Table of contents:

Another history of the Earth. Part 3a + b + c
Another history of the Earth. Part 3a + b + c

Video: Another history of the Earth. Part 3a + b + c

Video: Another history of the Earth. Part 3a + b + c
Video: Vostochny Cosmodrome: Soyuz Launch 2024, May


The beginning of part 2

Mentions of the catastrophe in history and mythology

In the comments and letters that I receive after the publication of this work, I am often asked, in one form or another, a question that can be formulated in general as follows: “If the catastrophe, as you say, occurred in historical time, and not millions of years back, why is there no mention of it and we do not know anything about it?"

There are two parts to the answer to this question.

First, the fact that relatively recently, judging by the data already collected somewhere in the middle of the 16th century, a global catastrophe occurred, which almost completely destroyed the civilization that existed at that time and most of the biosphere, is hidden for the same reason for which the modern ruling elite is constantly lying to the population that is under their control. It's easier to manage this very population this way. But this is a separate big topic, which we will return to later. Now it is important to note that if falsification and the creation of a false story began, in order to conceal the events that actually occurred, then all explicit references to this catastrophe had to be found and destroyed. Otherwise, the deception will quickly be revealed. And we all know very well that the ruling elite was deliberately destroying information it did not want. The greatest flowering of the "holy" Inquisition falls just in the second half of the 16th - early 17th centuries. During this period, the institution of the "holy" Inquisition undergoes serious changes, it is reformed, enlarged, and receives new powers.


Moreover, at that time, not only books, but also people were easily burned. The German historian Johann Scherr wrote: “Executions, carried out at once on whole masses, begin in Germany around 1580 and continue for almost a century. While the whole of Lorraine was smoking from the fires … in Paderborn, in Bradenburg, in Leipzig and its environs, many executions were also carried out.


In the county of Werdenfeld in Bavaria in 1582, one trial led to the fire 48 witches … In Braunschweig between 1590-1600, so many witches were burned (10-12 people daily) that their pillars stood in a "dense forest" in front of the gate. In the small county of Genneberg, 22 witches were burned in 1612 alone, in 1597-1876 - 197 … In Lindheim, which had 540 inhabitants, from 1661 to 1664 30 people were burned."

That is, not only books were actively destroyed, but also people who could be carriers of the oral tradition of transferring knowledge.

In the 18th century, a wave of bourgeois revolutions swept across Europe, during which bonfires from unwanted books blazed on the squares of many cities.


They did not lag behind in Russia either. The Romanovs-Oldenburgs systematically engaged in the seizure and destruction of objectionable chronicles and books throughout the occupation of the territories seized from Muscovy and Tartaria. But, apparently, they did not have time to destroy everything, so after the 1917 revolution, the burning of "unwanted books" continued with renewed zeal. It goes without saying that only books that were imperialist and bourgeois propaganda were destroyed, and if a historical book does not tell about the heroic struggle of the proletariat against the oppressors, then it is undoubtedly bourgeois propaganda. And if it talks about the "Flood" described in the Bible, then such a book must be destroyed.

But even in "enlightened" Europe, the destruction of information did not stop in the 19th century. After the Nazis came to power in Germany, they actively began to clean up the information space. From March to October 1933, books were burned in 70 cities in Germany.


But the matter was not limited to Germany alone. If anyone has forgotten, after 1939 Hitlerite Germany occupied most of Europe. At the same time, the top German leadership was very partial to everything ancient, especially old manuscripts, which were seized in all the occupied territories and brought to Germany by representatives of the specially created organization "Ahnenerbe" (Ahnenerbe).

After the attack on the USSR, this process continued in our occupied territories. In total, during the war years, the Nazis destroyed 427 museums in all countries, of which 154 were Soviet. Across Europe, thousands of archives were looted by the Nazis. Many scientific papers and articles have been written about the scale of this process. At the same time, most people know mainly that the Nazis exported cultural values to Germany in the form of paintings, statues and other art products, but few know that archives with libraries were also plundered, from where old manuscripts and books were exported. Here are excerpts from the materials of the Nuremberg Tribunal on the plundering of the cultural values of Czechoslovakia and Poland, relating specifically to books and manuscripts.

“In the fall of 1942, an order was given that all university libraries should transfer old Czech publications to the Germans. The collections of the National Museum were looted."

“All the political literature of the free republic, as well as the works of the leaders of the Czech Renaissance in the 18th and 19th centuries, were seized. Books by Jewish authors and politically "unreliable" writers were banned. The Germans confiscated the works of Czech classics, the works of Jan Hus - the reformer of the 15th century, Alois Irasek - the author of historical novels, the poet Viktor Dick and others …"

“On December 13, 1939, Gauleiter Wartoland issued an order on the registration of all public and private libraries and collections in the annexed territories. When registration was completed, libraries and book collections were confiscated and transported to Buchsammelstelle. There, special "experts" made a selection. The ultimate destination was either Berlin or the newly founded State Libraries in Poznan. Books found to be unsuitable were sold, destroyed, or thrown away as waste paper.

Under the General Government, the best and largest libraries in the country fell victim to organized plunder. These included university libraries in Krakow and Warsaw. One of the best, though not the largest, was the library of the Polish parliament. It consisted of 38,000 volumes and 3,500 periodicals. On November 15 and 16, 1939, the main part of this library was taken to Berlin and Breslavl. They also seized ancient documents, such as the collection of parchments that belonged to the central archives.

The diocesan archive in Pelplin with documents from the 12th century was burned in the ovens of a sugar factory."

Why the modern ruling elite, which for the most part has its roots back in the same 16-17 centuries, is trying so hard to hide the very fact of the catastrophe, this is a separate big topic. But in short, most of these supposedly ancient aristocratic families are not at all ancient. They were able to rise to the pinnacle of power only thanks to this very catastrophe, but not at all due to their high intellectual abilities, but due to crime and violence. Large-scale disasters, wars and revolutions always lead to the fact that the institutions of power and the maintenance of law and order that have developed in society stop working, as a result of which power passes to gangster groups, which, by virtue of their arrogance, meanness and physical superiority, establish dictatorship in the territories that allow them control the size of their bandit clan. But the power cannot last long only on violence, cruelty and suppression of dissent. All this will require too many resources. Therefore, sooner or later they will need to legitimize their power. And the best way to explain to the population why this particular clan has the right to rule is to declare it an ancient ruling clan, along the way, having composed several myths about the glorious feats of the ancestors of the current ruler.

Why did the same Nazis collect and destroy old documents all over Europe? If they had won, then once again a new version of history would have been imposed on everyone, according to which all the rulers of the Third Reich would have been declared representatives of the most ancient Aryan families. Actually, this work in the Third Reich was already actively carried out, new lists of "true Aryans" were drawn up, but our grandfathers and great-grandfathers did not allow them to complete this, having entered Berlin in May 1945.

Thus, the absence of explicit references to some event in historical chronicles and documents does not mean at all that they were never there. As well as the presence of other old documents in which nothing is said about this event. The destruction of documents was not total, only those documents were seized and destroyed, the content of which, for one reason or another, was not pleasing to the new ruling elite. And it doesn't matter at all whether this elite was aristocratic, bourgeois or proletarian.

But, despite the fact that all explicit references to that catastrophe by the ruling elite were carefully destroyed and destroyed to this day, information about it has survived and reached us in encrypted form through myths, legends and even traditions of different peoples. That is, we are moving on to the second part of the answer to the question whether there is at least some mention of that catastrophe.

Part 3b + c. Description of the catastrophe in Greek / Roman mythology


As the first example of mentioning the described catastrophe, we will consider a fairly well-known myth about Phaethon, the son of the sun god Helios / Phebus from Greek / Roman mythology. It is believed that the first author of the myth of Phaethon, as most people know it today, was the ancient Greek poet and playwright Euripides. I deliberately do not cite data on the years of life of these supposedly "ancient" authors, because due to the falsification of chronology, this loses all meaning.

The text of the original tragedy of Euripides "Phaethon" can be found on the website of Vlanes (Vladislav Nyaklyaeu). The story of how and when the original Greek text of the tragedy appears. A papyrus with a more or less complete text was found only in 1907. The fact that it was dated to the 3rd century BC, taking into account what methods and how are used for such dating, in fact, is just an attempt to wishful thinking.

Also very interesting is the story that part of the text was found on the pages that someone used to repair the book with the epistles of the Apostle Paul. At the same time, nothing really is said about when exactly this repair was carried out. In other words, on the basis of this fact, it cannot be concluded that the text of the tragedy about "Phaethon" appeared before the epistles of the Apostle Paul. Although this is precisely what they are trying to convince us of.

The myth of Phaethon, similar in some details to the myth of Euripides, was included in his poem "Metamorphoses" by the Roman poet Publius Ovid Nazon. At the same time, the names of the highest gods of the pantheon were replaced by Roman ones, as a result, Helios became Phebus in his text, but the names of the other characters remained unchanged, therefore, both Euripides and Ovid's son of the sun god is called Phaethon, and his mother is called Klymene. Further, we will consider precisely the version of the myth as presented by Ovid, since in the myth of Euripides the author is more focused on the psychological aspect of the interaction and experiences of the characters of his tragedy, therefore, his descriptions of the events that have taken place are rather superficial and do not contain the details that are found in the text of Ovid.

For example, in the description of the first meeting of Phaethon with Father Phebus, Ovid has a very interesting detail in the description of the Sun God: all with eyes that see in the world

That is, we have one more confirmation of the fact that the symbol "all-seeing eye", which was used by the Masons, and which is often found in many old churches, both in ancient and Orthodox, refers precisely to the Sun.


In general, the plot of the Phaethon myth is as follows. From the connection of Helios / Phebus and Klymene, a boy is born, who is given the name Phaethon, which means "sparkling" in translation. One way or another, the matured Phaethon goes to his father Helios / Fab to get confirmation from him that Helios / Fab is his father. As confirmation of this, the Sun God recklessly vows to fulfill any desire of his son, even without even knowing the desire itself. To which Phaethon asks his father to give him one ride across the sky in his solar chariot. Helios was very upset by this desire of his son, but since he had already taken an oath, he was forced to agree and give up his seat on the chariot to his son. But Phaethon, as his father feared, does not cope with the control of the mighty horses that carry the chariot across the sky, and in the end, in fright, throws the reins. The solar chariot leaves the heavenly road and begins to move erratically, very close to the surface of the Earth, scorching it. Ultimately, Mother Earth herself prayed and asked Zeus to end her suffering, after which Zeus, with a lightning strike, destroys the chariot, the remains of which fall into the sea, with Phaethon, who dies during the fall.

But the text of the myth as presented by Ovid is interesting primarily because it contains very interesting and important details, since the consequences of the incorrect movement of the "solar chariot" across the sky are described in great detail by Ovid. Let's just read this passage in full at the beginning, and only then analyze it and compare it with our disaster. The most interesting places, which should be paid special attention, I have highlighted in the text.

Text cited from Publius Ovid Nazon. Metamorphoses. M., "Fiction", 1977. Translated from Latin by S. V. Shervinsky. F. A. Petrovsky's notes. " The stanza numbers from the original have been retained.


He grew cold and, unconscious with horror, dropped the reins.

And how they fell and, having weakened, touched the cereals, Horses, knowing no obstacles, without obstacles already, through the air

They rush to the edge of the unknown, where they are carried away by the impulse, And they carry it without justice; the immovable stars touch, 205

A rush in the heavenly heights, strive without a path chariot, -

Either they will take it in height, then, with a steep slope, In a space closer to the ground, they rush.

And in surprise Luna, that the brothers' horses are racing

Lower than her horses; and the clouds smoke while engaging.


A fire already engulfed the earth at the heights;

Cracks, sitting, gives and dries, deprived of juices, The soil, the meadows are turning gray, the trees are burning with foliage;

The cornfields on the mountain provide themselves with food for the flame.

Little trouble! The great cities with fortresses perish


Together with their peoples, fires turn to ashes

Whole countries. Forests and mountains are blazing with fire:

Taurus of Cilician is on fire, and Tmolus with Athos, and Eta;

Now dry, so abundant with keys Ida, The virgin shelter - Helikon and Gem, not yet Eagrov.


Here the huge Etna is already burning with double fire

And the two-headed Parnassus, and Quint, and Eriks, and Ophris;

Snow is forever deprived - Rhodope, Mimant and Mikala, Dindima and Kiferon, born for sacred actions.

Scythia's cold is not for the future; Caucasus blazes


Also Ossa, and Pindus, and Olympus, which is higher than both.

Alps of the Celestial Ridge and the carriers of the clouds of the Apennines.

Then I saw Phaethon, burnt from all sides

The world and, unable to endure such a great heat, As from a deep furnace he breathes hot through his lips


He can smell the air: the chariot is already glowing under it.

Ashes, flying sparks, he can no longer endure, He gasps, all hot and shrouded in smoke.

Where he rushes where - he does not know, covered in darkness

Black as pitch, we carry away the winged horses by arbitrariness.


They believe that then from the blood, to the surface of the body

Gushing, the peoples acquired the blackness of the Ethiopians.

Libya has become dry - all moisture has been stolen by the heat

Having let down their hair, the nymphs began to mourn

The waters of the springs and lakes. Boeotia calls out to Dirkei;


Argos - Danaev's daughter; Ether - Pyrenean waters.

Rivers, whose shores are far from each other,

There is also danger: Tanais smokes in the midst of the waters

And the aged Peney, and there also Caik of Teufran, And the fast-moving Ismen, and with him Erimanth, which is in Psofid;


Xanthus, doomed to blaze again, and yellowish Liqueur, Also a playful meander with a backward flowing stream, And the Migdonian Melant, and the Evrotus, which is pouring from Tenar;

The Babylonian Euphrates was on fire, Orontes was on fire,

Istres and Phasis and Ganges, Fermodont with a rapid fall;


Alpheus is boiling, the shores of Sperkhey are ablaze;

In the Taga River, melted from the fire, gold pours,

And constantly the Meonian shores glorified with songs

The birds were scorched by the river in the middle of the Cistra flow.

Neal ran to the ends of the world, scared, and hid his head,


So to this day it is all hidden, and its seven mouths

In the sultry sand lay - seven hollow valleys without streams.

Lot dries one Ismarian Gebr with Strimon, Also Rodan and Ren and Pad are Hesperian rivers, The Tiber, to whom the world is promised power over the whole!


The soil gave cracks, and penetrated into Tartarus through the cracks

Light and the underground king and his wife are terrified.

The sea is shrinking. This is a sandy plain now, Where was the sea yesterday; previously covered with water,

The mountains rise and the number of Cyclades scattered is multiplied.


Fish run into the depths, and the bow-bent dolphins

They are afraid to be carried up from the water into the air they are used to;

And the breathless float on their backs on the surface of the sea

Seal carcasses. Himself, they say, Nereus and Doris

Together with their children, they hid in the heated caves.


Three times Neptune from the water, with a distorted face, hands

He had the courage to hold out - and three times he could not stand the heat.

Here is the blessed mother Earth, surrounded by the sea, We squeeze it with moisture and keys compressed everywhere, Hiding their currents in their mother's dark bowels, 275

Only showing a face up to the neck, exhausted by thirst, She covered her forehead with her hand, then, with a great tremor

Shaking everything, she settled down a little, and lower

Became than before, and so with a parched larynx said:

If it should be so and worth it, why are the Peruns hesitating, 280

God is the highest, yours? If I must die from fire, May I perish from your fire and avoid torment!

Now I’m trying to force my mouth open for this prayer, -

The heat closes my mouth - my hair, you see, is burnt!

How many sparks are in my eyes and how many of them are near my lips!


So you give me for my fertility, such

You give honor - for the fact that the wounds of a sharp plow

And I endure harrows that I am at work all year round.

And what foliage is for cattle, and what is the most delicate food for fruits -

I give to the human race, but I bring you incense?


If I deserve death, then what I deserve

Her water or her brother? Handed to him by rock, Why do the seas recede and move farther and farther from the sky?

If you are not moved by pity for me or for your brother, At least be merciful to the sky: look at both


The poles are both in smoke. And if the fire damages them, Your houses will also collapse. Atlas and he is in difficulty, Barely already on his bent shoulders he holds the sky, If the seas, and the earth, and the sky of the house die, We will mix into the ancient Chaos again. What's left


Pull it out, I pray, from the fire, take care of the good of the universe!"

So said the Earth; but already she can endure the heat

I couldn’t have the strength to say anything more, and drew in

Head back into yourself, into the depths closest to the manas.

And the almighty father, having called as witnesses on high


And the one who handed over the chariot - what if there is no

Help, everything will be lost, - embarrassed, to the top of Olympus

Ascends, from whence he brings clouds to the breadth of the earth, And moves thunder, and swiftly flashes lightning.

But then he had no clouds to visit the earth,


He had no rain that he would have shed from the sky.

It thundered, and the perun, from the right ear fired, He threw it into the driver, and in a moment he had a chariot and a soul

Took away at a time, taming the flame with a fierce flame.

Horrified, the horses, jumping in the opposite direction,


They threw the yoke from the neck and scattered the scraps of the reins.

Here lie the bit, and here, breaking away from the drawbar, Axle, and on the other side - wheels of broken spokes;

The chariots of the shattered part are scattered widely.

And Phaethon, whose fire steals golden curls,


Strives into the abyss and, making a long way through the air,

Rushing like a star from a transparent sky

Falling, or rather, falling may seem.

On the other side of the earth, far from the homeland, great

Eridan took him and washes his smoking face.


The hands of the naiad-hesperides burned by the trilingual fire

Ashes are put in the grave and a stone in verse means:

“Phaethon, the chariot of the father's driver, is buried here:

Even if he didn’t keep it, he fell daring to great things.”

And the unfortunate father turned away, sobbing bitterly:


He hid his bright face; and, if you believe the story, The day, they say, has passed without the sun: the fires of the universe

The light was delivered: there was also some benefit from the disaster.

Now let's compare this description with what an observer could see, who was somewhere in the region of Western Europe at the time of the described disaster.

Firstly, it clearly follows from the text that the object that the observer mistook for the Sun was moving in a completely different trajectory from which the Sun usually moves. Heavenly horses "drive the chariot without a path," while being much closer to the Earth: "In space that is closer to the earth, they rush. And Luna is surprised that the brothers' horses are rushing lower than her horses. " In other words, the trajectory of the wrong "Sun" was lower than the trajectory of the moon.


If we look at the diagram of the object's movement, after it pierced the body of the Earth and flew out in the Taklamakan desert in the form of a huge heated ball, then for an observer in Western Europe it will look exactly like the Sun, which flies over some very low, wrong trajectory for the real Sun.

Since the object's substance is very hot after the collision and penetration of the Earth's body, most likely it is in a molten state or even partially or completely in a plasma state, then very strong light and thermal radiation will come from it. Therefore, as described in the myth, the surface of the Earth will begin to burn and even melt. High mountains are losing their ice caps. The author further states that: “The great cities with fortresses perish together with their peoples, the fires of entire countries are turning to ashes. Forests and mountains are blazing with fire " … Water evaporates in rivers, lakes and even in the seas: “The sea is shrinking. This is a sandy plain now, where there was a sea yesterday; previously covered with water, the mountains rise and the number of Cyclades scattered is multiplied " Cyclades are the Cyclades islands, an archipelago in the southern part of the Aegean Sea. But in this particular case, the author most likely does not mean these islands, but in general the formation of many islands similar to them throughout the Mediterranean Sea due to the evaporation of sea water during the disaster.

Also, with this event, the author of the myth connects the formation of a desert in North Africa: "Libya has become dry, - all the heat has stolen moisture" … It turns out that before this catastrophe, the climate there was completely different, which is also confirmed by some old maps, which were drawn up until the end of the 16th century, where rivers and cities that do not exist now are plotted, or the rivers that are now flowing in the wrong direction and in the wrong direction.

This is what a modern physical map of northern Africa looks like.

Pay attention to where and in what direction the Niger River flows today (marked with a red arrow).


Now let's look at the old cards.


Firstly, here in the center there are many fairly large lakes, marked with blue arrows, which do not exist today.

Secondly, the Niger River on this map flows through almost the entire continent, while in the opposite direction, from East to West (marked with a red arrow). This map also depicts two large rivers that first merge together and then flow into the Nile on the left in the area of present-day Assuan (also marked with red arrows).

Skeptics may say that this is just a mistake of the author, who at that moment did not yet know what was there in Africa and what was not. Suppose that this particular author might not know, but the exact same structure of rivers is repeated in almost all old maps that were drawn up before the 17th century.


This is a completely different map, drawn in a different projection. That is, the author did not redraw his map from the previous author. But the structure of the rivers again repeats the one that we saw on the first old map. The Niger is much longer and flows from east to west; the Nile has a left tributary.


Fragment with Africa of another old map of the world. This is again a different image, not a copy of the first two, but the general structure of the rivers as a whole is repeated. The Niger flows from east to west, the Nile has a large left tributary.


The fourth example, again a completely different card, not a copy of the previous ones. Many elements are drawn differently, there are more details on this map than on the previous ones, but the general structure of the rivers is repeated again. The Niger flows from east to west across two-thirds of the continent, and the Nile has a large left tributary that flows into the Assuan region, which consists of two rivers.

But let us return to the description of the consequences in the myth about Phaeton and see what other details of that catastrophe the author tells us.

"Here the huge Etna is already burning with double fire" … Etna is one of the active volcanoes in Europe, located on the east coast of Sicily.

In this case, speaking about "Double fire" the author means that in addition to heating Etna from above, the eruption of the volcano itself also began. But, according to the scenario described earlier, the heating of the inner layers and the increase in pressure inside the Earth at the time of the breakdown should have led to the activation of a large number of volcanoes.

It will be necessary to delve into this topic more carefully, but there is a very high probability that not only Etna began to erupt, but also other volcanoes, including Vesuvius. That is, the real death of Pompeii most likely occurred at the same time.

Of particular interest is the following snippet: "The poles are both in smoke" … That is, Ovid already knew that the Earth has two poles of rotation. This means that the Romans already knew very well that the Earth has the shape of a ball. Otherwise, there can be no talk of any two poles.

"The soil gave cracks, and light penetrated into Tartarus through the cracks" … The events described in the myth led to the fact that the strongest earthquakes began and the Earth's surface cracked, which again fully agrees with the consequences that should be observed during our catatsrophe.

Ultimately Jupiter is forced to intervene "And moves thunder, and swiftly throws lightning" … That is, the movement of the wrong "Sun" across the sky was accompanied by the roar of explosions and powerful lightning, which, of course, in the case of the real Sun or any other object that is outside the atmosphere, for example, a comet flying by, cannot be.

And the result of this was that Jupiter did "Thundered, and the perun, from his right ear, threw it into the driver", which led to the destruction of the object and the scattering of its debris, which the author of the myth describes as follows: “Horrified, the horses, jumping in the opposite direction, threw off the yoke from their necks and scattered scraps of reins. Here lie the bit, and here, breaking away from the drawbar, the axle, and on the other side - the wheels of the broken spokes, the chariots of the fragmented part are widely scattered. "

Thus, the amazing series of aftermaths described by Ovid in his myth about Phaethon exactly corresponds to the consequences that should be observed after the catastrophe, which I am talking about in this work. Moreover, it corresponds to the smallest details, such as volcanic eruptions or cracking of the surface of the Earth. We also have a coincidence of information from this myth with the changes that have occurred in northern Africa.

There are too many swaps for this to be just an accident or an invention of the author.

Separately, I would like to note for those who are supporters of the theory of the Earth's revolution due to the Dzhanibekov effect that the model of the catastrophe proposed by you, in principle, cannot explain the consequences that are described in the considered myth.
