UFO - A worldwide conspiracy of silence
UFO - A worldwide conspiracy of silence

Video: UFO - A worldwide conspiracy of silence

Video: UFO - A worldwide conspiracy of silence

A very strange situation has developed in the world when many eyewitnesses report the sighting of UFOs, see how these unidentified vehicles not only plow the sky over our planet, but also land and those who control them come out. Of course, no one has provided 100% confirmation of the UFO landing and the presence of aliens at the moment.

There is an explanation for this paradox, and it lies in the fact that people who are in direct contact with UFOs, who are present at their landing site and come into contact with their crew, completely forget that they have a cell phone, camera or video camera with them. Many remember the contact vaguely and fragmentarily, as if someone had erased their memory. Some were able to take pictures or video confirming their claims, but none of them had time to publish this evidence. In some cases, these witnesses simply disappeared, in others, some kind of accident suddenly happened to them.

In this regard, it seems that some influential forces are carefully concealing the facts of visits to the Earth by representatives of other civilizations and are taking the most extreme measures to maintain this concealment, up to the elimination of unwanted witnesses. Yes - we are deprived of photo and video evidence of the presence of aliens on our planet, but we have enough evidence from people who were involved in government structures and who were not afraid to declare that the governments of various countries not only directly contact aliens, but also cooperate in various matters.

For example, a few years ago, Dr. Edgar Mitchell, a former Apollo astronaut and the sixth man to walk on the moon on the Apollo 14 mission, broke the silence and spoke live on the phone on Fox News that aliens do exist. and that the government is hiding this information from the public.

At the time of this statement, Mitchell was 82 years old and had nothing to lose. He broke his vow of silence and declared. that it is time to end government secrecy in this area; and that the media is deliberately discrediting the UFO theme.

If contacts with aliens are already a reality, then information about this is kept with seven seals. What prevents them from being made public officially? In 2009, when asked by a well-known radio journalist about contacts with aliens, information about which is allegedly stored in the "Book of Secrets" in a certain Green Room, which every newly elected president visits, Barack Obama jokingly replied: "I would" tell what is written in " Book of Secrets, "but then I have to kill you."

All jokes, but in 2011 the fact of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations was quite officially confirmed by the FBI, which declassified part of the archives about the UFO crash in 1947 near the American city of Roswell. Before presenting their archive to the public, the Bureau staff carefully cleaned out all conclusions and recommendations from there. In many documents, only the "heading" remained, and the text itself was removed "for reasons of secrecy."

In fact, the first information about the invaders of the Earth appeared in print and on TV, when an independent group of British television journalists was investigating the disappearance of many prominent scientists and talented military personnel in the 60s of the XX century. Everyone thought they had gone to other countries to earn money. Journalists interviewed their friends and relatives and found strange things: postcards and letters to the homeland of the specialists who had left were like two peas in a pod. And although everyone's handwriting was different, the writing style was the same, as if they were ordered to write these texts under dictation. After a certain time, the connection with these people was completely lost.

For a long time, the US authorities were mainly accused of hiding information about the aliens. Most of the "ufological" rumors were about Dwight D. Eisenhower. It was suspected that he was the first of the mighty of this world to enter into "diplomatic relations" with the aliens. In February 1954, while on vacation in California, Eisenhower suddenly dropped out of sight for several hours. The version of the president's connections with aliens was confirmed by William Milton Cooper (then he served as a military adviser to the US government): on April 26, 1989, he sent 536 copies of the "Prosecution Petition" to each member of the US Senate and House of Representatives. It reported that back in 1954, Eisenhower entered into a contractual relationship with the civilization of "gray" aliens from the planet orbiting the star Betelgeuse in the constellation Orion. Arriving on Earth in spaceships, which astronomers first mistook for asteroids, they landed at Holloman Air Force Base, and later at Edward's base, where Eisenhower had a previously agreed meeting with the arrived humanoids. In addition, Cooper argued that the leaders of many powers and other influential persons established strong contact with aliens.

As a result, a kind of "secret world government" was formed, known as the Bilderberg Club, based in Geneva. It has become secret since the information about cooperation with the "occupiers of the Earth" was classified. This club, he said, plays the role of an overseer, keeping humanity in ignorance, for which orders are given to destroy and compromise scientists ahead of their time; inventors who made epoch-making inventions; archaeologists who “unearthed it”, and contactees who came into contact with the “wrong” ones. The "Petition for the Prosecution" contained lists of members of the secret international government, among which Zbigniew Brzezinski, Henry Kissinger, George W. Bush, Nelson Rockefeller and others were named.

In 1991, the director of the Geneva Institute for Planetary Synthesis, R. Schneider, published the report of the same Milton Cooper "Secret Government", which said that from 1947 to 1952, about a dozen alien ships landed on only one territory of the United States. Some crashed, others made an emergency landing. As a result, 65 corpses and … one living alien were in the hands of the Americans. The report confirmed the existence of a secret world government, which entered into an agreement with representatives of "other worlds". Under this agreement, the "initiates" received some "advanced" technologies in exchange for permission to use humans for research. Why, when asked whether there are aliens on Earth, representatives of the public sector answer negatively?

Three theories are proposed by analysts.

1. The purpose of silence is not to traumatize the population with the awareness of the fact of the existence of other forms of life in the Universe. Within the framework of this theory, it is believed that the government knows the level of technical development of aliens; correlating it with the earthly level, it came to the conclusion that in the military sense we have nothing to fear - there should be no conflict with extraterrestrial civilizations.

2. A kind of "world government" has historically developed on Earth, standing over all countries and peoples and controlling financial flows. And it knows about UFOs, contacts aliens at the diplomatic level, receiving some kind of "technical assistance" from them in exchange for "modest" requests for the allocation of territories for them to create enclaves and study the life forms of the Earth.

3. Perhaps the members of the "world government" do not want to publish the "X-files" for fear of losing control over people. They believe that the loss of power will be due to the needs of people to study the social structure of aliens and borrow technologies from them to restructure the state and society.

According to test pilot Marina Popovich, the first wife of cosmonaut Pavel Popovich, "UFOs are seen by all cosmonauts, without exception, but only a few admit it."

American astronaut and test pilot Gordon Cooper, who made two flights into space (in 1963 and 1965), claimed that back in 1951, "while flying over Germany on an F-68 fighter, he personally observed a UFO." In 1978, Cooper wrote a letter to the UN requesting the creation of a special body that would investigate this phenomenon.

The head of the FBI from the beginning of its foundation in 1935 and until 1972, Edgar Hoover, regarding the famous incident of 1942 (the shooting of flying saucers over Los Angeles): “We must insist on access to these flying machines. In Los Angeles, the military seized vehicles and do not allow us to investigate them."

In 1955, the Commander of the * Pacific Armed Forces Douglas MacArthur made a call to the military and scientific forces of the nation with a call, strange for the height of the Cold War, to the military and scientific forces: “The nations of the world must unite, since the next war will be an interplanetary war … The nations of the world will have to … form a common front against aliens from other planets."

Mikhail Gorbachev: "The UFO phenomenon exists and must be taken very seriously."

Richard Nixon, President of the United States from 1969 to 1974: “I still have no right to discuss the information about UFOs and extraterrestrial intelligence held by the government. The discussion of this issue continues."

Paul Hellier, I am a former Minister of Defense of Canada: "UFOs are as real as airplanes flying over our heads."

Speaking about UFOs and aliens, it is worth keeping in mind that they all do not have to be exactly aliens from other planets of our solar system. Facts indicate that representatives of other worlds arrive on our planet, but on the planet Earth itself there is a parallel civilization living a life invisible to us.

This is what the world famous Eward Snowden said: The highest echelons of power do not know what to do with UFOs, and they feed the citizens the official version that they are all just meteorological probes or natural phenomena. But the documents say that UFOs are reality. Transport ships this civilization fly not only in the Earth's atmosphere, but have been seen on the seabed, in hydrothermal vents, volcanoes and directly in solar orbit.

The CIA stores data from tracking systems and deep-sea sonars, but they have the status of state secrets and even scientists do not have access to this data about these objects. This species is smarter than Homo sapiens and lives in the Earth's mantle. This is the only place where conditions have been more or less stable for billions of years. Extremophiles can live in different temperatures, they were able to thrive and develop intelligence at an accelerated rate. Homo sapaens and they evolved at the same rate, but their living conditions in the Earth's mantle protected their civilization from many cataclysms that occurred on the surface of the earth.

The President receives daily briefings on the activities of this civilization and the movement of its vehicles - UFOs. Analysts believe their technology is so far ahead that we have little chance of survival in any potential war with them.

The general consensus is that we are just ants from their point of view, and there is little chance that they will not continue to pay attention to us. But the military is also considering the possibility of aggression and the current contingency plan includes a plan to detonate nuclear weapons in deep caves to "seal" the enemy in the hope of disrupting their communications, which will prevent further attacks from the bowels of the earth."
