categories of being and essence become incomplete if the category of memory is not involved in revealing their content.

By deep account, any essence is a curled up memory. The essence of a deeper order simultaneously carries with it the meaning of a deeper memory. If memory is destroyed, then the essence is destroyed, only one shell remains, one form without essence, without content.

The anti-beingness of modernity and postmodernity, which appeared in the United States, which they carried away in Western Europe, and which are imposed by some domestic adepts on our culture and philosophy, consists precisely in the fact that they are a cult of pure projectivity, denying the memory of culture, language, and, consequently, continuity in cultural, historical processes, the presence of each existential essence of its genesis"[33, p. 61, 62].

Without cultural and historical memory, without understanding the role of traditions in the upbringing of a person, without understanding the essence of the “root man” according to P. A. Florensky, the concept of which was presented to him in letters to V. I. Vernadsky at the end of the 20s of the twentieth century, it is impossible to create a system of upbringing a patriotic person, about whom all the "branches" of power in modern Russia and the mass media suddenly started talking.

It was in this context that in my report I outlined the content of the theme “Historical genotype of the Russian people and the culture of signs” proposed by me for the discussion of the Conference.

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  23. “I don’t consider myself a journalist” (Vladislav Shurygin is talking with the famous TV presenter and director Alexander Gordon) // “Tomorrow”. - 2005. - July. - No. 29 (609), p. eight.
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  27. Kazin A. L. So what is Russia? // Most magazine (St. Petersburg). - 1999. - October - №29 - p. 51 - 59
  28. Homo Eurasicus in the systems of ecological and social relations: a collective monograph based on the materials of the VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference on October 24, 2017 / Ed. ed. Doctor of History E. A. Okladnikova, Ph. D. A. O. Marova. - SPb.: L-Print, 2018.-- 140s.
  29. Paranina A. N., Paranin R. V. The cosmic dimension of humanity in the geography of culture // Noosphere education in the Eurasian space. Volume seven: collective scientific monograph / Under scientific. ed. A. I. Subetto, G. M. Imanova. In 2 books. - SPb.: Asterion, 2017.-- 718p. - Book. 2 - p. 379 - 389.
  30. A. I. Subetto Noospherism. Volume one. An introduction to noospherism. - SPb.: KSU im. N. A. Nekrasov, KSU named after Cyril and Methodius, 2001.-- 537s.
  31. A. I. Subetto Noospheric Breakthrough of Russia into the Future in the XXI century / Under scientific. ed. V. G. Egorkina. - SPb.: Asterion, 2010.-- 544p.
  32. A. I. Subetto Manifesto of Noospheric Socialism. / Under scientific. ed. V. G. Egorkina - SPb.: Asterion, 2011.-- 108s.
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  34. A. I. Subetto Liberty. Book one. Criticism of "Liberal Reason" (Scientific Monographic Trilogy). - SPb. - Kostroma: KSU im. N. A. Nekrasova, 2008.-- 232p.
  35. A. I. Subetto Criticism of "economic reason": a scientific monograph. - SPb. - Kostroma: KSU im. N. A. Nekrasova, 2008.-- 508s.
  36. Popper K. Open Society and Its Enemies. Volume I. The Charm of Plato. - M.: Int. Foundation "Cultural Initiative" SOROS FOUNDATION (USA), 1992.
