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The Slavs have never had an addiction to alcohol before
The Slavs have never had an addiction to alcohol before

Video: The Slavs have never had an addiction to alcohol before

Video: The Slavs have never had an addiction to alcohol before
Video: Network Security - Trojan Horse 2024, April

Worse, they, like the Indians, are not at all adapted and naturally not prepared by nature itself for smoking and drinking alcohol.

For according to the Commandments of the Gods, only men could afford drunkenness only 2 times a year (for a small fraction of low-alcohol red lead - at the Spring and Autumn Equinox), those who have fulfilled their duty to the Family - 9 children.

And those who left the Hereditary Circle - 16 children - could drink the same amount 4 times a year (at the Spring and Autumn Equinox, Summer and Winter Solstice).

The ancestors knew very well about the harmful effects of drunken drinking on the gene pool - therefore they did not recommend it.

And this prohibition has been strictly observed for many centuries. And pagan feasts, where “mead flowed like a river, is a later departure from the Vedic tradition.

1905 - in drunken tsarist Russia we drank 3.5 liters of pure alcohol per capita (1 liter of pure alcohol is equal to 2.5 liters of vodka). 1910 - 3.6 liters; 1914 - 4, 6 p. In 1914, Prohibition was introduced, production and consumption of alcohol was reduced to a minimum - almost to zero.

Prohibition was canceled only after Lenin's death

The greatest revolution in the history of mankind was made in the most sober period of our life - in 1917, when the people clearly saw: here it is - the truth, and here it is - a lie

It is impossible to deceive a sober person, a drunken person - please. Already in May 1925 we reached the level of 0.9 liters. Further, the consumption of alcohol increased and reached 1.9 liters in 1940.

During the war, production and consumption of alcohol fell sharply, although many statistics on this have not been found. But almost all distilleries were closed: then there was no time for vodka.

We reached the level of the pre-war 1940 only in 1952, and from that time on, something unimaginable began to happen with alcohol in our country.

For some 25 years we have jumped to the level of production of 10.8 liters per capita.

In 1980, they exceeded the world average level of alcohol consumption in drinking countries by almost 2.5 times. A schedule was built. It turned out to be a perfect straight line. This straight line reached 20 liters in 2000. alcohol per capita per year.

Peter I dealt a terrible blow to the Slavs, bringing these terrible vices to Russia from Europe and planting them throughout Mother Russia, opening more and more taverns.

Peter I began to kill the primordially Russian Orthodox traditions, customs and laws. And it is simply harmful to perceive this figure as a blessing for the Russian people.

Undoubtedly, some reforms, as an urgent need, had a positive effect, but the harm from some of them produced catastrophic destruction in the future. The heritage of our ancestors was rewritten by numerous foreign academicians brought from Europe by Peter to history.

The calendar changed, instead of celebrating New Summer on September 1, Peter I introduced the feast of the circumcision of the new god Jesus Christ called New Year - New God. God (English, German, Dutch) - God.

On the eighth day, January 1, after the Nativity of Christ, he was circumcised, according to Jewish traditions, and we, the Slavs, for 300 years with wild delight, according to Peter's instructions, have been celebrating the circumcision of the new god, as the biggest holiday in Russia both in splendor and the length of the weekend … Losing thousands of their relatives in drunkenness during these holidays.

The Orthodox Christian religion became Orthodox in the 17th century, although Orthodoxy is the original ancient FAITH of the Slavs, dating back tens of thousands of years, long before Christianity, just like the Slavic calendar is the most accurate of all existing calendars. The Slavs glorified Rule, hence Orthodoxy. Rule is a set of laws from Svarog. This is true. What could be better purer and more worthy of Truth and Conscience?

Since ancient times in Russia, drunkenness was considered a shameful thing. This was described in the material sent to the editorial office by our reader from Krasnodar, Sergei Bliznichenko ("Krasnaya Zvezda", January 14 this year). Today we publish the end of this article.

The SITUATION with the use of alcohol began to change negatively in Muscovy in 1552, when Ivan the Terrible in Russia first opened the "Tsar's tavern" for the guardsmen, and then "for all the people."

People began to drink wine and 40-degree vodka. In 1613, during the reign of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, a garden was laid in Astrakhan "for the court of the sovereign." The grape seedlings brought from abroad have taken root well on the fertile soil. Already in 1656 - 1657, lots of domestic wine were served at the tsar's table.

"In 1720, Peter I instructed the governor of Astrakhan to plant grapes, and on the Terek," in addition to Persian grape varieties, begin breeding Hungarian and Rhine forms and send grape masters there."

Several years later, when visiting Paris, the Russian emperor proudly handed over several barrels of Russian wine to the French.

"Catherine II opened such a number of taverns in Russia that a third of all receipts to the state treasury came from the profit from the sale of alcohol. To the question of Princess Dashkova:" Your Majesty, why are you getting the Russian people drunk? "Catherine II cynically declared:" A drunken people easier to edit."

And what an economic benefit! The production of alcohol and tobacco requires minimal financial costs, and the profits are fabulous. Are the people drinking too much? And to hell with him. He's a stranger, a people, "not European".

And what about the people themselves? Did he quickly become a herd? It turns out not. I fought for a long time. The first wave of anti-alcohol riots took place in 1858-1860. ON THE. Dobrolyubov wrote: "Hundreds of thousands of people in some 5 - 6 months, without any preliminary agitations and proclamations in different parts of the vast kingdom, abandoned vodka."

The people not only refused vodka, but also smashed the tires of the merchants with fusel poison. In 1858 alone, more than 110 thousand peasants were punished for boycotting alcohol and destroying shinkov.

The second wave of the temperance movement swept across Russia in 1885. The first sobriety societies began to form. One of them was called "Consent against drunkenness".

It was directed by Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy, from whose pen such works are published: "It's time to come to your senses", "Why do people get stupefied?", "God or Mamon?", "To young people." The same Tolstoy who is so hated by the Russian Orthodox Church. Which, however, has its own "saints", like the historical idol of a famous deputy from Crimea. - Approx. ss69100.]

In May 1885, under pressure from public opinion, the tsarist government was forced to issue a law "On granting rural societies the right to close taverns within their territories." This right was immediately used by tens of thousands of rural communities.

HOWEVER, in the first decade of the 20th century, the situation worsened. Here is what I. A. Rodionov in his article "Is it really death" about the financial policy of the tsarist government, which uses alcohol as one of the most important items of income:

“Is it possible in the state in the age of the flourishing of liberalism and humanitarian ideas to make popular drunkenness an all-enduring axis of state financial policy - the most disgusting vice that ruins, corrupts and literally kills the Russian people.

Not only is this horror allowed, for it, for this historical sin, the equal of which is not written on the tablets of history, the government is holding on as the most reliable anchor of salvation.

The great country, as if possessed by legions of devils, is beating in the convulsions of the mad, and the whole village life has turned into one continuous drunken bloody nightmare, and the government, like an unclean player backed to the wall, declares before the people's representatives that it does not have sufficient data to establish an excessive consumption of vodka by the people, it does not find that the people through the tavern are ruined and drunk.

The third wave of the temperance movement in Russia begins in 1912. Our compatriots sounded the alarm when the consumption of absolute alcohol per capita was 3 liters per year (now this figure is balancing at around 19 liters).

In 1916, the State Duma considered the question "On the establishment of sobriety in the Russian Empire forever and ever."But then the Soviet power arrived in time. At first, the Council of People's Commissars banned the production of alcohol for its own safety.

But, having got stronger, the new government in 1924 on the initiative of Bukharin (pay attention to the surname) made a decision "On the introduction of a vodka monopoly". Then it was allowed to drink vodka in the shops during working hours, at the workplace.

Moreover, the factories contained an additional staff of workers to replace the drunkards. Up to 3 days a month it was allowed to walk during hard drinking

The results were not slow to show. Began the total production of marriage, non-fulfillment of plans, absenteeism, decomposition of labor collectives. In 1927 alone, more than 500 thousand people died and were seriously injured in drunken fights. The people could not stand it any longer.

The fourth wave of the temperance movement swept across the country since 1928. At this time, the "Society for the Fight against Alcoholism" was created, the magazine "Sobriety and Culture" was established, and much more. The country began to return to normal life.

The authorities in 1929 passed serious anti-alcohol laws. Schoolchildren organized anti-alcohol rallies and demonstrations. On payday days they picketed the checkpoints of factories and plants with posters: "Dad, bring your pay home!", "Down with the wine shelf, give the bookshelf!", "We demand sober fathers!"

This has had a tangible effect. The state has reduced the production of alcoholic beverages. The points of sale of alcohol began to close. From the pages of Izvestia M. G. Krzhizhanovsky even said that in the second five-year plan it is proposed not to plan the production of alcoholic beverages at all.

ANOTHER attempt of the people to throw off the alcohol yoke ended, however, by 1933 with the abolition of the Society for the Fight against Alcoholism, the closure of the magazine "Sobriety and Culture", whose position on the pages of the central press was called "narrow-minded, not corresponding to the originality of the current moment."


The organizers and activists of the anti-alcohol movement were repressed and sent to jail. By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, they drank about four liters of absolute alcohol per capita per year.

Under Nikita Khrushchev, they began to build communism, getting more and more drunk every year. In 1980, 7, 8 times more alcoholic products were sold to the population than in 1940. And this despite the fact that the population has increased by only 1.36 times.

The fifth attempt to establish sobriety in Russia under Gorbachev was sunk 19 liters consumption of absolute alcohol per capita, deliberately destructive destruction of the best vineyards in agricultural areas.

Instead of selling selected grapes to the population, they were predatory cut down, provoking negative public sentiment. And who could be sober, if the people during the period of "stagnation" had already fallen into the state of the herd, from which they never emerged.

Vodka among the ancient Slavs was nothing more than a non-alcoholic herbal infusion. On holidays, the Slavs drank suritsa made from fermented honey with various additives, various fruit drinks and kvass.

Therefore, the circle of life among the ancient Slavs was 144 years. Hence it was said: "put on the circle" how much you have left.

But what is there to go far, in the visible recent life we could still observe how, what and how long our great-grandfathers, grandfathers and grandmothers lived.

We lived in love and harmony because we knew that love is not what they are doing now, but LOVE is when the People of the Gods Know - Liu-Bo-Vu !!! And VE-RA is when people Know Ra, the Light of divine truth.

Everywhere you look, they lied, perverted, altered into a foreign way and called it culture, not realizing that culture is the Cult of Ra, the cult of divine solar truth. Winter, is it not absurd, we see off in mid-February and in mid-February we meet Spring, this is how we get Shrovetide. Frozen …

So we should think about - on whose mill we pour all kinds of alcoholic drinks brought to us by our enemies. What kind of culture do we live? Who are we turning into? Who will our children grow up to be? What will be left of us, and who will live after us on our land?

The example of the American Indians, apparently, is not a lesson for us. And what is happening in Russia now is not a lesson !!!?

Intensive drinking began after the Patriotic War, after the death of Stalin. In the 60s, we ourselves have observed how catastrophic drunkenness and alcoholism acquired.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, this disaster has already acquired genocide parameters against his people. They simply began to poison him with poisoned alcoholic beverages, medicines and food.

So to blame this problem on one Peter, communists or democrats is stupid. These are all the constituent links of the same chain starting from Vladimir and earlier, working for the destruction of the Slavs, their enslavement and the seizure of the territory of Russia. And these are not mistakes of the government, but deliberate actions against the peoples of Russia.

Your mistakes are too costly for us to call mistakes. Your myopia, if we call it myopia, is costing us too much. This is most likely criminal farsightedness, betrayal, meanness, treason, hypocrisy and lies.

What other words can be used to formulate practical actions for the collapse of Russia and the destruction of its peoples? Instead of saving Russia, you are saving America, Europe and other countries. Instead of saving the ruble, you are saving the dollar, because your assets abroad are in dollars.

Strange, the country is in crisis, and Moscow walks, festivals, laughs, travels abroad, chic and promotes drunkenness, debauchery, violence and many vices of modern society. The President and the Government are concerned about the Olympics, International projects and the creation of play areas, but not the construction of factories, hydroelectric power plants, shipyards, agro-industrial, petrochemical and processing complexes, factories, combines, etc. The crisis is just another scam of the worldwide redistribution and plunder.

We are waiting for some Truth from heaven, some Supreme judgment ??? Whom and over whom? So far, as in the joke "The fish rots from the head, but we will clean it from the tail." And they have already cleansed it to the bone.

The key to the Truth is in your pocket - take it, get it and turn the key. They want to ridicule and slander everyone through various TV shows and numerous puppets participating in these programs. Have we already lost the ability to think independently?

A good half of my acquaintances of the same age passed away for reasons related specifically to alcohol consumption, but they could have lived. Yes, and I myself could lie next to them for the same reason, but something saved me from such a fate. Apparently this obliges them to speak for them - the silent ones, lying under the numerous burial mounds.

And it is necessary to remember, as they used to say in the old days: "Faith in the eye before the ear." In the end, open your eyes, at least to the segment of your life that you see. You need to be complete morons or dastardly cowards not to understand what they are doing with Russia.

Complete moronization and zombification of society. They were told: "Democracy is the rule of the people," and they go to vote for the democrats, not realizing that the rule of the people is ochlocracy, and the demos has always been the aristocratic elite, which has numerous slaves. so we voted for the new slave owners.

According to the conversations, everything seems to be correct, but in reality - the opposite.

"It is easier to manage a drunken people," Catherine II liked to say.
