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Where does the tradition come from - a memorial glass and a piece of bread on top?
Where does the tradition come from - a memorial glass and a piece of bread on top?

Video: Where does the tradition come from - a memorial glass and a piece of bread on top?

Video: Where does the tradition come from - a memorial glass and a piece of bread on top?
Video: SCUM SECRET TIP! 2024, April

Conversation with the Orthodox priest of the Moscow Patriarchate Hegumen Philip (Zhigulin).

- These are the remnants of paganism. As well as the fact that they bring wine, vodka, bread, sausage to the graves and leave it as if for the deceased. It turns out that earthly food may be necessary in the afterlife. Continuing this series, we come to the conclusion that, together with the husband, the wife, pets, and utensils should be put in the coffin, as was done in the times of the Egyptian pharaohs.

- I would say folklore. Customs. Canonically not backed up, but pious. Not that they are disapproved of by the church, just to All this has nothing to do with Orthodoxy … However, in some monasteries neither knives nor forks are served to the memorial table - only spoons. A source.

It turns out that if the priest Philip told the truth in this case, this memorial tradition comes from pagan antiquity and has nothing to do with Orthodoxy. At the same time, Russian people, who, according to their faith, classify themselves as Orthodoxy, anyway, when their relative dies, they adhere to this ancient pagan tradition. Here is such a squiggle!

Once I wanted to know everything about this ancient tradition and at the same time understand why, from the point of view of Orthodoxy, paganism is something bad, savage, barbaric?

How to find out the truth about paganism? - this is the very first question that I asked myself. Then I opened the electronic version of the Bible and started looking through the search all the variants of the word "pagan" in it. It turned out that there are as many as 182 phrases with the word "pagan" in the Bible!

And the most interesting thing, hostility towards pagans, literally hatred towards them begins with the first part of the Bible - "Old Testament". According to the compilers and writers of this Jewish scripture, the Lord himself, the God of the Jews, hates and fights against the Gentiles first of all, and then all the Jews, as the people (or tribe) chosen by this Lord.

Here is confirmation of this: "The Lord destroys the counsels of the Gentiles, destroys the designs of the nations. The counsel of the Lord stands forever; the thoughts of His heart are for generation and generation. Blessed is the people, whose God is God - the tribe that He has chosen as an inheritance for Himself." … (Psalm 32: 10).

I began to look further and found in the Bible this Jewish psalm:

(It is curious that in the Bible, at the very beginning it is written: "Destroy their altars, crush their pillars, cut down their sacred groves … For you must not worship a god other than the Lord; because his name is jealous; He is a jealous God … "Exodus 34: 13-14. Commentary - AB).

The deceased, like a spirit, is alive and does not break off ties with those living on earth

A source

Of course, as a Russian person, it was very unpleasant for me to read these lines: "After the final conquest of the Ossetians, the tsarist government according to the plan of the Holy Synod sent missionaries to Ossetia who, having no success in preaching Orthodoxy, began to lure children and the poor with gifts … "," Fortunately, the healthy seeds of Ossetian upbringing, invested in the children by the family, turned out to be so strong that the deadly spirit of Holy Russia could not overcome them …"

However, where to go from the truth? If that's how it was ?! By the way, Wikipedia describes one-to-one subjugation Russia in the Middle Ages of Siberia, and not just Siberia, but the "Kingdom of Siberia"!

"Russian Cossacks" with such non-Russian persons like the famous Ermak exactly conquered lands and peoples, and those who did not want to submit, were killed!


Ermak Timofeevich - Cossack chieftain, historical conqueror of Siberia for the Russian state.

And immediately after the conquest (conquest) of a new territory goose the military (Cossacks) were sent to the natives Orthodox priests, so that with the help of specially composed Jewish fables, the next to conquer the minds of people.

Dictionary entry: "Conquest of Siberia".

I was born in Soviet times, in which the existence of God was ridiculed as a relic of the past, and they even said about the afterlife that believing in him is savagery and stupidity! As a result, in my first 30 years of life, I was, as they say, a "convinced atheist" in the sense that I was convinced from childhood that "there is no God, and there is no" afterlife either!"

However, times are changing, the destroyed from within the USSR has long disappeared from all maps of the world, but I continue to live, think and develop. At the same time, I try to understand the most difficult issues of life and philosophy.

I have long understood that, at a time when in Christianity there is a deception, protrusion and praise of only one "God's chosen people" - the Jewish, in the fundamental science of nature, designed to form the worldview of all people on the planet, for some time now the same blatant deception!

Throughout 19 centuries of history, calculated from the "Nativity of Christ", there was ether in physics, the world environment was the very "Kingdom of Heaven, consisting of particles, which is smaller than all the seeds" about which Christ spoke, science did not become, it was recognized as non-existent! Accordingly, the "Kingdom of Heaven" of Christ remained without a "registration", in which, as it followed from his stories, the souls of people who lived on earth and once died dwell.

And just imagine, I lived to see the show on Russian television, on the TNT channel "The fight of extrasensories", where people with phenomenal abilities demonstrate everything for which earlier, in medieval Europe, the church authorities burned alive at the stake!

Nineteen episodes of the "Battle of Psychics" program have already taken place. The winner of the last 19th battle (it ended at the end of December 2018) was a simple guy from the village of Kolyvan, near Novosibirsk, Timofey Rudenko.


Timofey Rudenko.

Do not think, reader, that I am one of those people who are gullible to the point of insanity and who can be easily deceived with the help of TV! Not at all!

I will say even more, I know very well that most of the Russian entertainment or show programs came to us from the West, these are projects there for the entertainment of the "natives"!

Among them is the transfer "Voice", and "Who want to be a millionaire?", and "Field of Dreams" … Of course, the TV show is no exception. "The fight of extrasensories" … Similar programs about psychics are shown in the USA (America's Psychic Challenge), in Israel (Reality Koah - Strength), in Bulgaria (Clairvoyance), in Azerbaijan (Ekstra hiss), in Ukraine (Battle extrasensitive "), in Mongolia (" Zun bilgiin tulaan "), in Georgia (" Psychic brdzola "- ექსტრასენსთა ბრძოლა), in Kazakhstan (" Қyl kөpir "), in Australia (" The One "), in Lithuania (" Ekstrasensų mūšis "), In Estonia (" Selgeltnägijate tuleproov "), in Latvia (" Ekstrasensu сīņas ").

With all this, the television show "Battle of Psychics" is a unique phenomenon among all entertainment programs! It appeared in the world as an echo of the Cold War between the USA and the USSR

Back in the 1970s, a plan was born in the depths of the US CIA - to extract the secrets of the Soviet Union's military industry and the plans of the top political leadership to attract people with unique gifts: clairvoyants and telepaths, in a word, psychics. So, this is why psychics are not deception and not some fake artists. Although there are a huge number of swindlers and scammers among this audience! This is also true! Actually, therefore, the TV show "Battle of Psychics" was conceived in the West not so much as an entertainment program, but as an applied one, aimed at identifying among hundreds and thousands of fraudsters and mentally ill people posing as psychics, a few real nuggets with gifts from God.

Several years ago this was reported in the Russian press:


Details on link.

For intelligence work for the benefit of the United States in the West, they were looking for the strongest psychics, arranging contests for them, which we see today in the Russian program "The Battle of Psychics". Then, during the time of Gorbachev, the USSR had its own "military psychics", whose groups were disbanded only in 2012, that is, already under Putin, at the beginning of his third presidential term! This is also described in the article by Svetlana Smetanina, the link to which is indicated above.

I would like to note that the first season of the TV show "The Battle of Psychics" aired on February 25, 2007, when the Russian Ministry of Defense still had an official, but secret position - "military psychic".

Thus, despite the fact that the TV show "The Battle of Psychics" is built as an entertaining one, the test people show their real psychic abilities on it.

I started watching this TV show only three years ago. She opened my eyes to many things, but the last, 19th "Battle of Psychics" and specifically work made the greatest educational effect on me Timofey Rudenko, winner of the 19th battle.

Timofey Rudenko became the winner of the battle thanks to his unique gift of God - the ability to communicate with the "afterlife", which supposedly "does not exist", as atheistic propaganda had been convincing for decades. Timofey bypassed all competitors "at the bends" (and he is the only one of the three finalists who flawlessly coped with the last task) only due to the fact that dead people came to his aid (at his request) …

He is the only one of all the participants in the TV show "The Battle of Psychics" who, with his work in front of an audience, brilliantly proved, causing people to shock, tears, and delight that there is a so-called "afterlife" around us, that the "Kingdom of Heaven", about which Christ said, it really exists that the souls of the dead are "the same real force of nature, like any other force of nature, which can be used to your advantage, if you only know how to handle it," as an officer of the Russian Army of Ossetian origin wrote in 1922 Soslan Gavrilovich Temirkhanov. And he, Timofey Rudenko, a citizen of the Earth of the XXI century, transmitting information from "That Light" to the living, opened the eyes of millions of people to the fact that the souls of the dead, in addition to seeing everything and can tell us something, can to warn for something, even to save from something, they can also, according to their old "earthly habit", ask them to put something very memorable for them on the grave (at the place where the body is buried). Deceased children are usually asked to bury their favorite toy next to them. The adult deceased may have, accordingly, their own "adult requests".

Hence it follows that the "pagan tradition" of commemorating the deceased with a glass of water or vodka covered with a piece of bread is not at all stupid. This is the oldest tradition, coming from time immemorial, when people for the most part knew how to communicate with their deceased relatives, with their souls. Then this natural skill was repulsed in people by their conquerors, and today only a few of the billions of current inhabitants of the Earth possess such a gift.

After what I have said, watch the test at the "Battle of Psychics" by Timofey Rudenko. He is worthy of your attention. A simple guy from Siberia proved, perhaps unwittingly, that there was nothing wrong with ancient "paganism", he was slandered and spat upon by the so-called Christianizers!

Timofey Rudenko: "They often ask me:" But you have to be born with a gift? Is it possible to learn this? Etc. I still don’t know! Before this gift appeared, I lived a completely different life, my father was an atheist, and what to hide, many of his views reflected on me. So, until a certain moment I did not even think about any abilities. Then, when my changes began, I had a mentor, her name is Oksana, many may know this wonderful person in Novosibirsk, and she told me that this is not schizophrenia, as I thought, but a gift. any person has his own potential, he is different, and not everyone develops it. And it is important to develop God's gift in oneself! So, I think, abilities are inherent from birth, but to follow this path or not is the choice of everyone. And thanks to my mentor for knowledge, especially in a practical way …"

Voiceover of the announcer: "Such an emotional medium who hears the voices of the dead and conveys their words, the meaning of which he himself often does not understand, has not yet existed in the history of the" battle of psychics ". His method for the heroes of the test was a novelty …" And it is true! There has never been such a participant at the "Battle of Psychics".

I advise you to start watching about Timofey Rudenko from the 30th minute:

After watching this issue of "The Battle of Psychics", I thought, if our people had not been driven off over the centuries by the ancestral "pagan" memory and the ability to accept the help of deceased relatives who see everything from "That World" and can tell us a lot, alive, then how strong we are would be like a people in opposition to the forces of darkness and evil ?!


S. Temirkhanov: "The deceased, like a spirit, is alive and does not break ties with those living on earth."

January 2, 2019 Murmansk. Anton Blagin

P. S

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Sergey Shibaev: the final part of the article made a strong impression. Thanks to Anton for this amazing material! Very convincing.

Yuri Bubentsov: over the cultural heritage of the Russians, hordes of hostile historians have been ousted for centuries. They write historical fakes, falsify and literally burn out Russian historical artifacts with a hot iron. Knowing this, you understand why the great Mikhailo Lomonosov was eager to stuff the faces of the German historians - Miller and others. Many historical legacies of other peoples could not stand it and collapsed under the onslaught of "God's chosen" rats, and the legacy of the Rus still exists. And not because these rats make little effort, rather the opposite, but only because the historical layer of the Russian heritage is a real lump of world civilization. In order to distort Russian history, Russophobes do not need to falsify and distort it, it is enough to pull out the facts and comment on them in a light favorable to themselves. Anton Blagin, whom I immensely respect for his inquisitive Russian mind, as a historical example of the attitude of pagans to Orthodoxy, quoted a letter from an Ossetian pagan officer who faithfully served the Russian Orthodox Tsar, and therefore the Russian people as well. After all, only an alliance with the great Russian people saved the Ossetians from oblivion. I have no doubt that the Ossetian officer knew about this, and Anton should be reminded of this. As well as the fact of the development of Siberia by Russian pioneers. It is very possible that the army of Ermak, numbering several hundred people, included adventurers and former robbers. But the fact that the development and unification of the scattered, eternally warring tribes of Siberia under the rule of the Russian tsar cost little bloodshed is an indisputable fact and, I hope, no one will dispute it. Moreover, many Siberian peoples have survived and developed their culture. For example, the small people of Russia - the Shors - received the status of "royal children" under the tsar. The Shors were not at enmity with the Russian settlers, they paid the tsar yasak (tax) in furs, preserved their culture and way of life as a whole. Immediately after the Jewish-Bolshevik revolution of 1917, the commissars shot several dozen Shor shamans, carriers of culture and spiritual traditions. After that, the people began to degrade and die out. Under the current government, the process of extinction of the Shors has accelerated. It is terrible to imagine what would have remained of these peoples and tribes if the Spanish conquistadors and English colonialists, led by the Jesuits, took up the development of Siberia. Perhaps they would have suffered the fate of the North American Indians.

Valery Bondarik: health to you!

Much and Miscellaneous … It was POSSIBLE to say to “This” Topic …

BUT … and there are Reasons for that … it is NOT worth attracting attention …

There is no reason to GIVE … pay attention …

[That, about "WHAT" is said in the Article - Has a Place to Be …]

-> but it has nothing to do with the religion "It"! " This is”Other …

` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `

_PORA already Realize that the religious "COLLAR" of faith from oneself

(if someone else is "wearing") - It's time to urgently REMOVE!


Gives an Opportunity (At first, A LITTLE, A LITTLE …) - albeit NOT immediately -

Already Other … (Understanding Will Come) - Feel = Understand …

[The main thing is "nourishing" by faith - DO NOT ZOMBIE YOURSELF!]

` ` ` ` ` ` `

_ That Paganism THIS is the Heritage of Natural Properties, which are given by nature, the sun and the cosmos (as a whole)

EVERYONE since birth, but almost ALL are blocked

BY MEANS, primarily RELIGION (faith) and …

ESTABLISHED by social norms (especially: like everyone) …

[ISSUING "something" from society is fraught with rejection …]

[IT IS FANTASTED … NOT by understanding "That", which may be "NOT-so" …]


DO NOT pay attention to everything religious!

* The further from the IMPOSED religion, the Closer to …

The Beginning of Understanding the “Other” … What We Are Inclined to!

* DO NOT be afraid to BE … Others (i), especially in the Words …

[Surprised Looks, For "This" … just Confirmation]

[Confirmation of the "Other" - the beginning of the Realization of the Pagan …]

[DO NOT be afraid of reproaches in your "lack of understanding" …]

["Laid" by Nature, Sun and Space - Present]

[REMEMBER Dreams … "Play" Their - There is Other …]


BUT … not everyone can be told about … "This" …

In the best case, you will be ridiculed, in the worst case, they will let you hear …

* Be especially careful in … Solving Dreams …

[Remember, that Paganism is the Legacy of the Ancestors!]

- – - – -

Author Thanks For Writing On Such Topics …!

* Nothing personal to anyone, so -

thoughts by the PASSING …

Good mood to you (ALL …)! - Thanks to.

= = = = =

Respectfully yours - Valery Bondarik.

Edmonton. Canada. 03-01-19.
