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How does a Jewish star differ from a Russian one?
How does a Jewish star differ from a Russian one?

Video: How does a Jewish star differ from a Russian one?

Video: How does a Jewish star differ from a Russian one?
Video: This Man Can Photograph Thoughts - Ted Serios | Insomnia Society 2024, May

It was a beauty pageant "Jewish Star" … TV channel journalist "" addressed the Jews present there with a question:

The tipsy head of the Na-Na art group, Bari Alibasov, thoughtfully uttered:

- said the journalist, - but I'm still interested:

Alibasov: -

All that Bari Alibasov said could be attributed to drunken chatter, they say, a comrade drank vodka, so he is carrying all sorts of crap!

Only bad luck, Stanislav Belkovsky, the host of the radio station "99, 6", carries the same nonsense about the "Jewish star named Maria" to the whole of Russia-Mother:

Call to the studio. The man asks:

Stanislav Belkovsky:

The presenter's logic is extremely transparent and clear:

Hence the moral: people! Hey! Don't be foolish! Do not believe the crazy Jews who have composed for all of you a story about the Jewish Mother of God - Mary, who gave birth to God for you!

God is something all-encompassing and as infinitely large as the Universe!

If someone can imagine that some woman, even a Jewish one, is literally the MOTHER OF GOD, then you, unfortunately, are mentally ill. This means that such Jews as Bari Alibasov, Stanislav Belkovsky and others have infected you with their schizophrenia !!

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If you want to know the truth about what the Russian people had VERA before the baptism of Russia by ethnic Jews, and how in ancient times the MOTHER OF GOD was represented by the inhabitants of the RUSSIAN NORTH, read my story, which I give below.

December 22 - the day of the energetic, the longest night of the year and the birthday of the Mother of God !!

First of all, I want to stun everyone who has not yet become an adherent of JEWISH ORTHODOXY with curious news.

Jews claim that the "Jewish star named Mary", who once allegedly gave birth to God, also had a mother named Anna, who is also Jewish, by the way! Well, who else! After all, only Jewish women give birth to Gods! - Bari Alibasov and Orthodox priests are sure.

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I never cease to be amazed monstrous ingenuity Jews and ministers of Jewish Orthodoxy!

However, it seems to me that the Jews finally too clever themselves!

Now falsity composed by them religions has become already obvious!

Pay attention to the date of the celebration of the birthday of the mother of the Virgin - December 22!

On this day, the peak of the Polar Night comes in the Far North!

Is it by chance that the birthday of "Mother of God" falls on the darkest (shortest) day of the year?

Now you will understand that there is no accident!


Just a few months ago, I happened to expose centuries-old lies as to what.

During the study of such a Christian artifact as "feast of the Intercession of the Virgin" and comparing it with the Slavic calendar, I was able to show and prove that The Mother of God could not be Jewish and was not!

The most interesting thing is that she has never been a WOMAN !!

Christ (aka Horst in ancient Slavic myths) was also never a Jew, as were his 12 apostles


Because they, like the Mother of God, have never been people

These two figures clarify this mystery. Left - Old Slavic Trinity: three seasonal "hypostases" The sun god - "Kolyada-Yarilo-Horst" rolled into one. On the right are his Apostles - 12 astronomical zodiac signs.

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For us living today, it should be curious that the Slavs of the Russian North chronology since ancient times it was carried out on solar calendar, and it had not four seasons, but only three: (osen). Summer was not a separate season. In the summer - the entire calendar year was named in its entirety, and in it (inside, in a circle) there were:.

It is also interesting that in connection with these three seasons (in winter, spring and autumn) the same Sun was called differently in the Old Church Slavonic calendar! And each name of the Sun had its own philosophical meaning.

Kolyada - this is the Sun-baby (the newly born Sun), its Christmas was celebrated by the inhabitants of the Russian North since ancient times on December 25. Kolyada time: from December 25 to March 21.

Yarilo - this is the Sun, which has gained strength, burning, fierce. Yaril time: from March 22 (the day of the vernal equinox) - to September 21 (the day of the autumnal equinox).

Horse - this is the Sun in age, aging, losing strength, kind and affectionate. Horse time: September 22 - December 21.


Here it is - the Holy Slavic "Trinity".

The period from December 22 to December 25 for the Slavs who lived in the Russian North, beyond the line of the Arctic Circle, was "the time without the Sun in the sky."

Today we call this season - Polar Night. This is the duration (from December 22 to December 25) the Polar Night is observed at a latitude of 67, 2 degrees north latitude, in an area that some knowledgeable people call the ancestral home of the Aryan-Hyperboreans.

The share of the autumn-winter Sun - Khorsu (Old – Russian. Хърсъ, as well as Horus, Kors, Horst, Khrst) - in accordance with the Slavic circle, annually falls a sad fate - " dying"on the night of December 21-22. After 3 days he will replace him, December 25 is born Baby Sun - Kolyada.

Does this remind you of anything, reader?

Death Hrsta on the krste, For example?

As for me, this is very reminiscent of the Gospel story about Christ, killed by Jews-Jews and resurrected 3 days later!

Let's deal with everything in order now, but first with Jewish myth about the Mother of God, or rather with the Jewish arrogant a parody to Old Slavic Vedic faith.

Which Mother of God should we believe in?

In this one, which in all Christian churches is portrayed as a Jewish woman?

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Or into this one, which does not have a human face, the image of which is borne by all the so-called Temples of the Mother of God?

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Look first at the bottomless blue sky with stars, and now look at the domes of the temple called the Temple of the Virgin.

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What kind of Mother of God does this Temple of the Mother of God show us? The Hebrew Mother of God or the Heavenly Mother of God?

We do not see any woman in the architecture of this temple, but we can clearly see that the domes of the Temple of the Virgin are adorned blue sky with stars.

This is exactly what the Mother of God was imagined. Slavs-Hyperboreansprofessing the ancient Vedic faith, forcibly replaced by "Byzantine Christianity" after a long, centuries-old conquest of northern Russia by newcomers from the south. To understand how this happened, I recommend reading my work. "FROM GRIGORY RASPUTIN TO THE SECRETS OF THE RUSSIAN STATE".

If you don't know who they are Hyperboreans, listen to our Patriarch of All Russia:

So, the Slavs-Hyperboreans, who in ancient times had the Vedic faith and the Vedic system of natural science (based on the intuitive (extrasensory) acquisition of knowledge about everything), described in the Indo-Aryan "Vedas", called The virgin figuratively - dark blue sky with stars, but literally - great Cosmic Darkness, giving birth annually, on December 25, a new Sun-Kolyada.

To make sure that the Hebrew Mother of God is parody to the Mother of God-heaven, let us now find out thoroughly why the church holiday "THE COVER OF THE MOTHER" falls on October 14th.

The secret is that it is on this day in the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth, at the North Pole, the 1st day begins full polar night.

Help: Source.

See what a "coincidence": the birthday of "Mother of the Virgin" falls on December 22 - at the very peak of the Polar Night. Feast of the Intercession of the Virgin falls on 1st day full polar night at the North Pole. What these holidays have in common is the Polar Night in the northern hemisphere of the Earth, that is, the period of time when it is even at noon at the North Pole.

Moreover, the "Protection of the Virgin" is the beginning of the full Polar Night at the North Pole, its 1st day, and the birthday of the "Mother of the Virgin" is the middle of the Polar Night in the northern hemisphere of the Earth.

Isn't it, well, oh-oh-very incredible thematic coincidence and date coincidence?

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Let's now deal with the "celestial mechanics", why, in general, at one, then at the other pole of the Earth, there comes in turn the Polar Night, then the Polar Day, which last there for six months each. The mechanism of their occurrence is well explained by this figure.


In summer, due to the tilt of the earth's axis (the tilt angle is approximately 23.5 degrees), one of the poles of the earth is facing the sun and does not go into the shadow, despite the rotation of the planet around its axis. On this site - Polar Day. But he is not the same as we are used to seeing him. After all, it cannot be called a part of the day, because it lasts six months! Since the pole is directed to the luminary, then, accordingly, the Sun does not hide behind the horizon, but moves along it. At the opposite pole, a completely different situation is observed. Since at this time it is in the shade for almost half a year, a constant night continues on it. The sun does not show above the horizon there.

If we talk about the Polar Day, then at the North and South Poles its duration reaches six months. At the North Pole, the Polar Day begins on March 17 and lasts until September 25. And at the South Pole, it lasts from about September 20 to March 22.

If we talk about the Polar Night, then at the North and South Poles, its duration also reaches six months. At the North Pole, the polar night begins on September 25 and lasts until March 17. And at the South Pole, it lasts from about March 22 to September 20. A source.

There is a nuance: the transition from the Polar Day to the Polar Night at the South and North Poles of the Earth due to the circular motion of the Earth around the Sun cannot occur abruptly, as if someone turned on and off the sunlight. Of course, there is a period of time that lasts from the beginning of the Polar Night about 2 weeks, when twilight is observed at the Pole at noon.


The movement of the nuclear-powered icebreaker "Arktika" at twilight near the North Pole of the Earth.

Offensive FULL OF DARKNESS at noon (!) starts at the North Pole on October 14th. Scientists call this astronomical phenomenon full polar night.


With the onset of the period full polar night in the northern hemisphere of the Earth, due to the fact that the Sun begins to illuminate the surface of the planet much weaker, a sharp cooling sets in there. Often, already on the first day of the offensive full polar night at the North Pole - October 14 - the first snow falls throughout the vast territory of the Far North, in the Arctic Circle.


This phenomenon - the fall of the first snow in the Arctic - astronomically tied to the offensive full polar night at the North Pole of the Earth, it was also once an occasion for the Slavs to call the calendar day October 14 - By the veil of the virgin.

Take a look now at the Christian icon "The Protection of the Virgin", in which the Virgin Mary is depicted with a white veil in her hands, which, apparently, personifies the first snow. And the word "cover" itself has no other interpretation than to "cover" - to cover the earth with the Polar Night (Cosmic Darkness) or with snow, or both at the same time.

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Let's read now the church interpretation of the appearance of this holiday in Christianity:

So, the ministers of JEWISH ORTHODOXY, through such a text (and similar ones), strive to convince all believers that the feast of "THE MOTHER OF GOD" came to Russia from the southern country - Byzantium, and the basis for it was the MIRACLE that was dreamed

The most interesting thing is that the ministers of the JEWISH ORTHODOXY call the MOTHER OF GOD - the mother of the legendary Jesus Christ!

He, they say, is that GOD, whom, at the insistence of the Jews, the Roman legionaries crucified on the Cross!

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Everything would be fine, if not for another amazing coincidence:

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We already know that according to ancient Slavic mythology, the autumn-winter Sun (Horst) dies on the night of December 21/22, and after 3 days, December 25, to replace him is born Baby Sun - Kolyada.

Now that you have read this information, we compare it with the one below, and determine where the truth is, and where is the impudent Jewish deception:

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Now, I hope you understand that no Jewish Virgin Mary ever gave birth to any God and, of course, could not give birth

And on the cross the Jews did not crucify Christ, but the Sun !!! By the way, what are these Orthodox crosses installed on the so-called "Temples of Christ" hinting about:

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Murmansk Church "Savior on the Waters".

It seems that there is a Christian temple inside, and outside it is a pagan one: the crosses are oriented strictly to the east-west, and instead of Christ crucified - the Sun!

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Now we come to ask ourselves a very important question now:

I answered it to myself as follows: Christianity is so multi-layered that it can be compared with an ancient fresco created by the Great Master, whose work was attempted distort and ultimately spoil people with dirty hands and black thoughts.

In the Christian Gospels, along with a huge amount of outright lies and fiction (!) There are so many divine wisdomto doubt the presence of her source just don't have to!

Let me explain why. Life suggests that even 100 mediocre people are not able to replace one genius. Based on this logic, I say: yes, Christ was! But! You need to understand the following: the gospel legend about the God-man-Christ, his 12 apostles and the virgin Mary of the virgin Mother of God is the result of overlapping (correlation) of at least two, and most likely several completely heterogeneous sources of information.

One source - this is a cosmogonic myth that was widespread in Ancient Russia, in Ancient Greece and in Ancient Egypt - the myth about God-Sun, Mother of God-Heaven and 12 constellations - the signs of the Zodiac. I already talked about this above.

Another source - this is the story of a real person who fought with the Jews at the ideological level as a sorcerer or as an Aryan brahmana. This version is supported by the book "MAHABHARATA", an ancient Indo-Aryan epic, which echoes in events and even terms with the content of the Christian Gospels. Therefore, it is quite possible that the legendary man from whom the Jews formed the image of Christ the Savior was not called Jesus at all, but Yaroslav, for example.

Why do I think so?

Because the old Russian name Yaroslav means A Yarilo - this is the Sun in the Old Russian Orthodox faith.

Like this legendary hero, whom everyone now calls Christ the Savior, waged an information war with the Jewish Jews, how he brought them "to clean water", very eloquently tells, for example, this fragment of the Gospel of John (I quote chapter 8):

Now is the time to be puzzled by an extremely important question: to whom the legendary Savior addressed his words:

We do not need to try to find the answer to it ourselves, because it is in the same text of the Gospel:

That is, Judeans and there is "children of the devil"who speak everywhere lies about God, and about the Mother of God, and about their "God's chosenness"?

I must admit, yes! And the worst thing is that today they live next to us and still teach us how to live?


How could this happen?

Obviously for two reasons:

1. Because high-level Christian priests - these are the mummers biblical Jewsthat the Savior named.

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Aaron and Gundyay

Jewish High Priest Aaron & Orthodox Clergy - Bishops. Even party clothes are not much different!

2. Because many fools have appeared among the Russian people who believe in Jewish fables that a Jewish woman gave birth to God for them !!



"Today's Christianity looks like Lenin's corpse kept in a mausoleum"

May 1, 2015 Murmansk. Anton Blagin


Alagati_Alag: good article. Christianity superimposed its mythology on the ancient calendar. This idea in the article is fully justified by a particular example of Christmas. In Ossetia, December 25 is still celebrated a holiday called ArtHuronwhich means FireSolntsevich … The Ossetian naming of the Sun - Khur - fits into this series. With numerous saints, Christianity replaced the heavenly and earthly powers, which were glorified by the ancients. And the holidays of these saints fall on the days of the glorification of the powers.

Pavel Guriev: I confirm what has been said. Art Khur ("solar fire") - was a title, not a name, of King Arthur (Arthur), a Sarmatian by birth, a disciple of a druid - a priest of Merlin, who was in England with his 5 thousandth army of Sarmatians. The British made a wonderful feature film about this "King Arthur". Egyptian rulers were also associated with the Sun (the Aryan "farn" - "Sun") also sounds in Ossetian today). That is, Pharaoh (Farn) is the title "sun-like". For the people, Pharaoh was the personification of the Sun, giving life.

Direkt_Mashin: and what terminological and factual similarities do you see between the "Mahabharata" and the "New Testament"?

Anton Blagin: very good question, thanks! Both scriptures mention Holy Spirit … In the "New Testament" it is one of the hypostases of God the Creator, a life-giving force that can "descend" on people and then various talents and phenomena awaken in them. In the "Mahabharata" there is a life-giving force, co-creating with which a person acquires phenomenal abilities.

Compare yourself, this "NEW TESTAMENT":

(1 cor. 12).

This "MAHABHARATA", "Fifth Veda":

These lines of the Mahabharata are proof that the Aryan (Hyperborean) philosophy and Aryan worldview is original towards all Abrahamic religions! Comparison of the texts of the "New Testament" and "Mahabharata" once again proves the fact that all Jewish mythology is a crude forgery, literally a parody of Aryan mythology.

It is also curious that both in the "New Testament" of Christ the Savior and in the "Mahabharata" there are essentially the same propheciesaccording to which final of the Jews will naturally sad.

In the "New Testament" final of the Jews named "FIRING FURNACE", and in the "Mahabharata" - "BURNING SNAKES" … Details in the articles on the indicated links.

Anton Blagin
