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Why are Russian girls the most beautiful?
Why are Russian girls the most beautiful?

Video: Why are Russian girls the most beautiful?

Video: Why are Russian girls the most beautiful?
Video: Scientists Just Opened A Cave That Was Sealed For Millions Of Years But Made A Shocking Discovery 2024, April

All over the world, the beauty of Russian girls and boys has always been recognized, but mainly girls, since in almost all countries and at all times there was patriarchy (the power of men) and very often states interacted with each other at the level of war, and men fought and naturally the manuscripts of the chroniclers are kept from the faces of male rulers and male warriors. That is why we hear about the beauty of Russian women, not men. In support of this thesis, the reader, you can find many articles about the attitude of citizens of other countries to the Russian beauties of modern publicists, as well as quotes from ancient chronicles.


In our time, such concepts as “beauty” and “love” are not defined and are considered a secret behind seven seals, something beyond our possible understanding, and in general, they say, why is this necessary? It is necessary, and how! The feeling of beauty and love are the mechanisms of nature, comprehending which we will be able to delve deeper into the world that surrounds us, and this, in turn, will give us the opportunity to use these very mechanisms of nature for good.

The concept of love is given in the books of the Russian scientist Nikolai Viktorovich Levashov. And I will try to explain the phenomenon of the sense of beauty.

To begin with, I will give definitions of phenotype and genotype (there will be few complex terms):

Genotype - a set of genes of a given organism, in contrast to the genome, which characterizes a species, not an individual.

Phenotype - a set of characteristics inherent in an individual at a certain stage of development. The phenotype is formed on the basis of the genotype, which in turn is formed on the basis of environmental factors. All clinically identifiable traits of an individual - height, body weight, eye color, hair shape, blood type, etc. - are phenotypic.

Most genes appear in the phenotype of an organism, but the phenotype and genotype are different in the following ways:

1. According to the source of information (the genotype is determined by studying the DNA of an individual, the phenotype is recorded by observing the appearance of the organism).

2. The genotype does not always correspond to the same phenotype. Some genes appear in the phenotype only under certain conditions. On the other hand, some phenotypes, such as animal fur coloration, are the result of the interaction of several genes.”


The feeling of beauty is given to us as instinct, formed in the course of EVOLUTION, which gives information at the sensory level (at the level of the astral body) about a woman as a possible candidate for the continuer of the clan. That is, with the help of our senses, and in particular the eyes, we perceive the PHENOTYPE (the appearance of an individual) and thus our body receives information about the woman's GENOTYPE.

Note: based on this, it can be assumed that the yellow (Asian) race is younger, since for representatives of other races, people of the yellow race look like “one face”, which means that they have relatively few phenotypic variants. The fact is that the older the race, the longer it evolved, and therefore the genotypes of its representatives changed and developed longer, and since the PHENOTYPE is the REFLECTION of the genotype, the number of phenotype VARIANTS will be the greater, the older the race itself. And if Asians for other races look "on the same face" - this means that they have fewer phenotype variants, which means they are younger in comparison with other races. And if someone wants to object, they say, for the Chinese, we are also "on the same face"! I will answer: yes, it is not easy for Asians to distinguish us either, but the white race has chestnut, light-brown, dark-brown, brown, red and various shades of hair; eyes are blue, blue, green, hazel, gray and various shades. While "purely Asian" eyes are dark brown and hair is black. Hopefully the difference is clear now. Almost the same is the case with the black (Negroid) and red (Indians) races. But this does not make them worse or better, just their evolutionary number is less (this could be found in the book "Russia in Crooked Mirrors, Volume 2" before its recognition as extremist, Ed.). There is no need to write about blacks with blue eyes in the comments, since they are mestizo, and I am writing about purebred individuals of each race.



The color of the eyes is determined by the predominant type of radiation in the spectrum of the Sun, which means that on Earth all people (if they appeared exactly here) should have eyes of the same color, but the WHITE RACE has eyes of different colors! Draw your own conclusions, reader.

The reaction to a woman's PHENOTYPE is manifested in a man in two ways:

1) Sexual arousal (a subconscious phenomenon).

2) Pleasant inspiration (a conscious-subconscious phenomenon). This is the same high spirits and a great desire to live and enjoy.

These two reactions to the phenotype of a woman are manifested together, however, in all in different percentages.

Let's start with the first - all men are favorite female breasts and buttocks.

Breast - this is a feeding organ, that is, evaluating the breast, the man's body (it is the body !!! instincts are unconscious reflexes and therefore the information is received NOT by CONSCIOUSNESS, but the body at the SUBCONSCIOUS LEVEL - this is a very important detail) receives information about the quality of milk produced in dairy glands of a female. It's the same with the shape of the buttocks, or rather the hips, which are an outward sign of a good continuer of childbirth, since it is known that the size and shape of the pelvis are important for the birth process and are subject to measurement and evaluation in all pregnant women (by the way, it was known in RUSSIA in the good old days !! !). To determine the size of the pelvis, they use a measuring instrument - Martin's pelvis meter, as well as a manual examination through the vagina.

And responding to these external signs of a woman, the man's brain sends a signal of sexual arousal to the genitals, thereby showing, they say, who is best suited for the role of the mother of his future children.

So such a great sympathy of men for women's hips and breasts is not so inexplicable as it seems at first glance.

Now let’s deal with the second part of the reaction, namely with “pleasant inspiration” and thus go deeper into understanding the phenotype.

So in science there is such a thing as "projection zones". For example, a human foot is a projection zone, if you do a specific foot massage, then you can have a beneficial effect on one or another organ.


Another example is facial skin. When pimples appear on the face, they show which organ has problems in the body.

One of the options for interpreting diseases in the face looks like this:

Cheeks - lungs.

The tip of the nose - heart.

Nostrils - bronchi.

Middle part of the nose - stomach.

Upper part of the nose - pancreas.

Eyes - kidneys and ovaries in women and testes in men.

Left eye - spleen and pancreas.

Right eye - liver and gallbladder.


The area between the eyebrows - liver.

Whiskey on both sides - the spleen.

Forehead as a whole - the small intestine.

Peripheral forehead - colon.

Upper forehead - the bladder.

Mouth - the digestive tract.

Upper lip - stomach.

Inner part of the lower lip - small intestine.

Peripheral part of the lower lip - colon.

Corners of lips - duodenum.

The area around the mouth - genitals.

Rarely are there people who are sexually aroused by a girl's face; in most cases, the reaction to a beautiful woman's face should be expressed as “pleasant inspiration” or as “a feeling of admiration, fascination” (depending on the degree of beauty). It turns out that every facial feature of a Russian beauty is a certain PROJECTION. And the male brain, reacting to these projection zones (facial features), receives the effect of pleasant inspiration, that is, a temporary increase in the level of dimensionality of the astral body (the body where our emotions are located and change). This is how a man through SUBCONSCIOUSNESS gets the opportunity ALREADY CONSCIOUSNESS to pay attention to this individual, as a carrier of DEVELOPED HEALTHY GENETICS. By the way, raising the level of dimension has a beneficial effect on creativity and health (read the book of the Russian scientist Nikolai Viktorovich Levashov "Essence and Mind"). AND THE MOST IMPORTANT THAT major factorThat magical moment, when a man learns DIFFERENCES between himself and a woman, is pleasantly inspiring. The female has such qualities as affection, fragility, tenderness. The males also have these qualities, but they are especially beautiful in women. They also have peculiarities in the perception of the world around us, in the mobility of the psyche, which is a very important moment for development in general, and much, much more.

Based on the novelty of the above knowledge, I propose to develop this topic, which will help to look into brand new perspective on current problems in this area of human relations.

1) Debauchery.

Do you remember, reader, I said that two variants of reactions manifest themselves together, but in a different percentage. So this ratio can be manipulated in an artificial way. The instinct "sense of beauty" itself is very useful and with the help of it you can get information about the quality of an individual's genetics without a DNA sample. And let's say the ratio of 20% / 80% (sexual arousal / pleasant inspiration) makes this instinct controllable. Raising the level of dimensionality of the astral body (pleasant inspiration) has a beneficial effect on creativity and health. But if everything is exactly the opposite, then naturally the reproductive organ will control a person, and not he him, which in fact makes a person a slave of the sexual instinct. And unlike the previous ratio, in this case, there will be a serious negative impact on creativity and waste of the body's energy resources for copulation. The human body spends all the best and high-quality “building materials” obtained from food (proteins, carbohydrates, amino acids, etc.) to restore sperm reserves for about 70 days. Until sperm reserves are replenished, other organs will be deprived of quality building materials (genetic priorities).

So the Zionists very skillfully use this mechanism, making it so that the ratio of "sexual arousal / pleasant inspiration" would be more percent in the first part, thereby turning people into a preoccupied herd. To do this, you just need to pay more attention. sexuality individuals, and not spiritual aspirations, and the percentage will grow by leaps and bounds. This task is being successfully carried out by the media. Moreover, if the girl is beautiful, that is, there are several areas in which the dirty paws of the Zionists immediately begin to devour her, namely: in fashion shows, fashion parties (alcohol and drugs), glossy magazines and all the rest of the glamorous inhuman life. What kind of development can there be when you think only about how to lose weight even more, hairstyle, "make-up", various trends and fashions? Naturally, I exaggerate, but this is the essence of the life of most modern beauties, which is very sad for their essences. Life without development is a waste of time.

2) Plastic surgery

As you can see from the above, not only the genotype affects the phenotype, but also vice versa. Take an example related to the Central Nervous System (CNS). If you do the correct massage of the thumb, then the headache will stop (Acting on the OUTER part of a person, we act on the INNER part of a person). But if you eat right, then acne on the face will disappear (acting on the INNER part of a person, we affect the OUTER part of a person). This whole procession is called afferent and efferent connections.

“Afferent (centripetal) nerve fibers - nerve fibers (processes of nerve cells) that conduct sensory impulses from all tissues and organs of the body (from the outside) to the central nervous system (central nervous system). Afferent nerve fibers (lat.afferens, bringing) - centripetal nerve fibers - nerve fibers (processes of nerve cells), along which excitation is transmitted from tissues to the central nervous system. For example, these include neurons of the sensory system (sensations of cold, pain, heat, texture of an object).

Efferent neurons of the nervous system are neurons that transmit information from the nerve center (from the inside) to the executive organs or other centers of the nervous system."

A similar mechanism is manifested in the communication (interconnection) of human bodies. If you act on the astral body, then changes will occur in the physical body. And vice versa, if you act on the physical body, then the changes will manifest in the astral body.


Corruption affects the astral body and, as a result, a person becomes sick.

If you take certain positions (for example, YOGI postures), then this will affect the astral body (for example, a change in the direction of the flows of primary matters (as they are incorrectly called - "energy")).

Energy is a property of matter, not a kind of it.

Similar processes are manifested in relation to the phenotype with the genotype. If a person undergoes plastic surgery, for example, on the face (phenotype), then there will be changes in his GENOTYPE! Feedback will occur. And since this is a violation of the nature and harmony of bodies, then a person will receive NEGATIVE CONSEQUENCES. They can be expressed both in the form of mental disorders and in the form of health disorders in general.

This is proved by statistical data, you can find them on the Internet without much effort.

For example, here is an excerpt from one of the sites:

“Plastic surgery makes many people happy, eliminating imperfections and complexes. Then why are scientists all over the world sounding the alarm, linking the suicide of former patients with plastic surgery?

Studies have been carried out on several occasions in groups of former patients of plastic surgery clinics. It turned out that not all of them had acquired the desired self-confidence and attractiveness. Many were plagued by depression and mental illness after the operation. And about 5% committed suicide."

The same goes for various tattoos, hair dyes, and other changes in your appearance.

3) Why do love couples often break up in our time and why are there so many problems in relations between a man and a woman in general? (this part of the article is more difficult)

Now the problem of divorces and parting of love couples is very relevant:

“In Russia, divorce is more common than anywhere else - this conclusion follows from a special study conducted by the UN. Experts interviewed by DW identified several reasons why marriages in Russia, as well as in Belarus and Ukraine, are so fragile. They also analyzed the resulting consequences for society.

Almost 670 thousand marriages broke up in Russia in 2011”

One of the main reasons lies precisely in the “feeling of love”.

Since the white race is the most ancient race on Earth-Midgard (see “Russia in crooked mirrors”), then our genotype is the richest and most developed, our DNA stores thousands of wisdom and experience of ancestors, and this, in turn, affects on PHENOTYPE. And it was among the Rus that the genotype remained as unchanged as possible in comparison with the Europeans, whose ancestors were mostly outcasts from Russia (see ibid.). This explains the fact that of the entire white race, it is RUSSIAN girls who are recognized as the most beautiful, they have the healthiest genetics and they are the best candidates for the continuation of the Light Family.

So, back to the main question. Let's imagine a situation:

A young guy walks through the park and sees a girl, the “sense of beauty” is triggered and he decides to approach her and get to know her. As a result, he "sinks" into her, but according to the girl, the guy is also "nothing like that", they start dating, so to speak. In the future, literally in a few weeks, relationship problems begin: quarrels, misunderstandings, and the like. As a result - parting.

The problem with it all hides at the very beginning, at the moment when he saw her and the “sense of beauty” worked.

To begin with, reader, please do not confuse developmental level (genetic age) of the physical body, which our parents gave us, with the level of development of our essence (soul) … Let me explain right away that the soul is the MAN HIMSELF, and the physical body is just a part of it, the “bio-suit” (for more details, see the book “Essence and Mind”). So in ancient times, our ancestors developed genetics (physical bodies).

It happened as follows:

When a child was born, he was properly brought up and, as a result, he grew up and educated himself further, that is, he developed, EVOLVED independently. Development is a CHANGE in the structure of ESSENCE. And this development of his soul changed the physical body (genetics). Remember the interconnection of human bodies: by changing the soul, you change the body and vice versa (note). And he passed on this altered genetics to his children, and the children of the children repeated the cycle and passed on their even more altered genetics to their children, and so on. This is how evolution happens.


At the primitive level of development, the development process takes place in a slightly different way. The physical body of a creature changes under the onslaught of various external influences of the environment and very rarely these influences become positive for the genotype of the creature. That is, in this case, the PHYSICAL BODY (genotype) CHANGES the ESSENCE, and not the ESSENCE, whose activity is deliberately aimed at the DEVELOPMENT of other material bodies, CHANGES THE PHYSICAL BODY.

A little patience, my dear reader, you will soon understand why I am writing all this.

Because of the genocide of the Rus, which has been going on for at least a thousand years, we have lost our culture, our upbringing. As a result, most of the entities that are reincarnated recently, can not develop above the level intelligent animal, because it is culture and education parents play an important role in the formation of the foundation of the personality, and without it a person cannot independently get out of the “strong shackles” of the lower astral level (with the exception of highly developed entities).

That's the whole answer:

Feminine essence low level of development is in the physical body, which has an ancient highly developed genetics.

Low level of development essence is manifested in the inadequacy of the perception of the environment, stupidity, following illusionary goals in life, etc. Of course, these negative personality traits are manifested in everyone to varying degrees. But there is, so to speak, a SPECIFIC NORM of understanding of the world, which a person should have at a SPECIFIC AGE. AND the greater the deviation from this norm in the negative direction, the level of development of the essence less.

So our young man is guided by the “sense of beauty”, which in turn is guided by the PHYSICAL BODY of the girl, and not by HER ESSENCE. In the natural conditions of the existence of civilization, the physical body of a person CORRESPONDS to the level of development of the entity inside the body (Note below). But we, unfortunately, live in artificial conditions, caused by parasites, which deliberately destroy the culture of the Rus and ourselves.

Note: I'm talking about the ACTIVATED part of the entity, and not about the entity as a whole. Let me remind you that an entity attached to a physical body can have, for example, three mental bodies, but during living in this physical body not a single mental body will be activated at all (More details in the books of the Russian scientist N. V. Levashov).

So it turns out a kind of self-deception of a guy on a subconscious level. The body tells him that the girl is what you need, but in fact it turns out that it is not quite. Such is the failure in the "love" program. This is precisely the root of disappointment in women. Your soul sings with joy when it sees a Russian beauty, but when you get to know her and start communicating, you very often experience a terrible disappointment in her personality. Such mind games are another fruit of the efforts of the parasitic system. Let me remind you once again that the mechanisms I have described in this article work very similarly in the case when a girl falls in love with a guy and eventually becomes disappointed in him.

Another proof that there is an ARTIFICIAL evolutionary hole between the levels of development of the physical body and the essence:

Over the past 200 years, humanity has experienced an UNNaturally huge leap in development. It can be seen with the naked eye that each new generation of people is more efficient, has a higher rate of intellectual development, a higher speed of information processing, and other EVOLUTIONALLY acquired qualities. It's just evolutionary not possible! To develop a new quality, any creature spends a huge number of years in the course of evolution.

But this discrepancy is easily explained by the fact that we just REMEMBER all the "new" knowledge genetically, so to speak.

Another argument that shows that we have artificial conditions on Midgard-Earth:

Due to the consequences of the interference of dark forces in the development of our civilization, the Light ones installed a blocker of human capabilities, by that time the moral principles of most people on our planet were rather doubtful, but at the same time their GENOTYPE was quite DEVELOPED and it turned out that the GENETICS did not correspond to the AWARENESS OF ESSENCES. located in this GENETIC. Such people without proper upbringing could easily use their capabilities for evil and even managed to do it about 13,000 years ago (because of this, they put a blocker). Under natural conditions (without a blocker), a person gradually discovered PSI-possibilities in himself, but after installing a blocker, PSI-possibilities are OPENED only after the fourth mental body has been developed and IMMEDIATELY ALL, which should have opened during development up to the fourth mental body (more in Slavyano -Aryan Vedas and in the book "Russia in crooked mirrors").

Why, all of them and in general all the great apes were covered with thick hair, which they did not part with for millions of years, while modern man appeared immediately without it !? If this is such a fast process, then why didn't the wool grow back again, during the last ice age, which ended ten to eleven thousand years ago and lasted two to three thousand years, while modern man - Homo Sapiens - appeared and drove out the Neanderthals during the first millennium after its appearance?

It is logical to assume that if the process of modification is so easy and fast, then a modern person simply had to grow wool and would join the rest of the humanoid "company" covered with thick wool. But, oddly enough, this did not happen, despite the presence of a rudimentary hairline in modern humans.

It is also interesting that all humanoid species from the order of primates have a powerful hair coat that covers almost the entire body. And, most interestingly, species such as the gorilla, orangutan and chimpanzee, which are considered the closest to modern humans, have a solid hair coat, although these species have lived in tropical and equatorial climates for millions of years, and have not parted with their hair coating and did not become sentient species. While modern man appeared immediately naked, but with rudimentary remnants of hair on his body. It is this rudimentary hair covering that suggests that once this coating was by no means rudimentary, but, as unnecessary, for one reason or another, over time it practically disappeared.

The question arises - WHERE DOES THIS HAPPEN ?! Obviously not on Earth.

But despite the efforts of the parasites, and thanks to the guardians of the Russian land, every year more and more of our lovely girls are engaged not only in “material” values, but also in mental ones, which smooths out the mismatch between soul and bodyand this, of course, is very pleasing. I can only wish success to our girls in spiritual development, so that they become great mothers in the future and bring up real Russian people.


Kalachev VecheSlav, 2013.

Articles by the author of similar topics:

1) About genetics and human evolution:

2) About modern sport, its propaganda and influence on the body:

3) Cloning - cannibalism in disguise?

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