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Is the search for extraterrestrial life just a mercenary political conspiracy?
Is the search for extraterrestrial life just a mercenary political conspiracy?

Video: Is the search for extraterrestrial life just a mercenary political conspiracy?

Video: Is the search for extraterrestrial life just a mercenary political conspiracy?
Video: Arc Lamps: Brighter than the Moon ๐ŸŒ• 2024, May

The search for life in deep space can pursue quite earthly political goals.

More than half a century ago, mankind stepped into the era of space exploration. The horizons and perspectives that opened up against the backdrop of the vastness and grandeur of the Universe have amazed the imagination of even the most pragmatic scientists ever since. One of the main mysteries that accompanied the space program from its first steps to this day remains the question of the likelihood of the existence of extraterrestrial life forms. The scale of the Galaxy unequivocally hints that humanity is not the crown of creation, but only a tiny part of it. Every year this thought, nurtured by cinematography and science fiction, penetrates deeper and deeper into the minds of people, distracting them from more earthly and pressing problems.

The topic of the search for extraterrestrial life is extremely popular today both in mass culture and in the information space. However, it has always enjoyed popularity - since the invention of the first telescope. But if earlier, say, 20 years ago, it was treated more like one of the directions of science fiction, now it is being considered seriously, positioning the study of the Galaxy for life as the most important part of the space program. This is directly evidenced by both the statements of leading Western scientists and the decisions of the authorities.

To search for extraterrestrial life, a special science has been created - astrobiology, which studies the hypothetical possibility of evolution on other planets

US President Donald Trump in the first months of his reign, by one of his orders, declared full support for this science, in fact, making the search for aliens a priority for Washington before American scientists

Currently, scientific research and activities for the search for extraterrestrial life have a single base, known as the SETI project (English Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence), which summarizes data from around the world. The main directions can be divided into two branches - the search for radio signals and the sending into the depths of space of the so-called "readiness signals" designed to notify hypothetical alien civilizations about the coexistence of mankind.

The lion's share of funding for SETI comes from the US federal government through its space agency NASA. Soviet and Russian contributions to this project are episodic and are represented by separate experimental studies.

It turns out that the United States is primarily interested in the search for extraterrestrial life. In any case, Washington is immeasurably more active in this regard than Moscow or any other capital of one of the space powers. At the same time, as you know, all attempts to find life in space by means of radio signals have not yet yielded any results. And the distances that scientists plan to scan in this way cover tens of thousands of light years, which means that even with a positive result, people can wait for a response from extraterrestrial civilizations for hundreds of centuries. For example, the famous Arecibo message, sent in 1974 towards the globular star cluster M13, located 25,000 light-years from Earth in the constellation Hercules, travels at a speed slightly less than the speed of light. Accordingly, it will take over 25,000 years to deliver it. The same amount will be needed for humanity to receive a response radio signal from hypothetical extraterrestrial civilizations that can inhabit local planets. That is, the result of this message on Earth will be known not earlier than 50,000 years later, and most likely, they will never know. However, the Arecibo radio signal is presented as one of SETI's biggest accomplishments, which is why the project began to be sponsored by the US government through NASA in the same year.

It turns out that Washington is ready to invest billions of dollars in a project that, in terms of its duration, is ten times greater than the entire history of human civilization on Earth. For comparison, the United States itself has existed for nearly 250 years. And the history of civilization on our planet has only 50 centuries.

With such initial data, it is absurd even at first glance to support research, the result of which can be obtained no earlier than 50,000 years from now. And it is doubly absurd in the light of the fact that they also require multimillion-dollar investments. But the powers that be in the United States are clearly not the book romantics who will think for all of humanity 500 centuries ahead. Foreign policy clearly demonstrates their pragmatic and cynical motives. And the economic model of the United States, based on endless credit infusions and astronomical national debt, testifies that Washington thinks about anything, but only about the future, especially so far away. This means that the reasons prompting the White House to seek life in space lie in the present and, most likely, on Earth.

The first of these may be the banal "conspiracy theory" on the cover-up of the contact by the authorities. For all the banal doubtfulness of this version, it provides answers to a number of questions and has very influential supporters, including among officials and departments, and therefore you should not bypass it.

Actually, its main message can be expressed in one phrase: contact with an extraterrestrial civilization (or civilizations) has already taken place, but the authorities are hiding it for some reason. This is evidenced by a number of near-government sources. For example, a former consultant to the Pentagon and the American Congress, Timothy Goode, in 2012 directly stated that the 34th President of the United States, Dwight D. Eisenhower, had at least 3 meetings with representatives of extraterrestrial civilization. According to him, such contacts took place at the Holloman airbase in New Mexico with numerous witnesses, but, unfortunately, documentary evidence has not survived due to the high level of secrecy. This was reported at that time by the world's leading media, in particular, the English Daily Mail

Two years earlier, a similar statement was made by an official from New Hampshire. Henry McElroy, who admitted that he had allegedly seen a secret document intended for the 34th President of the United States, which stated that the aliens had arrived in the United States, that they were in a peaceful mood and ready to meet with the head of state.

The British also dealt with aliens, as evidenced by documents from the UK Department of Defense declassified in 2010. In the 50s. XX century British politicians were so serious about the threat from extraterrestrial civilizations that they created a special department within the military department, designed to prevent a possible invasion from space. The first mentions of contact with aliens, according to these documents, date back to the Second World War. So, at one of the government meetings dedicated to a possible threat from aliens, Prime Minister Winston Churchill ordered to classify all the evidence on this account for at least 50 years to prevent mass panic.

Representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations and Russia attended. For example, according to Lieutenant General of the Reserve A. Yu. Savin, a group of researchers from the General Staff of the USSR back in the late 80s. managed to establish constant contact with the aliens. And the former head of the Republic of Kalmykia and the President of the International Chess Federation, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, even visited the spaceship, which, without hesitation, talks about in an interview with leading Russian journalists

Conspiracy theory, in this case, can easily explain the unhealthy interest of the authorities of the leading world powers in the search for life in space. First, in this way, they distract people from the truth, deliberately demonstrating that there is no evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial life forms. Secondly, they can successfully hide the part of the budget that is spent, in fact, on maintaining contact and communications with aliens, retroactively recording it as funding for the same SETI, which, however, given the circumstances, is not far from the truth

In this situation, the greatest mystery lies in the very fact of hiding contacts with aliens and hiding evidence of their existence. If in the middle of the 20th century this could be justified by moral or religious principles, today mankind is fully ripe for intercosmic connections - matured, at least morally and ethically. So why would the authorities hide it?

In the absence of direct facts and evidence, a huge scope for imagination opens up here - from the biological danger of such aliens to the fear of the authorities to demonstrate to people living representatives of a more perfect socio-economic system, in which controversial social issues are not resolved in favor of those in power. However, the most likely still seems to be some kind of unequal exchange of technologies, as a result of which influential gentlemen on Earth received something that ordinary people should not know about. For example, the technology of eternal youth or potential immortality, provided only to a limited number of people.

You can endlessly hypothesize here, but our topic is not about that. Therefore, let's go back to the beginning and try again to understand this strange and intoxicating excitement, which has been fevering human minds for more than half a century - in the desire to find in space evidence of life alternative to that on Earth. But let's look at it from a different angle.

Space exploration, including the search for extraterrestrial life, is in itself a completely normal phenomenon for humans. People have always tried to travel, learn the unknown, discover new horizons. The first maps of the Globe were written back in the days of fragile caravels, whose captains, putting their own lives on the line, crossed violent seas and oceans. The desire to study the world around us and expand its boundaries is quite in the spirit of people. It's in our blood.

And at all times this was used by the authorities and simply the most enterprising and resourceful comrades in their own interests. For example, to establish another colony somewhere near the devil on Easter cakes, rich in gold and minerals. Modern travel agencies and their older counterparts are adept at playing on those feelings. It is enough to create a simple illusion of adventure, the illusion of search, and thousands of people will begin to shell out big sums for it. For a jungle safari or a regular Pacific cruise. People, in turn, benefit from any adventure or even its illusion. After all, good emotions, as you know, inspire, help to relax and, most importantly, to escape from daily worries and problems.

Probably, the story of the search for extraterrestrial civilizations serves the same purpose - to inspire, relax and distract. Distract from more mundane, but quite real and, more importantly, earthly problems.

After all, if you go out and ask the first person you meet - what do you think about humanity - most will tell you about our achievements. About progress and technologies, about computers and metropolitan cities. They will tell you about the masterpieces of cinema and catering, about the convenience of hypermarkets and a healthy lifestyle, about the exploration of space and the search for life in it โ€ฆ They will not lie, they will tell the truth. But not all. There is another side of the coin, which is not the most pleasant one.

You will not be told about African countries where people continue to die of hunger and thirst, as it was during the darkest Middle Ages. They won't talk about unemployment or beggarly wages. They will not talk about the senseless war blazing in the neighborhood, in which children die from bombing and shelling, houses and schools collapse, and public organizations stubbornly turn a blind eye to this, obediently executing someone's political. The earth is not only a hotbed of progress and knowledge, but also a hotbed of evil, poverty and injustice. Here, as before, they continue to kill for profit or cheap ambitions, unleash wars for the sake of natural resources, or doom their own workers and their families to a miserable life for a line in Forbes magazine. Like the study of the surrounding world, space exploration is all in the spirit of people, those who inhabit the Earth right now

However, against the background of progress and modern technological power, this already looks completely unnatural, as it looked, for example, in the Middle Ages. After all, today's management methods, logistics, communications and production capacities of developed countries allow solving the lion's share of social, political and economic problems. And not in a single country, throughout the entire globe.

But the thing is that the developed states themselves from among the Western powers are not interested in resolving the troubles of mankind. This is clearly evidenced by their numerous "exploits" in the international arena, from the bombing of Yugoslavia to the assassination Gaddafiand Maidan in Ukraine. This is evidenced by the system of their economy. Since World War II, at least a quarter of the world's GDP in US dollars has been accounted for by the United States economy. At the same time, only about 4% of the people of the total population of the Earth live in them. That is, an attempt to solve the real problems of humanity for the United States literally means - to share. Will the White House do this? Or will it prefer its policy of looting and parasitism, worked out to perfection, remaining the richest and most successful power in the world? Presumably, the answer is obvious.

What does the space program and the search for extraterrestrial life have to do with it?

There is a rhetorical question that is often asked of politicians - do the ends justify the means? The real goal of the United States is to maintain its hegemony and parasitic economy. Illusions aside, this goal will be obvious to all of humanity, and people will understand that the Washington hawks and neo-globalists are just a bunch of marauders and gangsters in the international arena.

Therefore, it is in the interests of the West to demonstrate to the world such goals for which all means seem acceptable. For example, to appear in the role of full-fledged representatives of humanity in the Galaxy. Send signals on his behalf into deep space and send spaceships to Mars. Better yet, find in space some kind of "threat" from which, of course, only NASA can "save the Earth". Actually, all science fiction, all Hollywood cinema has long been sharpened for this. As a result, humanity today sees in space not only a source of knowledge, but also an almost direct threat to itself, blindly believing that its search and timely warning are more important than, for example, famine in Africa or another senseless war started in the Persian Gulf

Along the way, the United States is clearly demonstrating to the world its technological superiority and leadership, because it turned out to be much easier to do this in space than on Earth. Easier, and most importantly - cheaper. And humanity will not remain in debt. Discoverers and travelers have always been shrouded in glory, regardless of their earthly deeds, character or moral values. Whole continents and countries, islands and straits were named after them. And now, behold, the stars โ€ฆ
