Fuel-free energy technologies and their fate
Fuel-free energy technologies and their fate

Video: Fuel-free energy technologies and their fate

Video: Fuel-free energy technologies and their fate
Video: Motion Design with Unreal Engine and Cinema 4D | Webinar 2024, April

The development of national and international programs for their development should be a priority. Otherwise, the world is threatened with the escalation of the economic crisis into a global military conflict with a new redivision of the world and the division of Russia into resource regions controlled by the "World Government". After the introduction of a global fascist regime - a new world order, the tragic fate of humanity will be a foregone conclusion.

Fuel-free energy technologies are usually understood as non-traditional technologies for obtaining electrical, mechanical or thermal energy that do not use hydrocarbon or nuclear fuel, as well as natural energy sources such as the sun, wind, water flow or geothermal heat [1-3].


The beginning of the era of fuel-free energy is usually attributed to 1892, when N. Tesla invented a resonant transformer and received energy at the output that was many times higher than the input. In 1898, Tesla, using just one 5,000-horsepower Niagara hydroelectric turbine, used a resonant transformer and a wireless power transmission system to provide electricity to an entire state. Tesla's result and his words about the etheric source of energy received press coverage.

The chief financier of the US electrification program, J. P. Morgan, saw Tesla's activities as a threat to his monopoly on electricity production and achieved the destruction of his landfill. Soon, a meeting of the US government on electrification was held with the participation of bankers J. P. Morgan (the actual ruler of the United States), B. Baruch (the future ruler, adviser to six presidents), J. Rockefeller (the oil king) and P. Warburg (the future head of the Federal Reserve). The bankers decided to exclude Tesla's technologies. Tesla's patents began to be withdrawn from libraries, and his name practically disappeared from print.

P. Warburg's cousin, the famous physicist E. Warburg, a member of the editorial board of the Annals of Physics, carried out an operation to remove the concept of "ether" from physics. The true author of the mathematical apparatus of SRT, as the German physicists found out from the archives, was the mathematician F. Lindemann [4], a longtime friend of E. Warburg and M. Planck. Lindemann was guided by the work of Poincaré. Einstein, apparently, was given the task of revising Lindemann's articles (Einstein got into the center of this operation of the bankers, apparently due to the fact that his mother was raising the children of the banker Oppenheimer [5]). Immediately after the publication of Einstein's work "On the Electrodynamics of Moving Media" in the Annals of Physics, its full text was transmitted by the transantlantic telegraph to the editorial board of the New York Times [6] (the cost of such a telegram was a fortune). The further course of the development of physics is widely known. Attempts to criticize the theory of relativity, return the concept of "ether" to physics, or even create scientific competition for Einstein were suppressed in the most harsh way (the strange deaths of Drude, Minkowski, Ritz, Smoluchowski, Poincaré, Schwarzschild, Abraham, Nordstrom, Friedman).

The positive results of the experiments of Miller and Michelson on measuring the speed of the ether drift were first disavowed and then removed from the literature. Attempts to reproduce Tesla's technologies were punished even more decisively - the number of victims goes to many tens, if not hundreds. Even in Russia, the first successful work on the reproduction of Tesla's experiments ended with the death of the inventors and the confiscation of their installations and papers (Filippov in St. Petersburg and Pilchikov in Odessa).

The result of the bankers' activities was the consolidation of the electricity market for them, a radical increase in the oil market and, as a result, the further strengthening of their power. In 1913, they criminally took over the Federal Reserve. This opened up the opportunity for them to finance both sides in initiating the First World War, the coup in Russia (Warburg, Schiff), Hitler (Warburg, Rothschild, Morgan, Rockefeller, Bush, Harriman, etc.), unleashing the Second World War in order to establish a new world order. After the apparent failure of Operation Hitler, they finance the second front, the Cold War, many regional conflicts, the collapse of the socialist camp and the USSR, and organize the events of 9/11. The total number of victims caused by their activities only in the wars of the twentieth century. is about 200 million. But there are victims of another kind. The second most important source of their income after oil is drugs [7].

They also carry out inherently criminal programs of family planning, sex education, child abuse through the media, vaccination, alcoholization, the introduction of genetically modified crops, spraying poisonous substances over cities, organizing epidemics, developing harmful drugs and food additives, funding monstrous secret military projects. The number of fatalities organized by them so-called. AIDS - over 25 million. On the agenda is the introduction of a new world order. Tentative deadline - 2015 (see the British documentary film "The Ring of Power" on the Internet). The new world order provides for the reduction of the population to 500 million (see also A. Jones' film "Endgame. Project of Global Enslavement"). The concept of the "golden billion" after the events of 9/11 has become irrelevant.

The elite's plan of action is already roughly looming: artificial deepening of the economic crisis, stirring up panic in connection with the imaginary threat of 2012, unleashing a large-scale war (possibly with the use of thermonuclear, bacteriological and geophysical weapons) and transferring power to a single World Government with the establishment of total control over the remnants population using microchips.

Explain the activities of the world's rulers from the perspective of any of the major world religions, the so-called. universal human values or even elementary common sense is impossible. The fact is that kindred ruling families (Illuminati, or The Committee of 300 [7]) consider themselves descendants of the "superrace of gods" and worship the Egyptian Amun - the lord of hell, who, obviously, is not God at all, but his opposite (see the film "The Ring authorities"). Therefore, these people deliberately destroy all religious and moral values and lead the world to destruction.

Hitler's racism is based on the views of the Illuminati, he himself is a representative of their main family. Contrary to popular belief, most Illuminati are not Jews, and their religion is as far removed from traditional Judaism as it is from Christianity. In ritual magic, they use the experience of the Hermetic Kabbalah, sexual orgies, human sacrifice and drinking of blood [8], Princess Diana and English journalists wrote about this. This fact has long become the property of the public, and it is impossible to remain silent about it, because it is Satanism of the Illuminati that determines the vector of movement of the modern world. Only notorious Satanists-misanthropists are able to unleash the bloody meat grinders of world wars, drop atomic bombs on peaceful Japanese cities, arrange the 9/11 Act and plan to vaccinate billions of people from an imaginary disease. And only people with a satanic outlook are capable of destroying safe and environmentally friendly technologies intended for the good of mankind.

The political school of many US presidents and senators is the secret Satanic Skull and Bones Society. The name of this society implies the right of its members to transcend human life in order to achieve the set goal. Illuminati genetics are passed down exclusively through the father's line. All US presidents are Illuminati [8]. In the family of the Bushes and the Queen of England, for example, Vlad Tepesh (Count Dracula). The most genetically pure Illuminati is Obama, the son of a Kenyan priest, a direct descendant of the Nubian priests of Amun. 20 years ago, it was announced that the last US president would have number 44, which proves the drama of the current situation.

The Illuminati plans to destroy Israel in the third world war and build a Third Temple on the site of the destroyed Al-Aqsa mosque. It should be noted that the United States traditionally provides more assistance to Egypt than Israel. The US also finances terrorism in the Middle East. Despite this, the Illuminati, using huge financial and organizational resources, control the Zionists. The Zionist plan allows for the use of the converted Al-Aqsa Mosque as the Third Temple.


The establishment of total control of the Illuminati over science took place from the beginning of the 19th century. At the same time, the imposition of false custom-made God-fighting theories began to be imposed on society: Malthusianism, Marxism, Nietzscheanism, Darwinism, Fabianism, Freudianism, etc. The customer of all these theories was the secret occult government of the Illuminati, and the performers were high-class Masons. The theory of relativity is on a par with these theories. Denying the ether, the theory of relativity also denies the divine principle in the structure of the world. Einstein himself was not an open fighter against God, and, judging by his articles of the 1920s. about the ether, I didn't really believe in my theoretical constructions either. However, the main goal of the founders of the theory of relativity and the cult of Einstein was political and economic.

The theory of relativity closed the way for humanity to a fuel-free energy, its energy freedom and allowed the Illuminati to carry out a plan to seize power in the world. In this sense, the theory of relativity has cost humanity two world wars and many regional conflicts. The scale of falsification of research on the theory of relativity is striking. All macroscopic experiments to check SRT were falsified. In practice, clocks in aircraft run the same way as on Earth (contrary to specifications, GPS and GLONAS systems do not take relativistic corrections into account), the relativistic Doppler effect does not work in space communications and radar systems, and the ether wind factor has been taken into account in ground-based microwave and laser communication. Experiments on the verification of general relativity have a natural classical explanation [9].

In experiments with elementary particles, the SRT ratios (known long before its creation) are far from always applicable [10]. Announcing the truth about the theory of relativity is the duty of all honest and thinking scientists. Further maintaining the status of the theory of relativity threatens the existence of our civilization.

As convincingly shown by J. Coleman [7], alternative energy technologies are one of the main enemies of the Illuminati.

First, these technologies are robbing the Illuminati of their main source of real income - oil. Secondly, these technologies make countries, regions and even individual citizens energetically independent, and, therefore, free. Thirdly, these technologies frustrate the plan for establishing a new world order, because the main arguments for its establishment - the lack of natural resources and the ecological crisis, become untenable. The myth of the overpopulation of the globe is also falling apart, because alternative fuel-free technologies allow people to live comfortably in any climate and produce a sufficient amount of environmentally friendly food. And with an increase in the standard of living, the population is known to stabilize.

Some Russian politicians consider fuel-free technologies harmful for Russia. For the oil oligarchs, such technologies are certainly undesirable. But for Russia, the development of fuel-free energy technologies is an absolutely necessary condition for its survival as a unified state. Indeed, the cost of oil production in Russia is many times higher than, say, in Saudi Arabia. Delivery of oil to the consumer is also many times more expensive. The price of gasoline in Russia is about twice as high as in the United States.

Power supply to remote regions in Russia using traditional methods is expensive and generally problematic. Large cities of Russia are choking on car exhaust. Air pollution with fuel additives, among other things, leads to the birth of sick children. Real interest rates for loans exceed 20% per annum. Agriculture has been reduced several times and cannot rise, in particular, due to the high cost of fuel. The industry is not competitive due to high electricity prices. The development of the Russian economy in such conditions is impossible. Further prohibition of fuel-free energy technologies in Russia will inevitably lead to its economic collapse and dismemberment, in accordance with the plans of the Illuminati, into several puppet resource states and their joining global alliances. For people familiar with the content of the Apocalypse and the books of biblical prophets, further tragic events for the entire human civilization are obvious.

The fact is that Orthodox Russia (and before it - “Great Tartary”) has always been a restraining factor for the forces of Satan (infernal entities hostile to humanity, under whose rule Satanists and the reality of whose existence is attested by a myriad of cases). Therefore, the main religious enemy of the Illuminati is Orthodoxy [11] (the financier of the October coup in Russia J. Schiff set the destruction of Orthodoxy as Trotsky's first task, he also gave Sverdlov the order to ritually kill the royal family). The destruction of this factor means the death of human civilization. The new world order is the end of human history. It should be noted that the Illuminati obsessively fulfill the plan of the biblical prophets. All the key events of the last century (the October coup in Russia, sacrifices in the form of two world wars, the creation of Israel, the sabotage at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (see E. Khodos's website), the collapse of the USSR, the destruction of the WTC towers in New York) were adjusted to the books of the biblical prophets (first of all, Daniel [12]).

When L. Tolstoy learned that Western politicians are coordinating their actions with the books of the prophets and Kabbalistic calculations, he wrote: “I am seriously convinced that the world is ruled by completely crazy people. The insane either abstain or cannot participate”(from the diary 1900-12-05).

The current level of development of fuel-free technologies is such that, subject to the political will of the heads of developed countries, civilization in the coming years can transfer energy, transport, industry, agriculture to environmentally friendly sources of energy. Currently, there are several dozen fundamentally different fuel-free energy technologies. Of these, I will single out three, in my opinion, the most promising.

1. Electricity generators based on Tesla transformer. An example is Kapanadze's generator, widely known to users of the Boarding School. The principle of operation is based on the vortex effect in the air and is described in Atsukovsky's brochure [13]. Kapanadze did not receive support from President Saakashvili, and left for Turkey, where he created generators for 100 and 200 kW. No less famous S. Mark's devices are similar to Kapanadze's generators, but they use a toroidal transformer. S. Mark was threatened with violence, and his whereabouts are unknown.

2. Generators of electricity based on magnets or charges moving in a highly non-uniform magnetic field. Examples are generators "Testatika", "Lutek", "Perendev" and a number of other devices. The principle of operation is based on the appearance of additional, to ampere, forces when moving in a strongly inhomogeneous magnetic field. The existence of such forces follows from the original Maxwell equations with total time derivatives [14], as well as from modern generalized theories of electromagnetism [15]. At the beginning of the twentieth century, these equations were deleted not only from textbooks, but also from books on the history of science. Extraction of additional energy from vacuum (ether) also occurs due to the vortex effect.

Generators "Perendev" were mass-produced in Germany, but their work was strictly controlled by the manufacturer through the built-in GSM and GPS modules. The generators required preliminary rotor spinning with the help of the starting motor. Advertising of such generators in the media is prohibited, and a campaign has been organized on the Internet to discredit manufacturers.

3. Engines using the so-called. Brown's gas (see the video "Riding on the Water" on the Internet). The effect of resonant decomposition of water molecules in a high-frequency electric field is used. A significant part of the energy required for the decomposition of molecules is taken from the energy of the turbulent motion of the ether, transferred to the vortex sponge - a matrix of vortex tubes responsible for "zero vacuum oscillations" [16]. The introduction of such engines was suppressed by a whole series of murders of inventors. In Russia, the work of Yu. Krasnov, where the decomposition of molecules is achieved with the help of cavitation, became famous.

From the standpoint of thermodynamics, fuel-free energy generators are monothermal converters of energy of chaotic movement of particles of the medium into work, or perpetual motion machines of the second kind. The operation of such devices goes beyond the postulates accepted in thermodynamics and statistical physics, because real systems of interacting particles are not ergodic (see, for example, the work of a group of IOFAN employees headed by SI Yakovlenko [17]). The limitations of statistical methods in physics are shown in the book [18].

How dangerous are fuel-free technologies? Developing technologies based on Perendev magnetic motors, Lutek generators, Mark, Kapanadze devices and many other similar units are no more dangerous than ordinary electric motors. In any case, the harm of cellular telephony is incomparably greater, and it has already been proven by statistics.

Unfortunately, the Illuminati managed to instill in the minds of some scientists the myth of the danger of the development of fuel-free technologies for mankind. In fact, the danger of such technologies is carried only by the authorities of the Illuminati. There is no point in chasing Tesla's terawatt powers. Tesla himself conducted such experiments out of despair. And you need to have Tesla's genius and huge financial capabilities to repeat these experiments. And geniuses like Tesla are born at intervals of several centuries.

Despite the fact that Tesla worked with gigantic powers, no visible changes in health were noticed either in Tesla or in his assistants. Tesla lived to be 86 and died after being hit by a car.

The danger is quite different. The concealment of technologies and important scientific results in the conditions of the modern system of government inevitably leads to the fact that they fall into the hands of special services, uncontrolled by society, secret divisions of the Pentagon and NASA. Given that these organizations are traditionally led by representatives of the Illuminati, the servants of Amun, the danger is clear.


The prohibition on ether as a world environment and a carrier of fields carries a great danger. As a result, there is still a lack of understanding of the processes in the microcosm. Suffice it to say that modern particle physics, by and large, cannot predict the mass of a single particle. Physicists are forbidden to know about the multiple excess of energy release over the calculated one during the explosions of atomic and hydrogen bombs. So, in 1961, the world was brought to the brink of destruction, when the energy release during the explosion of a 50 Mt bomb on Novaya Zemlya exceeded the calculated one by about 5 orders of magnitude. The reason for such gigantic energy releases is the transformation of the ether energy in the ultrarelativistic plasma into the energy of hard radiation [10].

The Illuminati created organizations to analyze the consequences of thermonuclear war. However, in the publications of these organizations there is no indication of the excess of the calculated energy release. That is, the Illuminati planning a thermonuclear war have little understanding of its consequences.

Most of the areas of fuel-free energy in Russia were destroyed with the help of the Russian Academy of Sciences and its Commission for the Fight against Pseudoscience. What makes RAS to fight against fuel-free technologies? Academics are people of the system and they serve it. They owe their position and material well-being to this system. Some academicians belong to the so-called. nuclear lobby and push crazy projects for the construction of a large number of new nuclear power units. In addition, RAS is closely linked with international scientific organizations and foundations. The mechanisms by which high-ranking scientists in different countries are sent to sabotage against new technologies are described in the famous book by Coleman [7].

There is no serious scientific criticism in the publications of these fighters against pseudoscience. The publications are aimed solely at discrediting innovative scientists and inventors. They are accused of scams, charlatanism, cheating, mental abnormality, or wasting some mythical large state funds, expressed in Soviet rubles. However, so far not a single such embezzlement has been documented, and not a single criminal case has been initiated. On the contrary, the main charges of the Commission are refuted by documents [19].

It does not speak about the “struggle” of the Commission with all sorts of healers, fortune-tellers and other figures who have nothing to do with science. This "struggle" is only a screen behind which the main goal of the Commission is hidden - to prevent the development of advanced technologies in Russia. Sponsors of unconventional energy in our country are usually private individuals. The Academy of Sciences, using administrative resources, is also fighting these sponsors. Some representatives of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences also joined the unsightly campaign against fuel-free energy technologies, and they are fighting with their own colleagues.

According to Coleman, the coordinated harassment of scientists conducting research undesirable for the Committee is coordinated by the special services - the CIA and MI6. Their agents, with the help of scientific, public and Masonic organizations, skillfully directs high-ranking scientists in different countries to sabotage activities against the scientific and technical directions designated by the Committee. The definition of such directions is dealt with, in particular, by the sponsored organization of the Committee - the Club of Rome. As experienced psychologists, special services instruct scientists to hang labels, insult and all kinds of humiliation of heretics. It was according to this scenario that the destruction of research in the field of cold nuclear fusion (CNF) in the USA took place [20].

It is characteristic that the organizer of the Commission, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vitaly Ginzburg, according to the data of the early 90s. was a member of two Masonic lodges [21], and then became a great friend of the occult black magic sect Chabad, directly associated with the top of the Illuminati and acting in conjunction with the CIA. Commissioner P. Kapitsa is a high degree Mason, is a member of the Club of Rome (back in the early 90s he planned to reduce the population of Russia to 50 million, then the appetites of the world behind the scenes increased) and promotes Kabbalah. Other members of the commission cooperate with the Russian Humanist Society - the atheist organization of the so-called. "White Freemasonry" [11].

Academics, of course, know that their cause is not right. But they and all their henchmen in ministries and departments, in industry and university science, amateur academies should know a much more terrible reality. By their actions, they destroy the future of Russia and bring humanity closer to a global catastrophe. These people, due to their godlessness, are not even able to understand that they are fulfilling the will of the devilish forces seeking to enslave and then destroy humanity.

At the end of the nineteenth century, at the dawn of the technocratic era, a Prophet was sent to mankind, who showed him the path of natural development in harmony with nature, without wars for resources and without destroying unnecessary peoples and countries. However, transnational raw materials and energy campaigns have already been created, and the enemy of the human race, with the help of the Supreme Masonic Council, has outlined a plan for building a new world order by organizing three world wars. The corrupt and ungodly science rejected and slandered the Prophet, and the enemy of the human race is now completing his work to capture the souls of people and destroy their next civilization.

Meanwhile, fuel-free technologies began to be introduced without advertising in Switzerland, Austria and Germany, and the decision on the development of such technologies was made at the level of the President of the European Union. This shows that a split has occurred in the world elite. This means that there is some hope of disrupting the existing program of building a new world order. As it was reported long ago, the Committee equipped underground cities of refuge with fuel-free generators (the largest of them is based at CERN near Geneva), and after the removal of Western radioactive waste to the territory of Russia (the program was lobbied in the Duma by a member of the Commission J. Alferov), a scenario for the deployment of a large-scale nuclear war with the purpose of depopulation and enslavement of the remnants of the population became more likely.

On the other hand, the massive introduction of fuel-free energy generators can bankrupt the idea of depopulation in the eyes of a significant part of the elite and disrupt the plan of the Apocalypse. While the development of fuel-free technologies is not covered in the media (the main news agencies are owned by the Illuminati), there is also severe pressure on firms that produce fuel-free energy devices. However, information leakage occurs, and an increasing number of scientists, engineers and politicians learn about the possibility of an alternative path for the development of civilization. The only question is whether there will be enough time to restructure the consciousness of society so that the plan for building a new world order will finally go bankrupt.

The state of modern civilization is assessed by many analysts and economists as critical. The Illuminati are planning a way out of the global crisis through the outbreak of the third world war and the establishment of the power of the Antichrist - the master of the new world order (the real candidate is Prince William, a crown has already been cast for him). Taking into account the destruction of nuclear facilities and radioactive waste storage facilities, this can lead to the destruction of human civilization. Biblical prophets assign humanity a period of 3.5 years after the accession of the Antichrist, which will be implemented by the Illuminati, who are under the rule of the infernal world.

However, there is another way to overcome the crisis - through the designation of programs for the transition of mankind to new principles of organizing finance, economics and production using fuel-free energy and CNS (uranium-thorium technologies may also be quite competitive). At the same time, wars for resources will lose any economic or geopolitical meaning, and humanity will have a chance for further development in harmony with nature. Such programs should be offered as soon as possible. In Russia, they (and not at all nanotechnological and information projects, mainly aimed at building an electronic concentration camp) should become the basis for modernization. Fuel-free energy stimulates production and agriculture, and CNS will provide production with new materials. This is the last chance for Russia and all mankind.

Since the oligarchs and the academic elite are not interested in such programs, the initiative should be taken by public organizations (including scientific ones), leaving politicians with a choice: either the destruction of Russia and the entire civilization, or the transition to these new principles. Delay is like death.


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Sall Sergey Albertovich, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor, scientific secretary of the St. Petersburg section of the Russian Physical Society. Email:
