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Open letter to President D.A. Medvedev from the former Minister of Geology of the USSR (2011)
Open letter to President D.A. Medvedev from the former Minister of Geology of the USSR (2011)

Video: Open letter to President D.A. Medvedev from the former Minister of Geology of the USSR (2011)

Video: Open letter to President D.A. Medvedev from the former Minister of Geology of the USSR (2011)
Video: Kungur Ice Cave [Кунгурская Ледяная Пещера] 2024, October

Former Minister of Geology of the USSR E. A. Kozlovsky refused to accept the Certificate of Honor of the President of the Russian Federation in protest against the policy pursued in the country today.

To the President of the Russian Federation

YES. Medvedev

Mr. President!

I was informed that by your Order of February 2, 2011 you awarded me the Certificate of Honor of the President of the Russian Federation for achievements in the field of education and many years of fruitful work.

Unfortunately, I cannot accept the said Certificate of Merit for the following reasons.

First, in the same period, your decree was awarded the highest order of Russia - the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called the traitor of my Motherland - the USSR, its destroyer and traitor Gorbachev. We, the veterans, regard the process of awarding it as a mockery of us, the past history of our country - the USSR. Your act caused bewilderment and cannot be justified from any side! Instead of uniting the people in this difficult period for Russia, you brought in the "apple" of discord, committed an act that defies comprehension to please the Western world, which briskly "celebrated" the 80th anniversary of the traitor to the cause, whom he allegedly served!

Secondly, in connection with my 80th birthday, the Academic Council of the Russian State Geological Prospecting University, of which I am a professor, introduced me, in accordance with the status of the order, to be awarded the Order of Merit to the Fatherland, second degree, evaluating my personal participation in strengthening mineral resource base of the USSR-Russia, many years of productive work in the Far East and as Minister of Geology of the USSR (1975-1989). It so happened that major discoveries of many types of minerals fell on the indicated period of my activity. For me, the opinion of my colleagues is the highest moral award!

And I am sincerely grateful to the scientific community for such a high assessment of my work! And whether they were awarded or not is the second question!

Our government feels a great commitment to the "artistic world", and you often deign to meet with their representatives. But I don’t remember a case when you met with the people of Cause and in a businesslike manner discussed the strategic issues of the country's economic development, the problems of organizational and technical improvement.

By the way, I take this opportunity to remind you that the “raw materials economy” did not arise in the Soviet era, as you assure us, but in the years of the so-called perestroika. You stressed: “The dependence of our economy on raw materials arose not at the time when Putin was president, but already 40 years ago. It takes a long time to change that.” So, 40 years ago (in 1970) the share of fuel and energy products in the structure of Soviet exports was 15.7%. The same goods in the structure of Russian exports in 2008 amounted to 67.8% (!).

But the fact is that at that time the export of machinery and equipment was 21.5% (in 2008 - 4.9%), food and agricultural raw materials - 8.9% (in 2008 - 2%). Before treating a patient, as you know, you need to make a correct diagnosis! This happened because most of the industrial and production potential inherited from the USSR was practically destroyed as a result of the incompetent management of the Russian economy!

Naturally, I am against the opinion prevailing in the upper strata of the state that our fault is that Russia has a "resource-based economy." I think this is a great advantage, a gift from above! But the ability to use this economy of easily earned (primarily oil) money for a breakthrough, technological improvement of the state is the task of the country's leadership. This "touchstone" tests his government skills and the level of professionalism! Isn't this the main root of our troubles for twenty years ?!

As for the prospects for the mineral resource complex (MSC), they are now extremely low. One of the main reasons for the difficult state of the MSC is the destruction of the country's geological service - the main pivot of the strategic exploration of mineral resources, the scientific level of search support. The material base of geology has been undermined, many regional geological organizations have collapsed, many organizations have been ill-considered reorientated and, as a result, the level of personnel training has decreased.

It is impossible not to dwell on the main issues arising from the above:

1. In Russia there is no strategy and philosophy of state development. Meanwhile, they must determine the political, moral and practical activities of the government and its subordinate structures. It should not be forgotten that the USSR was largely destroyed by dogmatism, the lack of a deep study of the prospects for the development of society and the state, the absence of an instrument for global thinking and the true state of affairs in the world and the country. Considering that we have been hustling in place for two decades, we have not drawn any conclusions from the past even now! Modern Russia is in a socio-economic, political and ideological impasse.

Thus, the social aspect, the embodiment of the dreams of their civilized imperatives in the renovation and development of Russia are now no less important than technological and economic innovations.

One of the most important technologies nowadays is the algorithm for designing the future. These are methods for analyzing trends, anticipating future changes, analyzing possible scenarios for the development of events, assessing and managing risks. This is no coincidence! Today, in order to make serious, far-sighted decisions in the most important spheres of life - social, economic, educational, military, technological, and a number of others, you need to look 25-30 years ahead!

2. The political line of the state should open up the possibility of a strategic economic path of development of the state with a clear presentation of goals, priorities, regional plans, national security, etc. This is the most important element in uniting the efforts of the people, organizations and enterprises. The outbreak of the global crisis hit the Russian economy seriously. While in the United States and European countries it manifested itself in an economic recession measured by only a few percentage points, in Russia GDP in 2009 fell by 8%, and industrial production - by 9%.

The volume of investments in the economy has significantly decreased, a deficit of the state budget has arisen, which, of course, affected the long-term plans for geological exploration, as mentioned above. The severity of the crisis in Russia is explained, in particular, by the fact that during the relatively prosperous period of the Russian economy in 2000-2008. practically nothing was done to hedge against possible impending unfavorable situations.

We believe that an effective policy of Russia in the field of national mineral and raw material security requires taking into account the consequences of globalization of mineral resources and determining the role of our country in the future world mineral and raw material supply.

For the above reasons, I cannot accept the Certificate of Merit from the President of the Russian Federation, but I will be sincerely grateful if you, Mr. President, think about what I wrote to you in this necessary message!

Please: think about it, understand it, realize it

With wishes of success, E. A. Kozlovsky, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the RSFSR, Honored Geologist of the Russian Federation, Laureate of the Lenin and State Prizes of the Russian Federation.

E. Kozlovsky
