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Study of egregor in the subtle world of living beings
Study of egregor in the subtle world of living beings

Video: Study of egregor in the subtle world of living beings

Video: Study of egregor in the subtle world of living beings
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It's no secret that people are much more productive and easier to achieve their goals when they work together. But there is one nuance, together we act only with those with whom we pursue similar goals and objectives, with whom we have the same values and views.

By uniting with others, a person not only gains confidence in his intentions and powers, but his very strength is multiplied exponentially. As it is easy to tear a book one page at a time or break a broom along a twig, it is just as easy to lead a person deprived of support off the intended path.

But at the same time, it is almost impossible to rip a whole book or break an entire broom at once, just as it is difficult to bring a person behind whom there is enormous strength. However, it is not always obvious that a person is not alone, even if he considers himself a loner, although in fact he has great resources. This is often due to the fact that he is connected to the egregor, which endows him with strength, knowledge, and leads him along a certain path. Today we will try to figure out what an egregor is, how to connect to it, whether it is possible to get out of it, what types of it are and how they work.

The meaning of the word "egregor"

The word "egregor" is absent in well-known Russian explanatory dictionaries. Different sources speak differently about its origin. It is believed that the word "egregor" comes from the ancient Greek "ἐγρήγορος" - ‘awake’. Others write that it means ‘guardian angel’ in Greek. … Third sources reduce it to the Latin grex - ‘herd’, ‘crowd’, in a broad sense - ‘aggregate’. And also again the ancient Greek, only now "egeiro" - ‘watch’, ‘watch’. In any case, this concept stuck in the Russian language, after which it was endowed with a meaning, which we will talk about further.

It is believed that in Russian literature, Daniil Andreev was the first to use this term in his work "The Rose of the World" and gave it the following definition: "Egregor is an immaterial formation arising from some mental secretions of humanity over large collectives: tribes, states, some parties and religious societies. … They are devoid of monads (that is, an indivisible primordial unit, we would call it a soul - the author of this article), but they have a temporarily concentrated volitional charge and the equivalent of consciousness."

What is egregor

Egregor is a single energy-informational space, which is formed due to the energy of people united by some common idea (interest, passion). As an example, one can cite fans of one musical direction, a pop culture star, an author. It can also be religious egregors, their offshoots. Even non-believers belong to their egregor. A film, a thing, a clothing brand, a car, vegetarianism, yoga and much more are also egregors. In addition, clan, nationality, planet form egregors. There is also an egregor of a place: a store, a cafe, a restaurant, a city, a country, etc. For example, entering a certain store or restaurant, a person may feel awkward, feel inappropriate, poorly dressed, needy. Given that, leaving such a place, he will not remember it. Moreover, he may have enough money and be dressed in the latest fashion for certain circles, but not for this egregor.

When a person connects to any egregor, he begins to meet like-minded people in the most unexpected places. I had such an example in my life. I began to take an interest in yoga, often visited Vedic cafes and shops. And then it was time to take the driver's license exams, it was very cold, and it took a long time to wait. And one couple offered to warm up in their car (the wife was taking the exam, and the husband was just present for the company). Imagine my surprise when, after talking, it turned out that they have their own Vedic store. Or, having moved to a small town, I met a woman who is taking Vedic online courses at the same school, which I also attended more than once, only in person. We could never cross, because she is the only one in the whole city, but a common interest or energy brought us together. If everyone begins to analyze his life, he will find a lot of similar examples.

How egregors work

Egregor collects the energy of the elements belonging to it and then redistributes it between them. The collection of energy occurs precisely due to the concentration on common ideas and objects that underlie the formation of this egregor, especially at moments of mass practices and rituals. Members of society can consciously gather and direct the energy of the egregor in the direction they need. If a person uses the energy allocated to him against the needs of egregor, then negative consequences for this person may arise. In fact, he will simply begin to fall out of him and not receive additional energy, feel tired, exhausted, despondent. In this case, a reconnection to another egregor can occur: either more blissful, or vice versa.

In addition, egregor can impose certain obligations on people in the form of observance of rituals, through which a significant part of the energy is directed into it. Often, in moments of non-compliance, a person feels internal pressure and doubts: to commit or not to commit a certain act. Here we are not talking about conscience, since an act can be absolutely harmless from the ethical side of the issue, but for a specific egregor it is not permissible. Suppose, according to the rituals of a certain society, a person cannot use his left hand when cooking, and if suddenly he does this, then, from the point of view of a person who does not belong to this society, nothing bad will happen, but from the point of view of a person belonging to this a terrible sin, for which punishment will undoubtedly follow. It must be said that there is an opinion that conscience is the measure of the conformity of an act to one or another egregor, however, in my opinion, it is better to consider conscience in the context of universal human moral norms.


Some places have such a strong egregor that people, entering their field, involuntarily observe the necessary rituals. For example, a person may fall out of his hands, and he will bow, picking it up, or something will attract the eye, and he will involuntarily go around the circle from right to left, as prescribed according to the custom of this place, etc.

In addition to energy, information emanates from the egregor, which is expressed in the appearance of similar ideas and thoughts among its members. You can often find cases when people belonging to the same movement, without saying a word, begin to perform the same rituals or practices, to be interested in something. That is, the egregor synchronizes the activity of its elements.

People belonging to a constructive egregor can consciously transfer themselves to his will, while feeling the state of the flow. While those who are connected with the destructive egregor do not understand at all that they are most of them under its influence. This is expressed in reflex behavior, loss of control over actions. Such people can find themselves in those places where they did not gather.

There is an opinion that belonging to an egregor may be due to a person's mission, and upon its passage, the connection with this egregor is minimized, and a person is disconnected from it: school, university, camp. There are some egregors from which it is necessary to disconnect at a certain moment in life or to weaken the connection, otherwise there will be no development. For example, maternal or family egregor. That is, the connection should be significantly weakened for an independent life, the accumulation of their own experience.

Each egregor has goals and objectives, upon reaching which he can either cease to exist, or unite with another egregor. Also, egregor can collapse if its goals and objectives are not fulfilled, that is, it ceases to be viable. For example, there is an egregor of the Earth - this is an egregor of the planetary order, it has its own tasks in the Universe. Everyone who lives here is nourishing it with their energy. Accordingly, if the energy is creative, then the Earth will continue to exist, and we together with it. If its inhabitants only take from the Earth and do not give anything, exhaust the egregor itself, then it will collapse, destroying those who are tied to it. This is to put it in very simple words. Of course, things are a little more complicated. Or the egregor of humanity, to which we belong. If we continue to destroy ourselves, then, as a result, we will destroy the human race as well - egregor will exhaust itself. But there is a suspicion that the decay does not occur instantly, but gradually, taking away the energy of its elements, that is, dying can be long and painful. At the same time, those who strive to preserve the egregor, which is nevertheless necessary for a good life, will have to make incredible efforts. It is appropriate to quote here Martin Buber: "Creation rules over me, and if I do not serve it as it should, it collapses or destroys me." The same can be attributed to egregor.

It may also be the case that, entering any egregor, a person (or a creature with a very large supply of energy) is able to change its vector of development. Moreover, the change can occur both positively and negatively. Here, in the understanding of this issue, contradictions may arise: on the one hand, a certain idea is connected with the egregor, on the other, this idea can be changed or replaced. It really is possible. Moreover, now this is happening due to a person's loss of awareness and attention, that is, a person thinks one thing, says another, and does the third. Such a person will not even notice how the substitution took place, since it may not diverge from his actions. It can be compared to the infusion of one company into another. For example, a private company has gone public, and the people who work and serve in that company just take it for granted. The strategy, goals, means of the company will change, and, as a result, people can stay, and more conscious people can leave or change. Highly spiritual people who understand themselves not as a separate being, but as a single whole with all that exist, are able to change the course of events in a more benign direction, eradicate or significantly reduce negative influences in the egregor.

It should be borne in mind that each of us is connected not to one, but to many egregors, and each of them influences our behavior, worldview, life. And with whom we maintain the strongest and most stable connection, he will have the greatest impact. The following situation can serve as an example of everyday life. A woman works in an office where all women have the same problem - no family. And until she resigns, this problem will not go away, since it is in the interests of the working egregor that a woman should invest as much effort and energy as possible in the company, and not in her family. It often happens that as soon as one woman becomes pregnant in a team, many others begin to become pregnant. Or someone in the family begins to lead a healthy lifestyle, and gradually other family members also change for the better. This means that the person managed to change the vector of development of the family egregor.

Types of egregors

Egregor can be both destructive and constructive, or, as we said above, destructive or constructive. A destructive egregor is characterized by the fact that, in addition to the surrounding space, it also destroys those who feed it. Creative - improves the lives of people connected to it, helps in difficult times. Any egregor has strength and keeps the person associated with it. The difference is that if it is a destructive egregor, then retention occurs due to fear, poor health, exhaustion of its member itself; if the egregor is creative, then retention is carried out through help and constant support.


Egregors differ in vibration frequency: there are high-frequency ones, there are low-frequency ones. Accordingly, it is not difficult to connect to low-frequency ones, but in order to reach more worthy ones, you need to have a high level of vibrations. That is why primitive egregors are often much stronger and have a greater coverage than their opposite ones. Look on video portals how many views and admiration a cat or a simple clip collects and how many is an educational lecture, and everything will become clear. And this is a vivid example of the collection of energy into an egregor, and what do you think, where will one egregor direct this energy and where the second one, respectively, what quality will the energy return to those who have watched this video? It's like giving money to an alcoholic and expecting him to spend it not on a drink, but on something blissful. So in the above example, it is quite obvious how and who will use the received resources.

There are egregors with so different vibrations that their intersection is almost impossible, to the extent that people can be close, but not see and not notice each other due to a different vibrational field. Those who are sufficiently conscious about their lives, carefully monitor who and what appears in his field of vision, and regard it as a bell and a landmark: whether he is moving in the wrong direction or something has gone wrong.

Egregor structure

How are egregors arranged? To answer this question, one must take into account that a person needs control, and if he does not take responsibility for himself, then someone else takes it. In other words, if a person does not realize and does not control where his energy is spent, then this energy is taken under control by some other entity and uses it in its own interests.

The structure of egregor primarily depends on how much a conscious or unconscious person is attached to it. In the first case, we can talk about the direct connection of human consciousness to the egregor; in the second, communication is carried out through an intermediary, that is, through an entity that controls a person.

Let's consider an unconscious connection in more detail. A person with a negative habit feeds it, and gradually it turns into an independent entity - a larva, which already controls the person itself. Think of a smoker or alcoholic: he does not even notice how he lights up or drinks - this is a clear sign of the presence of larva. And a person is connected to the egregor, as a rule, through it. That is, a person's consciousness is disabled. Surely you have come across a situation when a person says something to you, but he seems to be in a fog, as if someone speaks for him, as if he is hypnotized. And it is worth doing something out of place, as a person "wakes up", or falls into a stupor, or gets angry, because the program has gone astray and the person is lost. That is, he has to turn on his consciousness in order to continue the conversation, and in this case he is left without feeding and control through the larva.

If initially a person was at the head of the egregor, on which everyone concentrated, then over time it may lose its influence due to the excess of the energy of the fans over the energy of the leader. In this case, rather, the leader already obeys them, and not vice versa. Moreover, such an object of veneration may experience severe exhaustion, and a self-destruction program may start. A striking example is the stars of music and cinema, who, unable to cope with the energy received, begin to drink too much or even worse. The reason is a large amount of low quality energy, that is, the leader was unable to raise the level of the incoming energy. The most interesting thing is that egregor can continue to exist even after the object of worship has passed away. Therefore, people thirsting for fame must understand: how they want to get it, what level of consciousness people will concentrate on them, what quality of energy they will exchange, etc.

How to get out of egregor

It is not possible to get out of all egregors completely. However, this question is relevant when we are talking about those egregors that drain and destroy us. Sometimes, in order to get out of them, you just need to start dressing differently or eat different food, stop listening to a specific artist or visit some kind of institution. Since the egregor is created for the implementation of certain tasks and goals, one of the ways to disconnect from it is to change life orientations, rethink your tasks and goals, realize where the actions you take lead, stop performing alien rituals. In other words, the best way to get out of the influence of one or another egregor is to increase awareness and, as a result, change the algorithm of actions.

I wish you that your level of consciousness and positive energy was so high that you could redirect any egregor into a creative channel!
