Female nudity is a nuclear bomb for the nation
Female nudity is a nuclear bomb for the nation

Video: Female nudity is a nuclear bomb for the nation

Video: Female nudity is a nuclear bomb for the nation
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This is the conclusion reached by the academician-doctor who trained the first Soviet cosmonauts and wrote a monumental study on stress …

To get acquainted with Leonid Aleksandrovich Kitaev-Smyk I was prompted by a wave of publications on the Islamic Internet: a secular scientist independently came to terrible conclusions about the consequences of the modern fashion for nudity in women's fashion.

Yes, I thought: it’s one thing when theologians talk about such a delicate subject (and people far from religion think “here again about the hijab!”), And another thing when arguments are given by a modern analyst and experimenter, moreover, from a completely non-humanitarian sphere: he started out as a physician and pharmacologist. He brought to the meeting a unique monograph, the result of his many years of work Psychology of Stress: Psychological Anthropology of Stress. But in order not to succumb to stress ourselves, we drank Chinese tea and had the following conversation:

- I won't tell you the details, it's too personal. But I will tell you one thing: I myself went to the hospital, was seriously ill.

Another scientific insight came to me. And I began to investigate this phenomenon. Now the book has a summary: chapter 3.1.8. "Sexual stress cancers." The entire book is devoted to various aspects of such a multifaceted phenomenon as stress, but among other things, I wanted to understand the causes of cancer in men and women. Over the past decades, diseases of adenoma (benign tumor) and prostate cancer, as an epidemic, affect men in European countries. American civilization. By the beginning of our century, 40% of men already have an adenoma, and in those over 40, this is already half. In the United States, pathologists have identified prostate cancer in 80% of men who have died over the age of 60. In other words, many of them simply did not live to see the tragic manifestations of this disease. But the paradox: there is no such growth in male oncology in Muslim countries!

- I came to the following conclusion. In countries dominated by a "consumer society", in recent decades, women's clothing has become the norm, emphasizing and exposing women's charms, in scientific terms - the secondary sexual characteristics of a woman. Bare women's bellies and navels, as a symbol of what is lower, have become an obsessive daily routine … Rounded shapes covered with stretch jeans and more and more open neckline are just as seductively irritating …

I look at it as a doctor, as a physiologist: these are all sexual signals that awaken lust in men. On average, a city man sees such "signals" 100-200 times a day - and from this his lust, having not received realization, is forced out into the subconscious. He doesn't seem to notice it, but the blood gets androgens. However - and here is the key to understanding the process! - androgens are injected into the blood not in a large (that is, oncologically safe) amount, but with an average dosage, which is carcinogenic.

As a result, the often excited but dissatisfied man receives such a carcinogenic, destructive attack from inside his body, which leads to an oncological outcome.

- Yes, this is the mechanism inherent in nature. Eros between a man and a woman is a tool for the reproduction of the genus, it is in all manifestations of benefits and is useful to the body. Therefore, by the way, religion encourages marriage and conjugal relations.

I will give an example from the life of animals, for clarity and understanding of physiology. The female instinctively seeks the best male, more capable of reproducing viable offspring - and at the same time rejects, rejects the worst males. But the lust of those still remains … it is not satisfied and suppressed …

The content of androgens in their blood remains moderately high, that is, it is oncologically dangerous. They lose potency over time, and then they develop cancer. Weak, "bad" males are rejected by this mechanism.

And in science, data is now accumulating that similar processes occur in people. Therefore, the fashionable emphasis on female charms, provoking sexual lust in men, can be considered as creating "sexual stress". Because of it, a complex intra-organismal complex of "sexual rejection" is turned on, culminating in impotence and even cancer. - And here is the explanation why the rich and developed peoples of the West are dying out? - Yes, of course, this is one of the most important mechanisms. I made such a conclusion and am trying to publicly convey it to everyone: fashion that exposes women leads European ethnic groups to depopulation (extinction). Their place on earth is replaced by peoples who maintain the chastity and closeness of their women, and thus also take care of their men. First of all, these are the peoples of Islam.

- And I will ask a counter question: how long do such peoples in general and individuals in particular live? Is their culture and civilization high? Understand: the cult of the naked body, which captured the ancient Greeks and Romans, led them precisely to extinction. Where are they now? Removed from the map of the planet. Moreover, they were erased not so much by military actions as - destroyed from the inside. What the Bible and the Koran say about the inhabitants of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah is one of many examples. They took the path of self-destruction, violating the laws of nature and breaking its natural mechanisms (by the way, "sodomism", homosexuality is the ultimate expression of that hedonism, the dominance of sensuality, which leads to being naked in clothes).

But the peoples are still alive who respect the traditional values of their ancestors. These are Muslim ethnic groups, but such, by the way, were the ancestors of the modern Slavs. Look at the women's clothing of the 19th century among all Russian peoples: women's clothing covers the body with spacious, long-brimmed dresses, sundresses, nowhere fitting the figure and in no way emphasizing the chest. These clothes are bright, festive, multicolored (often with an abundance of red), but decorating a woman, she attracted a man … without erotic appeals. Remember the old Russian expression "goofy" - that is, accidentally throwing off your scarf, opening your hair, which means "making a mistake, doing something stupid that should be urgently corrected." Look at ancient Russian frescoes, icons and manuscripts, portraits of ladies of the last century, images of peasant women - you will see the culture of chastely beautiful women's clothing!

And many women of the 21st century are literally digging a grave for men's health with their bare legs and deep cuts. Each beauty, going on a date in a tank top, makes only one - happy, and ten on the way - disabled. The stripper can generally be called a "weapon of mass destruction" that has already turned Western civilization into a society of sick men.

- Very simple. There are mechanisms of influence on fashion, as an expression of the Beautiful and Prestigious - they are owned by the leaders of the nation, in particular, through the media. It is worth giving them a signal: "Let's return the fashion a little bit back to the traditional forms of our peoples!" - and everything will be fine. I repeat: the culture of clothing was among all peoples adhering to religious traditions.

There is no need to call thousands of years back to the "golden age" - it is enough to return the optimal balance of beauty and health, the found correct understanding of the purpose of clothing. So everything is in the hands of our leaders: will they set an example? I assure you: even the Chinese, who are now covering the whole world, will supply, according to our order, not "Western fashion", but what we ask!
