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Are there doses of alcohol that are harmless to health?
Are there doses of alcohol that are harmless to health?

Video: Are there doses of alcohol that are harmless to health?

Video: Are there doses of alcohol that are harmless to health?
Video: Ancient Metal Clamps : The Unsolved Mystery of Their Purpose 2024, April

We all know from childhood about the dangers of alcohol, but at the same time we are firmly convinced that it is impossible without alcohol. Not a single holiday is complete without it, it is generally accepted that alcohol must be drunk "for courage" and in order to feel more sociable and liberated. But more often than not, alcohol plays a cruel joke with us and instead of benefit, joy, it does more harm. Courage turns into aggression, and sociability turns into outright stupidity.


From time immemorial, Russia has been one of the least drinking countries. From alcohol, Russians drank only kvass and mead, the strength of which did not exceed 2 - 3%. And then, it was only allowed to drink them to male soldiers who had at least nine children! All others were strictly forbidden to use. Grape alcohol was brought to Russia only in the 14th century, but did not gain any popularity among the people.

Gradually, by the nineteenth century, drunkenness became noticeable among the Russian population. This was facilitated by the anti-popular policy of the authorities, which encouraged the forcible soldering of peasants and workers. Nevertheless, there were a lot of teetotalers who saw all the harm of alcohol for a person and understood what its use leads to. People demanded the closure of taverns, a riot arose that engulfed more than fifteen provinces. The uprising was suppressed by armed troops, eleven thousand people were sent to prisons and hard labor. (A source)

In pre-revolutionary Russia, there was a dry law declared by Nicholas II. This gave an extraordinary boost to the economy. At that time, Russia was the strongest state in the world. After the revolution, the dry law was extended, but due to the subversive activities of the Trotskyist apposition, in 1925 they again began to freely trade in alcohol. But, despite this, Russia did not begin to drink too much, even during the war years and after it. Indeed, in a difficult situation you need to act, and not take stupefying and substances.


With the coming to power of Khrushchev, gradually the imposition of alcohol on the population began to grow. And after him, Brezhnev continued to solder the peoples of the USSR even more, covering it up with the need to replenish the treasury. Then, even in popular films, the audience was explained that in small doses, alcohol can be consumed without harm to health. But as a result, the state received a lot of drunks and parasites, orphans with living alcoholic parents and corresponding expenses that exceeded the profit received from the sale of alcohol many times!


Ethyl alcohol has a powerful toxic effect on the human body. It is rapidly absorbed in the stomach and small intestine; soon after ingestion, alcohol begins to cause severe harm to health:

  • The initial excitement of the central nervous system is then replaced by its oppression;
  • Destroys the meninges;
  • Organs and systems of the body are affected;
  • Causes impaired development of the embryo when consumed by a pregnant woman.

That is, alcohol harms not only us, but also our future children.


There is an extremely dangerous misconception that drinking alcohol during pregnancy is not prohibited, and drinking a glass of red wine is even beneficial for a pregnant woman. Moreover, many gynecologists, instead of giving lectures to expectant mothers about the dangers of alcohol and smoking, recommend continuing to smoke, so long as the future mother does not get nervous about giving up nicotine. What can we say about drinking sometimes to calm down.

But research suggests that the overwhelming majority of children in the world are born with congenital abnormalities precisely because of the alcohol consumed by the mother during pregnancy. (A source)

This combination of congenital physical and mental defects is called fetal alcohol syndrome.

The following anomalies are considered FAS:

  • Mental retardation, intellectual disability and other abnormalities in the structure of the brain;
  • Weight and height disorders;
  • Facial abnormalities such as too narrow eye slits or flat nose, cleft palate, etc.


These children have serious learning problems at school. They will need social protection and treatment all their lives. Even if alcohol was consumed in small quantities during pregnancy, the harm caused to the organism of the unborn child will be very great. Even if the baby does not receive a noticeable external deformity, he will in any case have problems with mental development, and the risk of congenital heart disease will increase. In addition, these children will already carry damaged DNA and pass it on to future generations.



All children have repeatedly heard that alcohol is harmful to the body. But hardly any of them realize exactly how alcohol is harmful. After all, all adults drink and, supposedly, nothing bad happens to them. Well, there are some alcoholics, but it always seems like this will never happen to us. “I can quit at any moment” - any drug addict thinks so. And alcohol is a drug, and a very strong one.


Moreover, it is very important to break down the points, how exactly alcohol can harm him:

1. First of all, a fragile child's body very quickly becomes dependent on alcohol. Children's psyche is very weak, and alcohol quickly causes drug addiction. And then a child every deuce, love, illness of a friend, etc. makes an excuse for drinking. And after a few years, this teenager is already in deep alcohol dependence, when he is ready for a lot for the sake of a bottle.

2. Even one glass of vodka can disrupt a child's brain. Moreover, the harm of alcohol for children who regularly drink alcohol will be severe. The abilities that appeared earlier will be lost, thinking will cease to develop, and moral norms will not be developed. Such adolescents quickly become dull, physically and morally degraded.

3. The greatest harm of alcohol for adolescents is the so-called "light" low-alcohol products. They are not even considered alcoholic, nevertheless, they cause "beer" and "can" alcoholism. It would seem, how can a poison be sold in a store? But this is really a poison that destroys the entire gastrointestinal tract. Because of canned cocktails, the number of young people suffering from acute pancreatitis has increased hundreds of times in recent years.


Unscrupulous drug therapists do not consider this term correct. Nevertheless, it is obvious that such alcoholism exists and, unfortunately, is very common. Its danger is that no one is afraid to drink beer. It is believed to be drunk every day with dinner. Seeing that parents use this product so often, children begin to believe that such alcohol is absolutely harmless. That is why half of high school students in Russia consume beer at least once a week. One in five tried it at the age of less than 10 years. There is even an opinion that alcohol such as beer is harmful only in excessively large quantities, and a small amount may even be beneficial. But this is the worst delusion! (A source)


  • The risk of developing alcohol dependence is even higher than with the use of wine and vodka;
  • Somatic pathologies develop rapidly (diseases of the heart, blood vessels, liver, kidneys, nervous system, hereditary diseases develop);
  • Beer changes hormones. It contains hops that are rich in phytoestrogens. Therefore, in men who drink beer, fat is deposited according to the female type - the mammary glands enlarge and the pelvis expands. The production of testosterone decreases, the craving for the opposite sex weakens. After 10 - 15 years, even not very frequent drinking of beer, impotence inevitably sets in;
  • The syndrome of "beer" heart appears. Necrosis occurs in the heart muscle, mitochondria decrease. This is due to the content in the beer of the foam stabilizer - cobalt. This toxic element harms not only the heart, but also the stomach and esophagus. Beer quickly fills blood vessels, expands the veins and borders of the heart. As a result, the heart sags, the tissues become flabby and pump blood poorly. (A source)
  • Beer, like any other alcohol, causes the death of brain cells that are not known to be restored.

Any conversation about the dangers of alcohol is perceived as a ban on strong alcoholic products. But alcoholism begins precisely with the so-called "light" cocktails and beer. Moreover, when we drink Sibirskaya Korona or Baltika, we support a non-Russian manufacturer. All these enterprises are owned by foreign corporations, and all profits go there. And our country gets only such consequences as increased crime, children of parents of alcoholics and the need to treat diseases accumulated during the consumption of these products.

But the biggest harm of drinking alcohol is the effect on the brain. Our country has always been famous for its writers, scientists, composers. It is hard to imagine how many geniuses were not born due to the popularization of "cultural" drinking? How many discoveries have we not made due to the fact that we regularly intoxicate our brain with beer or alcoholic cocktails? And do we need to drink alcohol? For what? To make your memory problems worse? To make it harder to concentrate? When will we realize that the harm of alcohol is no less than the harm of other drugs, and we begin to lead a healthy lifestyle?
