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Children are raised by television and the Internet - a teacher's view of a modern high school
Children are raised by television and the Internet - a teacher's view of a modern high school

Video: Children are raised by television and the Internet - a teacher's view of a modern high school

Video: Children are raised by television and the Internet - a teacher's view of a modern high school
Video: Jordan Peterson - More Than 50% Of Women Are Childless At 30 2024, April

Parasites diligently throw out everything from school that allows students to gain at least some knowledge. Parasites don't need literate citizens. Therefore, the process of transferring knowledge to students diligently moves into the farthest corner …

General state

The first impression of my native school: there were fewer children, later at the pedagogical meeting I learned that now there are about 700 children studying, when I was studying - in the 90s, there were 1200 students. At the same time, almost half of the children are brought from eight villages surrounding the village (a school in an urban-type settlement). And the schools that were there were closed, it became economically unprofitable to maintain them, it is easier to give one school 2-3 buses and take children to and from school every day.

The next thing I notice is that the physical condition of the children is kind of flimsy, painful. Then I find facts to support my impression. The school has a cadet class (some boys, more hours of physical education, drill, etc.), so if you look at the health sheet, almost half of the children are in the preparatory and special groups, two are disabled, a third of the class is actually exempt from physical education - only attend classes. In the same class, several students, already in the 9th grade, were alcoholics in the initial stage - they drank for several years 2-3 times a week. They gave a class, became a class, 25 students, only two (!) Of the first health group, almost a third of the class have vision problems, more than half are various chronic diseases.

Another "surprise" at school more than 20 children diagnosed with F 70 (mild mental retardation), more than 30 children with mental retardation (mental retardation), the same number of children run without a diagnosis, and with "just" mental problems, several in almost every class … As I later found out, almost all of these children are a “gift” from drinking parents.

At the school, on the first floor, there is a constant smell of tobacco smoke - the kids are smoking in the toilet. Thus, almost the entire school is passive smokers. Even if they are caught by maintenance workers, the teacher on duty, the director himself does not threaten the student with anything serious, well, they will scold (preventive conversation), maybe they will call the parents, but not the fact that they will come. And if they come, what they will do - time is lost, they promise to take measures in general. Especially "gifted" children smoke from grade 2-3, the percentage of smokers grows every year, especially scary is the fact that girls have also smoked. Girls drink champagne and wine from 4-6 grades, and their parents pour it - New Year, birthday. Profanity and licentious behavior have long become the norm.

The school is ruined by impunity and irresponsibility - a student can use foul language, send a teacher three letters, and then say what he heard, while others will confirm that it was so. Some even try to intimidate teachers with their criminal parents. Most of the teachers have come to terms with this situation - there is no incentive to fight, the salary is small, they demand a lot, the installation is this: the teacher is to blame for everything. If you put an honest deuce for a quarter, it will be worse for you - you spoil the reporting.

Do not think that teachers are not doing anything - competitions are regularly held, various contests are held, they talk about the dangers of smoking, alcohol, mobile phones, computer games, but all this information is just a drop in the ocean. Children are raised by television and the Internet. More than once I conducted a survey of students - the heroes of the boys are Spider-Man, Blade, Terminator, Harry Potter (he is also popular with girls), Gandalf, etc., not a single Russian character, although it is good news that these are positive characters who fight evil, i.e.the desire for Justice in children is, they are still Russian.

With girls, the situation is worse, they fell under the rule of Western culture completely - their idols, representatives of pop music, heroines of various TV series, the ideals of male beauty Timberlake, Brad Pita. They are attracted by the external brilliance, they have no idea of spiritual beauty, although even among them there are girls who read (!) Books, poems, but they drown in the general mass of future consumers.

The general enthusiasm of children for popular music, diluted with criminal romanticism (chanson) and rap, visiting discos from grades 5-6. I immediately recall the words of A. Hitler, from table conversations: “… they need to give them alcohol and tobacco as much as their heart desires … Of course, they can have as much music as they want … all that the villagers need is music, music and again music … Fun music is a great stimulus for hard work; give them every opportunity to dance, and all the villagers will be grateful to us …”.

And you shouldn't think that such a school is an exception, our school is one of the best in the region - silver and gold medalists, first places in Olympiads, strong teachers, winners of various competitions. In cities, the situation is aggravated by the fact that there is a so-called. "Golden youth", in rural areas it is not so noticeable yet.

The school has practically abolished socially useful work, now it is forbidden to "exploit" children: as a result, a disregard for the school, you can draw on desks, spit on the floor, draw on the walls.


The school has been holding on for the last 20 years at the expense of the Soviet margin of safety; retired teachers are still working in the Soviet era. They provide fundamental knowledge, but they are becoming less and less every year. Teachers from young people usually cannot stand it for a long time at school, when I was 4 years old, 2-5 young specialists came every year, usually no one worked for more than a year. They left and got a job, anywhere, if only not at school - as a salesman, in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in security guards, managers. Mainly opportunists remain, who do not care about the director's dictatorship and the degradation of children, who are indifferent.

Teachers are simply crushed by the load of all kinds of paper work - reports, analyzes, plans, diagnostics, etc., etc., plus the general computerization "made me happy", now you need to write not only in paper form, but also in electronic form. All schools are engaged in window dressing, but we have all sorts of national projects in fashion, so paperwork is in full swing, we urgently need to show how innovative we are, advanced in educational technologies, we are conducting all sorts of research studies. As a result, at the expense of the child again, when the teacher finishes writing, he simply has no time to see the child's problems, to help him. In general, “everything is fine, beautiful marquise,” on paper - we are introducing new educational technologies, and two computer labs, and an electronic teacher's room, and three new buses, and the children are getting dumber and sicker.

In the 90s, they laughed at the American stories of Mikhail Zadornov, they say what Americans are stupid, and their schoolchildren. I can assure you that our schoolchildren are rapidly catching up with them, they know little, and most importantly they don’t want to know why, if smart teachers receive less than illiterate Uzbeks at construction sites.

Another misfortune of modern preschool and school education is the absence of men, we had a lot of them in our school, as many as 6 for 60 teachers, in some schools there are none at all, or one and this is not uncommon. Therefore, boys in Russia are initially raised by women: from the house where the father is working, or not at all, and if he drinks at home, the kindergarten (a man in kindergarten is simply a unique case), to school. And then many ask the question, where are the real men in Russia. And where do they get it? Only through self-education, but such units, in statistics, they do not make the weather. And the general education system for girls and boys has a negative effect on boys, they psychologically and physically mature 2-5 years later than girls. While some "girls" can be married off already in grades 7-8, the boys still need to be soldiers, and robbers should play Cossacks. This is another blow to the boys, they feel flawed, they are smaller and the girls beat them! Then, in order to show their peers that they are already adults, they begin to smoke, use obscenities in conversation, drink for courage, be rude, as a result, the remaining years of childhood are ruined.

The Unified State Exam is a sabotage against the remnants of the Soviet school, firstly, taking a test in the humanities discipline and the Russian language is at least stupid. I myself have come across many questions in them, where in an oral exam one could give two correct answers and prove one's point of view. In the same history, social science, you need to be able to answer orally and prove your point of view, the Unified State Exam killed this opportunity. Secondly, the Unified State Exam leads to corruption (although when it was introduced, they said that the Unified State Exam would put an end to it). Graduation class, the student in each quarter received 2-3 deuces (in the mind, remember the system - we write three two in the mind), always in Russian, and according to the results of the exam, excellent.

It is interesting that he is the son of a local "oligarch", it turns out that the system consolidates the division of "dear Russians" into new masters of life and everyone else. Yes, and everyone knows that teachers allow you to cheat ("spurs" in toilets, etc.), and they simply solve tasks for students themselves (for example, they take pictures of assignments on a mobile phone and send them, he himself decided in social studies this year, at the request of a friend). After all, the failure of students, the failure of the school, a stain on the reputation of the school, And just teachers, relatives, clever people from the lower grades can go to pass for graduates, with a certain agreement. Thirdly, the Unified State Exam kills the time of the main program, teachers "train" students to solve tests so as not to spoil their performance, and the overall program suffers.

Necessary rescue measures

1. Education of any level should be free. There should be no "elite" educational institutions, because from birth all people are equal before God, "elite" schools disfigure the very idea of enlightenment, divide children into "elite" and others, into the elite and not. The upper level of education should be determined not by the thickness of the wallet, but by the person himself, depending on his abilities and hard work. A negative example of the United States and Great Britain is before our eyes, where the bulk of the population has been turned into stupid, fat cattle, and lawyers, managers, and financial speculators are graduated from "elite" schools, preferring to buy engineers, physicists, chemists in Russia, India, and China.

2. To transfer the education system from coding pedagogy (it operates practically unchanged about the Middle Ages), to methodological, that is, if you simply do not load children with masses of heterogeneous information, but teach them to independently obtain it as needed. This will reduce the course of a full secondary school to 8-9 years, and a higher education to 3-4 years.

3. In secondary school, it is necessary to return to the separate education of boys and girls, since it is necessary to train men from boys, and women from girls. The psychology laid down by God and nature is different for them, therefore, education and training must be conducted according to completely different programs and textbooks. But in order not to separate them and not to oppose them, it is better not to create separate schools (for women and men), but to create classes for men and women within the same school. With the introduction to the curriculum of classes where boys and girls of different age groups could communicate with each other (music, dance, singing, art, etc.), so that they are united not by instinctive attraction, but by a common worldview and worldview.

4. Cancellation of the exam, return to the Soviet system of oral and written examinations (from grade 4).

5. Create and implement an integral healthy lifestyle program for all educational institutions, starting from the hardening system (you can take P. Ivanov's "Baby" as a basis), ending with hand-to-hand combat (take A. Kadochnikov's system or sambo as a basis). To restore sports facilities, build new ones - in every university, secondary school, kindergarten there should be a pool (swimming is useful for everyone, and eliminates existing defects) and at least an open skating rink for the winter season. It is necessary to take as a model Ancient Greece, where along with schools there were "gymnasiums" where they were engaged in physical exercises.

6. To revive the free system of youth art houses, clubs and sports sections in schools, teenage and youth organizations such as pioneers and Komsomol (for example, "Russian Falcons", "Svarog's grandchildren").

7. Restore and improve the system of vocational training, make it flexible, adapted to a quick and high-quality transition to new professions and the development of new techniques and technologies. We will also need the builders of lunar settlements, cities on Mars, and the technical staff of the starships.

8. To dramatically increase the prestige of the profession of a school teacher, university and technical school teacher, educator and master of vocational training - decent pay, in rural areas where there is no developed public transport, as in cities, a private car, free housing (after 15-20 years of work), rented apartment (house) if there is no housing for young professionals. But before that, of course, there is a "cleanup" of drinkers with a criminal record and low-skilled workers.

9. Return male teachers to schools, creating all the necessary conditions and benefits, and their percentage should be at least 50%. Make an effort to ensure that military retirees, preferably military officers, get to schools. This will immediately solve a lot of problems - with male upbringing, discipline at school, put an end to promiscuity, foul language.

10. Return at the first stage (stage - restoration), to the program and educational standards of the Stalinist period of the 30-40s, you can republish the textbooks of that time (then, in the intellectual development of the education of youth, the USSR took 1-2 places in the world), with the inclusion of the best developments recent times (for example: the experience of the Shchetinin school).

11. Comprehensive support for talented youth and the best students - free trips to holiday camps, cash prizes, valuable prizes, increased scholarships, referrals to prestigious jobs, etc. and their connections.

P. S. Commentary from one of the readers:

In fact, it turned out that the masses of peasants, having experienced all the hardships of Soviet economic policy (the fight against wealthy peasants and private property, the creation of collective farms, etc.), flocked to the cities in search of a better life. This, in turn, created there an acute shortage of free real estate, which is so necessary for the placement of the main support of power - the proletariat.

It was the workers who became the bulk of the population, which from the end of 1932 began to actively issue passports. The peasantry (with rare exceptions) did not have the right to them (until 1974!).

Along with the introduction of the passport system in large cities of the country, a cleanup was carried out from "illegal immigrants" who did not have documents, and therefore the right to be there. In addition to the peasants, all kinds of "anti-Soviet" and "declassed elements" were detained. These included speculators, vagabonds, beggars, beggars, prostitutes, former priests and other categories of the population not engaged in socially useful labor. Their property (if any) was requisitioned, and they themselves were sent to special settlements in Siberia, where they could work for the good of the state.


The country's leadership believed that it was killing two birds with one stone. On the one hand, it cleans the cities of alien and hostile elements, on the other hand, it populates the almost deserted Siberia.

The police officers and the OGPU state security service carried out passport raids so zealously that, without ceremony, they detained on the street even those who received passports, but did not have them in their hands at the time of the check. Among the "violators" could be a student on his way to visit relatives, or a bus driver who left home for cigarettes. Even the head of one of the Moscow police departments and both sons of the prosecutor of the city of Tomsk were arrested. The father managed to quickly rescue them, but not all of those taken by mistake had high-ranking relatives.

The "violators of the passport regime" were not satisfied with thorough checks. Almost immediately they were found guilty and prepared to be sent to labor settlements in the east of the country. A special tragedy of the situation was added by the fact that recidivist criminals who were subject to deportation in connection with the unloading of places of detention in the European part of the USSR were also sent to Siberia.

Death Isle


The sad story of one of the first parties of these forced migrants, known as the Nazinskaya tragedy, has become widely known.

More than six thousand people were disembarked in May 1933 from barges on a small deserted island on the Ob River near the village of Nazino in Siberia. It was supposed to become their temporary refuge while the issues with their new permanent residence in special settlements were being resolved, since they were not ready to accept such a large number of repressed.

The people were dressed in what the police had detained them in on the streets of Moscow and Leningrad (St. Petersburg). They did not have bedding or any tools to make a temporary home for themselves.


On the second day, the wind picked up, and then frost hit, which was soon replaced by rain. Defenseless against the vagaries of nature, the repressed could only sit in front of fires or wander around the island in search of bark and moss - no one took care of food for them. Only on the fourth day they were brought rye flour, which was distributed at several hundred grams per person. Having received these crumbs, people ran to the river, where they made flour in hats, footcloths, jackets and trousers in order to quickly eat this semblance of porridge.

The number of deaths among the special settlers was rapidly going into the hundreds. Hungry and frozen, they either fell asleep right by the fires and burned alive, or died of exhaustion. The number of victims also increased due to the brutality of some of the guards, who beat people with rifle butts. It was impossible to escape from the "island of death" - it was surrounded by machine-gun crews, who immediately shot those who tried.

Isle of Cannibals

The first cases of cannibalism on Nazinsky Island occurred already on the tenth day of the stay of the repressed there. The criminals who were among them crossed the line. Accustomed to surviving in harsh conditions, they formed gangs that terrorized the rest.


Residents of a nearby village became unwitting witnesses to the nightmare that was happening on the island. One peasant woman, who at that time was only thirteen years old, recalled how a beautiful young girl was courted by one of the guards: “When he left, people grabbed the girl, tied her to a tree and stabbed her to death, having eaten everything they could. They were hungry and hungry. Throughout the island, human flesh could be seen ripped, cut, and hung from trees. The meadows were littered with corpses."

"I chose those who are no longer alive, but not yet dead," a certain Uglov, accused of cannibalism, testified later during interrogations: So it will be easier for him to die … Now, right away, not to suffer for another two or three days."

Another resident of the village of Nazino, Theophila Bylina, recalled: “The deportees came to our apartment. Once an old woman from Death-Island also visited us. They drove her by stage … I saw that the old woman's calves were cut off on her legs. To my question, she replied: "It was cut off and fried for me on Death-Island." All the flesh on the calf was cut off. The legs were freezing from this, and the woman wrapped them in rags. She moved on her own. She looked old, but in reality she was in her early 40s."


A month later, hungry, sick and exhausted people, interrupted by rare tiny food rations, were evacuated from the island. However, the disasters for them did not end there. They continued to die in unprepared cold and damp barracks of Siberian special settlements, receiving a meager food there. In total, for the entire time of the long journey, out of six thousand people, just over two thousand survived.

Classified tragedy

No one outside the region would have known about the tragedy that had happened if it had not been for the initiative of Vasily Velichko, instructor of the Narym District Party Committee. He was sent to one of the special labor settlements in July 1933 to report on how the "declassed elements" are being successfully re-educated, but instead he completely immersed himself in the investigation of what had happened.

Based on the testimony of dozens of survivors, Velichko sent his detailed report to the Kremlin, where he provoked a violent reaction. A special commission that arrived in Nazino conducted a thorough investigation, finding 31 mass graves on the island with 50-70 corpses in each.


More than 80 special settlers and guards were brought to trial. 23 of them were sentenced to capital punishment for "looting and beating", 11 people were shot for cannibalism.

After the end of the investigation, the circumstances of the case were classified, as was the report of Vasily Velichko. He was removed from his position as instructor, but no further sanctions were taken against him. Having become a war correspondent, he went through the entire Second World War and wrote several novels about the socialist transformations in Siberia, but he never dared to write about the "island of death".

The general public learned about the Nazin tragedy only in the late 1980s, on the eve of the collapse of the Soviet Union.
