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Alexander the Great - honorary citizen of Yakutsk
Alexander the Great - honorary citizen of Yakutsk

Video: Alexander the Great - honorary citizen of Yakutsk

Video: Alexander the Great - honorary citizen of Yakutsk
Video: How would a nuclear war between Russia and the US affect you personally? 2024, April

I always want to believe in fairy tales. A person needs it, because in real life everything is not so beautiful. I have nothing against a kind instructive fairy tale for children for the night, but if we are talking about science, then a fairy tale turns into a deadly weapon. In the combat arsenal of storytellers who falsify history for military purposes, among the many non-lethal weapons, there is a myth about the fabulous campaign of Alexander the Great to fabulous India.


How often can you hear the phrase: “I don’t believe in fairy tales for a long time,” from a person who considers himself educated, sane, not amenable to influence and suggestion. Self-confidence is what makes me laugh about people. When strict adherence to syntax and spelling becomes the measure of intelligence, when writing comments to articles on the Internet, and unshakable adherence to doctrines from school textbooks turns into the only dignity of a person that allows him to be ranked among the intelligentsia, I always remember a line from a song written by my friend, a poet and musician Leonid Romanov back in the mid-eighties: -


Leonid Romanov visits his first teacher N. A. Golubeva. Pechora. 2008-09-05

Nothing fosters myths and misconceptions like overconfidence. A person who doubts nothing and believes that he knows everything about this world is not capable of thinking at all. He only thinks that he is thinking, but in fact, thinking and thinking are completely different concepts. The cat also thinks, and the computer thinks, but only a doubting person is capable of thinking.

One who does not reject reality, for the sake of petrified myths. I propose to part with another beautiful fairy tale. The tale of the Indian campaign of Alexander the Great. Let the scientists not be angry with me, but this is a classic case when madness prevailed over reason. Still on the surface, look and draw conclusions, but no! "One grandmother said" has been turned into a scientific dogma, to question which, no one has the right, not even God himself. However, I personally have nothing to lose, and the truth, as you know, is dearer. Even reputation is worth risking for the truth.

So what do we know about India?

You will say that this is a country on the Indian subcontinent, where the forests are full of wild monkeys, and there are also elephants. Well, yes, well, yes … Elephants … Here is the Tver merchant Afanasy, the son of Nikitin, visited India, and described in great detail his "journey across the three seas", only for some reason he did not leave the card, as he never mentioned the outlandish animals the size of a mountain … Isn't it strange that he didn't notice the elephant?


In my opinion, very much! And it’s not for nothing that there are so many disputes so far about how he managed to visit the basins of three seas, separated by impassable mountain ranges on one trip. Maybe he didn't go to India?

An absurd, at first glance, assumption is easily "overgrown with meat" if we take into account such facts, for example:

1) What does the word India itself mean? You will say that in India itself it is customary to call their country that way, and the etymology, accordingly, lies in the origins of the language of the Hindi Indians. But did you know that on the territory of modern India there are 447 DIFFERENT languages at the same time, and about 2000 dialects? But there are already two official languages in India! Hindi and English. But, in addition, 22 more languages are considered official, and are used in office work in various states. So which of these languages gave the name to the country?

It is very likely that both "Russia" is not a Russian word (in Russian it is correct RUSSIA), and "India" is not a native word for most Indians. Until someone "ordered" to call the entire peninsula India, in each village there was a different name for their country.

Here it is necessary to retreat from India for a while, for clarity. What do the Chinese call themselves? And your country? Why is this country known throughout the world as "Sina" or "China"?

The Chinese themselves, call their country 中國, 中国, OK? Everything from the fact that there are 56 languages in China, and "China" like "China" is not a native name, each province, village, area has its own traditions, its own language and self-name. So where does the word "China" come from?

It seems to me the most probable version that in the Old Russian language the word "KIT" simply meant "big, tall", and the word "TAI" meant a wall, a fence. If everything is so, then in translation from Russian into Russian KitTai-Gorod in Moscow meant "The city behind a high wall." And so it really was! Now you do not need to wrinkle your brain to understand what place names such as "TAI - LAND" mean. This is the country of walls (mountains). It can also be attributed to "TAI - MORA" (Taimyr) - Wall by the sea. Well, a fish - a whale, also quite logically bears the name "BIG". Keith, is he big? Is that correct?

Now let's remember what the word "DON" meant in Old Russian. Now researchers in many issues are perplexed by the fact of an elementary misunderstanding that Don is not a proper name. DONOM was the name of the water that flows along the bottom - the channel. Those. any river is DON. Realizing this fact, in a new way you understand the meaning of "foreign" words, such as "PoseiDon", for example. For a Russian person without translation, it is clear who we are talking about! Of course, about God, who "sowed", became the creator of rivers and seas.

And the Jordan River, most likely a common noun, meaning the Yara (stormy) river - "Yardon". And this fact, once again confirms that modern Israel has nothing to do with biblical geography. Jerusalem is not Jerusalem, but El-Quds, Jordan is only slightly Jordan, just the Arabic name is consonant, it is pronounced as Al - Urdun.

And we will conclude our reflections on the first point with the following. There is another version that, like “Don,” the word “India” in the Old Russian language was not a proper name, but meant “distant lands, a country to travel for a long time. Literally - "Where to go far." Repeat aloud several times the word "GO" … You involuntarily begin to confuse the letters, pronouncing: - "INTI, INTI, INDI". So? So the variant is capable of being, in fact, the place to be? So I say: - "Why not?"

2) Now the second fact, which may also indicate that India was not at all the country that we now call India, and therefore some significant historical facts are presented incorrectly, and this incorrect interpretation gives rise to a monstrous heap of falsifications in to please the politicians and those who rule this world …

Everyone is well aware of the fact that during the migration of fairly large ethnically homogeneous groups of immigrants, the usual hydronyms and toponyms, in memory of the abandoned homeland, are transferred to new habitats. So in the United States alone, there are about thirty cities named "St. Petersburg" and "Moscow".


Moscow city in the state of Idaho. USA

It is clear that it was not the American Indians who brought these names to Russia. As well as non-Indians gave their names to rivers and lakes in the territories of the Vologda and Arkhangelsk provinces in Russia. It was the settlers from the shores of the White Sea who called the rivers in the Indian subcontinent by their familiar names.

Consequently, no one is surprised by the existence of the same geographical names in different regions of the world. And the fact of the existence of several Indies is fully confirmed by medieval geographical maps.


Map of the monk Fra Mauro from the Vatican library. (Clickable)

It is noteworthy that on this map, the south is at the top of the map, and the east, respectively, is on the left. The very fact that the south and north on the old maps are located the other way around, says a lot.

For example, imagine a situation when you are trying to draw a route on a piece of paper to a guest unfamiliar with the city, to the nearest shop, for example. It is logical if you depict the door of your house (front door) at the very bottom of the sheet, and you will draw further arrows, indicating the route to follow, starting from the starting point.

And this means that the early geographical maps were made by people whose route began in the north! But back to Mauro's scheme.

Here you are! Where it should be, a large city of Delhi in the country named INDIA is indicated. It is worth pondering the meaning of the word "Delhi". Who divides what and what? On the map, the metropolis is located on the western bank, but in reality, Delhi has always been split in two by the Yamuna River. Those. the river, which was named so because it is full of pits and pools, DIVIDES the city. Everything is perfect in Russian, isn't it?

But INDIA is not just India, but INDIA PRIMA. Those. there is also a second India?


Of course have! See for yourself, to the east of the first India there is also a second one, I indicated them this way, "1" and "2".


But that's not all! On the territory of present-day China there was also a third India, INDIA CIN !!!

So it turns out that putting together the two facts, we can safely, on legal grounds, doubt that each of the historical documents that mentions India is about the country we are thinking about today. And here the most amazing thing begins! Truly, you never know where the thread will lead you the next time you start to unwind it.

It all started with a question that, at first glance, could not even bring me close to what was revealed to me as a result. It often happens, you pull the button, it turns out that the mac is sewn to it. You start pulling on the mac, and it also turns out to be a fraer! ☺

I had no idea where I would be taken, in search of an answer to a simple question: - "Where are the diamonds in India from?"

Yes, I know, I know! "India is the homeland of diamonds!", "Learn military affairs in a real way!", "Peace - Peace!", "Freedom to Doctor Haider!"

Well, what is behind the slogan "India is the homeland of diamonds!", Answer me? It turns out that NOTHING! Zilch! A fig with butter, a donut hole, vest sleeves, but … How much pathos! How much rhetoric and it's all based, guess what? Just do not cry, as I cried with laughter, having found out that all claims that it was the Indians who gave the world the art of mining and cutting diamonds is based on the idiotic myth about the military expedition of Alexander the Great!

I am not kidding! Honestly, it is. All articles on this topic refer precisely to the chronicles of the conquest of India by the troops of the mythical Macedonian, who lived unknown when, it is not known who ruled, how he looked, and where he was buried. Exactly like the mythical Charlemagne or Genghis - Khan!


The myth was born with just one phrase attributed to Aristotle, the teacher of Alexander the Great: -

"… There is a certain valley where they (diamonds) are mined …"

It borders on insanity, but it was this phrase that gave rise to multi-layered blockages in historical science, which collapse like a house of cards, if you ask a simple, naive question about it. Where did the diamonds come from in India!

And not where did they come from there, because they were never there and are not, and they are unlikely to be, even despite the fact that there is a rumor circulating in the media that, supposedly, somewhere, someone is kimberlite found pipes in India. Most likely, someone, as usual, is trying to increase the value of shares in this way, but even if this is true, and if at least one diamond is ever mined in India, it does not mean at all that during the Macedonian campaign they were there!

You ask, what about the famous diamonds "Shah", "Orlov" or "Koh-i-nor"? It’s very simple, I’ll tell you! If the English stole something from the rajah on the territory of the conquered colony, then it’s not a fact that it was created there! The relics were kept for a long time, passed down from generation to generation, and none of the owners remembered for a long time where these pieces of glass came from.


The Koh-i-nor diamond


Brilliant Orlov

An attempt to find out the origin of the stones rests on a myth similar to the mines of King Solomon. It turns out that, allegedly, at one time, there were mines of Golconda, where the ancient Indians mined diamonds. But Golconda, other than mythical and legendary, none of the sources names, because traces of mining developments have not been found in India to this day.

Just like in the case of the no less legendary mines of Solomon. By the way, with Solomon everything is more or less clear. The key to understanding is in the very name SOL (s) MAN, i.e. SALT + HUMAN. In Arabic - Suleiman. And this was not a prehistoric king, but a completely modern emperor of the Ottoman Empire, known by the nickname "Suleiman the Magnificent."


Suleiman and Roksolana

The one who kept the whole of Europe in fear, with the help of his Golden Horde, and who was a monopoly on the export of table rock salt. Almost like now, Russia is dictating its terms with the help of a gas pipe. The only source of wealth and power was not the despicable metal, but the monopoly of salt mines on the territory of modern Ukraine, where his beloved wife Roksolana was from. As you can see, everything is clear and understandable. I would say prosaic.

But in the case of Golconda, the situation is clearly different. Most likely it, unlike the mines of King Solomon, was invented completely from beginning to end in order to explain to the world where the diamonds came from in India. And then the most important thing begins …

Researchers just jumped at the story of diamonds in India, but completely ignored the blatant absurdities in the story of Aristotle. What is the very fact of the pedestrian crossing from Africa to India. They would have tried on foot with their luggage, to cross the Iranian Highlands, where there is not a single McDonald's on the way to this day. Physically, this is an almost impossible task for a large, heavily armed army, forced to carry supplies designed for a very long time. And here is another curious moment from Aristotle. We read:

“… He came to the land of the Indians, living in the neighborhood of the arachot. The army was exhausted, passing through these lands: Lying DEEP SNOW and there was not enough food …"

How is it? Snow in India? Well, okay, maybe he happens there in the mountains, however …

"DROWNED" !!! There is no time for jokes. Thirty healthy men, hardened, trained, drowned in the snow where? Not in Courchevel, buried by an avalanche, but in the tropics! And here is what the Macedonian himself wrote down (Oh, a miracle! The memoirs of Sashka himself have survived!

“… Preparing to return to Phasis, from where we started our journey, I ordered to change direction and set up camp at a distance of twelve miles from the water. And so, when they had already set up all the tents and made big fires, an east wind blew in and a whirlwind rose so strong that it shook and threw all our buildings to the ground, so that we were amazed. The four-legged were alarmed, sparks and embers from scattered fires burned them. And then I began to encourage the soldiers, explaining that this happened not because of the anger of the gods, but because the month of October and autumn was coming. As soon as we gathered our military equipment, we found a camp site in a sun-warmed valley, and I ordered everyone to go there and carry their things. The east wind died down, but in the evening it was incredibly cold. Suddenly, huge snowflakes began to fall, similar to a pair of fleeces. Fearing that the snow would cover the camp, I ordered the soldiers to trample it down. As soon as we got rid of one misfortune - because suddenly the snow was replaced by pouring rain - a black cloud appeared…. Soon the sky cleared again, we prayed, lit fires again and calmly began to eat. For three days we did not see the sun and formidable clouds floated over us. Having buried five hundred of our soldiers, who were killed in the snow, we went on."

How is it? Don't you feel like going to Goa to sunbathe in this weather? But that's not all. The climate is a capricious thing, you never know, maybe that year a climatic catastrophe broke out in Hindustan. But all right, just the climate, you see who was met in India by the Macedonian regiments:

“… We built ships from reeds and crossed to the other side of the river, where Indians lived, dressed in animal skins. They brought us white and red sponges, twisted snail shells, as well as bedspreads and tunics …”

Undoubtedly, sepoys did not wear clothes made of seal skins and until now, they saw them only thanks to American television.

Go ahead! Another surprise:

"… Leave the limits of this grove and return to Phasis to Porus (Indian king)" … I, meeting with my soldiers, said that in accordance with the answer we were going to Phasis to Porus … From there we went to the valley of JORDAN, where snakes meet, who have stones in their heads called emeralds. They live on a plain where no one dares to enter, and for this reason there are pyramids thirty-five feet high, built by the ancient Indians …"

In India JORDAN !!! How do you like this moment? I really liked it, because again we see clear confirmation of the falsification of historians about the affairs of Macedon. He was not in India, but where there is snow and cold, where the aborigines wear kukhlyanka. And where do we wear kukhlyankas? Right! In the same place where diamonds are mined!

Unlike mythical mines, diamonds are actually mined in Yakutia in Russia. They are still mined in South Africa, but the bucephalus was definitely not lying there. Let's sweep aside the version with the South African Republic right away. India could not be there by definition.

This means that there is only one place on Earth where Macedonian actually could be, and where there are severe winters, people wear clothes made of skins, and even diamonds are lying under their feet. This is supposedly only Asian India, now the Republic of SAKHA (Yakutia).

We read further Aristotle:

“… They hit the road and reached a river called Straga. This river freezes in the winter from an incredible cold, so you can cross it. All night long it is covered with ice, but in the morning, when the sun is hot, it releases from the shackles and becomes very deep, so that it absorbs anyone who enters into it …”

All the campaigns of the troops of Alexander the Great are drawn on maps with a breakdown by dates, what date, what month, what year before THEIR era what the Macedonian was doing. Amazing awareness against the background of absolute ignorance of the facts, which simply shout that if there was a campaign, it was completely in the wrong direction than storytellers with diplomas, scientific degrees and titles are trying to tell us.

Where, in their opinion, could there be such a river Straga? Moreover, "GA" is a typical Russian ending, meaning movement (NOGA, teleGA, thief, vagrant, VaryAG, etc.). And isn't this the origin of the word "Fear"? Okay, in my opinion, the word for any has a Russian origin, and it does not matter, "Strict" or "sharp", or whatever. Our river, no doubt about it. Therefore, we read further: -

“… There is a certain valley where they (diamonds) are mined. … Alexander, my pupil, reached … the valley and saw something there that he could take with him. This valley borders on the lands of India. There dwell tiers, the kindness and wisdom of which no man can see, for he dies right there, and this always happens while they are alive. But when they are dead, they do no harm. At shooting galleries …».

Did you understand? Where else, if not at 70 latitude, six months are night, but six months are day? In my opinion, not even a candidate of historical sciences should be clear that the description of India corresponds only to the northern country. About six months of summer, of course, an exaggeration for the present, but it was not always so! The Mahabharata clearly states that the ancestors of the Hindus came from the north, where six months of the year are winter and six months are summer. Obviously, without the gingerbread, that we are talking about Hyperborea, Arctida, name it according to your liking.

It is possible that in earlier editions of the Mahabharata it was said that diamonds also came to Hindustan from the far north. After all, our grandfathers took a bundle with their native land to a foreign land, which means that the tradition could have arisen back in those days when, in addition to land, one could collect a handful of something prettier than soil from the garden.

But the fact of diamond mining indicates the only likely place in India, which the Macedonian went to. And this cannot be anything other than modern Yakutia. And the Lena River, apparently, was called the Jordan. Those who have been to the Lena will confirm that this Don is so ardent that it is harder to find among the large rivers.

Well, what can medieval cartography give? In my opinion, not so little. See for yourself:


Here is the territory of modern Yakutia from the shores of the Arctic Ocean to Chelyabinsk, approximately

If the capital is depicted in the DELHI (delta) of the Lena, it turns out that it flowed from that very legendary Katai (on some maps of the Chinese) sea, which was once internal, like the Caspian today. And Kataev is not one here, but at least two. Eastern Katay is somewhere just on the territory bordering modern China. But there is still a lot of details, I will focus on the egregious ones:


On a modern map, they would appear in approximately these places. (The map, of course, is turned 180 degrees, in a medieval manner.)


Somewhere closer to the Putorana plateau we see the mausoleum with the tomb of the great khan. A clearly underground room is crowned from above by a building with a powerful radial base. And look what is there on the top (it is indicated by me with a red arrow)? Doesn't it look like anything?


Pre-Christian headstone. Found during excavations at the base of a temple in Suzdal

How is it? Have a contact?

Now let's look at the capital of Katai in the Lena Delta:


Are there associations?


And now?

Whoa! It turns out that too many coincidences say the same thing:

From comments:

Semyon Ulyanovich Remezov - Russian cartographer and historian of the 17th century. His geographical atlas of 23 maps "The Drawing Book of Siberia" dates from 1699-1701. The museum tablet says that on the map of S. U. Remezov "at the mouth of the Amur, the designation of the city with towers and bells is given, as well as the signature:" KING ALEXANDER MAKEDONSKY WAS HIDDEN AND HIDED THE GUN AND LEAVE THE BELLS."
