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The Holocaust is the main gesheft of the twentieth century
The Holocaust is the main gesheft of the twentieth century

Video: The Holocaust is the main gesheft of the twentieth century

Video: The Holocaust is the main gesheft of the twentieth century
Video: The Great Depression: Crash Course US History #33 2024, April

How to be rich and powerful - and avoid envy and hatred? How to rob a neighbor so that he will also sympathize with you? How to rule - and evoke pity and compassion? This is a task cleaner than squaring a circle.

From time immemorial, aristocrats and clergymen fought over her solution. They insisted that power and money came from God, and they could not have invented better. Sooner or later, the guillotine and the ax put everything in its place. With the disappearance of faith, the task began to seem impossible.

The American Jews decided to square the circle.

The elite of this super-wealthy, influential, powerful community pumps money from the Swiss, Germans and Americans, rules America and the world, promotes crimes against humanity in Israel, determines the dollar's exchange rate, and at the same time maintains its image of miserable and persecuted with one simple but an effective means - the Holocaust propaganda machine.

So writes Norman Finkelstein, an American Jewish scholar and dissident and professor at New York University. He recently published a small book The Industry of the Holocaust, revealing some aspects of this ingenious Jewish invention.

Finkelstein proves that until 1967 no one in the world was interested in the death of Jews during the Second World War. Least of all interested in American Jewswho did not even think about Israel. From 1945 to 1967, only two books about the death of Jews were published in America, and they went unnoticed by the public.

In 1967, Israel won a brilliant victory over its neighbors. The Americans noticed the successes of the young predator and made him an ally. Only after that did American Jews begin to spin the Holocaust propaganda apparatus.

With his help, they defended and justified violations of human rights in the territories occupied by Israel.

The more Palestinians in Gaza were killed by Israeli weapons, the louder American Jews shouted about Nazi gas chambers. Israel and the Holocaust became the pillars of a new Jewish religion in the United States, replacing the dilapidated Old Testament.

Since then, the process has begun: the wealth of American Jews has grown and their influence in the state apparatus and the press of the United States has grown. 30% of the richest people in America, 30% of ministers and bankers, 20% of university professors, 50% of leading lawyers are Jews. Jews own about half of all Wall Street capital.

The legend of the eternally persecuted people and the terrible Holocaust became necessary - not only to protect Israel from condemnation by the world community, but also to protect the Jewish rich and oligarchs from criticism

As soon as a word is said against the rogue Jew, the Jewish-owned press urgently raises the shadow of Auschwitz to the battle post

“Through the tales of the Holocaust,” writes Finkelstein, “one of the militarily powerful powers in the world with monstrous human rights abuses is portrayed as a potential victim, and the most prosperous ethnic group in the United States is depicted as hapless refugees. Victim status primarily provides immunity. from well-deserved criticism."

For us Israelis, the words of Norman Finkelstein are not new. Many Israeli publicists and historians wrote that Zionism uses the memory of the victims of Nazism in its own selfish interests.

For example, the famous Israeli publicist Ari Shavit wrote with bitter irony (in the Haaretz newspaper after the murder of a hundred refugees in the village of Qana in Lebanon in 1996): "We can kill with impunity because we have the Holocaust museum on our side." Boaz Evron, Tom Segev and other Israeli authors anticipated many of Finkelstein's claims. But Israel has always had more freedom than the Jewish communities of the Diaspora.

In the US, not many are willing to take the risk. Origin helps Finkelstein. He is the son of the victims of the Holocaust. His entire family died at the hands of the Nazis, only his father and mother went through the Warsaw ghetto, concentration camps, forced labor and reached the shores of America. This gives a special effect to his words when he speaks directly about those who make money from the blood of the victims.

He proves that the elite of the Jewish community amassed millions and billions in the gesheft of the Holocaust, while the real victims of Nazism receive pitiful crumbs.

For example, out of billions of dollars siphoned by the Jewish elite from Germany, people like Lawrence Eagleburger, the former US foreign minister, receive $ 300,000 a year, and Finkelstein's parents received $ 3,000 in the teeth for all their concentration camps.

The director of the Wiesenthal Center (Disneyland Dachau), this Nazi hunter, receives half a million dollars a year. Only 15% of the German compensation received for the "poor sufferers" reached the goal, the rest stuck in the canals and in the pockets of Jewish organizations.

Jewish claims for compensation turned into racketeering and extortion, writes Finkelstein. Thus, Swiss banks turned out to be easy prey - they depended on American business, and feared notoriety.

American Jews who control the US press have launched a racist campaign of slander and defamation against Swiss banks: "the Swiss are greedy and stingy," "the character of the Swiss combines simplicity and duplicity," heroes ".

Added to this is an economic boycott - after all, American Jews run most of America's financial institutions and manage trillions of dollars in pension funds.

To avoid even greater losses, the Swiss agreed to pay the extortionists. The money received ended up in the pockets of Jewish lawyers and organizations.

American banks received more deposits from Jews than Swiss banks, yet they got off 200 times less in half a million dollars. Apparently, Jewish businessmen from the Holocaust understand with whom they can and with whom they should not get involved. "If they behaved with American banks as with Swiss banks, Jews would have had to seek refuge in Munich," Finkelstein jokes.

Having dealt with the Swiss, Jewish organizations took over Germany again and demanded compensation for forced labor. Under pain of a boycott and legal action, the German companies agreed to pay.

At the same time, the Jews of Israel refuse to pay for the confiscated property of the goyim - land, deposits, houses of Palestinians. American Jews oppose compensation to American blacks for years of slavery. America does not even think to compensate the Indians who became victims of genocide in the 19th century.

The extortion experience in Switzerland and Germany is just a prologue to the upcoming robbery of Eastern Europe

The Holocaust industry, Finkelstein writes, has embarked on extortion from the poor of the former socialist camp. The first victim of the pressure was Poland, from which Jewish organizations are demanding all property that has ever belonged to Jews, and is estimated at many billions of dollars.

Next in line is Belarus, with an annual income of $ 100 per capita. At the same time, a robbery of Austria is being prepared.

He is especially outraged by Holocaust orators and performers such as Elie Wiesel, "an unscrupulous advocate for Israeli criminals, a mediocre writer, an actor with an ever-ready tear, mourning the sacrifice for a similar price of twenty-five thousand dollars for a performance plus a limousine."

"It was not for his (non-existent) talent as a writer or for defending human rights that Wiesel came forward. He unmistakably supports the interests behind the myth of the Holocaust." Finkelstein explains the reasons for his indignation. "The exploitation of the Holocaust is being used to justify Israel's criminal policies and American support for Israeli policies.

Extortion of money in European countries in the name of "victims in need" humiliates the victims of the Nazi genocide.

The American Jewish community, having grown rich, forgot about its "left" sympathies and became conservative. Anti-Semitism today, in the understanding of the American Jewish elite, is the protection of the rights of African Americans, attempts to cut the military budget, the fight against nuclear weapons and neo-isolationism.

The Holocaust is used to make any criticism of Jewish politics illegitimate, in particular criticism from the poor black population of the United States. It was Jewish circles who pushed for the elimination of "affirmative action" programs that could help blacks become teachers and doctors.

Finkelstein makes fun of the delusional thesis of "the uniqueness of the Holocaust." "Each historical event is unique in the sense that it has its own characteristics. None of them is absolutely unique."

Why did this morally and logically untenable idea become the basis of the myth? Because the uniqueness of the Holocaust is the Jewish "moral capital", an iron alibi for Israel, and a confirmation of the exclusivity of the Jewish people.

The religious Jewish activist Ismar Shorsh defined the idea of the uniqueness of the Holocaust as "a secular variety of the idea of the Chosen People." No wonder Elie Wiesel constantly asserts, "We Jews are different, we are not like everyone else." The related idea of "the age-old, irrational anti-Semitism of all goyim" contributes to the creation of a special paranoid spiritual climate in Israel and in Jewish communities.

"We've been haunted for 2,000 years. Why? For no reason!" - exclaims Wiesel. It is impossible to argue with him, because, in his opinion, any attempt to explain anti-Semitism is already an act of anti-Semitism.

"The uniqueness of Jewish suffering - the chosenness of the Jews - the eternally guilty goyim - the innocent Jews - the unconditional defense of Israel and Jewish interests - this is the formula of the Holocaust myth praised by Wiesel."

The leaders of the American memorial have fought with all their might against the recognition of the Roma victims of the Holocaust. Although Roma died in proportion as well, recognition of them as victims would diminish the "moral capital" of Jews and undermine the thesis of the uniqueness of Jewish suffering.

The argument of the Jewish organizers was simple - how can a Jew and a Gypsy be equated, how can a Jew and a goy be equated? Finkelstein cites a New York joke: if today newspapers announce "a nuclear holocaust that destroyed a third of the planet", the next day Elie Wiesel's letter to the editor will appear under the heading "How can you equal !?" We Israelis know this all too well: a rare Jew considers a goy to be his equal. It is not for nothing that the human rights situation of non-Jews in Israel is one of the worst in the world.

Finkelstein compares the successful efforts of the Jews to obtain compensation for the damage - to America's attitude to the aftermath of the aggression in Vietnam.

The Americans killed 4-5 million people in Southeast Asia, destroyed 9 out of 15 thousand towns in South Vietnam, and all the big cities of the North, left a million widows in Vietnam, nevertheless, the Jewish US Secretary of Defense, William Cohen, rejected not only the idea compensation, but even refused to apologize: "It was a war." Jews are the only exception to this rule in the world.

"The funds received by the Holocaust industry should be used to compensate Palestinian refugees," concludes Norman Finkelstein.

I’ll add on my own - the Holocaust industry will go bankrupt on this, who needs talk about the Holocaust if there is no money in it?

Additional materials on the topic:

Oy-wei, it's getting harder and harder to fan the Holocaust myth

Some books on scientific debunking of the Holocaust scam

Count Jurgen "The Myth of the Holocaust"

Richard Harwood "Six Million - Lost and Found"
