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DNA and blood of the Slavs
DNA and blood of the Slavs

Video: DNA and blood of the Slavs

Video: DNA and blood of the Slavs
Video: Top 5 Misdated Sites that Baffle Historians! 2024, April

Numerous results of studies of geneticists and physiologists refute the myth that supposedly all people descend from one ancestor. Even in the most popularized book in the world, the Bible, it is indicated that Adam was created artificially, and Eve was made from a rib, that is, cloned …

Traditional history and the church taught us that the Tatars are nomadic hordes of Asians, Mongoloids. However, why is there not a single document of the XIII century? in Mongolian, except for documents (labels) of the Tatar khans in Russian?

Arab historian of the XIII century. Rashid-ad-din (referring to the "complete description of the Mongol-Tatars" in 1221, the original of which disappeared in the XIV century in China !!!) wrote that all representatives of the Borzhigin clan, to which Batu and his grandfather Genghis Khan belonged, were tall tall, long beards, fair hair and blue eyes. Genghis Khan belonged to the "Niruns" family. The ancestors of the "Niruns" were the Dinlins, as the "Chinese" called the Huns. What turns out, Genghis Khan was not a Mongoloid? All these contradictions could be explained by genetics.

Thanks to modern discoveries in the field of archeology and genetics, it was found that the past of peoples is deliberately distorted! We were deliberately lied about that supposedly we were all mixed for a long time and that we allegedly had the Tatar-Mongol yoke of the Asians. However, thanks to modern genetic diagnostics, "DNA analyzes of the Mongols taken from most of the burials of Chingiskhan's warriors showed that they were all of the Slavic race and it is impossible to refute this scientific fact," said doctors of biological sciences, professors of biochemistry at Kazan University (Farida Alimova and others).

This means that there was no Asian yoke, i.e. there was no mixing of Slavs with Asians. Modern Tatars are not descendants of the ancient Tatars. They came to these lands much later. In ancient times, Russians who lived beyond the Urals were called Tatars. The word itself comes from "TATA" + "ARII" = TATAR, i.e. ancestors of the Aryans. This was also confirmed by the largest international studies of the genetics of the Russian people, in which 8 research institutes from Great Britain (University of Cambridge), Estonia (Estonian Biocentre), RASia (Academy of Medical Sciences) took part.

Research findings published in the 2008 American Journal of Human Genetics. once and for all they have refuted the myths that the pure Slavs no longer exist. Scientists have established that “in the genetics of the Russian people there are no admixtures of Asians and Finno-Ugric. Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians are one people with a single, clearly expressed, special genotype. " The faith and traditions of the ancient Slavs excluded any confusion with aliens. And women who were abused during the attacks were not married. It has come down to this day in proverbs, and in some places in the countryside the concepts of "spoiled virgin", "look at the pedigree up to the 7th generation", etc. are still preserved.

And only in the last times of the dominance of the ideologies of globalization and mixed marriages, some of the Slavs, neglecting the ancient foundations, mixed with their neighbors and genetically are no longer Slavs.

That is why in all the ancient images of Tatars, Tatars with Russian facial features. For example, on the tomb of Henry II the Pious the inscription reads as follows: "The figure of a Tatar under the feet of Henry II, placed on the grave in Breslau of this prince, who was killed in the battle with the Tatars at Lignitz on April 9, 1241"


But this "Tatar" has a completely Russian appearance and clothes. In the drawings of Marco Polo (1254-1324), made by him during a visit to China, all the inhabitants of Great Tartary have Slavic facial features! Tamerlane himself was depicted not as a "quick-eyed Asian ruler", but as a Slav.

Mamai, Batu are also depicted by the Slavs in all ancient engravings. And only in later documents are they depicted as Asians, such as the portrait of Genghis Khan in "China".

Scientists have identified the distant boundaries of the habitat of our ancestors. Russians originally lived throughout the territory of modern Russia, Europe, the Middle East, India, Iran, North America and China: the analysis of bone remains found in burials in Altai and Arkaim of the 2nd millennium BC, showed that they belong to the Russian genotype.

Indisputable proof that it is the Russians who are the indigenous population of Asia and Northern China are the Tarim mummies - the mummified relics of the Slavic-Aryans of the 2nd millennium BC. e. found in the Xinjiang Uygur region of China. So Ermak's campaign for the Urals was a legitimate return of the lost territories.

In the British Encyclopedia of 1771, it is written that "Great Tartary, it was formerly called Scythia … is the largest country in the world, which includes Siberia, Europe, Asia, North Africa and most of North America."


In the article by E. O. Manoilov "Methodology for distinguishing races by blood" (the journal "Medical Business", 1925) says:

For us it is undoubtedly clear that in the presence of hormones that characterize a particular sex, by analogy, there must be something specifically national, respectively, in the blood of various peoples of mankind.

This specific substance gives the imprint of a given nation and serves to distinguish one people from another.

And if this is so, then an unknown substance in the blood must be detected in one way or another.

After much research, we managed to find a reaction that answers the questions just posed, and reveals a racial difference in blood. Due to the fact that the Jewish people have relatively few impurities, for many reasons, we chose, on the one hand, the Jews, and on the other hand, Russians. Both Jews and Russians were studied in detail by descent from their ancestors and only those Russians were selected whose three of the ancestors on the paternal and maternal side were real Russians, that is, not only according to one religion. The blood was taken from the cubital vein and, if possible a reaction was made on the same day. From 1923 to March 1, 1925, we examined 1,362 people, of whom 380 were Jews, 982 were Russians.

By the end of 1923, we could distinguish Jews from Russians by blood by means of reagents. Wanting to check our experiments and, mainly, their results, we turned to some scientific institutions and individuals with a request to deliver us Jewish and Russian blood under the above conditions. And it is imperative that only the number is marked on the test tubes, without the surname and without the designation of the nation. They kindly responded to our request, for which we are sincerely grateful to all of them. A total of 202 samples were obtained and analyzed from these institutions and individuals. For this reaction, the following reagents are required:

1) 1% alcohol solution of methylene blue;

2) 1% alcoholic solution of cresyl violet;

3) 1.5% silver nitrate;

4) 40% hydrochloric acid;

5) 1% potassium permanganate solution.

The reaction is as follows: to 3 cubic meters. cm of unheated emulsion of red balls 3-5%, or you can directly into the clot, add 3-4 times more saline by volume and stir with a glass rod to get a not quite thick emulsion. Add one drop of the first kind of reagent, shake, then add 5 drops of the second reagent - shake again, then 3 drops of the third reagent - shake, 1 drop of the fourth and 3-8 drops of the fifth reagent.

The result will be correct if the liquid in the test tube with Jewish blood is paler than that of the Russian one. The dye of cresyl violet in Jewish blood will either almost completely disappear, or remain blue to a blue-green tint, and for the Russian - part of the cresyl violet paint will remain undissolved; usually a blue-reddish coloration is obtained. We consider it necessary to make the following reservation: a clear result depends exclusively on good paints. As we have already mentioned, our experiments were mainly carried out with Jewish and Russian blood. Along the way, we investigated other nations: Germans, Chinese, Estonians, Finns, Poles, Armenians, etc. There is an opportunity in this way to distinguish other nations, but we do not have enough material to speak with such positiveness, as we are talking about the Jewish and the Russian nations.

Further, we examined the blood of people descended from mixed marriages, namely: 12 cases - Russian father, Jewish mother; 8 - Russian father, mother - Finka; 23 cases - Russian father, German mother; 2 cases - Russian father, mother - Tatarka; 2 cases - Russian father, Armenian mother.

Based on this material, we can only note that in mixed marriages in children who had a Russian father, and a Jewish or Armenian mother, the oxidative process is stronger than that of purely Russians, and the reaction may give the wrong answer; in the same place where the father is Russian, and the mother is German, Finka, or Tatarka, the oxidative process proceeded more slowly and therefore the reaction differs little from that of a purely Russian one.

Based on the above, the following conclusions can be drawn:


2. The oxidative process in Jewish blood is faster than in Russian.

In forensic research, this reaction should give known indications; in mixed marriages, the reaction to our material gives indications of the influence of one or the other people."

The discoveries of scientists have forever refuted the myth that supposedly all people descend from one ancestor. And indeed, if the Slavs and the Negroes have one ancestor, then why are we all so different? Despite the fact that the blood of all people is outwardly the same, the same 4 blood groups, the same rhesus. Official science explained this difference by habitat conditions, climate and other factors.

For example, blacks are black because they live in Africa, in the tropics. However, no matter how many thousands of years whites lived in Africa and Asia, for some reason they did not become either black like blacks or quick-eyed like Mongoloids. In addition, in the course of drilling in the Arctic Ocean, carried out by geological exploration expeditions, oil companies "British Petroleum" and "Gazprom", a huge amount of remains of tropical plants and animals was found.

Thus, scientists proved that 13 thousand years ago, before the global catastrophe due to which the earth's poles changed, the tropical climate for millions of years was not in Africa, but in our North. not at all because they live in the tropics of Africa. It remains to be surprised how alien religions (Hinduism, Christianity, etc.) zombified white people, making them believe that supposedly all of humanity came from one of their Adam. By the way, while reading their Bible, we never even paid attention to the fact that their HELL(am) was not born, but he was created from dust i.e. artificially created, and Evewas made from rib, in modern terms - cloned.
