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Video: Biomatrix

Video: Biomatrix
Video: What's Your Favorite Color? | Kids Songs | Super Simple Songs 2024, May


Why is everything so gray monotonous and boring? Why are there so many stupid people, crime and the ubiquitous gray mass around? After graduating from school and institute, I have not heard more than one thesis related to such problems. Only a partial statement of the facts that there is crime, there have always been stupid people and a person is not ideal. Of course, I did not live in pink glasses and did not expect happiness from life on a silver platter, but I did not expect such a nightmare. Man is a wolf to man, common sense and individuality are becoming a burden, and the struggle for a place under the sun in this vast world is becoming tougher and tougher. Having gained a little experience and knowledge from practical encounters with life, I decided to form my inner protest into a small literary work.

Formation of personality

A person enters our world as an unreasonable baby. At this stage, it's hard for me to imagine that 90% of them will subsequently make up the gray mass of people. Although, after 30 years, statistics will convince me otherwise. Let's see what happens to the child from birth to graduation. After all, the fact that the formation of personality, perception of the world and upbringing of a person occurs during this period is not a secret for anyone. During this short period of time, the young man will have to visit kindergarten and school. Moreover, in the first and second, his opinion (about whether he wants to be there or not) is ignored. Nobody asks him, as the saying goes, "We need Vasya, we must!"

So, the little person goes to kindergarten. For three years he was with his mother every day, and then the day came when she left him. There are strangers around. This is how the child instinctively perceives the first day in kindergarten. Here is your first childhood trauma, which eventually develops into a conflict of distrust of parents. In theory, a teacher should help to cope with his problem. Will she cope? Not sure. First of all, not every person has the gift of communicating with children, and also if we take into account the fact that only a specialized secondary education is required to work as a teacher, then the question will disappear by itself. For the salary that the educator receives, will she worry about the mental state of her unnatural child? Most of the question is rhetorical.

It turns out that the child has a psychological trauma associated with a misunderstanding of why he breaks up with mom and dad every day and spends time with someone else's aunt. What happens in the development of a child between the ages of 3 and 7?

First of all, the most important thing is that the child develops a type of thinking and worldview. He is interested in everything around him: why the sky is blue, the grass is green, and the cat is fluffy. Ideally, the child should receive comprehensive answers to all the questions that interest him. Now let's imagine how a capable teacher will cope with such a situation if there are 10-15 children in the group. How? Yes, it won't. She will say that she is busy. And if she is incapable, then she will answer in such a way that she will even want to know. So much for individual thinking. In addition, during this period a person has a so-called window of intensive development, during this period a person must learn to speak, think, read, draw and write. How many in total! It's just a flurry of information that he can easily assimilate and use in later life. This is the most crucial moment in a person's life. Skip it and we end up with Mowgli - a human animal.

There is no need to speak here about innate individuality, its respect and development of thinking. Rather, on the contrary, the educator is unlikely to be interested in the development of someone else's child, due to the unnecessary need for unnecessary problems. Internal passivity, motivation to average to be like everyone else, lack of initiative, readiness to obey authorities is laid just at this stage of growth. At school, it is consolidated and supported. Also, the resulting psychological trauma associated with separation from the hearth creates a sense of danger and anxiety in a person.

Then the child goes to school.

At school, teachers replace our parents and mentors. Who are they? Let's start with the prestige of the teaching profession and potential teachers. First of all, the teaching profession is humiliated in our society. It is not prestigious to be a teacher, they earn little, and as a result, mostly not outstanding average peasants enter pedagogical universities (and then become teachers). In my years, when I went to college, more or less rich parents shoved their children anywhere, but not on teachers. Talented peers did not even think to enter the pedagogical department, so that later they would work at school. Those who didn’t have a chance to enter a “normal” university, and this is the bulk of them, most of whom did not plan to work at school at all.

For this reason, a child, and then a young man, falls under the influence of no remarkable people for 10 years. And this is a big annoyance. Since the teacher at this age has the task of being an example of imitation and a leader. In fact, everything is not so harmonious. Most teachers lack leadership qualities. They do not know how to manage their talent, knowledge and respect.

Therefore, it turns out that teachers have nothing but terror and severity to give the younger generation. And besides, any manifestation of individuality, which, of course, at that age cannot have anything to do with the school curriculum, is punished quite harshly. This forms antisocial behavior and internal protest in the child (after all, hooligans appear at school), or it makes the student a mediocre person, giving rise to servility, hypocrisy and deceit in him. The recalcitrant hate school and suffer, which gives others irrefutable proof of the correct motive for keeping their head down. It should be noted here that those who express their opinion, but do not become a bully, cause double hatred among others. Everyone hates them, as they do not fall into one of the specified groups.

After kindergarten and school, almost all personality is formed. The established stereotype of behavior usually remains with a person forever.

These were the psychological qualities of a person, so to speak, the moral side of the issue. From the resulting picture, it is clear with what baggage of moral and ethical heritage a young man from school graduation goes to the future.

Now we will analyze the school curriculum and its composition. Let us accept as an error that the basic set of basic subjects taught at school has not changed.

So, the exact sciences.


I want to say right away that I love mathematics and I had 5 in it not only at school, but also at the institute. But I, for the life of me, cannot understand why in my life I needed equations with two unknowns, differential and integral calculus, vector algebra and most of geometry. This is what develops logic? Not at all. This develops logic only in those who are able to assimilate all this abstraction. And then I want to tell you that the logic is developing extremely abstract. Since in the material world the logic is also material. In practice, I remember that at least two-thirds of the class simply could not think in such forms, did not understand the physical meaning of such knowledge, and simply crammed and copied. And with age, they simply forgot. I'm sure everyone remembers that there were some kind of differential and integral disappearances. Right? Why are they needed? What is their meaning. 90% of people studying this knowledge took time and did not bring any results. And this is repeated from year to year.

It turns out that logic developed in one third of the class? Is that effective? Why do 2/3 of schoolchildren waste time? Bottom line: for 2/3 of the students, time wasted.


I am not opposed to studying the nature of the world around us. But let's take a little critical look at the ballast of obsolete knowledge that is taught in physics lessons. Ballast, and morally obsolete, and I'm not kidding. Take, for example, Newton's classical theory of gravitation. It sounds like this:

the force of gravitational attraction between two material points of mass and, separated by distance, is proportional to both masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them - that is:

Now, let's check it out.

To check, let's compare the force of gravity between the Sun and Kuna, and the Earth and the Sun. And, we will understand why the Moon is attracted by the Earth, and not by the Sun, or we will not understand.


m1 = 5, 9736x1024 kg is the mass of the Earth;

m2 = 7, 3477x1022 kg - the mass of the Moon;

m3 = 1, 98892x1030 kg is the mass of the Sun;

G = 6, 67384x10-11 m3 * s-2 * kg-1

R12 = 384 400 000 m - the distance from the Earth to the Moon;

R23 = 149,216,000,000 m is the distance from the Moon to the Sun.

So, check, the force of gravity between the Moon and the Earth:

F1 = G * (m1 * m2) / R122 = 6, 67384x10-11 * (5, 9736x1024 * 7, 3477x1022) / (384 400 000) 2 = 1.98x1020 N.

The force of attraction between the Moon and the Sun:

F2 = G * (m2 * m3) / R232 = 6, 67384x10-11 * (1, 98892x1030 * 7, 3477x1022) / (149 216 000 000) 2 = 4, 38x1020 N.

As you can see from the calculation, the force of attraction between the Sun and the Moon is more than twice the force of attraction between the Earth and the Moon. Why it does not fly away to the Sun is not clear. Either their masses are not the same (official data are given) or the laws are fake. Rather, both statements are valid. At the beginning of the 21st century, all physics burst at the seams from mismatches. If in an earlier time (in the 20th century), somehow it withstood the load of misunderstanding, then recently more and more scientists, being in their declining years, openly declare that most of the laws in physics are not consistent and ridiculous. If earlier, they did not speak openly about this, worrying about their authority and career, then in their declining years, they have already ceased to restrain themselves, and openly declared about problems in fundamental physics.

This I showed only one big problem, but if you dig deeper, then similar problems can be found in all areas of physics. Not only do the teachers do not understand what they are teaching, so the scientists shrug their shoulders and cannot explain anything. Nevertheless, schoolchildren, in spite of everything, have to gnaw on such a granite of science, according to the school curriculum. And all their attempts to get to the bottom of the truth stumble upon the aggression of teachers, as you see, very poorly understanding their own subject.

As a result, you yourself understand what happens in school with those who try to find out the truth in the school, but nevertheless, scientific field. And, of course, the question is how to use the knowledge gained in physics lessons? No way. I am an electrical engineer. He worked in design for several years. I want to say that the well-known Ohm's law for a section of a circuit is formally used in all electrical engineering, but in fact, complex mathematical devices and algorithms are used to describe electrical processes, which are quite far from the regularity deduced by Ohm. The problem is that chain sections do not exist on their own. And if we consider the chain as a whole, then it is not clear how to apply Ohm's law here. In these cases, in scientific works and instructions for calculation, they indicate that they neglect one or another influence and sometimes introduce several additional components and coefficients that change Ohm's law, sometimes beyond recognition.

Let's leave the exact and natural sciences and turn our attention to the humanities.


I'll be brief here. It's not a secret for anyone that the history that is taught at school radically changes with the change of political power. What then is this science that changes at the discretion of the ruling elite? If we take this issue seriously, then with 100% probability we find ourselves in a dead end, faced with the works of Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences A. T. Fomenko and his concept of "New chronology".


In this area of expertise, we usually study various talented writers. Usually, the talent of these writers is expressed in a very subtle ability to reflect the psychology of human behavior in various conditions. Do you think children are capable of assessing such actions in the absence of their own life experience? I think no. Therefore, all essays of this kind, on topics of moral and social problems, are usually written off and take on the form of stereotyped, acceptable for teachers and the school curriculum. And where can an individual point of view arise here?

For reference, the talented Russian writer L. N. Tolstoy wrote War and Peace in about 6 years. He started working on the novel at 35. And he finished the novel at 41. Do you think the thoughts of an adult will be understood by adolescents? There are a lot of similar examples, because most of the serious works were written by people with an established worldview. What kind of understanding can we talk about if such books are read by 15-year-old children?

In general, everything in school subjects. It would be possible to further shovel the senseless ballast of knowledge with which the pristine mind of the growing generation is loaded, but why? The one who could understand, he has already understood, the one who is not ready to understand, he will not understand. It remains only to summarize.

So, having examined the period of life from 3 to 16 years, we see that a person finds himself in a social environment that is in no way interested in the development of his personality and helping him in a difficult period. Rather, on the contrary, he throws up a whole bunch of problems and conflicts to him, and takes this opportunity to pump up an unnecessary ballast of dead knowledge. It is very difficult to get rid of them later. All this, of course, is bad. And all this is aggravated (if it does not put an end to human development at all) by the fact that the personality and all the inner content that constitutes the future of man (and humanity as a whole) is precisely laid down in this period.

In my opinion, calls to be original and individual in targeted youth programs and commercials sound quite cynical. This is when young people have already gone through a full-fledged treatment in our friendly social environment. It is very similar to caring for pigeons, which are prepared for photographing in central squares. First, the wings are clipped so that they do not fly away, and then they take care of them so that they bring income.

Andrey Khrustalev